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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. As apology for the previous post (and for the day that's in it): I'd say it's become more difficult for those who are coming in without the institutional knowledge of setting up parties. (I'd say the main issue we're having is recruiting personally) I'll admit, not the kind of horror I expect from Kirby. Well that's a top tier monster from the series. Ah, there we are with the reasons, didn't find it looking earlier. If you saw what happened with the far right groups that set themselves up lately here, you'd see the only reason they weren't splitting before was because they were at each other before the parties were set up despite their main focus being on anti-immigrant actions. What little I've heard hasn't been great.
  2. Look, just woke up, not bothering on the boycott talk. It's something I find people aren't engaging on in real life enough so why deal in the online where people are... well more willing to be pricks to be blunt? As for Horseshoe Theory, I've been hovering around this space the last while and I feel like it's lazier than people let on. The idea that eventually they're the same in practice to decent society? And so often it's just "Left groups are as bad as the right" when on policy rarely is there anywhere near the acrimony. Sorry, just sick of it as a thing. Sandman (oofff for that second season), Stardust, Good Omens (with Pratchett), American Gods, fricking Coraline (The book it's based on), and that's the ones I can bet might be recognised. Yeah, I think some shows are getting wrapped up. I'm not so sure about that, here at the minute it's looking like they can't pull themselves together (though supposedly talks are happening, I feel like progress would be mentioned). And if anyone here's heard of our National Party, they already split over internal issues and it turned out they had what got referred to as Nazi Gold. Which yeah isn't the most dramatic examples, but the real fear has yet to materialise of someone to coalesce around.
  3. TIL Neil Gaiman is not immune from being shitacular, once again proof anyone can be awful people. Yeesh, that's a shit bit to be confronted with. Enshittification at work? /s Yeah, I'd ask but I don't think I want to force the tea out. Me looking at this text, tempted to give the bonk to horny jail: I ask myself if Twitter had a golden age. But in it's current state that question is immaterial. I feel.... mixed about this statement myself. I mean, I already dunk on my communication skills on this stuff (kind of a big deal with canvassing), but passing information onto people that they'll actually adjust their views with feels complicated to me, especially when you want to do more to alter how systems are ran. Not to mention being involved with actions in some form or another on top of just living your life is a thing. A great contrast with the grifting circle who can make enough off play their hits, with success breeding the image too. I think media framing is a real thing sadly, especially on the economic side of things. But that's a separate talk from communicating out to people who have to be reached to to at least some degree in an era where engaging with stuff that doesn't fit how they imagine the world is a boundary that's a pain in the ass to get through.
  4. You ever read something that you kinda nod to while a bit mixed about the discussion of exclusionary spaces, use of Radical feminism in the topic and wonder how applicable the hostility is outside online spaces really and then the last paragraph comes out of nowhere and punches you in the side? Fucking Tumblr text posts giving me emotional damage. I have been hoping for a price drop on Kirbo Goes Back to Sleepzone Maxima and hearing the new stuff mightn't be worth the trouble is just a little unfortunate. What happened with it?
  5. It seems like he's repeating it to himself to remember? Look, I don't know. I've already retracted one interpretation of text in the last day or so, I'm not up for it again. (Will you be dealing with alternate dialogue in 5? Fair enough if not, there's a good amount of it) Nice avoid. It's on the lower end of most of the outright mages, 35% being the second lowest and 4 base still seeming decent enough in context of the early game but if he doesn't get much in the way of procs before others show up it's worth interrogating keeping him around if you were too profligate with Grafcaliber. In his defence, his promotion is also busted. Sisters and Bards get one extra magic, but +5 Mag and +4 Def is far from nothing to sneeze at, while +6 Spd and his growth mean.... he wishes Spd could cap higher. Pfft, I thought the AI did know about FoW in this game? Thanks S. Kaga. At the very least the only one who hasn't been imprisoned, executed or ran out (Musar!)
  6. No, I was on about interactions between characters not named Leif but not going into detail as the run is still early on. Could have been clearer there. Leonster is also there. For some reason. The only province name they have officially changed for some reason.
  7. I have been in this place before Hmm, not happy to hear that. On an unrelated point, I do feel like avenues to be meeting up are somewhat changed and that people generally aren't taking them so much. I do get the vibe more people are taking the "gee why is everyone getting offended?" response than we let on too, certainly with less info on why shit be fucked with a lot of things The right side also has Red V White Cross, while the left has OGHRE Vs Iberian Empire going on
  8. >Checks Chapter 1 again It really do be like that. Can't comment on The Dark Eye, not a familiar system. Wouldn't it be nice. Hell, you could play up the decision paralysis in Thracia only to add to this being something actually shown later on in Gen 2. Just a thought if someone who happens to be writing for certain things if they're ongoing were to find this corner of the internet, hint hint. How many characters do? Ignoring Leif. I can think of the Dandelion crew, Fiana early on, feel like there's fewer and fewer as the game goes on. Don't want to say more as the game's ongoing.
  9. At the minimum you can read it as some mocking chivalry, which considering how that's seen fair to say pervy. Tone is harder in non-narrated dialogue. I could still see him only saying it mockingly from this man who is a treacherous snake. Off that topic, I'm trying to figure out if there's an allusion to RuaidrĂ­ Ua Conchobair (referred to as Last High King of Ireland, King of Connacht and leading figure against the Norman invasion) with Raydrik's name. I would say considering the romanisation was Leidrik likely not. It's the random part and how they spawn in that get to me about this. How do we rank this, MotE BII 3 and others like it? Cements his dickishness that's for sure. Yes it's good characterisation, but Lifis is still... yeah. Imagine if the lying hadn't worked Classic error. Like FFIVDS's FuSoYa mistranslation telling you to attack the wrong core, likely leading to your death on the boss at the end of the second last dungeon. Fergus really feels like a dev favourite with not having to switch weapons indoors, the FCM, Beo Sword access...... Is it Catria Dev? You can get up to 65% and the big one is soon enough, so salvagable? The promotion doubles his base Spd though pfft. ....But why burn the Hill of Tara to make us fear? Tara is in Meath. I mean, effort? I know there may have been constraints on how much they could expand on this technically, the result being the child hunts never get shown to be as horrifying as they sound. It's surprising Manfroy doesn't express his likely vehement objection to her saying this though.
  10. The Dual-Dye Dog thief would eventually be caught after the war Yeah, shoot, my bad. Panama has right of conquest over America That kid with the butterfly net didn't realise the consequences of his actions that day. Never trust you're in the inner group. For some, pretty sure that's the point. (Speaking of stupid shit, TIL there's a group of people who are originalists about our constitution. Which, just, is so dumb and it's apparent they've taken after that kind of movement in the US probably get money from them too but I digress and chances are it'd be an unpleasant day to find them out and about) I'd doubt we'll see this only in South Korea sadly. Dems looking at that dog dunking: I figured something in that direction, but yeah, can't have been there to see it.
  11. I think Pandora's Box opened again. Butterfly migration I'd heard of, but certainly not on that scale. Wonder what led to that happening. Concern is there, but no point in letting that get to me before the runoff at this point. Least they got to the quarter finals.
  12. This statement feels real to me, outside soccer to some extent as well. In all fairness, Rowling seems to be doing this on her own steam. She is so convinced about it she's Oh that's unfortunate. Did another time come up? Oh good grief someone with 6 +10 Child Marks. From fighting child soldiers to SotC. This is a moment for sure. This, telling everyone they're sick of experts ala Gove, the legal bribes, who knows what else I missed. Point is, that's a hefty swing in the balance of powers. I wasn't wanting to mention it in Teehee, but the thing I find fascinating is how much they leave official act to interpretation in it. It's on purpose, but still. Also, sorry for not comiserating the Mexican team's exit from Copa America yesterday.
  13. By the next console generation scalpers will be shot Corrin would find a way to get more goals in that scenario. I would argue in it's current state that depends on how many of these keys have been downloaded and how many times for each. The energy consumption on this? I couldn't calculate. Why is this so cool and uncommon? The article says the public accounts under SteamIDFinder and 73 million. My question now is what's the number not accounted for - the accounts set to private.
  14. Got through the rest of the film, just going to abbreviate what I lost when the laptop crashed: This is the Thanks I Get is the first villain song in over a decade, worst in that time by default and contender if not winner overall. The other songs do not get better, let me tell you. Usually I fall for the twang of an acoustic guitar soloing a theme quietly, so this failing that on When You Wish Upon a Star is on them. Knowing What I Know Now is awful, might just pip I'm A Star and it's terrible lyrics for worst here though. The story is pretty dang bland overall, but I did fall for the decoy bit because I am stupid. Disney stealing the Star Rod off Kirby, shame. Also the offbrand Luma is certainly not much of a character, which it needed much more than the bottom rung mascot animal in Valentino. Asha also isn't much good as protag, the queen's face turn is certainly at speed but gosh Magnifico. You could actually write a whole piece on his weird bellyflop into villainy, the speedrun of figuring out what he can do with the wishes and how the cover of him as a benevolent sorcerer is shattered poorly because they have to justify him as villain because Asha wanted to get her family's wishes (because she has 17 and hadn't yet given hers, so her selfishness has to be tied to other's desires. Can we talk about never seeing her mom's wish?). With the minor cast a wash, Wish is lacking in the story, characters and music. The animation is at least better, but still has issues as the first film Disney does like this (I feel they're pretty far along with humans, but the animals and others could do with some work). Also, the casting's fine but doesn't really get to dimly glow on this script. So, overall, Wish, do not recommend unless you're looking to do a group hatewatch I guess? A lesson? Well, make it matter more than it should from this. Disney as a whole seemed to have a faceplant for their 100th year Somehow he'd activate a dragon vein to reverse the growth of the pitch, only to salt it. Any SRW games able to be played faster than 90 minutes? It's probably to avoid making an asteroid the size of a pebble count as a planet, but the size threshold seems cruel at times. (And unfortunate for those in the past to realise Ceres was on orbits within orbits within orbits (probably) within orbits) It was the bit right after the bit I quoted, but that's bad too. The real god of that DLC is Football Manager
  15. Actually, no, I paused just before more actual bad lines came through. This particular song is so bad in it's lyrics and sung..... not inspiringly that's for sure. Disney had a terrible 2023 and it's their own fault. The fact that this is Disney is why this story sounding like it might have her taking the wishes will not make her a villain and not do so either, right? Also, Spain, you're breaking my heart here. I would say this is not a defence of Asha, I want her to be a villain in this case. A villain protag where we see why she takes this road that leads to her country's ruin. Keep in mind, this is me reacting as I go through this.... One would argue why I'm doing this to myself. I mean, curiosity combined with kinda not being able to head off somewhere while minding two dogs. Okay, so part of it is there being a lot of new balls being juggled, okay. And will all of them even matter? Customer shouting about the stupidest stuff "Riki leave that one for Dunban!" Customer on hold
  16. Sheema on drugs, of course she had to to make sure Marth didn't take her revenge from her by any means necessary. Why yes, Gotoh is really stupid. Hey look, a fun choice.
  17. "When it comes to the universe, we're all shareholders, Get that through your system Solar!" This is an actual line in a song. The people saying Wish was AI written were wrong. The thought I had this film was the most boring game of mad libs was wrong. It seems like the death of creativity personified was on the writing staff. Like a spirit of tepidness was hired and just let loose here. Ancient, powerful and so mundane. Again, top goalscorer was there in the group stages. I am unsurprised they're putting it up to Spain at least. Wait, three studios? That's news to me. Planning for the future, on a scale befitting some of their villains. Also, customer service????đŸ˜² This is a statement I cannot figure out. What is their aim there? Inb4 Monolithsoft announce a GaaS Gacha Oh, so you actually liked it before then? I retract my previous statement. Is it merely about slow pace? Or is something else making it more enmired?
  18. After 20 minutes, I have seen Wish should have been about Asha fomenting a revolution, formed from a core of desiring vengeance on the king for his rejection of her familiy's wishes and employ. It would end with the king dying as the city falls on top of him and the people of Rosas seeing their wishes fade away, teasing the ephemeral nature of society and the wishes they handed to a mad king who desired control, while also breaking the hearts of those who trusted him and seeing Asha as less hero and more saboteur. Meanwhile, Georgia hype real? - Is what I said before the Spanish team levelled. Wait, why are you even- I thought Anime = bad? Edit: Retracted, kept on record for posterity. Span V Georg, truly the fight of the centure
  19. England snatching a last second goal as I'm there rooting for the underdog. That's it, I shouldn't look at soccer again. I'd say it's one of those that takes a basic sequel idea, which tends to play weird for a movie made years before without a sequel in mind. The fact the post credits scene set up for a film that could have been better doesn't help. Speaking of Pixar and sequels, I should be using my cinema pass more.
  20. On the playlog talk, I could see the possibility. My main issue is that I have a laptop with no sound and I haven't dealt with that issue at all because I've had enough on my mind. I was mentioning for swords specifically, but I am underrating what he can do. Must be me forgetting about being able to steal equipped items.
  21. I find it funny that I may have forgotten watching Finding Dory previously, bit of it's prominent surface focus on memory loss and it's own being kinda unnoteworthy in practice playing out. The fact I'm unsure of this is laugh worthy, though I don't recall the climax at all so I'd bet not actually. Interesting to hear that it's less of a thing than I expected in the US. The family member I mentioned has a bakery on the property, no idea how often it's checked.
  22. Any particular highlights from the runs for you? He'd be a monster keeper for puckouts, all I'm saying. Shur Limerick isn't even Stab City anymore gah! /s Play again and be intentionally even more unprepared He can rob Slim Swords and Rapiers. The real bother for me is his con growth's 10%, which sucks for trying to rob more powerful stuff. That and being a shitheel. 7 levels to go! Ranking this set of rescuees: Mystery Item Baldr (Because Crit protection) +2 Def Unit Gomez is so close to getting it, right? Right? Man, a Tellius game where Titania is leading the Greil Mercs could probably be easily done.
  23. I'd forgotten it had been that long since, German soccer has had it rough the last while. Watch Georgia actually beat Spain and Germany now and be Euro 2024 darlings That's the thing. Content may be arguably generous (though I don't know about those who were in the doc). There's a lot to be doing in food production, to be careful of and when it's your livelihood, it's a long job that needs doing. I've a family member who does bagels and there's a good deal of work in that, late hours, plenty of time selling too. The kids have no interest in getting into it seeing the time involved. My point with that was that it probably would have travelled slower without ships. And the villain remembered, realising "I can plant my secret base where everyone forgot, mwahahahaha". Good eye on that guy. Wonder how that powder tastes. And true, no tomate. "exported the smallpox" - Yep, what fun. Spin a wheel for it.
  24. The thing for this post is "Hey, that's something I didn't know before" Also, Dublin can't win the football. That next Knives Out film had to go for waking up dead in the title RIP in pieces Pluto, you deserve recognition too. Maybe they'll have found that odd reading that might be a planet (or something like Pluto) by that time? I dare ask three MC in a VN? So you can choose who you play as? Or am I misreading protagonist into it? I mean, so fast? sure. More distance, more exposure events, makes sense that shipping is filthy Wonder how many species have spread as far as they have due to taking advantage of human transit The Swiss threw my lasagna out the window
  25. There were people who all their lives knew Pluto as a planet, dying before it lost that status. interesting is all. RIP Engineer driving a car with three sentries on it. Having multiple records of your dealings being not above board and being known for that. Some legacy, one might say. Course, this is all we have. Imagine if it actually was infrequent and this is how you're remembered. I'd see what avenues there are to getting out and meeting people. It certainly helped. On the other hand my relationship with home has been a bit more strained lately, probably as much from me wanting to focus on my life and not feeling like it's as relaxing heading back (there's always something to do, for instance) and getting frustrated with them at that. Goddamm international shipping
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