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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Fae = hard to say, but most likely -HP +DEF Eph = -HP +DEF Lyn = +HP -RES Takumi = +HP -SPD Edit: Fae indeed -HP +DEF
  2. So, you only bought ~50 orbs, used 280 in total and have fifteen 5* units? That's about a 5* every 18-19 orbs, or one full pull. While I feel sorry for your boons/banes (most of them don't seem so bad though, just not perfect), I think most people will smack you on the head for even considering yourself unlucky xD.
  3. Praise them for also giving us a stamina potion today, huzzah! \ o /
  4. Not that I know of, it came as a surprise to me aswell. Celebration time? \o/
  5. 5* Julia: +RES -ATK | Brrr, -ATK is never nice, especially on units that can do effective damage, since you'll be losing out on more than 3 or 6 (doubling) damage, but more like 5-9 damage because of the 1.5 modifier. Her already high Resistance got even higher though, so I guess she could tank some mage hits with this. Seliph: +HP -RES | Not the best, not bad either. The higher HP let's him activate Tyrfing's +4DEF <50% at a higher HP as well as Brash Assault (Auto follow-up at <50% against foe that can counter). Fae: +SPD -DEF | The speed will help a lot, but keep her away from Falchion users or get one-shotted x). Roy: Neutral | Nothing exciting. Marth: +DEF -HP | 32 Def is really high, not too shabby. I do have a +SPD -RES 4* version though which if I find myself having leftover feathers (Hahah...ha...) I might use it on him. Lucina: +ATK -SPD | I won't lie, the SPD hurts, she doesn't double nearly as much as she could. She can one-shot almost every Manakete though without getting counterattacked. Robin: +HP -DEF | Kinda meh, but I have a +SPD -RES 4* I'm bringing up that might replace him soon. Takumi: +HP -ATK | Auch, this one hurt. I had another Takumi that was +HP -SPD that I merged into this one. Hardest decision of my life. Abel: +RES -HP | Not too bad, would have loved +ATK, but the -RES will really make him decent against mages if he can also activate Aegis (-50% damage from ranged attack). Hinoka: +SPD -RES | +ATK would be the best for a Brave Lance user, but definitly not complaining about this one.
  6. For me, it does say "Days left: 10" though. I think you should check again xD. +4 to all stats is craaaaaazy I tell you ._. Taking 4 less damage and dealing 4 more, while stop getting doubled or doubling yourself? Don't underestimate the power of merging I tell you.
  7. Season 1 sounds so long ago, even though it's only two weeks back xD. But yeah, I was ranked #65 on season 1 with 4502 points, ranked #985 in season 2 with 4520 points and now I have 4,534 points, but I doubt I'll the staying in the top 1000 this time. I should really be leveling up higher stat total characters, but I can't be bothered for some reason yet >.<
  8. Best possible team would probably be (personal opinion): 1. Lucina - Arguably the best red unit, together with Ryoma. Also good against those pesky Manaketes. 2. Kagero - Effective against Infantry, which is what most units in this game consist of. 3. Nino - You need a magic user in your team, and she's really good at that. You also fed a duplicate to her, which is good. If you keep her at 4 stars, she'll be stonger because of the increased stats and if you decide to get her to 5*, she'll end up costing less feathers. 4. Probably Sullie to complete your color diversity (which I personally highly value), but other options could be Fae, Corrin, Jeorge, Camilla or Raven. Fae is a good tank, though is somewhat worse than the other Manaketes because quite some reds have dragonslayer weapons and Fae is the only one without a 2-range counter. Corrin is also pretty decent and could take a hit, which I feel your team really needs. Jeorge will annihilate fliers, but will make your team very squishy. Camilla or Raven are two very offensive units aswell which I feel your team has enough off, but they are 5 stars and leveled, which is really good.
  9. Auto Favorite gives the units that you pull that are 4* and higher a heart icon. It makes it unable for you to merge those units or send them home. It's basically there so you don't accidentally merge the wrong units or send them home and lose them forever. You can press the heart icon in the unit overview screen to un-favorite them. Smart End automatically ends your turn when you've moved/attacked with your 4th unit, since you have no actions you can do after that anymore. You'll have to press 'End Turn' yourself if you switch this off.
  10. I'm not sure about the defense points, but for the offensive points, I believe it's the score of the enemy units combined stat totals, which is connected to your own stat torals since the matchmaking system tries to make you go up against evenly strong players.
  11. Ah, I think you can rest easy then, I'm pretty sure you got them =). They should automatically get added to your total after you got that message. Congrats and good luck this week! ^^
  12. Hmm, you made me look at those two again and I'm inclined to say you're right, Corrin!M is indeed better than Chrom.
  13. Auch, I don't really see him fit in there with already two sword users. Lucina is probably the best red sword together with Ryoma, and I wonder if he's actually better than Chrom. It never hurts to level Corrin up ofcourse, but this team would probably be better off without him.
  14. Takumi - Counter at both ranges and eff. against fliers Robin - Anti-Takumi Marth - Anti Manakete Fae - Manakete, good tank and targets resistance Would be my suggested team. You got 2 physical and 2 magic damage dealers, one of every color and a good counter to almost everything, manaketes, fliers, Takumi.
  15. He's not bad. If you have the time and dedication to level him up, he's quite good. What does your main team consist of?
  16. I believe the Arena is only closed for a couple hours before a new season starts, so it would be weird if you could only get your feathers in that very specific time. From what I remember reading, you can pick up the rewards you got from last season (so last weeks was from 07-02 to 13-02) until the new season ends (so until next monday night 20-02). Did you play in the Arena last week and not get any rewards when you went to the Arena today?
  17. The only other blue tome user you can get is Linde, and while she is probably the best (with Robin somewhat close behind), she's only available at five stars and hard to get. I'd say Robin is better than Odin in the end-game, but Robin does seem to have a shakier start than Odin.
  18. I'd say it's very likely they're gonna be added to the 'general' 5* pool after their Focus ends.
  19. Hector is actually far better on offensive teams I feel. On defensive teams where your units rush to the enemy, tanks with 1-move like Hector and Effie arrive way too late to do anything, because most people let the enemy come to them. While the calculator certainly isn't 100% correct, can I ask what's wrong with Nowi? I checked before and now again just to make sure and it seems to be right for me.
  20. Can I ask what your goal is first? Like, is it to complete the whole story mode? Or to rank high in Arena?
  21. Unfortunuatly not as far as I know. There might be in due time, since from what we've seen level-ups are predetermined by IV's (meaning every unit with the same IV's will get the exact same level-ups), but that will probably take some time, if it happens at all.
  22. Ah, yes! But the 23 ATK also factures in the +ATK you got from her 'A' skill, which you need to deduct since a base 5* starts clean without any skills. Since that's probably +2, she ends up as -ATK +SPD, which is actually not so favorable.
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