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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. (For your first sentence, I take it you meant +atk -spd on your 4*?) 1. If you think the IV's on the 4* is better and you want to eventually make her a 5*, then I'd say wait indeed. The question is, is it worth 20.000 feathers to 'switch' boons and banes, instead of getting a different 5*. It totally depends on the units you have and the plans with them. 2. Hmm, it's hard to say. It depends on the unit I guess and how much she really needs the right boons and banes. Because even if they are, the average stats of the 5* will still all be higher. ... I guess looking back at this, it's a lot of 'what if' advice I'm giving you, I'm sorry >_<. If you want a definitive answer, I would say don't use the feathers on her, but use it on a different 4* unit that also has the right boon/bane combo. That way, you end up with two 5*, one with the best boon/bane and one that's a bit less fortunuate, but still a 5*. That is, unless you already have a full 5* team and you really need Lilina as your Mage in your hardcore Arena team, then upgrade the 4* Lilina. Those are always welcome! I would like to see you use him, from what I've seen you write in terms of strategy most of the times, you use a lot more different strategies than most people who generally go with overpowering enemies. I imagine you doing things like this >.>
  2. Just to make sure, you're qouting me because you're agreeing with me, right? xD I feel like you and I described the same situation (Letting him get attacked = bait and using moonblow after that aswell) I don't think he's bad either. He definitly has good uses against physical units, especially tanks. He is very bad against anything magic-related though. It makes me wonder how good he'll be in Arena. It would make it a bit hard if he's the one eating the first strike (which is what I feel his main role would be), only to be one-shotted by the mage behind that.
  3. I actually think the competitive play is pretty bad, especially because F2P players have pretty much no chance to get in the top 1000. Since the points you can earn are largely influenced by the amount of stat totals your units have, people who have 5* lvl40+10 have a huge lead in this game that can't be overcome by skill. I spent ~€100 on this game myself, and got rank 65 in week 1 and rank 987 in week 2, mainly because I didn't buy anymore orbs in week 2. I won my 7 advanced games with zero casualties both times, so I can't really climb higher unless I spend more. I can only guess how bad the frustration is for players that can't spend any money on this game. Somehow I think it would have been nice if points were also earned/deducted by the amount of time and/or turns that you need to kill the enemy team.
  4. You're guaranteed to get +1 to two stats and 120 SP. No more, no less.
  5. Based on the lvl 1 stats, you can indeed predict the lvl 40 stats. I believe what he said was that level-ups are not linear and that there's no 'easily discernable' pattern to them. The boons/banes that show at lvl.1 still hold true at lvl.40 though. (the different stats in his research were at lvl.20) Quick note, the stats you see there don't have to averages/neutral. Seeing they only have two stats on resistance available for her, I'm guessing only two people have sent in their stats for their Julia's. (Meaning, some stats could be High or Low, instead of Neutral)
  6. Weird, it's on the front page for me in /r/FireEmblemHeroes. Anyway, here's the link:
  7. I know right! I hope it will balance out on my next pull >.>. Congrats on Ephraim, I hope he does well for you! =D
  8. There's a 3% base chance that you pull a 'normal' (non-focus) 5* unit. There are 38 natural 5*'s you can pull, meaning there's a ~0,079% chance of pulling a specific 5*. Then there's also a 3% chance to pull a 'Focus' unit. Since there are only 4 units in the focus group, there's a 0,75% chance of pulling a certain character. There's nothing that makes focus characters special, it just means they have a higher chance of being pulled from orbs than the other 5* units.
  9. He's a very single-purpose character I feel. He does well vs. physical melee units since he has high defense and two defense reducing skills. Any magic unit will murder him though, thanks to his bad speed and resistance. Best situation is probably to let him eat an attack, debuff his opponent. Finish that opponent off with another unit while Ephraim goes and uses his high ATK and 2-turn Moonbow (enemy -30%RES/DEF) to one-shot a squishy enemy unit.
  10. Got it from Reddit. It's kinda weird to me aswell that they use these specific characters. While I'm sure some of these are people's favorites, I don't see any alluring character that will really make people pay orbs for this one. It's just a bit suspicious, which is why I added 'seem to be' to my previous post.
  11. These seem to be the result of resent datamine. New banner (Fir, Hawkeye, Tiki!Mature & Maria) seems kinda.. unlord-ly? Also, boss F!Robin stage?
  12. I have a 5* Robin, but I actually leveled up and promoted my 3* Robin yesterday, because I feel like I might make him a 5* so that I can afterwards merge the original 5* into him, since he has better boon/banes. What I noticed what that he got almost no speed level-ups in the beginning levels. As fas as we know from @Ice Dragon's research, level-ups are fixed, and from what I can see from the statistics of his Fae, certain stats, let's take SPD, can get no level-ups for like five levels, only to be followed up by five level-ups where every level-up gave SPD+1. So I have the feeling that Robin's SPD growth in the early levels is just abysmal. @Anacybele can confirm this too I believe (though her Robin is most likely -SPD). At level 40 though, he has more than two out of the three Manaketes you were talking about. He has 29 SPD at lvl.40 while Tiki, Fae and Nowi have respectively 30, 28, 27 SPD. All with neutral IV's/natures ofcourse.
  13. Yep, it's the 4 attack missing from the weapon, so it would be 17ATK in total. I feel like Robin starts out slow, but becomes pretty good later in the game. He's a mage, which means he has less total stats than melee fighters mostly, but he's definitly not weak.
  14. Make a 40+9 Lucina with a decent nature and you can still wreck face, while waiting for that last Lucina pull with an amazing nature ^^.
  15. You can check here: https://fireemblem.gamepress.gg/fire-emblem-heroes-iv-calculator The site is still being updated and stats are not always 100% right, just so you know. If you come across a faulty one, you can help by sending in statistics (with proof) to them.
  16. Yes, I expect that they'll come right after the old banners aswell. I doubt there'll be a moment in the whole series where people CAN'T summon at all, since I'm pretty sure they would like that $$$ x).
  17. Abel is one of the best I'd say. His Special lets enemy units deal 30-50% less damage if attacked from a range. He also has 3 move and a Brave Lance, which pretty much ensures killing mages in one round.
  18. Ah, my bad! Not your fault, I just misunderstood =P. Hmm, what we could do is open up a topic about Arena placements. People could state their rank there and the amount of points, so we can make an estimation of how much points you need to get to a certain Rank. I could compile the info and put a daily estimation of how much points you need to get into a rank into the opening post and do hourly updates on the last day. That is, if we could get enough info/people to share their ranks & points. (I could also look on Reddit for that, they have a similar topic there). Would you guys think that's a good idea?
  19. Hmm, if you went from unranked to Tier 3 (the highest) in one go, it's probably based solely on the amount of points you scored last season. Can I ask what rank you were?
  20. Personally want to see Naesala and Ranulf, but yes, Tibarn IS great =3. I like most, if not all, of the beast tribes in Tellius.
  21. I feel like, even if we did, people would still make topics about it, seeing as we have a pinned 'General Discussion' one and a 'Ask your Fire Emblem Heroes question' here that's always some place on top and yet we still get topics like these =P.
  22. I'd say +ATK -RES, personally. Also, as IceDragon said, the calculator is not 100% accurate. They're still gathering data I believe, but from what I've seen, the statistics for most units seem to be right.
  23. Lilina uses Bolganone and is a blue mage, I think you can count Arvis under that. Lyon is probably red, if it follows the Heroes types that they've set for now.
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