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Posts posted by Sunwoo

  1. 1 minute ago, Jotari said:

    Thing with Tethys and Larum though is that they're from a game without knives at all, while knives exist in Seadall's game. So it'd be more like Axe Narcian than Knife Larum.

    I mean, they could still do that. They doubled down on making Faye an archer in her Valentine's alt, after already making her base version an archer when she can't use bows.

    Alternatively, they just stick fist animations into every weapon type. So we get, like, SWORD FISTS and LANCE FISTS and AXE FISTS

  2. 43 minutes ago, Jotari said:

    It also makes me wonder what they'll give Seadall. He'll definitely get in the game being a dancer, bit it feels a bit weird if they'd just give him knives or magic considering those are things in his game already that he pointedly doesn't use. Maybe one of Emblem Corrin's weapons?

    They might give him daggers anyway, since that seems to be the go-to weapon for non-laguz dancers who didn't have a canon weapon in their own games (Tethys, Larum).

    I've already stated my thoughts on gauntlets in previous other topics, so I won't repeat them again here. But I believe that Heroes could absolutely have enough units for gauntlets, especially between seasonal units and OCs.

  3. 2 hours ago, Jotari said:

    I think Edelgard has a touch more nuanced to her than Xander. Like, yes, the game never outright villifies her, but she still is treated as the villain. If that makes sense. I know it sounds a bit contradictory. Point being that in most routes you are fighting against her and you do kill her. And she even turns into a literal monster in one of them. That's more condemnation than Mr everyman Xander Camus.

    This is a fair point. Perhaps I'm being too uncharitable because a certain subset of her fanbase has made me dislike her way more than I already did. Actually, it's really only Crimson Flower's writing that I actually hate, now that I think about it.

  4. I definitely have some intentionally unlikable characters that I just find hilarious, Kempf and Narcian come to mind. But I guess part of the reason why I do think they're hilarious is because in the end, they're kinda pathetic. They don't really succeed in anything and are kinda over-the-top in personality. So they're more entertaining than threatening. Meanwhile, characters who are played as legitimate threats who succeed in harming (or killing) someone are both unlikable and not hilarious.

    Meanwhile, the characters who end up being unpleasant and unlikable even though it doesn't seem like the writers intended it to be like that are the worst. Since in those cases, it is absolutely a case of the writers not being competent enough to handle the topic. Or even they have no fucking idea what the problem and the disconnect is. Xander and Edelgard are honestly my two biggest contenders for this one. I find them extremely unlikable, and I would've been fine with that if the story realized this and leaned into the gray areas. But the story doesn't even seem to realize how Xander and Edelgard can come off as unlikable, choosing to go more into "THEY DID NOTHING WRONG GAIS" if you pick their paths.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

    Eh, IS probably considers him “too new” to use on any odd banner or something.

    I feel like they usually wait a while before putting newer units on BHB banners, skill banners, VG banners, etc.

    Perhaps, but considering that f!Alear and m!Alear are basically identical minus a single point in atk/def vs. spd/res, it just feels questionable when f!Alear already has been rerun a lot and has another one coming up soon.

    Oddly enough, even with all her focus banners, I've still never pulled a single f!Alear while I got an off-focus m!Alear on the tea party banner.

  6. This month, I wanted to pull Valentine's Takumi and Legendary Ninian from their respective banners.

    Somehow, I succeeded in pulling both of them without a spark.

    Even considering the HORRIBLE SETBACK OF BAD DECISIONS that was the tea party banner.

    Really hoping that next month is going to be boring because I have to begin hoarding orbs again.

  7. Putting f!Alear instead of m!Alear on the BHB banner is such a weird decision. Since f!Alear has already been on more banners than he has, including one where she was sparkable that is rerunning again soon. Her male counterpart has only had one actual banner, where he was sharing with two other units on his color, and the one freebie for people playing at the time. Wouldn't it be a better idea to give m!Alear a banner where he doesn't have to share his color and has better rates?

  8. Diamant and Alcryst seem to be be pretty popular, I wouldn't be surprised to see at least one (if not both) in the top two slots. I don't think any of the Engage dudes not yet in the game are so much more popular than they are that they'd get a boost from being non-existent in Heroes.

    For the women, Yunaka seems popular and I don't see her getting in before the next CYL. Ivy, maybe, although she already does have a version of herself. Maybe f!Alear, who knows.

  9. I expected to get legendary Alear eventually, but I still have some questions.

    Don't really like how they basically made Alear a dragon unit that uses fists. I'm still a bit mad at Heroes for just not making a gauntlet/fist weapon type and making it the colorless melee equivalent of swords/lances/axes. It sucks that our only colorless physical melee units are beasts, who can't effectively run with non-beasts and dragons unless you pick up certain specific skills.

    Second, it kinda bothers me that with the exception of Byleth every other female avatar got their legendary alt first. And yeah, I didn't expect m!Alear to get a legendary after he was literally added just last month, but that was a decision that Heroes made and he didn't need to wait this long.

    Pledge is ... also a decision they made. I wish they'd stop making small variations of certain skills and just give us more sources of things like oath 4s, etc.

  10. @Some Jerk I agree entirely, the powercreep is fucking stupid and I hate how characters I actually like are now super outdated (Rath, Ike, Reinhardt, and some others. Even characters who've had recent powerful alts like Eirika and Marth get power crept fast) and there's just WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH going on.

    I'd quit, if it weren't for the fact that I do enjoy some parts of the game, and I really want Tormod in before I give it up entirely. Also, I don't spend money anymore so it's not like I'm investing anything in it anyway, I guess.

  11. I'm actually kinda okay with Cyril, despite not giving a shit about him as a character (or unit). He's playable in 3H and his inclusion may free up a slot for one of the other male 3H units to get on a banner. Also, for anyone that likes him, this was his best opportunity to get added into the game. Personally, I would've been happier if it was Tormod or some other unit I actually want, but I also was really dreading that Desaix was going to happen and I'm pretty relieved he's not.

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