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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Is there any colour (or white) you still don't have in your 5 star team? If not, you can also just hold on to the feathers for future summons =)
  2. It is! You can check it by clicking the 'details' part of the summoning groups, it gets updated after every non-5* pull =).
  3. Did you just get it? It takes a bit before you can see your ranking after you've battled in the arena, up to an hour or so. If you still don't see anything after that, then there's indeed probably too many people that have more points :c. Designs for those characters in Heroes? Anywhere I can see them / watch the stream back? Edit: Thanks for the edit! xD
  4. You're very welcome! :) For your other question, check my answer below. Most likely it will be another 3% focus and 3% non-focus pull. If you don't get a 5* after 5 summons, your rate for geting a 5% goes up by 0.25% each. That upped chance is however limited to the summoning group (Legendary Heroes / Deep Devotion) you're pulling from. So the upped chance for a 5% will get reset back to 3% focus and 3% non-focus when the banners switch.
  5. Yes, it is. In battles where two people remain who can't damage eachother, you'll be forced to surrender or play till the end of time... ;_;
  6. Seems good! Better than my Abel, who has High Res and low HP atleast :p. His high speed will stop him from getting doubled by quite some people. Best stat spread might be to have +ATK, but +SPD is definitly a good second choice!
  7. Ah, in that case, add up the attack difference from Brave Lance and Brave Lance+ (which is +3 I believe). The site takes natural 5* units as a source and those units have their 5* weapons unlocked. So add 3 damage to the attack stat on the website, what does it say then?
  8. Did you upgrade Abel using feathers? If so, did you also upgrade his weapon?
  9. If you press an enemy unit, you can click their skills that will show up in the top right under A, B and C. It helps a lot! There was also Cecilia, I believe. But yes, most mages have low defense, which is where Freddy comes in to be their knight in shining armor. Anyway, I'm glad you're opening the window a bit for the posibility of addind some mages if you get them. I feel like we're getting somewhere xD. Hopefully once you get enough orbs again, you'll get a bit lucky and roll some good, likeable units aswell =).
  10. With only three stars will be hard, especially on Lunatic. Four stars should be very doable though. If you don't know many skills, start going through them for all the characters you pull and see how they would be usefull in certain situations. Also, before you do battle, always check all of the enemy skills so you know what you're up against. It's really a neccesity because skills like Aegis, -breaker skills and such make a lot of difference. You do need a balanced set of units. But one of them really is a mage (or you can go for your F!Corrin). It is vital that you have mixed damage. I remember you saying the name of one but because she was from Elibe you didn't want to use her. Stuff like this won't get you further. Don't make excuses that the game doesn't like you and that it's bad, because it will get you nowhere. You send units home because you didn't think they would help you or because you didn't like them, but with the summons you did I refuse to believe you could not make a decent team. If you had a lot of duplicates, you could have merged them giving that unit a lot of free stats. You could even sell them later, they would have given you the same amount of feathers. In the meanwhile, you could have used them to clear some more chapters, earn orbs, and spend them on summons again. Partly, this game is ofcourse luck-based with getting units for summoning. But it's also with working what you have. If you're not into luck-based games and it only makes you frustrated, maybe it's indeed better not to play this. If you still want to play it eventhough you know this, be ready to set aside your mindset of not using a lot of units or making slow progress in the Tower.
  11. As much as that sucks, if you can't clear other content like the story, it's probably your only option.
  12. Then go to the tower to level them and pick a safe leveling stratum. It might not give as much XP as higher stratums, but you should be able to clear stratums that are close to your level.
  13. I think that after healing 15 times, she wouldn't be level 1 anymore xD. Also, everyone has their own ideas about units personalities, it's not really much use to discuss it I think. It's perfectly fine to use whatever units you want to and like, but I feel it's a bit unfair if you would say the game is too hard while refusing to use all the tools you have at your disposal.
  14. I feel the same. I actually prefer to run Luna (3 actions) of Aether (5 actions) on Lucina aswell because of that reason. However, Astra is also 5 actions and Night Sky is 4 for 'only' a 50% damage buff, so I probably would still pick Galeforce for Lyn. Atleast she's probably fast enough to double most units, so it should go somewhat fast for her.
  15. I think the total stats difference between 3 star units and 4 star units is about.. three. It's more about some skills/weapons that you can't have as a three star unit but that you can have as a four star unit that can make a lot of difference. Depending on the skills and unit, it can indeed make quite the difference.
  16. Yes, VERY useable with dancer. I believe this is actually why Cordelia was considered SS-rank for a few days. They are weaker than their 4 and 5 star counterparts, but I believe it's more that you're running into the more challenging part of the game. The Narcian maps are level 25 and 35, but I can certainly see people with 4 and 5 star units at those maps have a lot of problems. The fifth stratum is also somewhat the point where enemies get quite a bit stronger.
  17. http://imgur.com/a/mXTQ3 I actually kinda enjoyed this reference to a... certain mechanic in Fates xD.
  18. The game is a bit off sometimes with stereotypes. Mages generally indeed have very low defense, but there are a few (Robin, Henry come to mind) that are pretty durable. Not saying you have to use them, just stating it. Things like dancers with a lot of defense and low speed or pegasus knights with almost no resistance also feel weird to me xD. Don't even get me started on enemy units where a Blue Mage can have like 40 Magic, 20 Speed, 10 Defense and 30 Resistance, where as another Blue Mage can have 20 Magic, 40 Speed, 30 Defense and 10 Resistance. What I'm trying to get at is that I kinda needed to learn FE all over again, to a certain degree atleast. I didn't really feel how to use anyone properly either. And while I can get that using mages is not really your thing, Frederick with Hammer will only bring you so far. Some maps are probably easy for you, other maps like you mentioned with mages being behind walls and such might just really require you to switch characters and/or even hit the tower a lot before you might complete it. It's just the way it is. Some people actually like the unfairness and see it more as the game providing a challenge. As a unit, Robin is good. But if you're going to spend orbs to summon units soon, then I agree with @Anacybele in that you shouldn't, or atleast wait a bit because you might get him at a higher star rating from a summon.
  19. I'm gonna say this once and likely won't comment on it again since I don't want to start a discussion. I feel like both @Arcanite and @Vaximillian are trying to help you a bit with the problems that you stated here. Arcanite with commenting on how he/she deals with Manaketes and what that relates to with Narcian (sacrificing units) and actually agrees with you somewhat that it's a bit unfair and that you may just need to grind a bit. Vaximilian also stated that. For people who are trying to help, I feel like you're giving them a bit of negative tone and that's not what they deserve. Anyway, I'm probably already overstepping lines here, but that's just what I wanted to say. Also, from what I remember about your team, you are indeed gonna have some trouble with this map. Frederick will get wrecked by mages and I think I remember you don't really have other tanky people. It is indeed a bit (understatement maybe) of an unfair map, and most maps are indeed catered towards the enemy :c. I wish I could give you any helpfull advice, but aside from what the others said already (level up using tower) I don't really know what to do either.
  20. Auch! Are there any other units can you use? Chamilla will have a hard time with the archer, Lyn and Sophia are probably too squishy for the archer + red sword and Arthur is weak against the red sword. Can any of those four units tank the unitial two hits of the red sword unit + archer or blue mage? If so, you might be able to kite backwards.
  21. Unfortunuatly, I don't think you can. You can see if it's physical or magical, dragon, bow user, shuriken user or healer, but not what classes they are I think.
  22. Takumi is just hard to counter because he is a neutral character. The only thing that counters him is specific things like Robin (WTA against colorless) or Kagero (Bonus against infantry) and even they can't one-shot him (unless favorable boons/banes on stats). Aside from that, he's one of the few characters that can counter from both 1-2 ranges.
  23. Training tower units actually don't resemble units you can have from what I've seen. Apart from their skills, their stats also seem different most of the time (though following the 'trend' of the character mostly). I could be wrong though!
  24. Hmm, I just gave the formula, you actually gave a much better explanation with examples, so credit to you =).
  25. There is no 'real' stat caps of heroes. Each hero has predetermined stats with mostly one boon and bane (meaning +3/4 and -3/4 to a stat). On top of that your unit can have +4 in a stat if you merge it 10 times with a duplicate. You can consider that the 'stat cap' of a hero.
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