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Everything posted by BrightBow

  1. Arran comes with a Silver Lance and a Killer Lance and Samson only comes with a Silver Axe and a Vulnerary. So therefore Arran > Samson.
  2. I'm gonna beat you up and stuff you in a locker for thinking that Path of Radiance is the best Fire Emblem. Oh, and I'm going to take your lunch money too. That'll show ya. Oh yea!?... Well... You fight like a cow! What a shame that one of the most awesome lines in videogame history has yet to become a meme.
  3. You don't see this kind of war in the Fire Emblem fandom that much. Well but thats just as far as I can tell. Somebody has yet to beat me up for thinking Path of Radiance is the best Fire Emblem.
  4. Best: Favoritism Worst: Battle save abuse
  5. The name was most likely taken from a character in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream. >_> That's much better than being named after some nasty old dragon goddess who is ultimately killed. I would agree if it wasn't for the fact that the name Titania was already used in Sacred Stones as the name of Vanessa's mount.
  6. Name: Red42 Code: 3824 7049 9000 (PAL, Europe) My current team sucks though. Well, but it is enough to win a few cards. Besides I have yet to reach chapter 24 for the secret shop. By the way, are the japanese versions compatible with the other versions? Since they have only one multyplayer map.
  7. Which support do you mean? Geitz and Farina don't seem to have one. http://www.serenesforest.net/fe7/support/index.html Edit: Either way wyvern's shouldn't have been in Ilia. Wyverns are something made up by the localisators, wasn't it?
  8. From Mia's C-support with Rhys Mia: ...Oh, this is so disappointing! I had my fortune read the other day, and the old crone told me that I'd soon come across my one true foe! "With white robes flowing in the breeze, your archrival rides toward you..." Oh, I was so looking forward to it! Well, Lucia got something that resembles white robes and technically she did ride towards Mia's army in chapter 24 in PoR. Dosn't really help her case that Mia and Lucia don't have support data in Radiant Dawn though.
  9. Mage Knights were introduced in FE4 and were able to use both swords and magic but no staffs.
  10. Well the orginal Fire Emblem looked more like ancient greece or roma. Also it was a nice change in Tellius that for once the gods didn't turn out to be nothing but dragons.
  11. BrightBow


    All Zero Division members are ex-captains. ;) This. Also I really don't think that is as straightforward as it looks like currently. Isshin and Urahara will probably make their move once he revals his true plan. I know there are a lot of fighters currently but nobody says the will all be alive until this happens. Also I would say it is most likely that Isshin is a former member of the zero division since he din't appear in the "turn back the pendulum" chapters. As a former captain who left soul sciety only 20 years ago (Urahara asked how Isshin feels about beeing back in a shinigami's after 20 years) he should at have at last the rank of a lieutanent back then. I don't think you can be promoted THAT quick. But if he was a member of the zero devision then why needed he to escape the Soul Society? I wonder if the Big Bad already has some kind of power in the kings dimension. Perhabs this dimension already faced a similar fate as the 46 chamber. I mean there seems to be little to no comminication between the goto 13 and the king, stepping in there would be just like what that guy with the glasses would do.
  12. I thought if I buyed the entire stock of items from the online shop I could just wait until the next date and they would be avaible again. Guess I was mistaken there. Thank you for pointing that out. Guess I will have to go with Jake then.
  13. I am wondering if IS was planning something when they had Ike leave the continent. That means if the next game takes place on a different continent, Ike might make a appearance. I know it would be ridicoulus but you have to admit, having Ike leave Tellius was really a wierd move if it dosn't serve a purpose. Another possibillity might be that they wanted Ike if they are using Tellius again. (We still don't know the entire continent so there is still room for possible treats.) Edit: Well, I really wish there would finally be some information for a new Fire Emblem. Speculating is fun and all, but it requires at last a BIT of information to have speculation based on.
  14. Thank you for the fast reply. I guess I will use Cord then along with Katua and Est. The fourth slot goes to Merric for everything a mage can do. The fifth slot will either go to Frey or to Jake, depending wheter I want to wait a month for a 4rd brave bow.
  15. My question is: What are the four best possible Snipers/Horseman for Wi-Fi? For the first 2 I thought about using Est and Katua but I am not sure about the 3rd and I might need a 4rd one as well but that is undecided.
  16. The convo is from PoR when you fight Naesala with Lethe. Edit: And Naesala did have a point back then. Almost all Crimeans would kill Laguz on the spot if they see them as can be seen chapter 11 in PoR. The alliance exists only between the Kings, not in the heads of the people or in the heads of the nobles or the galliean elders. Of course things have gotten better by the time of RD.
  17. Naesala probably just dosn't have a good opinion of Beorc in general so he thinks they don't deserve anything better: Naesala vs Lethe Lethe: Betrayer of laguz! I'll tear those black wings off your back! Naesala: You Gallians are with Crimea, we with Daein. We're both helping one side. I'd like you to tell me how that makes us the betrayers. Lethe: Crimea and Daein are not the same! Naesala: Oh, but they are. They're both home to laguz-hunting, laguz-hating humans. Granted, Daein's anti-laguz sentiment is more obvious, but... Surely you realize there's no great difference between it and Crimea... Or Begnion, for that matter.
  18. There are probably more chances but what I can confirm is that the throne and gate bonusses got reduced from 3 defense and 30 avoid to 2 defense and 20 avoid and since it's usally the enemy who sits on the throne this definitly counts as a decrease in difficulty. Also Lloyd and Linus switched their Runeswords to Light brands, but if you ask me that just makes them harder since the Lightbrand actually allows them to critical.
  19. Dosn't matter though, since part 1 is the only part with noteable difficulty.
  20. Sothe in Radiant Dawn. I don't think I would have been able to make my way through part 1 without him.
  21. I would say everyone except Uhai and the Reed bros. are all pretty much pushovers. Though they might become difficult if it was like in the japanese version where always 2 doors will open at once. Come to think of it, I really don't know how I would get past them if it was like that. Guess half of my team would die. ^^
  22. Best: Mage; stars at enemy, looks into spellbook for a few moments, finds the spell he is looking for, closes book, anahilates enemy. For some reason I found that quite badass. Worst: Don't realy know.
  23. I wonder if IS attempted to reduce Lloy' difficulty or increase it when they changed his Runesword into a Lightbrand in the american and european versions. If he had a Runesword, he would at last be unable to critical and the sowrd would slow him down by 2 points. And it would run out faster. Well, my situation when I meet this guy the first time was pretty much the same one, he pretty much owned my entire team and I just got really lucky to beat him in the end. Something you could do is to talk to him with Nino. After this happens he will leave the throne and will charge at you. Sounds bad at first, but if he does so, he will loose the 2 defense and the 20 avoid from the throne as well as the health regeneration. Also the A.I. usally prefears ranged attacks (well, they prefear not to get countered on their turn, if everyone in their range is equipped with a melee weapon, he will probably attack at range), and the Lightbrand isn't powerful at range and it looses his critical chance so you might not even loose a unit if he comes at you.
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