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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. One thing you need to know about Fury, and this is quite important for everyone thinking about putting this skill on one or multiple of their units, is this: While it can lead you to higher ratings in the Arena, it makes fights so, so much harder. Why you ask? Because those stats increases your base stats, which can increases the amount of points you can get in Arena. However, it also makes you go up against higher enemies. I put Fury 3 on my 40+1 Minerva, 40+1 Lucina and 40 Linde, while already using Eldigan with Fury for the bonus. What happened was, it made me go up against whales. I went from fighting other Lvl40's to fighting Lvl.40+10's because of the increased stats from Fury. However, this made the skill useless, or even worse, a big liability since the stat boost was negated by the enemies increased stats from merging, not to mention that the enemy units actually had a usefull A skill and DON'T get 6 damage after every fight. They also have more skills since they have the bonus SP from being merged a lot of times. Ofcourse, this might be circumvented by having Lvl.40+10's yourself... While I like the challenge (deathless arena runs actually become somewhat boring and expected), it can be quite frustrating, and sometimes even impossible. Just be aware of that.
  2. It's a screenshot of her Oboro. I wonder, do more people have problems not seeing it?
  3. For now, you just have to make do with 3SP a kill :c.
  4. But how? Your units have open slots that CAN and WILL be helpfull to fill. You're being waaay to negative about this. I understand it if you don't want to lose any units by inherit skill, but saying you literally can't use it because it doesn't benefit anyone is just untrue, opinion or not.
  5. Ninian has Lightning Breath access though, I think I'd value the 1-2 range counter more highly than Olivia with a Ruby Sword =P. Olivia might be better (just maybe >.>), but I also need to invest 22K feathers in her, while I already have 2 5* Ninian's. Thanks for your answer though! I'm hinging on Wings of Mercy, even though it would be more SP costly.
  6. Hmm, it's possible. However, it's not that much work to just look it up on the Wiki. Just select the skill and then select the different characters and compare. I guess do the topic if you first see which 4* unit can give 'X lvl.3 skill' and then looking if it fits any of your characters. I personally do it the other way around, I look at what skill would be best and then I look at which character(s) can give it the cheapest. Holy moly, that's scary xD. I probably would have put points in her 5* weapon first though.
  7. Hmm, what are your guys opinions about giving Ninian Wings of Mercy instead of her innate Escape route? I haven't actually put any points in Escape route yet, so.
  8. Oh damn, and I was pretty sure of this too. Thanks for the correction!
  9. Ah, really? It shows for me. Is there a better way of posting pics than from Imgur? I can't post it directly from my phone, since it says the image is too heavy. First battle in the Arena. It has begun ._. http://m.imgur.com/sDpnXhu
  10. The sacrificial unit doesn't need to have it learned, but he needs to have the option to do do at his or her star level. Basically, if Vantage 1 is learned at 3*, Vantage 2 at 4* and Vantage 3 at 5*, if your sacrificial unit is 4* for example, he /her can only give Vantage 1 and 2.
  11. Ninian can actually get Nowi's Lightning Breath, that's huge! Her main attack is Light Breath, which is the same as Fae's. Can anyone test if shf can also get Tiki's weapon attack?
  12. Yes, those are transferrable. Atleast Close Counter, since I saw that one myself. I'm a bit dissapointed actually, I think Inherit Skill is cool but... I would have liked some more limitations ._.
  13. Yeah, that's what I meant with 'melee skill' xD. It makes sense, though.
  14. Knock Back actually can't be inherited by Leo, so that one is probably only a red sword/melee skill. Too bad, with his movement limitating weapon he would have been untouchable 1v1 ._.
  15. Holy moly, things like Takumi's 'Close Counter' and Kagero's 'Poison Dagger' can actually be inherited. I feel there is very, very little that can't be inherited. This is gonna be tough...
  16. Both of those boons/banes sound pretty decent, especially Tiki's. They're good characters, not the best but definitly not the worst. It depends on your team mostly if they are worth turning into 5*'s. On their own, there are better candidates I'd say, especially since you need to spend an extra 2.000 and stamina to bring them up since they are only three stars. You could, but they would only give SP, if you want to give them the extra levels, you need to make them the 4* Effie's 5*. I'd say just save the Effies and you might use them for Skill Inherit that's coming out tomorrow.
  17. You could go Tiki for magic damage, but there are a lot of Falchion users out there who kill her. Tharja is an option, but she's a 4 star mage, so you won't get that many points from her. And if you do use her, I wonder who you should replace her with. Olivia is definitly good for defense, a lot of people miscalculate the dancing distance from what I've been reading. For the rest, probably Takumi, Lucina and Shareena if you do decide to pick her up. Theoretically, if Lucina and Shareena buff Takumi and Olivia dances for him, he should be able to do a lot of damage and maybe even one-shot someone who's unprepared for it. A lot of people might give up then, since they aim for a perfect score.
  18. Depends, are there any characters you really really want? Jaffar, Ninian and Karel are pretty good so far as I can see, especially the first two. The next banner for the Michalis's Hero battle is known, but we have no idea what characters will be on the other banner.
  19. Crystals can only get from the sixth stratum and higher. The higher the stratum, generally the more shards/crystals you get. How many exactly you get and which one you get, shards or crystals, on the sixth stratum and higher is somewhat random I believe indeed.
  20. Totally up to you. Besides the reasons you mentioned, you could also keep the three star and transfer over her skills to another unit when Inherit Skill gets implemented. Personally, I wouldn't upgrade and merge them. It costs 2.000 feathers if you want to upgrade a 3* to a 4*. If you decide to upgrade the 4* Fir to a 5* Fir later, you'd lose the +1 and it will cost 19.700 feathers. So you'd be losing 1.700 feathers for nothing, unless the 3* has a better boon/bane =(. Unless you really need the feathers, I'd advise you to just keep both as they are.
  21. While a dancer is always useful, if you want to rank high in the Arena, a 3 star Olivia just doesn't give you enough stats to get the most points. If you have the time and recources, you could always level and promote your Shareena, which is quite a good blue user. She's useful against the red lord meta which you mentioned and she can provide buffs to units aswell. I actually think Subaki is underrated aswell, though a lot of people in the Arena seem to have Takumi, which is why fliers are not so sought after right now. You also kinda need a Magic user. There's Tiki and Tharja, who are good, but both are red, and Lucina is extremely good for the red spot. You can train Ursula perhaps, if you haven't done so already. Though your best bet would probably be someone like Julia or Nino. You don't have Julia, but I can't see with the picture you've provided if you have 4*Nino. Advised future team: Takumi - Strongest Bow user. Close Counter is just too good + he's effective against Fliers. Lucina - Stats are amazing and she has Falchion, which is one of the best weapons with the restoring health passive and effective agains Manaketes. Option 1: Shareena - Really good blue unit. Strong against red meta and can buff units. Option 2: Ursula if you don't have another Magic user. Her stats are quite lower though, so you won't get as many points. Option 1: Nino - If you have her. Can use the buffs from Lucina and Shareena to get more attack thanks to her weapon. Option 2: Camilla. Pretty solid unit overall, but suffers against Takumi and red sword meta. In today's message though, they did say that they're going to change the way you get points from the Arena, so just be on the lookout for that =).
  22. Seal Speed is a pretty good C-skill, I believe so aswell. Speed is probably the most important stat in the game, until Wary Fighter/X_Breaker skills decide to drop in, so reducing Speed is definitly useful. I'll probably put some Hone_X Skills, since they are group wide and can be taken into effect even on the first battle, higher on the worth list though. When you say 'assuming that he attacks again in the same turn', do you mean that he will attack an enemy > Olivia will dance > Virion will attack again? If so, to make Olivia glued to Virion for that purpose is a HUGE investment. Dancer + pretty much every unit is a potent combo most of the time. Your plan when Skill Inherit comes out (tomorrow?) is not bad, though I believe that with the right skills, all the archers could be good. You could even give seal speed to all the archers that outclass him. Then again, you could also give things like daggerbreaker and Assassin's bow to Virion from Setsuna, though she has much more innate speed which I value a lot. Also, you're assuming your +SPD and +3SPD inherited Virion into account and taking neutral stats from all other characters, I'm not sure how fair that is xD. I won't really deduct points from getting beat by Hector or (+ATK)Linde, they do that to a loooot of characters unfortunuatly ;_;. It's not so much that I find Virion unusable, I think that every unit has their own strong points and useful effects. Seal speed is definiatly useful, but if you need two characters, of which one a buffing dancer, to down one enemy, I generally don't think that's a good thing since I feel that's the minimum you should be getting to mostly win battles without deaths. And once Inherit Skills come out, he loses that which sets him apart from other bow users. If you need more damage then there's Klein / Jeorge / Takumi (with Close Counter probably not inheritable) who are faster and have more ATK, Niles is better against Magic, Gordin tanks physical attacks better. You can put in the time to make him a good unit, but you can do the same with the other archers, which to me end up better in a lot of cases.
  23. @eclipse"While I'd love to argue this, it's the wrong topic to do so. The tl;dr is that you're ignoring Virion's niche." Want to continue this here, m'lady? (I just love a good discussion)
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