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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. You're welcome! Yes, precisely. WTA also boosts effective weapon bonus essentially.
  2. For 2, this is the total damage formula: Damage = [Atk x EFF] x Weapon ADV/DA - (Def or Res) Weapon ADV = 1.2 (1.4 with Triangle Adept) Weapon DA = 0.8 (0.6 with Triangle Adept) EFF (Armorslayer, Heavy Spear etc) = 1.5
  3. Maybe they just learned from the Black Knight / Zelgius situation >.>
  4. Takumi walks into a bar, there is no counte--- *throws Robin and Hector in it's face*. I agree Hector is more difficult, though Roy is a great counter to him and also somewhat common, being a focus unit and available in 4 and 5 stars. Depending on the boons and banes of those units, some Roy's can even one-shot Hectors because of Roy's passive.
  5. Yep, I use Roy to deal with Hectors. They do a total of 2 damage to him on average. Also, I believe Robin is good enough to deserve a spot in your team, even if you aren't up against Takumi's (yoy will be 80+% of the time on advanced). He's even a bonus character in the Arena, so I'd say use him if you have him :).
  6. Nope, nothing. It actually does less, since you don't get new quests after completing it :c
  7. Closest I could find was this. It was created by a user with help of members sending in their statistics, so while probably believable, it's still better for someone to post a picture instead like you asked.https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NGsdi5Wn_eHNA7jRGWinhqPMjeeB-6XuJXlVEk7XYAo/edit#gid=567863347 Anyway, the Raven stats here are (boons - banes unknown): HP: 41 ATK: 39 SPD: 33 DEF: 25 RES: 22 Just log in and click on the arena. If you were eligible for rewards, it should give you them there.
  8. That's exactly what I said, a bad map and placements can still screw you. We're talking about story and not arena right now, right? Because for Arena, you can just let enemies come to you Well, some maps are better for ranged units, others for close combat units. Refusing to use mages when you have no archers is a choice, but you'll be on a disadvantage on those maps you just described.
  9. Arena =/= Story. If you're not level 40, intermediate and especially advanced put you up against players which units are much higher leveled than yours. Also, Linde is known for having high offensive damage, but she's super squishy aside from that. I guess you couldn't get to her, seeing as she killed 4 units and she has no counterattack at 1 range?
  10. I agree it is a bit unfair. Intermediate and especially advanced put you against enemies with units that are higher level than you are. I got completely wrecked the first time I did advanced at lvl 20 or something. It wasn't until I got my characters to level 40 that they COULDN'T outlevel me anymore and the playing field was finally fair. At that point, it becomes somewhat easy to trick the AI into doing things and putting up your units in the right positions. A bad map and placements can still screw you though.
  11. You're ranked on more than just winning the battles. Losing units in a battle gives you less points. Using more turns and taking damage might aswell. I got rank 65 myself by using 4 Bonus characters and not letting a single one die in those seven battles.
  12. I disagree. 5* are ofcourse better than 4*, but the difference is not as big as most people think it is in my opinion. Team composition is by far the most important thing in this game, not just having 5* units. If you can have both, then great, but the game is very much beatable with 4*'s only. If you really can't do it, give the Tower a try and level up some of your units before trying again. I agree with the feathercost though, 20.000 is a whole lot when you see that actions like 'greeting' gives you around 10-15 feathers a day and sending home a units gives you only 300 feathers. I believe it shouldn't be TOO easy to get 5* units, but 20.000 seems like a bit too much.
  13. I know right! So much to do, so little time feathers. Also, I believe Anna and Sharena (and Alfonse!) start out as two stars already xD. I'm guessing you can get the neccesary badges in the coming two days, since today was red, yesterday was nothing and playing the tower on sunday gave you random color shards/crystals/badges, so blue and green should be coming soon!
  14. I actually had sort of the same problem. I did some hard mode chapters before finishing the normal ones, only to see I had to do some of then again after completing all the normal chapters xD. Anyway, glad to be of assistance, good luck! =) Yep, all the castle upgrades are permanent!
  15. Ah, that can't be it then. The only thing I could think about is that you completed it before the hard quests were available. So you cleared Chapter 2: Part 5 with Alfonse and some time afterwards, you cleared all the normal quests and thereby unlocking the hard quests. They don't take into account what you already did before. Might that be it?
  16. Hmm, if I remember correctly, I believe one of the conditions was that no one could die doing that map to get the reward. Might that have been the problem?
  17. Yes. *continues to click all the beasts, birds and dragons* The more the merrier :3
  18. Sounds good, thanks! xD Hmm, what will you use the feathers for? If you want to use the feathers to upgrade Roy/Setsuna, then you don't need to send them home, because merging them decreases the feather cost for unlocking their potential by as much as sending them home would give you (300 I believe?). You also get the 600 feathers back if you decide to send home the merged +1 unit (900 for +2, et cetera) after a while. So, unless you want to use the feathers on other units than Roy/Setsuna, it's pretty safe to merge them. Sorry, missed that one! 1) Odin would be good, since you also don't have Magic damage on your team. If you have some orbs, I'd say indeed give summoning a shot. I think summoning is the best worth for orbs anyway ^^. 2) I'd say use them on the chapters which they are not too overleveled for, because you'll waste EXP/Stamina with that. It's good to have a second team ready, if you have that luxury, to take over from your main team when they are a bit overleveled :). Otherwise, I'd say go for it. 3) You unlock skills manually. Go to 'Allies' then 'Learn skills' and you can spend SP to get some skills. 4) Merging two same units gives the source unit a bonus of SP. If those two units also have the same star count, they get a level-up increasing two of their stats by one. I can expend on answers a bit if you wish, but this is the main gist of it. Hope it helps and let us know if you have more questions!
  19. Yeah, for some reason the german language FAQ stated it (according to reddit). It was like 2x for one bonus character, 2.3x for two, 2.6x for three and 3x for 4 bonus characters. I'm not sure how legit that was though. You do get more points the higher level your units are, so a full lvl 40 team is adviced. You also get points deducted if one of your units die. It might deduct points for damage taken and turns used, not too sure about that.
  20. 5*s'are rare, getting two of them is really good! I'm generally not a fan of re-rolling, but even the people that are would likely agree with me to keep this =).
  21. 1) Merging same * rating characters gives SP and +1 to two attributes. You can merge 10 times, giving you a total of 20 stat points, +4 for each. (Only tested on 4* as far as I know) 2) ??? Is probably for real time battles against friends from what I've heard. 3) I assume it's based upon team rating, but I'm not sure. Defense uses the 'left most' team, which is the team you first created. (I'm not sure how to see which one is the 'left most' team though, there's no symbol for it I believe. It just states 'left most' in the help option.) 4) I doubt you can prepare for EVERY situation. There's just too much. I personally run a team that tries to counter the most used units. Robin against Takumi, Lucina against Dragons, Takumi vs fliers and because he's too good and Roy against Hectors. These are also 4 bonus units, meaning I get more points from that. I managed to get rank 65 with that team last week.
  22. Theoretically, you can pull Lucina and Marth in the Deep Devotion summon aswell, though since the chance is so low and he got multiple, I don't doubt that you are right :p.
  23. Yes, stat bonus will always be +2 as far as I know. Only reason to level the other one is to compare and see who's better I believe.
  24. Merging her will give her +1 in two stats in addition to some SP (120). You might also level them both up and see who has better stat boons/banes at lvl.40 before you start merging if you're hardcore =3.
  25. It's a hard choice that only you can make. Do you still have a lot of story chapters (normal/hard/lunatic) left? Do you have some orbs and want to roll more soon? If so, there's a somewhat decent chance that you can still get a higher * Serra and especially Robin, being a focus character for this month. Would probably be a bit of a shame to spend feathers upgrading your 3* units only to get them as 4/5*'s in summons later. If you're trying to go a bit competitive at Arena, I'd say upgrade your 4*'s. If you intend on spending orbs anytime soon, I'd advice you to wait a bit with upgrading your 3*'s atleast.
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