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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. http://www.mediafire.com/file/aydhtc6act6vile/Fire+Emblem+Heroes+Character+Art.rar This ZIP-file should have all the character art and sprites =). Haven't actually downloaded it myself though, so let me know if it's legit! Thanks again! =D A: I haven't found it myself either. I also wonder what the line is between getting promoted or not. I got placed #65 and got Tier 2 myself.
  2. Yep, it's a property of only 5* units I believe (My lvl.40 4* Tharja didn't get proc it). I'm not sure you can view those small convo's again (which is why I screenshot them aswell =3).
  3. Not a mod, but I agree with this. There's already like eight pins on this sub-forum. I believe the other sub-forums have much less. If everything that's suggested gets pinned (arena, rerolling, ask general questions' gets pinned it will get even more cluttered than it already is. To be fair, I think several pinned posts could already be merged (Lunatic Quests + My Nintendo rewards into the Preemptive FAQ for example), but that's not my decision. This is just personal, but I'd switch Abel in for Effie and Tiki in for Gordon. Abel is an amazing unit with Brave Lance and Swordbreaker, allowing you to x4 attack swords no matter your speed or the enemies. Even if you're not attacking a sword enemy, he's pretty beefy and has 3 movement and good ORKO potential with the Brave Lance. I generally dislike tanks because they're movement is just too low and their stats don't make up for it. It's even worse in defense where people mostly wait for your team to come to theirs, which means knights almost always arrive late to the party and being easy to pick off. Gordin is a good unit, but you really need some Magic Damage, so I'd say put Tiki in for him. If you really want an archer, switch Tiki in for Effie I'd say and leave Abel on the bench. Woah, really? Do you see your unit getting it (as in, the level-up screen) or does it just go up without giving you a notice? Thanks for the info btw!
  4. Your choice. It depends on if it's worth the time for you to keep rerolling until you have one or multuple 5*'s. Not having any 5*'s MIGHT teach you a bit more about the game in the sense that for one, you'd probably have more choices in picking units, where as if you have a 5* at the start, you're probably be using it to level 40 and that 5 star might carry a lot of the game for you (though I personally feel the difference in power between 5*'s and 4*'s might be a bit overrated, especially between the same characters), therefore seeing less of all the other characters. Though, in endgame content it's ofcourse better to have a 5* than not having a 5*.
  5. Robin actually has a focus going on right now though, just check the 'Legendary Heroes' focus =). Also, I don't think female Robin is out yet, I haven't seen her atleast.
  6. Congrats! =D Both of them seem to have really good stats compared to their level ._. (Where's Alfonse though? xD) I'll probably save these for if there's anything special the next banner :3.
  7. The season / week ended. I believe I read they need two days (not sure if it was one or two) to check everything and ban cheaters. Afterwards it should be up again and you should get your feathers =). Edit: Feathers are already here? Was I that wrong? ._.
  8. I believe every character has +2 in total stats (weapon and skills not included), atleast that's what I can see comparing my 3*'s with my 4*'s. -SPD +RES Takumi here >.<
  9. You're welcome! I always enjoy discussing about optimal skills and such =). I believe so, can't imagine it would keep your friends list if you delete all the data xD.
  10. Just gonna leave this here, this should answer some, if not all, of your questions :).
  11. Normally I'd say go for the passive skills, but I find GL's area upgrade really good and useful, plus like you said you can get TA2 sooner than getting TA 2 & 3 and going for GL afterwards :).
  12. While true, the difference it makes between buying the 75 USD and the 40 USD is that you would get one extra orb every 224 orbs if you've picked 40 USD over 75 USD. I don't think people who spend that amount of money on the game will really fuss about these prices because of that xD. Still, you're right and the 40 USD one is the better option :).
  13. Ultimately, it's up to you. Is it worth it redoing everything you did and spending time to reroll? If the answer is yes, delete your data and reroll. If it's too much of a hassle, keep doing what you're doing now. A 5 star is good, but for most things, 4 stars can accomplish almost as much as 5's. Unless you want to be really competitive in the Arena and rank high, then I'd suggest you reroll if you don't want to spend too much.
  14. Totally agreed. Games who have this also award players for smart thinking by calculating how much stamina they need to spend on certain maps to get the most out of their level-ups so that they can play more. The beginning is often easy enough with low stamina costs that they level up quite a few times and keep playing, like you said. It also rewards people who play more by letting them earn stamina points leveling while not so much that other players can't keep up.
  15. It doesn't really bother me that much, I'm seeing some pro's and con's to both sides to be honest. For one, I get that it's annoying if you have time and just want to play/grind for a few hours that this is holding you back, unless you spend money on refills. On the flip side, it keeps people who have full time jobs, whole households and such the opportunity the stay relevant in stuff like arena's. A lot of people don't have the time and luxury to be playing hour after hour. This keeps them from not falling behind too much in content. Another point is that it stops players from burning out to quickly. Play hour after hour at the beginning and there's a good chance a lot of players will be done with the game after a few weeks. Gacha-games are good for companies because they are a good source of income over a long time, the last thing they want is players to be burning out too quick (but players leaving because of slow updates is also a risk). So, to me, it's kind off a necessary evil.
  16. While I haven't had any problems either, that's mostly due to all the stamina pots we've been getting in the beginning and because of the Training Tower being half stamina for now. I can see why people are a bit sceptical, seeing the later chapters of Lunatic mode costing 20+ stamina. In most games, you start out with around 20-30 stamina annd gain a stamina point about every 1.5-2 levels and your stamina resets on level-up. That's not an option here. It totally depends on future content aswell and if we need to grind or not. Aside from that, I just want to advice you not to add things like ',son' to your sentences. I'm sure you didn't mean to, but to me it sounds kinda degrading.
  17. You can get feathers by playing the arena (season ends today, so if you want to try your luck, now's the time ^^) or by 'sending home' your units. There seems to be no other way yet unfortunuatly.
  18. That's probably because he defeated a much lower level unit. Is he the highest level of your units?
  19. I'll twiddle my thumbs for you, good luck! I like your attitude ^^!
  20. True xD. Why 'Milhouse' though, is it some kind of meme I'm not aware of? And yes, 4* Donald has a brave lance, which puts his speed at 0.
  21. Sounds good! Very interested in the results, you can tag me if you want :3.
  22. Ah, thanks for that! It's hard to keep up with all the new threads coming up in here, so I generally just stick to this this general discussion thread :p.
  23. Nope, you have to give them SP by feeding them duplicates. That's the only way for now at lvl.40. (My Lucina is 300 short of Aether at lvl.40 ;_;) 5 times, each times it ups the EXP by 20%, so a total of 100%. I'm not sure about the amount of orbs anymore, but from the top of my head: 20% = 1 orb 40% = 2 orbs 60% = 5 orbs 80% = 8 orbs 100% = 10 orbs After you've paid the 5 orbs? I don't think there's a free way to reset it. If you really only need a green unit, your best bet is to just pick one orb and don't go for the other four and start a new summon by paying another 5 orbs, but losing out on the lesser orb cost bonus from the first one. :(
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