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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Well, I would say this is a disappointment. On the surface it certainly looks that way and it doesn't help that media are likely to take that surface look and run with it. However, there's a particular thread discussing the conclusions raised in this summary from Barr I want to link here. This seems like a solid discussion of the report Barr gave and I recommend taking a look. Whatever else, I don't think the lead is dead and buried. What's more, there's a good bet that further investigations will be dragged out for some time. It doesn't help that there's enough red flags around Trump from other people in various stages of legal hot water that innocence would require him to be absolutely out of the loop with nearly everyone. Begun, the Collusion Wars have.
  2. Causing Benedict here to react like he slipped on a banana peel. Except it's an arrow. I bet Green Arrow has a banana arrow.
  3. Oh yeah, the bond banner. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 5* Kinoka (YES! Finally A 5 star that doesn't break the bank! +Def/-HP, I mean it might be better than my current one, but really not by much. Atk/Spd bond though, that's some spicy fodder.) I also have enough for another pull on the bunny banner. I swear, I shouldn't have bothered. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Tharja (Tharnah. +Def/-Res)
  4. I'm going to be honest, coming across this part of the opening made me think some unfortunate things had gone on. You know, the Oedepial kind. Not that it matters thanks to Delfadonekilledaking. My offer of covering route splits still stands. 1. This ain't Shining Force levels of shitty move though. 2. Yep. I haven't seen what a certain map is like but it was apparently insane in earlier versions. 3. Oh yes, the final map is still fucking nuts. 4. I mean, I know I don't hate elves gameplay wise. Base Konrad: anything but based. Thank fuck he gets better, unlike Malin. Delfadalf: he's like Gandalf didn't just help when shit really hit the fan. Not that he won't be conveniently absent though. *Internal AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'll be honest, I'm jealous you did this. I spent half the bloody campaign trying to promote one of these.
  5. ....... That's depressing. Not one generic? I think you're either right or close to it. I mean, I do think it feels like a slog. That could be because of your options on lower ranks though. And as for slower, BB's one thing, but Thracia is glacial. It's just that in that game if you actually manage to keep units alive long enough they'll have gotten to higher ranks eventually.
  6. My point is, never enough. Lot was a Lot. He wasn't enough though, especially with the amount of replacements you had to have. Well, sometimes I want to see a meme unit get his chances. :P Didn't say otherwise, just wanted to point out that one because I liked it. At least get me name right if you're planning on using it in a manner like that. And why would you want someone you liked so much for memeing on me? :P Suddenly, telepathy! Is everyone just mind reading each other? SHE HAS THE BRAND! Also, Maria? Maeve? Do all these kids have birth names beginning with M? Dammit Kaga. I should be keeping score. She didn't, did she? Woah, when did Holmes care for Katri's wellbeing? Zach here never learned diplomacy. As we know based on events. That's a clever play. Ahab probably could have gotten him killed since though, once he'd built up enough loyal support. I believe this is your reaction to this revelation. No, but then again Norton was the same. It's like she has plot armour. Oh wait. What indicated she would be? Or get him imprisoned for over a decade and cause a second Ahab to reign over Salia. I mean with a name like that it's bound to happen. Ahab, how could you be such a hypocrite? Oh who am I kidding, of course he'd do it the rat bastard. ..... Well, he could mean it. He had done so with Zach so far. Also, that sounds like a legit threat that could work if Guenchaos didn't seem more OP than Nergal. Lydia might need a therapy session. Or a dozen, whatever's called for. ...... The reunion is gonna suck so hard. Did Arran fuck up again? Or is this the same thing driving him to death? L'Oreal? WD40? Extensions? Botox? I'll see myself out. So seemingly nothing new, but who knows? You do @Saint Rubenio Could be worse, they could be listening to Simple Plan at full blast. Methinks this is part of that mountain range that Lyn passes my in BS. Talivar Mountains, I think. Yep, I finally have a comparison to Bizzaro Sacae for the first time in a while. Wow Katri, she should probably leave him with the sweet F All he's done for her. Maybe that reset hit her harder than we thought.
  7. Hence why I'm on board with the name change. He does not betray Garon enough for Macbeth to make sense. I mean, fuck wow. Iago you mad genius. I would get the guillotine out but those can't really be a thing in FE.
  8. Yeah, steadfast is a bit better than that. It doubles their resistances when attacked. The real stinger? It's a maximum of 50%. Pretty solid all things considered. Worst? I'm not so sure, considering that their damage output is pretty good if they can get their attacks in. Definitely a poor unit, it'd be better if they dealt fire damage, it being pierce does them no favours. It's such a bizzare way to do it though. Though I think the suggestion of making it so they turn near the end of the map is worse. I mean, why wouldn't they buff him to that level? Necromancer's not so OP that an extra move would make it godly. The promotions: Ghosts but actually terrifying opponents.
  9. Is there something lost in translation that's more than just changing the name from Macbeth (a change I was okay with)?
  10. Finally have enough again. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green 3* Henry (No. Stop it. +Atk/-Spd), 3* Seth (I am honestly wanting an overhaul to either make bad fodder worth a damm or an overhaul of the pool. Honestly, using this fodder for skill refinery seems like the way I'm thinking. +Def/-Spd), 4* Est (NOT THE RIGHT PINK HAIRED LANCE FLIER. +HP/-Atk, not that it matters), 4* Odin (WHY DID I DO THIS. +Spd/-Atk) 3.75%, just in time for the TT to be a slog. Fuck.
  11. All your stat boosts are down there I guess. Enemies tend to take their chance to break them as well you see. Not much changes this early on but the stronger buildings get, the more that they make a difference. It's something I tend to have in mind when moving stuff around on these maps.
  12. I know I'm pretty on board with something that improves upon Legend of Dragoon, but I just wanted to point to this because I WANT THIS TO BE THE FUCKING STANDARD. I'd just like for that character to not be hideously overlevelled for fucking once. Where do I beam this message? The Sims might honestly need one, certainly to have a game that doesn't feel like the DLC costs such a massive amount over the base game (I say that while the first Sims had a large amount of expansions, I know. But it's gotten worse!).
  13. I know I was trashing them quite a bit there. It's just that I can't see them getting much traction and being easy prey. On the other hand the orcs don't have much pierce options, barring bows. Which still means they lack piercing melee.
  14. So easier to kill, but does more damage. I'm beginning to wonder if this lot are worth it. A level 1 unit with leadership. That can't promote. Guess he'll be with the other goblins. In the trash.
  15. Another rerun. I don't really want anyone from this, I don't have Chrom and that'd be alright, but Bunilla's there. I would like Springcina, but Spring Xander is there too. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* M!Robin (Scales tipped? +Atk/-Res)
  16. I mean, Mycen could be gay. Him X Leon though? No, that's just awful. Honestly, I'm more shocked you didn't think to use the Titania one because I hadn't changed in a while. Don't jinx it man. Besides you're the same guy who benched Gonzy. You have no appreciation of the amount of axes you need. ..... I don't know why I bother. You sure that came out wrong? He's bow-locked on dismount? Good luck on certain maps if he has to be there. Other than that he's fine. Yes. Yes I am. I will await your reveal. Speaking of good axes, Ippei's done Gonzy (and a Heroes OC I guess, but Gonzy!).
  17. So, it's another banner with a free pull. 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Reinhardt (I mean, I wish he was something else. +Spd/-Def)
  18. So, I will say it's kind of all the above. I mean, @pnt just pointed to one example there of how viability is not impossible for pretty much anyone not named Bantu (RIP), but I'll get to explaining where I think it fits all four adjectives. Unbalanced? I mean, Kris is a powerful unit and all, but not your be all and end all honestly. Yes the utility of some units is clearly higher than others, but it is absolutely possible to use those "Free Silvers" in at least some way. Broken? I feel like where it most applies would be covered under balance honestly and so this adjective doesn't quite fit, but I mean Lunatic Reverse literally breaks the rules to add a challenge. Challenging? Oh my it is on higher difficulties, I tip my hat to those who can do Lunatic Reverse with bad units. Fair? On the one hand the situations in higher difficulties are utterly nuts, but the game gives you ways to get around issues on the trickier challenges (the stat boosters and Rainbow potion being the most blatant) and knowing how to do these things is absolutely learnable, this game is nowhere near as RNG reliant as it might seem (I'd say that this is probably one of the least RNG reliant in the series).
  19. Wait, is this standalone or is this additional or DLC for the base game?
  20. I've cleared a bunch, but I'll just nmention the most recent, P31+32. Idunn just eats the first part mostly alone (though with the boosts the enemies get in 31+32, Myrrh in particular gets some combat. So do the others, I'd argue F!Grima got a few hefself), though I'm eventually burnt out and from the fifth map a flier team of NY!Fjrom, GunntNY, Brinian and Kinoka took the rest out themselves.
  21. Another day, another bunch of bunnies. 2 Blue, 1 each Red, Green, Colourless 3* Marth (Not good fodder. +Atk/-Res) 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Eirika (I do not need more of you... would it be worth a +10? +HP/-Spd), 4* Hinata (Nice. +Spd/-Atk)
  22. So, the rerun. I don't think I've had as easy a time in a while. Flier cleared with NY!Fjorm, GunntNY, Brinian and Cherche, who all had an easy time wiping this lot out. I started on Ishtar, dealt with the enemy as they came (Rein was 1-rounded, I think the mage 1-shot) and the end involved Cherche hitting the archer, who had to run back for the Manakete, who died in 1 round to Cherche and left a space for her to get the archer. Askrtrio cleared with Nohrzura. Cheating for me, sure, but this map was a joke and it was easy to get stuff done with her around. Alfonse gets danced and sits on the left to face the archer and manakete (the archer hits, the manakete dies. They should have doubled, but Alfonse 1-shot). The next turn he pulls back while Anna and Sharena start dealing with Rein and the mage. Rein dies first, the mage then dies next turn alongside the now caught up Ishtar and archer.
  23. I think I'd take pegasus rider Moneyman. Certainly over Rolf. Why is the Mage Knight so close in promo bonuses when it is just ridiculous because it gets most of the sage's promo stats and a horse? Just inspiring, no wonder he has that many. A true leader of men. Is he a dwarf with that pickaxe? Poor Alec, benched despite him trying. I suppose it's a regular occurrence in the realms Elder magic is drawn from. "Good job, you tried!" Oscar and tankiness are hand in hand, I'll have yo know! Good to see this back too.
  24. I find it cute the ghost is named Andy of all things. Why Andy? So wait, he's not not undead? How did that happen? So you can say his Presance makes generic Exorcists irrelevant.
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