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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Here's the damage formula, this should help you a bit. Let me know if there's anything you don't understand! =)
  2. Sure, but I can do even better and give you the site that I use so you can check yourself :P. It's still being updated as they get more info about 5 star level 40 characters ofcourse, so it only has a select few. Link: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/fire-emblem-heroes-iv-calculator
  3. A lot of gacha games actually do raise the star count (Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Tales of Link comes to mind), but only after a year or two does it start being implemented.
  4. Medium stats for Roy at lvl.40 are: HP: 44 Atk: 46 Spd: 31 Def: 25 Res: 28 So you're High stat with five levels to go is probably either speed or resistance, while your Low stat is attack.
  5. You already have a really decent team with people like Chamilla, Lilina and I personally really like Roy, though some people disagree he's good. Takumi's obviously the best, but I wouldn't say that account would be a lot better if those are the only two noteworthy. Maybe you could play on two phones and see who else you can get from earned story orbs before you delete your first account? You could, I'm not sure about the stats, but I'm looking at the skills right now and I feel like Lissa's are probably better (Rehabilitate especially). The difference between a 4* and a 2* is somewhat big though and I don't think she even has acces to a lot of skills at that star rating. So if you do pick Lissa, you have to spend quite some time (and feathers) on her to get her to the level that your Serra is on currently. I wouldn't, but it's up to you.
  6. First off, hi Ice Dragon! I remember you from back in the day, weren't you also on Fire Emblem World years and years ago? Aside from the wiki, this page: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/fire-emblem-heroes-iv-calculator also has 2 High, 2 Low, 1 Medium as 'Confirmed' Stat Variations. Like you though, I haven't had a characters with that particular stat variation myself and I have quite some duplicates aswell. It's my assumption that merging doesn't suddenly switch IV's/Natures either. If it could, I'm imagining some possible 'abuse' if units have certain stats maxed before hitting level 40, and then switching IV's. For the rest, have fun tonight and in the coming days with Nioh, hope to see you again soon, this is a great read!
  7. The game just came out, so don't worry about that. Worry more about 'power creep' 5 stars instead of 6 stars being added anytime soon xD. If they do add 6* units, I'm guessing they would just add a few stats, and possibly some skills that the character is missing still. (Most characters have two out of three A, B and C skills and either an active Skill (Shove, etc.) or a time-based skill (Astra and such), so 6* promotion might fill in these openings.)
  8. Nothing can really be done about it I think. What's your team? Personally I really like going up against defense teams that have a knight on them, since they only have one move and almost always arrive late to the party when it's other teammates have already died, making it easy to pick off. It's different on offense, but generally I'd say don't put knights in your defense team. You could also try and put your lowest/worst unit as the leader to 'bait' people into attacking you more. Or put one color (red) as the front, trying to get people with teams that mainly have (blue) think they have an easy win, only to field three (greens) with the red one, possibly countering them.
  9. I don't know about the exact way they prioritize moves, but yes, they seem to rally (if the person who rallies is not in range of attacking itself) if one of their units is capable of attacking one of your units, even if the rally itself is useless. The AI is pretty straightforward and allows for wins even when the enemy has a much, much better team. They also seem to really like destroying walls or rocks... bunch of vandals
  10. Is the unit that achieved lvl.40 a 5*? Because only 5*'s get the special dialogue (just checking). Hmm, are you asking us about what your best team could be? Lyn (try to get Galeforce on her ASAP), Oboro, Olivia (can do damage, but main usage I'm guessing is to dance. If you get Lyn Galeforce, she'll be really really good in combination with Olivia), and Gordon (3* or 4*? Try to get him the Brave Bow) probably makes the best overal team composition I'd say.
  11. Congrats, haha xD. proud of you Hmm, it shouldn't really matter I think? I've auto-leveled quite some units and some got better level ups than others (Takumi getting +10 or higher on everything but RES), so I think you just need to be lucky. She'll be as strong at 40 as she would have been if you've leveled her up by battleing, so don't worry, she might get some really good level-ups in the next 20 levels =).
  12. To keep one of each of the colors and also keep the balance between magic damage and physical damage, I'd say trade in Corrin!F for Robin.
  13. If I look purely at the tier list, both aren't rated very highly. I haven't actually tried either out myself though, so I can't say. I do hear a lot of people finding Odin underwhelming. I'd still suggest you use him over Shanna though since you lack Magic power in your team.
  14. No problem! I just repeated them here to be clear, because I didn't do the actual calculations myself xD.
  15. Castle upgrades are 1 + 2 + 5 + 8 + 10 = 26 orbs 27 + 138 = 165 orbs (received) - 16 orbs (left) - 26 (castle upgrades) orbs = 123 orbs spend on summoning. First summon was 5 + 4 + 4 = 13 orbs 5 full orb openings = 100 orbs. 123 - 100 - 13 = 10 orbs left (5x5)+3 = 28 pulls Might you have done some other things with those 10 orbs? Like replenishing stamina or Arena chances? Edit: It might also be that you start the game with 10 summoning orbs and that they don't show up in your presents list.
  16. 5 new characters, 2 5*'s, the best two in the game right now. You've hit the jackpot good sir, congrats! xD
  17. Hmm, I got mine from a post from reddit. It showed pictures of the in-game FAQ and for some reason the german guide had the multiplicatives. They were 2X, 2.3X, 2.6X and 3X for respectively 1, 2, 3 and 4 bonus characters entering the Arena. For your first question, see the above quote :p. For your second, it depends. Personally I'd say always take the castle upgrades whenever you can, because I feel it's really good. With it, you need to grind less and can spend your valuable stamina elsewhere. It's not flashy, but it always gives you something useful, unlike summoning. If you're team is pretty bad, then maybe it warrants a summoning before completing castle upgrades, but the sooner you do the castle upgrades, the better. What happened to upgrading your castle, hmm? >.> If you're gonna roll anyway, you might aswell save your feathers since you might get something you wish. I guess it also depends on what the new banner would bring that's coming the 15th. You might wanna wait a bit till they release some info for that and if there's nothing you really want, spend it on the banner's that are running now (I'd say go for Deep Devotion, you seem to like those more) and if you get nothing useful for that, start spending your feathers if you wish.
  18. Those characters are only pulled at 5*'s though D=.
  19. You get points deducted every time one of your units die. You get bonus points by using the bonus characters and the higher level your units are the more points you can get. There's also the factor of luck, some enemy teams give higher points, others a bit less. I'm at 4520 points right now by using 4 bonus characters and letting none die.
  20. I play to maximize stamina aswell, so just before work and just after and also before going to sleep. I don't play while at work though unless there's really a break where I have nothing to do (and I'm my own boss, so no one telling me what to do =3). I wouldn't call myself addicted, though I bought some orbs and told myself I wouldn't go below a hundred and wait for the next banner... it's really tempting sometimes to just use them, maybe there's a juicy Hector or Ryoma... but then I feel like if I do, I might actually be addicted, which I refuse to admit >.>
  21. Look at it like this. Tower stamina is halved right now, which is great. It will be over soon though and seeing how many people are already complaining that you have way to little stamina, it's only going to become worse when the 9 stamina tower floors will become 18 stamina tower floors which you need to go through quite a few times to level your units from 37/38 to 40. Without any exp bonus from the castle, I'm talking about like 30 to 40 runs, no joke. Now imagine if you only needed to do them for half the stamina price. That will safe you so much time and stamina you could use to level up another group! Or do Paralogues! Or whatever else might be added! The thing is, the longer you wait, the more EXP you're going to miss out on have you done it before. If your thinking about going to get all upgrades anyway, why wait? It is by far the best thing to spend your orbs on, it's not random like summons, it's always usefull and will keep being usefull unlike some units thanks to power creep probably. I feel like the only thing keeping people away from buying the castle upgrades is because it's not flashy. It doesn't give you the chance to get great units. It doesn't make your heart skip a bit when you press that orb. But it's so, so usefull and good.
  22. Ah, I see the similarities you're putting forward. With selling cheatcodes, did you mean the buyable DLC in Fates and Awakening that can give you EXP, Gil, weapons and more?
  23. Same here, all five orbs, no matter what. You never know what new character you could get, what his or her skills are and in what situation you want to use the unit. Could also be a good unit for the next batch of 'Bonus Characters' for the arena, you never know. I feel like I'm wasting orbs if I don't pull five in a row.
  24. It's the same for Android ^^ (keep holding them for a second or two).
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