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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. While I agree that it's a shame, I don't think telling people how to do it is really that helpfull x). Anyway, can't do much about it except hope they get banned.
  2. When dragons will be less of a thing (rip Falchion) or Lance users will be more prominent. I'd say that last one is already kinda happening.
  3. Yeah, better stay away from her. Or kill her first, with 52/55 ATK and 38/41 SPD, weapon triangle or not, she'll be gone xD. I wonder if Lilina targets her with Aegis up, if she would still get one-shotted. I doubt it.
  4. I know right! I've gotten her two days ago and she murders everything! I can't actually remember but her boon was either SPD or ATK (lvl 37 now with 52 ATK and 38 SPD, so will be fun to see xD) and -HP. Her 2-action Aegis skill makes up a big for being a glasscanon aswell. http://m.imgur.com/g8XEh3c
  5. It's a good team, but if you want to get get more points and rank higher, put in Effie for Olivia (sorry). Effie has the second highest stat total (after Hector) and will net you so many more points thn (especially 4*) Olivia. You need Julia for the Dragons and Ryoma and Takumi are just too good. This will also give you a complete weapon triangle.
  6. That's because only wins show up in your score screen, noone sees their losses in defense. If you want to win in defense, don't put in any tanks like Effie. They move one square at a time and because most people let the enemy come to them, they will almost always arrive when their companions are already dead and it makes them easy to pick off. If you have good enough characters, consider fielding 4 of the same type. It might make you lose some matches easily, but if you have 4 blues and the enemy didn't take a green (or only one) and two reds (which is pretty common with all the red focus characters) then they'll have a hard time and chances are high that you win. Since AI is actually pretty easy to predict/manipulate, I like this strategy more since it makes it hard to deal with for some teams regardless.
  7. That's a good usage aswell. On the other hand, if Lucina has a boost in SPD from whatever character, she still outdamages him. I guess it depends a bit on what you want to do with him. Like, personally, if I want to murder Fae, I'll take Lucina who for me is just a much better unit as a whole. But if the meta changes or more hard (read: lunatic) story chapters come out, I have a sword unit that fulfills a different role than most.
  8. Nono, I was talking about Hawkeye xD. Seliph actually has much less resistance, but more HP. I'm actually considering going the opposite way with Seliph that you described and want him to have +HP/+ATK and -SPD and try and focus solely on his Brash assault skill with that.
  9. He's not fast, but his defensive stats are pretty great. I can't be bothered to look up IV's since I'm on my phone (sorry >.<), but for reference, mine has 45HP, 31DEF and 27RES. Getting doubled a lot might make him look squishier than he is though.
  10. The buffs are a plus, but Tharja should almost always be dubbling with 40SPD (34+6 from skill on attack). I feel thaf makes her far better to ORKO units than Lilina. Lilina is better against mages, but I still value Tharja higher, with or without teammate buffs.
  11. Yeah, I'd replace Raven with Fae personally. If you can upgrade Robin to a 4* soon, he's still good, but if you'd rather spend your feathers on something else in the future than I recommend putting 5* Tiki in over him. The difference between 3* Robin and 5* Tiki is big enough that that I recommend using her instead of having a full weapon triangle. (Also, Konosuba/All Out!! fan? :3)
  12. Congrats! I know the feel of having a -ATK Julia (mine is +RES), especially since it hits almost double as hard on units that have effective damage (3 less ATK = 4.5 less damage per hit). I like her a lot though, her cutesy sleepy personality reminds me of someone special to me =P. I actually also have two Seliph's, one is +HP -RES, the other is +ATK -SPD. I might actually go for the -SPD one, since he seems to get doubled by anything regardless ;_;
  13. I usually have that problem aswell =P. Also, isn't that the 5* Robin actually?
  14. I believe her ATK is actually 39 from the pictures I've seen. It's identical to M!Robin (neutral), but she has -1 ATK compared to him because of their tomes.
  15. Looks solid. Takumi is really good, with a large amount thanks to his Counter ability. Julia is an anti-Dragon unit that's also really good against mages thanks to her high RES. Catria is one of the better lance users I believe, she has good skills and a 2-action Luna ability thanks to her Killer Lance. The only one I'm not too psyched about is Seliph. I have him too, but he's one of the worse Sword Lords for me personally. Anyway, looks good! Checklist: Anti-Dragon +1 Anti-Flier +1 Both Magic and Physical damage +1 Diverse colors +1 You're good to go =).
  16. Hmm, it requires you to have all the castle upgrades and have the opportunity to play every ~3 hours when your stamina refills (not counting sleep). It's possible that way, if your units don't keep dying and losing the EXP in the maps that is. Not everyone has that option available to them, though.
  17. Basically anything that makes characters more unique and focus on creating synergy. - Obtainable skill scrolls. This would fill in the gaps for the leftover A, B or C skills. Or the active skills (Shove, Pivot) and the action-related skills (Ignis, Galeforce etc.) - Small support bonusses. For example, Robin having an support bonus with Lissa, Frederick and Chrom. Fielding (or standing next) Robin with one of these units will give him +1 to a certain stat, like +1Res for Lissa, +1Def for Fred and +1ATK for Chrom. - For the rest, things that have been said already over and over again. Bigger maps, more weapons, etc.
  18. There will be an event in Heroes where you will use your friends... from what I can make out of it.
  19. +ATK will one-hit kill most manaketes (Nowi depending on her boon/banes) without getting counterattacked. +SPD will let her double A LOT more people though, with 39 SPD. Both are good, it depends on what her generall role in your party is (I'm guessing to fuck shit up?).
  20. I don't see why not, but I haven't tried it so I'm not 100% sure D=.
  21. Most things can be seen when putting in their lvl.1 stats here: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/fire-emblem-heroes-iv-calculator Note that not all of their stats are 100% correct, they're still working on it. Most of them are correct however.
  22. I use it on Roy to deal with Hector's in the Arena. He ORKO's them and gets almost no damage taken in return. While he indeed does no damage to blue, I feel like he shouldn't attack those very much anyway. I'd rather have a unit that has very distinctive strengths and weaknesses than be kinda 'meh' all around. So, I like the skill =).
  23. I wouldn't say +HP -RES is bad. It's kinda like neutral. +ATK or +SPD would be better, but it's better than -ATK or -SPD. If you don't get/let yourself get attacked by Magic, you have 3/4 more health essentially. Short answer? Do you need a dragonslayer? > go Julia. Do you have a lot of people that can give buffs > pick Nino. Neither applies? Nino has 9 better speed but 3 worse attack on average. Julia is a bit better defensively, pick whichever you want off of that =).
  24. Yeah, Takumi is really rare (there's about a 0,078% chance you'll pull him on average) so I wouldn't advice opening only grey orbs for him. Cordelia and Julia are both good units. I really like Tharja personally aswell, if you can get get her to 5*, you would have a great red unit. That just leaves you with grey. What other units do you have?
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