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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. I am going to say, I expected this to be impossible for a bit. Instead, B!Lyn saved the day by tanking the archer and mage after taking out the cavalier. Most of the rest aw me take advantage of her and Mageirika's low HP after tanking attacks to take out excess enemies, Ephraim coming in to tank hits, especially with Roy and Frederick to smash blue units on occasion. I was expecting more reinforcements honestly after turn 2's ridiculous round. Also, the armour did nothing of value. Abyssal? No. Fricking. Thanks.
  2. I think that should be a good way to express it. Also, you double posted. Seemed strange when I saw two notifications.
  3. I mean, Gen 7 being sluggish might be because you're using an older console and it really slows down on anything before the New DS lines. Hell, Moon crashed a couple times on my 3DS XL, a concept that surprised me. Well, I would fully disagree on some of Gen 7 being slow or frustrating but as I was getting back into US I got enraged because of one battle where the Dewpider just kept getting reinforcements which led to my defeat more than once, confirming to me that No, that mechanic is a pain in the backside. Also, yeah I understand, but a lot of it has been built up from Gen 6 anyway (I probably got through Y mainly because the Exp Share allowed me to try for variety in the party). Tri Attack probably got it in Let's Go as it was a Gen 1 TM. I don't think I disagree though, at least make it a move tutor move. With 3, I would assume so. I wonder to what extent, which part of the region and what everything will be based off of. I assume Arthurian lore will show up in some form. On 4, it seems like there's no hint of Ireland being in it, which is likely Nintendo never remembering Ireland exists (see us being lumped into their UK operations) or possibly wanting to avoid that controversy considering the history. I don't think I noticed too much as it was in the trailer, I guess I'll see what analysis finds out.
  4. I was wondering how recruitable they were. Shame it's the map after. It is Normal, so I have been getting concerned about that in fairness. I have been avoiding Michiah getting too many kills in more recent chapters, there's a good chance I won't be using other units in this army at this rate. "day?" Bit confused by that. Good thing I have 2 Master seals as needed.
  5. Oh boy here I go being disappointed again! 2 each Blue, Green, 1 Red 4* Sophia (I swear, I want her gone too. +HP/-Def) 3 Red, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Caeda (Should I consider merging her? +Res/-Atk), 4* Olivia (Another dancer I wasn't looking for. +Def/-Res), 3* Fir (Someone I wanted even less! +HP/-Atk) 4.5%, I'm not sure I'll have enough for another session. Joy.
  6. Yeah, that wince had to come from somewhere. Ah yes, this thing. Really does make some units useful despite not being in line with the rest of the faction. The RNG don't give a duck. That I never fully got over. This description's great. I don't remember this being the case when I first played. Note I said I don't remember, I could be remembering wrong. So yeah, I actually have some history with this game. I always felt a bit awkward playing it, but I did play through quite a bit of the campaigns at the time. It has been years since I played it however, I do think part of its appeal was that I had next to nothing else for a Linux system and this was freely available. I never got to making a good custom map in that time.
  7. I actually thought I had no units for the next refinery update (there are like 10 units who want one refine or another) but I forgot Sonya. Well crap, add her to the pile. Also, yeah the cutting of free orb resources is concerning and one that deserves calling out. Anyone have a form email for people to work off of?
  8. Finished 1-4 today, though not without lack of stupidity that caused me to reset who knows how many times at this point because I forgot something. I got all of the items from it, Sothe ended up getting the boss exp and most of the party's over level 10... except for Meg, who I dropped and Laura who I have avoided levelling a bit. And afterwards, we get to see Rafiel (aka the Serenes massacre wasn't 100% effective No. 4) singing to some wolves, including Nailah (I hope she's as busted as she is in Heroes) and we get Michiah giving the great burn to Sothe even I saw before. Oh and we get Volug later on.Shame his boosts are lesser because of halfshift. So, for 1-5 we'll get Jill, Zihark and Tauroneo? I am already excited.
  9. Considering what they did with Nuibaba, I can absolutely get over her having fan service. Hell, it's confirmed she's not even a Duma worshipper (Medusa is her goddess), the execution of her intimidating presence is pretty dang good in SoV and she has some backstory, which is a lot better than a lot of 1-off villains in the series. I would recommend SoV honestly because of the presentation and how well it handles a story that's older than I am (Also Awakening if you can stand a lot of what doesn't work with it and Conquest if you focus on the gameplay and use the story as joke material after chapter 13 (Okay, barring that stretch from Chapter 22-25. That's also actually pretty good.) Sennet's on the Senate though. How is it nice, this thing that could have been useful to expand on a character who actually needed such gets relegated to the side and is also not as detailed as I think it needed to be. Now, anyone who wishes to point out how wrong I am on that? Do so, I don't pretend to know all of Fates's supports inside and out. I wonder what he was actually going to say. Also, considering I still associate Lena with killing Gharnef in SD, I could see her stepping in if need be. I was joking about pronunciation, it's still spelt Camus. I mean, it's not terrible though. I didn't say it was absolutely blind (which is part of the reason to argue ) She's in shock? In the sense that she's trying to avoid noticing the castle blow up? Lydia's ex, thought he and Not-Martel were working together based on how the screenshots were structured. I think I'm desecrating more than Arran in that situation. Jeez Eugen, do you want people to finish TearRing or not? Honestly, considering Gramud died in a blaze of glory of his own I'll ultimately side with Runan. Course I'm probably not the most impartial as well as my favourite is Canas, who got killed by Storm Continuity Error. Wait, really? I mean, I'd complain it's Aethin's fault if I thought that was a translation error. As is, dammit Kaga. Isn't it six? You really get angry about the Archaneans. Are we sure the racist Judgralians aren't the ancestors of this lot? Like ten would stagger a manakete. We know he could just transform and deal with it better there. I'm sorry, but apparently this dialogue was missing. Man, either Ares or Arvis were enough of an inspiration for this character's name if I'm right on the Jugudis (which is a bit of a shame as neither of them are considered racists). Somehow. Narcian isn't all that lategame though. Nergal would be more suitable. But none of them were Maerchen. I see Lawrence, Hannibal and Douglas were too slowed down to get there. I mean, really? You'd kill off Matthis? Depends. Is he unpromoted?
  10. He can't pass the Hero Bow as it can only be gotten in Gen 1 for Jamke or Midayle if they paired up with Adean. Arden is a pretty mediocre dad in my opinion, mainly because there are better options on most every parameter. He is a bit better for inheritance but it's nothing that other dads can't do (aside from Lex, the chracter most compare him to funnily enough)
  11. Still don't have Myrrh. I hope this time's it. 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Green 4* Draug (Wrong armour. +Res/-Def) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Raigh (JUST DIE ALREADY. +Atk/-Def) ..... Really, that's it?
  12. So, did Normal with low HM units and Hard and Lunatic with a team of HK!Marth, Silas, Dorcas and Genny. Holy crap that Infernal though, still stuck on it.
  13. I mean, it's literally a chao but a salamander body. It's not awful mind, but I also assume we're also going to have to get used to exclusively 3d art for the series too, so that's a possible issue. (And yes, so far I'm all for Grookey.) I've already said UK as the inspiration, but I should probably clarify it as GB (Because there's no NI in it. This matters because they didn't lump Ireland in the UK, while once again showing that Nintendo don't remember Ireland exists? Probably confirms Ireland won't get in any future title, because with it so small in comparison why would they?). Also, pretty sure we see a stadium. Is the Pokeathlon coming back? I'd be on board. @UNLEASH IT The weather's really mild right now, it's over 20 in places there and sunny too.
  14. More shots at Myrrh! 3 Blue, 2 Red 4* M!Morgan (Good fodder. +HP/-Atk), 4* Sylvia (Please just get the 5* out of the way. +Def/-Res)
  15. Direct time. Hopefully this is good. First off, Gen 8. It is Switch, looks pretty nice actually, I think I'd have to look it over to see more details but my guess is it's in the UK with some steampunk stuff. We also get to see the starters, the fire one seems alright I guess, the water starter is literally a chao and the grass one seems alright too, probably my favourite. It's also called Sword and Shield, so King/Queen is off. Masuda shows up ), describes the games as new and he's just redescribing the trailer before passing to Ohmori. From him we get told the region's called Galar, we get the starter names (Just, a name like Grookey. I must pick him) and a worldwide release. Then we get teased about more and it just ends. I mean, it could be worse, but we got so little information here. I do think there'll be a lot to guess in it though, good speculation fodder. @Dai I mean, it's pretty likely they'll be there if I'm right on the region.
  16. You guys might remember the time I pulled on the December legendary banner. It went so poorly I forgot to get these orbs. Let's fix that. Normal cleared with low HM units. Hard and Lunatic cleared with my tactics team of Shrio, L!Lyn, L'Arachel and Seigbert. Infernal is as ridiculous as I heard. I fear what Abyssal looks like.
  17. RIP Banjo and Kittan then. Also congrats on the clear. Is 311 a particularly strong LTC for this game?
  18. Okay. And wow, making those skills more RNG reliant is pretty bad in a game where biorhythm exists. Least someone saw sense there I guess? Well, that's good to know. Anyways, went from the battle save I had to make after last time. Thankfully, I can get Michiah and Nolan up there to save Aimee and Kurth. Unfortunately I had to reset too many times from that battle save due to stupid little things and I was on turn 18 by the end, but Chapter 1-3 is done and Michiah has 13 Spd. And also apparently Ashnard has a child. Regardless, took a swing at 1-4 and so far it doesn't seem too horrible, though I did get a crit or two to make things easier. Also now that I have a convoy and ask I have to ask if I should be focusing on the more expensive bargains or what weapons are worth it right away.
  19. Hey look a dancer. No Shadowshot sadly. His base speed at least doesn't make him irredeemable. Saviour could also work to your advantage with slower units after promotion. I guess I was wrong on Ross base wise, but his higher move is still to his advantage and of course you can have a train of dancers with both. No bad thing to have both and Wary Fighter helps them survive. Why is that torch droppable? These games sometimes. Yes, the minotaur who's raiding villages has a nice personality.
  20. Oh my yes. There's no way we'll get much, but hey it's something. It's 2 pm here, so I won't be sleeping through it.
  21. Still to do: Play through RD Second playthrough of RD with transfer data Axe only playthroughs of BS HHM and BB HM MotE Prepromotes only Book 2. As I wish: Awakening: Grind up for Apotheosis Secret Route Check what supports are left. Fates: Get supports Prepare Corrino (Where Corrin can't be used after Chapter 6) SoV: Buy DLC (Hoping for a sale) Three Houses: Acquire Switch Get Three Houses Hope for value for both.
  22. So, last time I tried to get Hallow'een Myrrh, I ended up on a 6.25% pity rate and didn't get her (I didn't go away with nothing, it's not that tragic). This time, let's see if I can get her. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 4* Chrom (Chrom pls. +Res/-Atk), 4* Chrom (PLS. +Def/-HP) 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* A!Tiki (There's better fodder game. +HP/-Res) 3 Blue, 2 Green 3* Jagen (Oh look, more grumpy old men. +Spd/-Atk) 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Henry (Not really good fodder any more. +HP/-Atk), 4* M!Morgan (Well, it's better fodder. +Spd/-Atk, is this better than +Atk?) 3.25% 3 Green, 2 Blue (Noooooo) 4* Oboro (Honestly worthless as fodder. +Red/-Def) 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Seth (Such disappoint. +HP/-Atk) 3 Colourless, 2 Blue (FUUUUUU) 3* Florina (Florino. +Res/-Atk) 3 Red, 2 Colourless 4* Hinata (More Fury. Good. +Atk/-Def), 4* Hinata (Once again, good. +Spd/-HP), 4* Seth (There are others. +Atk/-Def) 3.5% 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 4* Sophia (Sophinah. +Res/-Def), 4* Lilina (Maybe her nature's good? +Spd/-HP, I just can't get +Atk) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 3* Raigh (Trash. +Res/-Spd), 4* Soleil (Well, that's not bad. +Spd/-Res, think I have that), 4* Olivia (Ugh. +HP/-Atk) 3.75% 4 Colourless, 1 Blue (Fuck.) 4* Nowi (Again, I was concerned. +Def/-HP) 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless (Oh come on!) 4* Clair (Whew. +Atk/-HP) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green 4* Henry (Heno. +Res/-Spd), 3* Lilina (Maybe this time? +Atk/-HP, it's finally time to promote her!), 3* Marth (Absolutely not 5* man. +HP/-Res) 4%. The Breidablik just eats orbs, be right back. Edit: I return with more orbs. 4 Colourless, 1 Red 3* Raigh (Would Luke be worse than this? +Atk/-Spd)
  23. O shi waddup here comes that boi First off, nah this won't be best Roy art. Second, what's the icon next to the fire bonus? Anyway, he has Dragonbind (which is DC and Dragon effectiveness), Dragon Fang 4, Bonus Doubler 3 (Doubles any bonuses on him, which sounds amazing, but yeah probably not for non-infantry.), Renewal 3 and Human Virtue (Which grants him and allies +6 Atk/Spd so long as they're next to him and not beasts/dragons. Man, Ninian must be upset). As am I because he's an infantry sword again. He might have good enough BST though. As for the others, Red has Hrid and Danciah where I have Hrid but DC and maybe better nature could convince me, Blue has L'Ephraim, H!Niles and A!M!Corrin, which only could interest me with that Corrin but now with the other two, Green has Gunnthra, A!F!Corrin and Surtr, none of which I have so that would be neat and Colourless has F!Grima, Mikoto and DanXander, where I think I'll pass. So anyways, Red > Green > Blue > Colourless ...... Oh shit did they skip Quan? Dammit IS, you had a chance for months now. When will he show up again? Also yeah, I wonder what would have happened if Surtr was chosen instead of L!Lyn?
  24. Simply put, how crazy you want everything to go. The higher it is, the more randomised whatever things will be randomised are.
  25. Didn't know that one.. Like I said, I'd have to check what needs to be done to cause it, but it's a possibility. I've seen it when I tried. As opposed to Whereverns, Whoverns, Whatverns or Whenverns? That Speed though. Shame his growths aren't so hot. Christ that's awful. Where's good Vanessa? Next time: Seth kills a womanly man on a mountain?
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