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Everything posted by Konnor97

  1. First panel: Sonia: The ones who are sleeping, and the ones who are blinking. You are the former. Second Panel: Ursula: Wait, what? Sorry, I was just dreaming about this beautiful girl I saw the other day. I just can't stop thinking about her. I just need to know her name.
  2. Dangit, this just reminded me that I need to finish this. Curse me and my laziness.
  3. 'ello Storm, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  4. Wolt is, and shall always be a complete boss though.
  5. Either 4, 7, or 8. We never see drafts of those. But seriously, 2.
  6. Fiora: I agree Florina, there are so many of those filthy men, but we will be fine. The other ladies will help us take them down. Priscilla: I know exactly what you mean. No other man can match my brother's amazing and powerful strokes. Hector: Right, of course they don't. I can't wait to see your wonderful skills. Hector: Yes, we're finally done. I'm gonna nap now. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  7. 'ello Jacob, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  8. He looks so freaking sad. ; ~ ; indeed. Poor dude. Hey, stop speaking for Fiora. She doesn't need you to speak for her. She~ is a str~ong beau~tiful Ilian~~Woman Who don't ~need~ no man~ to spe~ak for~ her.
  9. Aww, I have to re-vote for Flo-Flo. Oh well.
  10. It works, and Flo-Flo deserves the best of the best.
  11. The poll is broken, it refuses to take votes.
  12. Well, Naesala having SS Strike would be cool, and maybe Kurth (and Ena if she isn't all ready) having S rank Strikes could be good. Laguz being able to equip Discipline, if that's possible, would be really nice.
  13. Soren, so there, you have your 3 pre-chapter 11 units. Oh, and if you allow this, give him knives, not staves.
  14. Let's see... Konnor: Gender: F, Age: 26, Hair: Short Brown, Weapon: Dolls, Accs: Angel wings ... 'kay. Konnor97: Gender: M, Age: 15, Hair: Long Orange, Weapon: Needles, Accs: Hairpin Well, at least it's better. (My first and last name): Gender: M, Age: 28, Hair: Medium Pink, Weapon: Hammer, Accs: Sneakers Uhh... (My full name): Gender: F, Age: 40, Hair: Short Green, Weapon: Drill, Accs: Ribbons Uhh...
  15. He looks so sure of himself. "Oh yes, you are all going to die. And once you are all dead and there is nobody to stop me... Mhmhmhmhm, yes."
  16. Serra, why must you always try and get into the rich/powerful people's crowd? (Ugh, this was the only one I could find, and I couldn't think of something witty/clever. I was hoping their would be one in one of Flo Flo's.)
  17. They get lucky, they're lucky that they are evil because good is dumb, which means that evil is smart.
  18. 'ello Mach, I hope you have a great time here at the Serenes Forums.
  19. Let's see... Konnor97 is in a harem hentai doujinshi. ...Well then, moving on. Konnor is in a fantasy shounen manga. Well, this is better at least. I hope.
  20. Let's see... Konnor's last words: "There's only room in this town for one of us." Oh no, I'm a cowboy-person-dude. Konnor97's last words: "Why didn't you heal me, noob!?" This is weird, because I'd probably the healer dude.
  21. Let's see... It has been a year since the internet's demise... Konnor97 has been crying since. Why does that kinda sound like me? It has been a year since the internet's demise... Konnor no longer whines. I whine?
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