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Everything posted by Cynthia

  1. If I know you, chances are I've hugged you before.
  2. If one can not admit their mistakes, how do they propose to move forward?
  3. Oh, well I did not mean to quote that part. My apologies for the confusion.
  4. Well, we're not talking about me, so I guess the entire statement is.
  5. I believe there is an option to make it a "soft" delete, so it would just hide the post from anyone not on the moderation team. So the moderators could still see it, and thus prevent people from using it to get their post count up, as they can warn people who abuse it.
  6. Good evening Jyosua.

  7. Irrelevant, but at least fortunately you never have to worry about that with me.
  8. Let's not bring that into this shall we?
  9. For the record Jyosua, I just say it's safer to assume what the current staff says and not former staff, as you didn't state all of that before now, so it's safer to assume.
  10. I think Wist really made a good statement.
  11. Well, it's natural for people to feel offended, so I don't hold it against them. Although I'm flattered, I believe Jyosua and Vincent both said they need no more moderators, however you're the first to suggest such a thing, but I doubt it'd get a lot of support...
  12. Well I'm saying you should consider it as an extra income source, and not to mention the experience goes a long way too.
  13. It means making costumes for people for money.
  14. I think this is targeted towards the people who are considerably over.
  15. I have to agree with Adam, current staff's word is more liable than former.
  16. I don't believe she's a staff member...
  17. I noticed a lot of people violating this lately...
  18. Perhaps allow members to delete their own posts so that in the event of an accidental double post that they may delete the other post? The only way I could see it hurting would be people deleting posts that were offensive to hide them from moderators, however if the post is reported the moderators will see it anyway, and the members SHOULD be reporting offensive posts anyways. Also I believe Admins can review the deleted posts.
  19. Solid Snake's sneaking suit would be fairly hard to make, wouldn't it?
  20. Gatrie, do you plan on doing the other snakes as well?
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