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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. The fairies are creepy this time. What's with those eyes?
  2. That's only one possibility. Above all else the final entry describes Grima as having started out as a "tiny thing" but "grew" after Forneus gave him his blood. So it's perfectly logical to assume that Grima simply wasn't powerful enough to manipulate anyone until the transfusion turned him from this "tiny thing" into the massive entity that is fought on the final floor. But even if he already had this ability beforehand, maybe he lacked other things that prevented him from using that power. Like a human level of sentience for example. Or maybe he only started using this ability because Forneus blood corrupted him.
  3. How precious coming from the guy who rode into the White House on a wave of hate and anger. But yeah, sure, games are the problem, not a culture that teaches people that the rest of the world has wronged them and is an enemy that needs to be eliminated before they destroy everything that is good and holy. On the bright side, minor as it may be, this means that one of Trump's supporting groups, the 4chan/Gamegate guys, are now finally at least a little bit affected by his actions. It's also a nice reminder that their "gamers have always been at war with the SJWs" narrative is a pile of nonsense because censorship in games has always come from the same guys who claim that the presence of gay characters is harmful to children, not the people who would like to see a few more of them.
  4. That Grima thing in Echoes was actually kinda nice in regards to how it reflects on Robin. I mean, Robin is basically the same as Julius, both were breed to serve as the vessel of a Dark Dragon. And Julius was suggested to have the ability to subconsciously manipulate people into worshipping him. So it has been my headcanon that Robin, while not necessarily aware of it, has the same ability. That would explain why everyone around her becomes so obsessed with her that they would even happily throw away the life of their children in order to protect her. And Echoes supports that theory by confirming in Forneus' final entry that Grima can get into people's heads like that. Also, Lucina in Codename S.T.E.A.M.. She is actually really fun to play there. She combines the jumping ability of the Cowardly Lion with the dashing special of Dorothy, giving her mobility options that no other character in the game has. She can pull of all kinds of stunts that you wouldn't be able to do with any other character. Her bow is also mechanically different from other stuff in the game. It can be shot in a straight line or be angled to hit enemies from above. Besides, considering that Amiibo characters are stuck with their basic gear, it's good that Lucina has a sub weapon that is useful in basically any situation. Even more so since she is an expert in repositioning herself.
  5. The existence of voice clips is not inherently a problem. I mean, it's not like there is a lack of games with voiced combat banter after all. It's just that for whatever reason in Awakening they always very specifically express their intent to kill while acting as cheerful about it like the heroes from a 90s kids cartoon when they watch a villain being put in handcuffs by the police. It's a really disturbing mix.
  6. I would imagine that for most of the Fates and Awakening cast an "evil self" is kind of redundant. They always seem to enjoy making people "Die with magnificence!" after all. Well, technically speaking the quote is "Die! With magnificence!" but you get the idea: They were so disturbing that when playing the demo I initially thought that characters were using separate quotes for human and undead enemies because there was no way that those characters were intended to address human enemies like that. But nope, turns out those guys just really get off on killing people. Maybe what makes them "evil" is that they call Robin a jerk or something like that. What vile creature would dare to disrespect their magnificence?
  7. I think that this is reaching a bit. Those folders may be a indicator of that but that's not as substantial as an actual soundfile of the announcer like it was the case with Cooler. Maybe those models were intended to be used in cutscenes that ended up being scrapped, for example. Besides, the fanbase has shown little patience for Goku clones to begin with. And if there was going to be another Goku, one would think that it was going to be the Ultra Instinct one.
  8. Yeah, the discovery that Cooler is going to be in pretty much killed whatever tiny chance there was for those two to sit this one out. I'm kind of surprised that they are the first two characters to be announced though. But in any case, I'm glad that they are out of the way already. That means that the remaining picks will actually be interesting. ...let's just hope that none of those slots will get spend on Base Goku and Vegeta.
  9. My first game was Blazing Sword. It's was one of the games in a collection of GBA roms that I got from a classmate. Along with Sacred Stones but that one I'm pretty sure I only played until the second or third map because the rom was from the US version, so I couldn't actually read it. Therefore I didn't play that one properly until I actually bought a copy. Sacred Stones was probably the first game I actually bought. Although I'm not sure on that one. Maybe it was actually Path of Radiance. I recall that they were both already released at the time.
  10. That one doesn't actually make much of a difference to me. I suppose it helps a little but replaying maps is actually kinda fun because you do not have to worry about the rankings. All you have to do is win, so you are not forced into a specific playstyle that makes every battle feel the same. Btw, in the hopes that this will get added to Hyrule Warriors, did the 60 fps mode in Fire Emblem Warriors work properly?
  11. Hetzel for being a nice case of a villain who has no big sob story but is simply on the side of evil because of a very simple human flaw. Not to mention that these days, as a technically moral person who ignores the heinous acts around him, it's interesting just how different he is treated by the narrative compared to more recent characters like Corrin.
  12. Of course at this point it probably doesn't matter how guilty Trump acts. As the man himself said: "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters." The people who would have been turned off by this kind of behavior would have done so a long time ago. For example on his very first day in office where he waged war on reality on the subject of his inauguration crowd size, a topic that couldn't have been any more pointless and petty. It was a day that should have removed any shadow of doubt about his true character, that he was every bit the narcissistic and selfserving liar that he looked like. The naked emperor has been in plain sight ever since. So if people still don't want to see it what's right in front of them, I'm not sure what could possibly convince them. Although it does seem that his support erodes slowly but surely. Still, there is probably nothing that he can do to speed up the process by a significant degree.
  13. *Urgh* You know it really is still kinda tempting to get this game. Hyrule Warriors on Wii U basically never meet the very low bar of 30 FPS and would go down really low during any actual combat. It was quite frankly pathetic, especially for an action game. Legends was silky smooth by comparison (if played on the New 3DS) but it had it's own issues. Considering that Panty Emblem Warriors had the option to increase the framerate, I would expect that a Hyrule Warriors Switch port would follow suit. And yeah, the idea of a Hyrule Warriors with a smooth framerate is something that really appeals to me a lot. But again, I just can't imagine going through Adventure Mode again. So I'm still pretty confident in saying that I won't get it. On a sidenote, I wonder how fairies are going to work this time around. My impression of Fairy Nukes in Legends was that they primarily existed as a duct tape solution because the lower numbers of enemies on screen would make it basically impossible to kill 1200 enemies in 15 minutes in Adventure Mode. So I'm not sure what place they would have in a version that doesn't have these issues. Plus, I would imagine that if the Switch version renders as many or more enemies at the same time as the Wii U version, it would really struggle with an attack that instantly kills anything on a good portion of the map.
  14. I would imagine that it's rather hard to care about this if one has played Conquest first. After all, that part shows that Kaze is someone who would happily support the invasion of his home country, enable the killing of innocent people and murder his former comrades for the sake of someone like Corrin.
  15. The concept of gravity was invented by the Chinese.
  16. It took quite a few tries. The worst thing was that I didn't get what the deal was with the draining of the water until it was too late. Considering there were still ledges that looked a lot harder to pass then plenty of other supposed unpassable obstacles, I absolutely didn't expect that enemies could suddenly move around there freely without even any movement penalty.
  17. Isn't this comment a little misplaced. I mean, Lyn and Lucina clearly eclipse everyone else on this list in popularity. ...kinda strange seeing Celica get so many votes though, considering how terribly Echoes treated her. Her role in the original Gaiden already left a lot to be desired but none of the changes to her story benefit her as a character. They just make her out to be a moron who keeps repeating the same mistakes over and over without ever learning anything, yet at the end somehow Alm still needs her for her "wisdom".
  18. Sorry for posting so long after the run has concluded but I would really like to mention a few things about the game's soundtrack. First of all, the Soundtest is actually incomplete for some reason. For example that track that always plays in the final chapter whenever Ike points his sword at the new boss isn't on there. The upbeat version of Elincia's theme that played during her reappearance in Part 3 is also left out. As well as several boss intros. But more importantly, the game has quite a few completely unused tracks. Like this boss theme for example: https://serenesforest.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/107-Boss-Theme-3.mp3 You know, whatever this theme may have been originally intended for, I find it really strange that they repurposed "Finale in Fear" as a boss theme for Ike and Micaiah when they had this boss theme still lying around. Anyway, other examples include a dedicated desert map theme, a new recruitment theme, several versions of Tibarn and Naesala's themes from PoR and a remix of Alm's victory theme from Gaiden. I suppose that last one was intended to be used for a Trial Map mode. PoR and FE6 both remixed old map themes for that mode, so this would fit right into that pattern. Btw, I hope you also listened to Zelgius' boss theme "The Strong". It's such a shame that you never get to hear that song properly because that one gets super intense.
  19. I'm pretty sure that it never occurred to me that Toad's head may be anything but a part of his body.
  20. That's neat. I thought that having lovers/siblings next to each other merely had the same effect as having the Critical skill. I wasn't aware that they give a boost to the critical rate as well. Do the effects from lovers and siblings stack?
  21. You know, Adventure Mode is very much the reason I don't even consider getting this game. As fun as the game's mechanics are, Adventure Mode just isn't fun and it makes up the bulk of the game. And I'm not gonna put up with that slog a third time. The ranking system that Adventure Mode revolves around is stupid for several reasons but probably the most important one is that always having to kill 1200 enemies and finishing the map in less then 15 minutes forces you to play every map in pretty much the same way. It really amplifies the repetitiveness of these games.
  22. But that's not the topic at hand now, is it?
  23. The thing is, this isn't about Pelleas, this is about Ilyana and her being held back by her school of magic. If she had access to Dark Magic instead of Thunder then she would start out with a spell that is as strong as Arkthunder right of the bat. It would be a winning trade.
  24. Dark Magic has low hit but the highest attack power of any type of magic. Thunder has the same low accuracy but also the lowest attack power of any type of magic. So yeah, Dark Magic is still terrible but at least it's good at something.
  25. Well, she starts of with good enough bases. But her growth distribution is poor, Thunder is the worst type of magic in the game and mages are already very underpowered. It doesn't exactly help that the Dawn Brigade is desperate for experience, so investing in a character who won't stick around after Part 1 isn't all that tempting. And when she shows up again in Part 3, she is outclassed right off the bat by Soren. And it's not like Soren is all that good in the first place.
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