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Everything posted by charmander6000

  1. On normal mode Micaiah usually won't get ORKO by anyone unless they double her (swordmasters, cats) as long as she keeps her average stats. Also why are you letting her get attacked? She's a mage.
  2. Micaiah doesn't double, but she has enough speed not to be doubled. With Thani Micaiah is able to defeat enemies that gives your team the hardest time in part 1 and in part 3 she is able to heal plus continues to attack. Is she the best unit in the game? No, relatively she's about average. If I wasn't forced to use her would I use her? Yup, all the way until 4-E where her late promotion and strong enemies stops her from being as useful as some other units.
  3. The max bexp you can get on 2-3 in hard mode is 7125 and assuming you didn't save the volunteers the max you can have so far is 10250. So you have about 86% of the bexp. Hard mode cuts you bexp in half and it takes twice as much for a level up.
  4. In PoR Mist claims that she is near Jill's age.
  5. Is this list on hard or normal mode? If this is normal mode I think you're being a bit tough of Aran/Ilyana. I've also decided to take the rankings from each chapter and combine them. If a chapter had 5 characters the best character would get 5 points and so on. I also gave extra points if a unit was in a higher tier. Top Sothe - 120 High Nolan - 99 Volug - 97 Upper Mid Micaiah - 81 Zihark - 74 Laura - 65 Mid Muarim - 56 Edward - 49 Aran - 48 Jill - 47 Naliah - 43 Tormod - 43 Leonardo - 41 Rafiel - 38 Ilyana - 37 Tauroneo - 34 Vika - 33 Lower Mid Black Knight - 26 Meg - 20 Low Fiona - 4 As you can see the list is heavily based on availability (Jill, Naliah) and the amount of units per chapter (BK). Of course I'm just using a simple point formula.
  6. Normal mode, nobody dies though in hard mode if someone unimportant dies and I have a turn left to win I usually leave them.
  7. In general... Earth > Dark > Water >Thunder > Fire > Light > Heaven > Wind Too bad there aren't many dark affinity users, most people only use MicaiahXSothe and Naesala and Giffca show up really late leaving only Calill and Soren. Thunder and Fire are debatable though defense/avoid work better together than attack/hit plus those two stats can be boosted with forges. Heaven is better than wind because it actually becomes useful during endgame.
  8. I once did a pt so I could get the dead Calill, non recruited Stefan and only Gareth survived convos. In a different playthrough I randomly killed Gareth to get the Nasir convo.
  9. You can change the story where they didn't take the old road and meet up with a decoy force. Marcia leaves to go support Elincia's group.
  10. Unless you're taking him or multiple sword users to endgame it's not going to hurt you if you don't recruit him for one playthrough.
  11. I think it's because Jill can activate her skill more often than Titania, though speed wise Titania should get it.
  12. I'm still here, I tend to read these topics in silence.
  13. Even using what they gave you in the game only a few characters that had no presence in PoR have no story. Micaiah - Branded, fortune teller, great strategizer, met and took care of Sothe Edward - Very active, thinks he's invincible Leonardo - Calm, thinks things through adds contrast to Edward. Nolan - Wise older man who like to read. Laura - Priest who is beginning to explore the world Aran - Uhh... Laura's friend Meg - Daughter of Brom, thinks she's engaged, delusional Volug - If you could understand him he'd be one of the coolest characters in the game. Fiona - Daughter of previous four-rider, lady or Marado Vika - Uhh... was a slave? Naliah - Queen of Hatari, the lost country Rafiel - Lost heron that can't fly. Heather - Becomes a theif to help her sick mother, may be gay. Danved - Is not Devdan Kyza - Uhh... extremely loyal to Gallia Lyre - Lethe's sister and loves Ranulf Skrimir - Future Gallia king, goes from "must kill everything" to "we need a plan" Pelleas - Thought to be long lost son of Ashnard, was an orphan, also undergoes character development. Well Kyza and Lyre were mentioned by name in PoR, but nothing was said about them.
  14. In PoR during the laguz kings meeting.
  15. As much as it pains me to do so I am going to have to drop out in this competition. School and work have been tough and I don't have enough time to keep writing meaningful responses without slowing down this competition. Maybe I'll try again in the summer when I have more time. My apologizes Smash and Prog (Vykan)
  16. It could have been possible all you needed to do was change around part 1 unit's starting level and divide the laguz's starting level by 2. Micaiah - 1 Edward - 2 Leonardo - 2 Nolan - 5 Laura - 1 Sothe - 15 Aran - 4 Ilyana - 6 Meg - 1 Volug - 7 Tauroneo - 20/8 Zihark - 18 Jill - 11 Fiona - 6 Tormod - 20/1 Muarim - 9 Vika - 6 Naliah - 16 Rafiel - 6 Black Knight - 20/20 Everyone else just moves down a tier. Though when you look at it in context of PoR many characters moved down from their starting level (Titania and Shinon are first tiers?)
  17. Hey Brom is amazing too, he just missed the meeting where all the armored knights injected the knight ward into their blood streams.
  18. They're the Dawn Brigade. Now that I think about it I take more members of the DB (the ones that stay during part 3) to endgame than the original 11 GM.
  19. Well it's important to the story, but he means...
  20. The DB could have used a couple of more levels in part 1 and another laguz chapter in part 3. The CRK could have used one large chapter to themselves and Ike's team capacity should have increased by about three.
  21. Boon can be attached to all Dragons so that doesn't give her an advantage over Kurth. Still Ena's support is much better than Kurth's and with this being a tier discussion Kurth's attacking doesn't look good. If only Kurth could be used in part 4 before endgame.
  22. I think the laguz know that Soren is branded. Since they don't exist why should you make a fuss of something that doesn't exist? They only acknowledge him when Soren talks to them or when Ike acknowledges Soren.
  23. Maybe they don't say anything because they aren't suppose to exist. Volug, Nailah and Rafiel didn't say anything when they met Micaiah.
  24. I think the biggest argument against that is the Black Knight can't be taken to endgame. Another one could be his placement; he's the best unit on the field, but would a tier player use him if he's going to cease to exist?
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