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Posts posted by Sunwoo

  1. Dude, I'm aware of how pity rates work in this game.

    All the pity in the world isn't going to mean anything if I don't have enough orbs for the banner. And even if I do get him in the end, if it comes at the expense of literally everything I had planned for January and February that in itself will have already ruined the experience and I'm absolutely not buying the FEH pass for the spark because it doesn't deserve to be rewarded for pissing me off.

  2. At 22/40 pulls with no spark, failing at getting a single copy of a demote unit. Or even red orbs in general, which is ridiculous considering that there are TWO red units and one of them is a demote. I'm getting a shitton of colorless orbs, which don't even have a focus unit. All the plans I've made in managing my orb count to be able to pull on the sparkable banners I've been waiting on thrown out the window because all the orbs I've saved up are going towards a surprise demote unit who refuses to show up even once, and I've already had to give up on sparking for the fallen rerun because I can't make up my deficit before that banner goes away. 

    This is the closest I've ever felt to quitting the game, ever.

  3. PoR is in a weird situation when it comes to legendaries/mythic units. Its direct continuation, RD, takes place only 3 years afterwards. All of the big grandeur and fanfare that occurs at the end of a game (character endings, tales of the wonderful things they did afterwards) are left out of PoR, giving it the impression of a game left with unfinished business. It's hard to justify why characters who are present in both games like Ike and Elincia and Sanaki should get a PoR legendary when their RD version is the one that effectively "finishes" the Tellius arc.

    Meanwhile, Blazing Sword and Binding Blade have a 20 year time gap and none of the lords from Blazing Sword are playable in the main story of Binding Blade. Having legendary Eliwood and Hector be from Blazing Sword is fine because in Binding Blade, 20 years later, one of them is too ill to battle anymore and the other one died. Blazing Sword is effectively the end to Eliwood's and Hector's (and Lyn's and Ninian's) stories while RD is a continuation of Ike's and Elincia's and Sanaki's.

    I guess Greil could work as a PoR legendary since he's not alive in RD.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Let us all not forget the first queen of alt only hell: Charlotte. She was there from 05/30/2017 until 07/19/2021.

    Of course, Noire has indeed since surpassed Charlotte. The exact date of Noire’s entrance to alt only hell was 06/21/2018. So while it hasn’t reached six years quite yet, Noire has been stuck there for five years and six (soon to be seven) months.

    If they make an Awakening banner that doesn't include Noire, I'll be shocked. Yeah, Awakening is a bit stricter about cross-generation banners than Fates is, but they still had that one banner with Exalt Chrom, the Morgans, and Gerome as the freebie. So if they decide to not just release Noire, Kellam, and Vaike all at once I'll just be confused.

  5. 18 minutes ago, ARMADS!!! said:

    Khadein Soren was added mid voting last year (or right before the voting started) and still won, so maybe Tormod's votes won't be too affected.

    Perhaps, although Soren was popular enough to be placing within top 2 last year. And with the demote m!Byleth getting a prf weapon while Soren didn't, I think it motivated his fans to vote for him harder. Soren fans were definitely voting for him to get a Brave alt.

    Meanwhile, Tormod in a bit of a different situation where he just wants to score as high as he can amongst Tellius characters not already in the game because at this point his votes are most likely "put him in the damn game already!" votes and ... he's technically in the damn game. I don't think anyone voting for him is doing it to get him a Brave alt this year.

  6. Apparently CYL8 is the year of Heroes screwing over the characters I'm voting for, between Reinhardt getting a Rearmed alt now and Tormod being added with a desert alt in the middle of voting.

    It's such bad timing for both of them that it almost feels targeted.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Meanwhile on the Japanese side, he happens to have a VA who hasn't been seen in quite some time: Maaya Uchida (Sharena's VA).

    Is the drought of Sharena content finally near its end, dare I ask?

    Wait, what.

    Japanese Tormod being voiced by Japanese Sharena is kinda breaking my brain a little here XD;

  8. 2 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    I'm legitimately confused as to both why Juno is here and why does she now join Dorothea, Ashe, etc. as a character with multiple seasonals but no base version. I was seriously expecting to see some popular Fodlan character like Yuri here, but I guess IS is entirely fine with this banner month in general being underwhelming after they made bank in December.

    @Sunwoo I know this won't mean much, but Tormod at least has a lot of Tellius friends in alt only hell. I'm sorry that IS did this to him. I wanted Tormod too (not as much as you, obviously) but on a New Heroes banner.

    Yeah, I was hoping that if Tormod could get his CYL rank up high enough, IS would have to put him on a regular banner someday hopefully with Muarim and Vika. I wouldn't be so annoyed with him debuting as a seasonal unit if I had confidence that he'd eventually migrate to a regular banner. But Tellius just has too many characters competing for spots and he's a dude, so I'm not optimistic I'll see him there anytime soon. I might be less annoyed if he got a prf weapon along with the rest of the banner, but prf-less seasonal units aren't good enough to get them I suppose.

    I do feel bad complaining because he at least exists, but still ... the seasonal units just aren't the same as getting a default form, since the seasonal units are railroaded into talking about things related to the season they're repping.

    At least he still has his dignity, unlike Saleh in a bunny suit.

  9. You know ... I'm aware people will tell me that I should be happy that my favorite character even made it into FEH at this point when Fire Emblem Fan is still waiting for Brom and the like. But I'm really not.

    Didn't get a prf because demote-not-from-3H, his alt is literally the same weapon type color and movement as what his regular self would be, and it drops right in the middle of CYL voting so it's definitely going to siphon off votes from him because now people will consider him as being "in" and it'll tank his score forever.

    And Nino fucking stole his extra move gimmick too and he can't use any of the tempest skills because ranged unit.

    I really should be happy, but I'm all sorts of pissed right now.

  10. Because the U.S. is fucking insane

    It's the NRA.

    All that sweet, sweet gun lobby money going to politicians to keep gun control from passing ever because apparently scaring the shit out of people that "THEY'RE GONNA TAKE YER GUNS" makes them profit. Or something. Apparently, surveys have shown time and again that the vast majority of Americans actually want better gun control laws, and we can't get anything done because a small group of elected nitwits are beholden to the fucking gun lobby.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Probably just because “hah hah, funny drunk snake lady”.

    Be glad that the deer dude wasn’t eligible, because I feel he probably could’ve made it into the top 20 males.

    It’s Hraesvelgr for the other sister, at least without the funky combined “ae” letter. I don’t know how to type those type of letters, either on mobile or PC.

    What is it with this fanbase and snakes

    Also, thanks on the spelling of Hraesvelgr. I didn't feel like opening up the story chapters just to look it up.

  12. Why is Nidhoggr already in the top 5 for Heroes she's had less screentime than even fucking Gullveig did at this point in the story

    I feel like I'd understand Ratatoskr and the other sister whose name I don't want to look up how to spell right now if they were top 5 for Heroes, but seriously?

  13. A bit disappointed that Reinhardt fell out of top 20, but with him getting an alt literally half a month ago and Engage existing, I'm not too surprised. Maybe I should be happy he lasted as long as he did there.

    I'd be happy with any of Alfonse, Alfred, Leif, Takumi, Diamant, and m!Corrin (yes, shock of all fucking shocks ...) getting a CYL alt on the guys' side. I would be okay with Leo too. For the female side ... I guess Elincia, Sharena, and Ivy.

  14. 16 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

    We got the silhouettes for this month's Special Heroes banner. It's going to be another desert banner, and the silhouette on the right is very clearly Hawkeye. On the left, it's hard to tell because it's in motion like the Attack or Damaged art, but there's a bundle of hair swooping in an upwards U (from the motion, clearly not in a perpetual U) that's tied twice, and Altina (from Tellius) is the only character I can think of who has that hairstyle.


    On the one hand, if we get freaking Altina again I will be super unhappy.

    On the other hand, I'm not planning on pulling on this banner, so it works out in my favor anyway.

  15. 7 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Well in the case of this year, the FEH Anniversary stuff is starting earlier (January 30th) for some reason so that might be why CYL8 is also starting earlier.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about that. It's kind of weird they're starting the anniversary stuff earlier when they never did that before, but I guess they have their reasons ... whatever they are.

  16. I really don't want Tormod to get an alt before his base form. If he gets an alt, his CYL rank is gonna tank and since he's not a girl he's going to be stuck in alt hell forever. Pretty sure that's basically what happened to Zihark. Tellius also has a shitload of characters who aren't in the game at all, so it's more competitive than a game that's already running low on characters.

    As for deserts, I suppose Nabata and Solm are reasonable options, as is Jehanna. As for which one I think it will be ... how much do you guys think IS wants to push Engage as the shiny new thing? If so, then it'll probably be Solm. If Engage doesn't get special treatment, it's really up in the air.

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