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Green Poet

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Everything posted by Green Poet

  1. Seems odd to me why Kay died, then, since you'd already stated you'd be shooting her yesterday, so another potential vig probably wouldn't have tried to target her. And a redirect should have stopped all kills toward Kay anyway, unless it was of a one-action redirect variety. So assuming that you really did target Kay last night, my guess is that Garland's a bomb, and Kay was sent to perform the night kill.
  2. Oh, my bad. Looks like I missed your first vote. It seemed to me as though Psych CC'ed because he was in danger of being lynched? He might've tried to cast doubt upon Poly in order to shift some votes off him. This is concerning to me, too. He said something about not being able to post much on mobile, but that could easily be a means to avoid elaborating on his claim. Would like to hear bearclaw's case on Randa.
  3. Okay, scratch that bit on Eury, then. I do support a Psych lynch, but her vote does sort of contradict the premise of my read on her just now.
  4. I assume the candidates are Eury, Vhaltz, Poly and Psych? My Psych case was a few pages back, and was essentially based upon his tendency to ask questions like "Why do you think I'm scum?" and "So if I did X, would that be alright with you?" rather than asking questions with initiative, or stating his reads. Vhaltz's claim, as I said, is more believable to me than the other neighborizer claims because of how it seems balanced. It's possible he managed to be especially creative with fakeclaiming a card like that, but it would've been simpler to fakeclaim a doctor card or something instead, and perhaps harder to test. Null on him for now. Leaning slightly town on Eury, slightly. Her hesitancy to vote now matches up with the "don't vote if unsure" policy that she suggested I follow earlier. It could be scum trying to avoid lynching each other, but since it's highly likely that at least one out of Vhaltz, Poly and Psych actually is a neighborizer, she doesn't need to pretend to be hesitant in order to keep up that impression. I think Poly is less likely to be scum than Psych, because he claimed first, and his posts weren't as empty. I wouldn't bet on him being town either, though.
  5. Prims, are you discouraging a Vhaltz lynch because of his claim, or do you actually think he's town?
  6. I'm inclined to believe Vhaltz's claim because it seems balanced. Neighborizer+lover in one ability seems plausible, since you couldn't use it to essentially kill scum. Right now, two more, unconditional neighborizers sound fake to me. The game might as well have been OC otherwise.
  7. Did I miss the third person? I thought only Psych and Poly were claiming it? And even so, I don't think two neighborizers is an impossibility. Unless Psych is claiming to also have the vig+bomb cards that Poly claimed, in which case one of them is almost certainly scum. I'm female. I think the confusion probably stems from the accident in EO2 or something, but I don't particularly mind.
  8. Are you saying that you also have the vig+bomb?
  9. Oh, alright, just read Prims' most recent post. I unvoted Vhaltz because he'd started to post more frequently than a majority of the other posters, and started offering more reads than self-defense, which were the two issues I initially had. These were everyone's issues with Vhaltz, so while I can see why you'd argue that I was sheeping, it's hardly an exclusive fault. I've moved my vote to Psych, where it'll be more useful. Does your lack of comment on that case indicate that you don't find it to be sheepish, now? And your willingness to loverize me with a bomb, primarily just for being part of a wagon, is rather alarming :/
  10. Any particular reason as to why you think I'm scum? I'm the only one on your list whose read is explained by, well, nothing. I fail to understand why you'd be okay with risking someone like myself, whose reason for suspicion isn't clear. In any case, since a Psych lynch is becoming more and more possible at this point, I'll assist. My reasons for voting him were listed clearly in my last post, and no one's raised any issues regarding them. ##Vote: Psych
  11. Is this a three-card/shot neighborizer you have? If not, your claim seems inconsistent with what you were saying here. I thought you were crumbing some sort of investigative role to people who'd played Healer.
  12. First, ##Unvote I may not get another chance to post before phase end, and I presently don't believe Vhaltz's most recent posts are consistent with the reasons I'd voted him for initially. I think his claim doesn't help nor harm his case, since his cards aren't explicitly or necessarily belonging to town. Null on Eury right now. I do think her defense of Vhaltz was premature, and wouldn't have a consistent payoff if she was town, but this isn't enough to convince me to vote her. I may have misinterpreted what she'd meant about taking the initiative to vote over not doing so, and can't particularly fault her there. Not liking how Randa defaults to observational posts recounting what people have been doing, and tries to draw attention to people he notes are voteparking/inactive, whom he realizes have posted directly afterwards. Seems like posting for the sake of appearing to be active. Psych avoiding stating reads is questionable to me as well. I'm seeing an attempt to get others to elaborate on why they think he's scum, while not offering a defense, nor his own thoughts as to who may be scum. More posts like this, that offer bits of meta on Prims but doesn't help us know who he's suspecting. Same issues with this. Psych's recent posts lack thoughts regarding anyone but Vhaltz. Granted, Vhaltz's lynch is the most likely at this point and he should be discussed, but there's every reason to expand on one's thoughts on others.
  13. As I stated in the post where I resolved to vote him, I didn't like how noncommittal he was being in stating who he thought was scum, even after this was presented as the rationale for others' voting him. He's been posting frequently, but I'm seeing far more restated self-defense than anything. Doing this would have only affirmed what Kay had been saying against me. Continuing not to vote wouldn't really have contributed to progressing the game or pressuring people into offering more thoughts. This "don't vote, while not offering scumreads" passivity is somewhat odd to me. Would like to hear more from Shinori and NNM, as they'd had a lot to say early on and haven't responded to anything current.
  14. Oh, thanks, Manix! From what I've seen of other SF players using it, I gathered that FoS is a sort of middle ground between simply expressing a half-hearted suspicion and voting. That's what I'd been feeling regarding Vhaltz at the time of writing, since I had no conviction for his wagon other than what people had already brought up about his indecision and overreaction. If FoS has no tangible weight, though, then sure - I'll put my vote where my mouth is. ##Vote: Vhaltz As for other reasons. . . This seems off to me. Those suspicious of Vhaltz have asked him to state exactly who he believes is scum, and that his avoiding doing so is what has brought on their suspicion. Yet he continues to hold off on answering here, and backs off from the scumread he did have on Shinori. . .? This still seems like noncommittal play to me.
  15. I have some catching up to do; sorry, guys. Anyway, from what I've been able to gather so far, and correct me if I'm wrong: -Prims was sort of a wagon for the first few pages because of his joking/over-reactionary vote in retaliation to BBM's. -Vhaltz is now a wagon because of people feeling uneasy about his take on Prims and avoiding (?) giving definite reads when asked. As of right now, I think the basis of the suspicion on Prims was founded a bit too early, and too much on RVS for me to really buy into it. FoS on Vhaltz for now.
  16. Sorry, haven't got too much time at present. Might not be around to contribute to the end phase votes. So I should voteswitch to Elie?
  17. Used my last safeguard on Wen last night. I have no actions left. Should I hammer Elieson or no?
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