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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. I got Marth from the Devotion pack and also got the intro. It doesn't seem to be linked to the focus characters of that pack, but more the focus characters that have it at that time. I guess the question is now, will we get the special intro for these characters when the summoning 'packs' we have have now will be gone and we get the units in a different pack.
  2. By as much as you would have gotten by discarding the unit. So for 3*'s, it's 150 feather and 300 feathers for 4*'s.
  3. It might be that this has come up already, but I don't think I saw it here yet (correct me if I'm wrong). I just posted some info on a topic about merging where I give a bit of info I got from Reddit. It's mainly about units being able to merge ten times, giving +1 to two stats every level-up, for a combined total of twenty stats distributed as +4 to each stat and about stats being predetermined at lvl.40, but units having one High and one Low stat which differentiates them from one another. --- Whether it's better to send them home or keep is up to you. Personally, I'm keeping every unit until I reach the cap, then I see what I can do with them. For merging, here's a bit of info. You can; A - merge two same * units immediatly for some SP and a level-up. The level up will always increase two stats by one. You can merge a unit ten times, giving it twente bonus stats in total, +4 to all stats. However, if you decide to awaken units potential (raise star count) it will reset the stats and the bonus stats from merging will be gone. Merged units however need less feathers to raise their star count. B - Raise two the same units with the same star amount to level 40 and see who has better stats before merging. Stats will mostly be the same, but units have one High and one Low stat and 3 Medium/Average stats. High and Low generally give about +3/4 or -3/4 compared to Medium/Average stats. (Example: say Medium defense for a 5* Lyn is 20, if yours has High Defense it will be 23/24, if it's Low she will have 16/17. If it's High, one of her other stats will be Low, and the rest will be Medium/Average) I hope this makes sense to you. Anyway, by analysing their final stats you can decide which unit to feed to the source (the best) character. C - If one unit has a higher star count than the other, you can merge the lower star count into the larger star count to give the bigger starcount a bonus of SP to unlock skills with. Some units need extra SP to unlock all their skills, others don't.
  4. Whether it's better to send them home or keep is up to you. Personally, I'm keeping every unit until I reach the cap, then I see what I can do with them. For merging, here's a bit of info. You can; A - merge two same * units immediatly for some SP and a level-up. The level up will always increase two stats by one. You can merge a unit ten times, giving it twente bonus stats in total, +4 to all stats. However, if you decide to awaken units potential (raise star count) it will reset the stats and the bonus stats from merging will be gone. Merged units however need less feathers to raise their star count. B - Raise two the same units with the same star amount to level 40 and see who has better stats before merging. Stats will mostly be the same, but units have one High and one Low stat and 3 Medium/Average stats. High and Low generally give about +3/4 or -3/4 compared to Medium/Average stats. (Example: say Medium defense for a 5* Lyn is 20, if yours has High Defense it will be 23/24, if it's Low she will have 16/17. If it's High, one of her other stats will be Low, and the rest will be Medium/Average) I hope this makes sense to you. Anyway, by analysing their final stats you can decide which unit to feed to the source (the best) character. C - If one unit has a higher star count than the other, you can merge the lower star count into the larger star count to give the bigger starcount a bonus of SP to unlock skills with. Some units need extra SP to unlock all their skills, others don't. As for the main characters, there's already one hard mission that requires you to field one of them in a certain chapter to get rewards and I'm sure we'll be seeing more of those. I believe once you raise their star count, they will be pretty solid units.
  5. Edit: I was actually really wrong about explaining this, so don't mind this post xD
  6. I'm fairly sure it's because they didn't upgrade the weapon. pulled 3*'s get the second weapon in the list, pulled 4*'s get the third weapon and pulled 5*s get the highest tier weapon skill. Check the stats and you'll see that the ATK is the one thing that's keeping the stats the same mostly. Edit: Ninja'd by @lysander :p
  7. Not sure on what grounds he made this tier list. Is this assuming all those characters are 5*? Probably not, seeing the main characters are on the bottom, which I think are only kinda bad because they start as two stars. So if he's going by the max star rating you can get them from summons, I'd say Kagero needs to be way higher than a B. Heck, even if she wasn't a 5*, she's still a really solid niche unit.
  8. Yeah, it's pretty dumb. But by buying orbs for €40 instead of €75, you only get one more orb every 224 orbs that you would have gotten by buying the €75 packet one. Conclusion: It's pretty negligible xD. I do the same! Also because you never know which characters will be bonus characters in the next Arena season (Though I'm guessing they'll be mostly focus units so that people will spend for them). Plus, I'm hoping they will add skill scrolls at some point in the game that can fill up some of the empty support slots. Theorycrafting will become even better then!
  9. I believe staff users definitly get less exp the longer the chapter is and/or the more they heal. I haven't really noticed it with non-healers though, I always thought if I got less exp it was because the enemy level was just lower.
  10. Hmm, I think the game was created not so much as a 'main' game but more of a 'side' game that you use every few hours, when you're in a train or bus or just to pick up before sleeping or in between classes, et cetera. What is important though is that they come up with new content atleast every two weeks (which is already a bit slow for gacha's) or it might become stale indeed.
  11. I spent €75 (140 orbs) and completed the story thanks to all the stamina refills you get from the game. Spend the ~150-200 (or so?) orbs you get from the story aswell. Some people may call me crazy for spending it, but I haven't been this happy with a game for quite a while and I'm lucky enough to have a good, steady income. So I'm happy and I'm helping the gaming series I've been loving for 10+ years :).
  12. My team, I got lucky enough to get atleast 4 of the Bonus Characters for the arena. I'll probably place Abel in my team for Roy once I've leveled him up, I need to keep Lucina for all the damn Tiki's ._. Abel seems really good though with Brave Lance and Swordbreaker for 4x damage against sword units. So, Takami because... it's Takumi. And good vs Fliers. Robin vs. enemy Takumi's. Lucina vs dragons and Roy vs green units with his special skill (+20% damage) or Abel vs red units (Swordbreaker) Only shame is that I got -3 on speed for Lucina, Takumi AND Robin, but I shouldn't complain x).
  13. You can click on 'Score Type' in the Arena screen to select rank and see what category you fall in. I'm at 4.136 and ~rank 1.000
  14. You can't unfortunuatly. :c Hmm, I was 20.000, but I did fight with only bonus characters (which gives a lot of points) and I was close to level 40 with my characters. Yes, it is. Get all of the upgrades ASAP.
  15. I kinda see him as the general leading the Green Cavalier recruits... despite being three stars xD.
  16. Agreed, people are underestimating anything that isn't 5*'s ._. Also, how's this for cavaliers? D:
  17. Nope, doesn't matter. Not in the traditional way. There are supporting skills, but no supports that makes units bond with each other.
  18. Hmm, I did all the normal and hard missions and currently on the lunatic ones. None of them gave feathers, atleast for me and I assume it's the same for everyone. Feathers were probably gotten by sending units 'home'.
  19. Ah, I thought so too. I got thrown off a bit by someone else saying fire was on blue. Thanks for correcting! Feathers was probably done by sending characters 'home' which gives you feathers for them.
  20. Weapon and Magic Triangles are combined, so: Swords/Dark -> Axes/Wind/Thunder -> Lances/Fire/whatever falls under blue magic -> Swords/Dark You don't really need to pay attention what magic each character wield, looking at their tome color will tell you everything you need to know, for battle purposes anyway. When you go to the arena and battle, you attack enemy players (played by AI). If you fail, that enemy player will get a message that defense was succesfull and will get points for that. So when I would for example go to Arena and pick you as my opponent and fail to win against you, you would get a message saying defense was succesfull and get points based off that. Lvl.40 do not get anymore SP from defeating enemies, they can however get SP from merging. I have a Lucina too (lvl.40) and I indeed didn't have enough SP for Aether (around 300 off). But to be honest, Luna is probably a better skill because of the much lower CD.
  21. Just dialogue, she just refers to something in Fire Emblem Awakening. Really safe, but I just wanted to make sure.
  22. 4 stars gain the same amount of EXP as 5 stars I believe. Stage 1 only costs like 2 stamina and killing an enemy at level 1 pretty much guarantees a level-up for lower level units. It's very believable.
  23. Character stats will be reset to lvl.1 either way. SP and bought skills will stay.
  24. Nice small tidbit, whenever your unit reaches level 40 you will get a small cut-scene with them at your home base. Small Spoilers For Lucina ...chan?
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