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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Got another ticket, so another shot for Fjorm. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless (Just..... Where are the green orbs?) 4* Henry (Look it's more fodder. +Def/-Atk)
  2. Mage > Sage > Archsage Alternate path: Druid > Dark Druid (Third promotion requires event)
  3. "Next time you want to shout out, take out your Not-A-Gun replica and whip it out!"
  4. Aside from that, there's not going to be any more progress for a few days. I'm visiting relatives so I'm not going to be playing. I mean, I hope it won't result in this.
  5. Two things: 1: HK!Marth. I'm thinking about merging, but I want to figure out which is better between +HP/-Def and +Def/-HP. I'm leaning towards +HP because of the changes to merging coming soon. 2: Canas getting Mystic Boost. Change my mind. (aka anything people recommend in particular?) (btw, this is because I got an Eir and a spare)
  6. Another go round the legendary bush, where we'll probably be stung. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless 3* Arthur (That sucks. +HP/-Spd), 3* Raven (No, I don't want to merge you. +Def/-Res), 4* Raven (STOP IT. +Atk/-HP, that's a pretty good nature though), 5* HK!Marth (I think I'm okay with another copy of him. +Def/-HP, I have to check the first one. Turns out he's the opposite of my fisr one), 4* Lachesis (I mean, if you want me to never touch colourless again... +Def/-Res) So I guess I'm focusing on the NY banner for Fjorm, not really worth trying the legendary banner again considering what happened the last few times. Also, which is better for HK!Marth: +Def or +HP?
  7. So, it's 2019! And there are so many banners! Last year's NY first, I pulled everyone already so this is just throwing the free summon. 4* Raigh (Get out. +Atk/-Def) Next, the new NY banner. If I'm lucky Fjorm shows up and I focus on legendary. 2 each Red, Colorless, 1 Blue (Of course not) 4* Eliwood (I have wanted Ward cav for ages. +HP/-Res) 2 each Red, Colorless, 1 Blue (REALLY?) 5* Sanaki (WHAT? Dangit all! I mean, it's a merge at least. +Atk/-HP, Think I have better.) Legendary banner now: I could do with a lot of these units. 4* Arthur (I haven't pulled him in ages. +Atk/-HP), 4* Boey (I could do with less of him. +HP/-Atk), 3* Clair (I would much rather other fliers. +Res/-Atk), 3* Raigh (Are we going to to get to vote units out of the pool? +Atk/-Spd), 4* Marth (WRONG MARTH! +Res/-Atk) 8.5% 2 each Blue, Colourless, 1 Green 4* Shanna (Pleas show up more. +Atk/-Res. Do I keep it?), 4* Jagen (I am hungring for cav skills. And old man merges. +Res/-Atk), 4* Nino (WRONG NINO! +HP/-Atk) 3 Colourless, 2 Red 4* Cain (WoNM. +Atk/-Spd, tempted to use this as his base.), 3* Palla (OH MAN, SHE HAS NOT SHOWN UP IN AGES. Christ I needed fodder this good again. +Atk/-Def) 9% 3 Blue, 1 each Green, Colourless 4* Titania (Why can't you be as good as in PoR? +Spd/-Def) 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Frederick (Luna. +Spd/-Def), 3* Raven (He's just not good fodder. +Res/-Atk), 4* Sophia (Look, I need to remove units at this point. +Atk/-HP), 4* Odin (He's got fodder at least. +HP/-Atk) Nothing but a 9.5%. Except where my token got me a free 5* merge.
  8. Well that's a shame. Also, happy new year to everybody out there! So, I got some pretty decent progress this time, beating both boat maps and the map after that too. These maps had something to kind of mess with you, such as the bosses (Chapter 12's boss frustrated me because of Corrosion, especially when it affected It's Ya Boyd, I had to reset once on 13 because of the boss 1-rounding Boyd with a double and a crit in that and Chapter 14's boss didn't even matter because 1-range Killer Axe is still 1-range.), the annoying laguz enemies (though they became less of an issue over time) and tight placement where I've risked units too much. Aside from all that, Jill and Astrid have come into the team pretty well so far, Marcia's out because she couldn't fight well and her levels sucked, Titania finally got a level with only 2 stats, nobody's promoted yet and Mist is still below level 10. On the story, well Goldoa was surprisingly not willing to execute everyone when the boat crashed, Sanaki running off onto Elincia's ship is funny when you realise that the game over is more likely because everyone would have been screaming about trying to find Sanaki, Naeleasa is pretty much Travant if he were a muscley anime villain and could fly himself, Lekain is essentially Sanaki's angry dog, Makalov is still not on Peri's level and Reyson looks so angry all the time. Also Ike officially has more Res than Def. I am not joking.
  9. Man, why are they doing it like this? Seems a bit of the wrong way to handle it overall. Not necessarily on the scale but it's so much that it will intimidate those who wouldn't spend much to begin with. Also, I ain't got that kind of money to just throw away, bit of a shame I'll be missing out on this. Definitely a less enticing bundle than last year, which is what broke my FTP status.
  10. So, it's Azura's turn. I guess I'll get swept in the waves. Normal cleared with low HM units, .Hard cleared with the tactics team, Lunatic cleared with the cav team of LunEirika, Finn, Walhart and Brunonica, Infernal cleared with Phoenixmaster's strat as I just gave up and I do not care about Abyssal. @Zeo I'm kind of surprised to see this be the end (And to be tagged frankly). Still it's been an impressive year. Thanks for showing that even a unit as left behind as Matthew can put in the work!
  11. Well there's some more there. Also, what's with the pinkshirt? Did you just reference my sig there? Okay, I was expecting it to be something actually controversial. Sometimes the joke doesn't need explaining. Just... No. And why wouldn't I be for the man who ended Mr. Missingno? He still has better hardware to work with here. No, that's the food Katri can cook. Sure, it also doesn't help that the Talisman is just a Pure Water in disguise in DD. I'd rather he never stops being so. I think it might be the latter considering the chest doesn't look melted. Yeah, though I wonder could they have done much without it. I mean, you can't complain too much, she didn't burn all of your experience. I'm going to be honest, this seems like it could be used in some..... well, unwholesome ways. And I don't mean ethnic cleansing. That's not helped with dialogue like this. I could pick some inappropriate music, but I'm a dammed enough soul as is, no need to dig deeper. So is Holmes just knocking off Locke from FF6 here? I kind of think he is, it's just that Holmes is more upfront in being a dirty pirate. Well, isn't that nice of Matthis to acknowledge them. (Also, the art has certainly improved, though I would bet a lot of that is because of getting to clean it up a bit) Also, Runan is one to look a gift horse in its mouth. Might as well make sure there isn't any more men hidden in it I guess. So, let's be honest and say that if Eugen was giving the order this would be fuck up 2 right here. This will not totally backfire, right? Well, here we go with some art commentary. Albertus is pretty good here actually, with the one gripe I have being that his arms seem a little off. Like, his elbows seem a little too rounded to me. I mean I could e wrong there though. He's also not gotten his armour made of medals yet I see. Margaret is probably the best of this lot honestly. I'd say just touch up on the hands and she's about done. Lyria looks a bit like she's a DeviantArt OC for the Order of Heroes. This isn't to say she's terrible though, I'm just tittering at the colour scheme. Don't have much to say on the scale armour itself, though I ro really like what you've done with the cape and the collar in particular. I'm also wondering why purple as an accent colour? Ooof. In fairness though, Ruben should have suspected that the chambers seemed to be a lot more dungeoney than would be liked. Holmes, you're supposed to be the smart one, right? Well, guess you can't match your namesake there. So, Lyria's going to be about as fun for Ruben as a bag of starving cats tipped into a room with one strip of bacon. So in other words it did it better than Fates. And with no version splits. And he had intended on doing more stories in the game at one point. Kaga strikes again! I was waiting for this moment.
  12. So Norrin it is, Can't say he's a stellar unit but he has his uses.
  13. Uh, probably roll a d4 for last year's NY units and if I get Fjorm I'll pick her because she'd want the HM most.
  14. I'm a bit of a free vote right now, as I have all the units from last year and hopefully I'll pull Fjorm as well. Which should I join with? Of these probably the best bets are the fliers from last year as both have been regulars in clears of tricky maps and they showed up in the same session. My headcanon (and I hope canon) is that Ylgr was too young to go and so she was left in the care of someone they trusted. Someone who already has been taking care of a younger sibling and could be trusted to keep an eye on Ylgr. Bit of a firey brute on the outside but he'd be staunch in keeping the two safe.
  15. So, banners are trying to stretch me thin I see. It's OC time No. 2! Fjorm is a Green Bow Flier (Gimme gimme gimme), with Atk/Spd Bond and Link (GIMME) as well as a bow with Chill Spd and Reposition and Even Res Wave. I would like to get her honestly. Hrid has a sword with Chill Atk, Swap, Atk/Def Bond, QR3 and Hone Atk 4 (So, this is the way the powercreep comes. Just give a skill refinery IS). Laevateinn calls Feh strange and wants her sword back. I feel like I should say something back. She has Chill Atk/Spd on the enemy with the best defence, Wrathful staff, Even Def Wave and pretty powerful healing skills. Gunnthra gets a sword with powercrept Threaten spectrum and +3 Spd, Glimmer, Swift Sparrow, Desperation and Joint Hone Spd (Which is like a Wave skill, but on every turn. That sounds amazing actually). Laegjarn also has a horse. TLDR: I wasn't crying out for RD as is, but I'm still not exactly happy I want to pull for something.
  16. It turns out that the work we'd been doing hasn't been accurate for the past few decades. Took the wrong book as the basis for the material. Apologies.
  17. I mean maybe? I can't say much about how this character is around children and there's nothing that seem to immediately disqualify her.
  18. On A, I'll be honest and say I've no clue. There's been a lot of talk of improved translations but they're all in progress or permanent hiatus. On B, you're about right. To be precise, it begins a little before Chapter 6 as Leif started marching before Seliph (Chapter 20 has to end by the time Seliph arrives in Manster District) and ends near the end of Chapter 8 in Manster.
  19. I mean, it's nice that it covers for superbanes. Still means I need a Chrissa merge and trying to get her is a nightmare with the legendary banner getting me all but her and Chrom being on the winter banner. Hopefully it'll be easier to get units like her some other way some day. It really feels like seasonal units are going to come to a point where that has to happen imo.
  20. Well, considering you had the card I thought you were using it as a pun for Thanks. It's the internet, arguing is to be expected. I'd rather not let it get too heated frankly. True, I could have been more accurate. Where is Lazberia though? I'm pretty sure you haven't, this was my last chance to use Codha somehow. To be fair, I don't think there's a TearRing builder out there to make it easy though. That's some slick editing. I don't want to look up that to see where you got the inspiration. That would be why Runan leaves his training early. Let's call him Richard Holmes. I guess I will. Delete this. Now. Yeah, Matthis's arms are certainly a weakness in this image. Maybe he should have broader shoulders. Then again, how much would be too much? I didn't have any complaints with Frost though. Xeno seems like he could be good, Juni is a bit of a shame and Katri is one of the shamans. Why did Kaga not like shamans in terms of gameplay? Why copy that from Gaiden, Kaga? Just why? (And why did IS use it for their zombies in SS?) Oh no a dragon I guess she's a great portable barbecue. So, who would win between this and Arvis to be fire incarnate? Actually, this second image does raise the point that I made about having possible issue with Mag+Res as one stat (Well, it does show they can work around it). Honestly, I recently had the idea that a unit's defence and resistance could be combined into a resilience stat and armour could be incorporated more effectively that way with different magical and physical resilience. Wait, Julia procced strength? ....Good, let's see that more, much as it could be a unicorn. Kate gets a good level and is in danger. Where have I seen this before....... It's just making me think of the time Titania got a perfect level and then someone died on me. I was distraught. No, stop this Runan. I want you to be relevant. Don't be the Roy, be the Leif. Rubentales! ooo Woo ooo! Every day we're zombie slaying, Rubentales! ooo Woo ooo! She would like some defence but that's the only real concern here I think. That explains why it wasn't ruined by the swamp. Maruj gets magic. It's a miracle! That's a tiny bit better. I guess. Norton, of all people, gets some decent stats. No way Arden would get skill. You really wanted them to get those horses eh? Well, she got defence from it. That's a pretty good low-level promote in all fairness.
  21. I kind of wish it would squeak off enemies if you did that. It was plenty useful in chapter 10, bit it's gotten a lot of use (As in it's on 29 uses or something now) so I slowed down a bit after that. Well, if Chapter 12's any indication, I'm in danger. You're not wrong, she's near level 6 right now. Well she used to. She hasn't gotten the last few bosses, but those who've gotten the experience have levelled well from it. Forging's alright but I don't think I have so much as to forge every chapter. Titania herself has consistenly levelled well so she's a perfectly safe option right now. Okay, got some progress yesterday with Chapter 10 and 11, before failing on 12 because Marcia is terrible at levelling anything and keeps getting doubled. Chapter 10 I didn't bother going stealth on and took too long with (It was annoying to not be allowed control Nephenee or Kieran there), while chapter 11 was a lot easier than I expected, even after I realised BK was in that map because I remembered that one map from Heroes and screamed in terror. Nephenee has levelled Strength, Skill and Speed in every level so far so she's a hard keep for me, Kieran was pretty good, Boyd's actually getting speed and is level 17 (Not as much as Soren or Iliyana mind), Zihark seemed like he was alright in my attempt on 12 (He got no chance to fight in 11 barring critting the one vigilante who followed after him) and 12 has been terrible because Wind is as strong as Thunder (I should use Elwind next time) and Rolf has no experience. Edit: How can I use Sothe with these bases?
  22. I didn't get to talking about the refine announcements, but simply put FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- I mean, I have all but Seliph already. If these are great I'll be chasing refining stones forever. Calling it that Tailtiu gets Wrath somehow.
  23. Tanks! You forgot your own title was a pun. ....I mean, I could make points in relation to that, but at this point it's only causing arguing and there's no need for it any further I think. You knew what I meant. Lieberia, Lazberia, can barely tell the difference right? You used after I did to hit back at me, it's more surprising you forgot. But because of your forgetting.... (Yes this is a stretch. So is Codha.) Yeah, they can. I'm still debating the idea for Magic and Res being one stat. I'm not a fan of it aesthetically, but I do get why it could be justifiable. Would be nice if that guard could be playable. (Replace Zeig or Vega?) Traitors dying traitors deaths. If you hadn't been using all the morgan clones all the time we could have called it a Morgan. Is Norton into the princess? Does Norton not realise she wasn't on Codha's side? Or is he trying to save face here? Sasha gives the order? Wow Eugen. Just wow. I mean, I doubt he needed that card too. Just wow. Call me Leif one more fucking time. Man, I sure hope they do. Man Zeig's cutting himself off the edge there. When Eugen tells Runan he has to go to Dagobah obviously. Considering he was pretty busted in SCIV because he was short I could see it working out. Well, The Roger has a sense of humour. FE's Roger is definitely dead, there's no way he'd be half as light hearted towards that. Hmm, so theory time. We can confirm Humphrey's dead, right? Either way it's likely someone from outside of Lieberia. It could be Pretzel got working with someone competent? I doubt that though. And that is the introduction to the guy who should replace your cavs. I am completely on board with adding him already. Holmes living up to the worst of his namesake's tendencies. Katri running around trying to bring back Law and only resurrecting zombies shouldn't be funny. It kind of is. Traumatising, but still funny. Well good, they have an army and an army's worth of powerful units, they should be fine. Wait, who's Lyria? I'm going to be honest, I'm not feeling the Matthis art at all, he seems too slender to me. It could be the angle but I'm not a fan of it sadly. I assume he would be too. Albertus would probably be too much for this lot though considering the backstory of Lieberia.
  24. That's good to know. Ouch, that's not so good. Well, thing is there's such a thing as "the royal we" where a monarch might refer to themselves in first person plural. We don't know for certain if he'd say it or not though. What you're saying there's still a real nice theory. I'm behind it. That image seems so unreal to me. Cecilia capping stats. How bizarre. Mahnya's the name of her aunt as well. Yes, the pegasus is named after her. Considering we don't know how they get the wyvern, maybe they go and "offer" something to it so it'd come down. That's terrible. Look, it's the Kyle Train! Seriously, why Fiora? Fee was right there. She's still the worst of the BS pegasi imo, Farina has bases and Florina has early game going for her. That's pretty good. My Boyd's barely faster in PoR and is at least level 12. I think he's 14 right now. Point is that's no good. Maybe they wanted to implement that triangle attack at one point? Maybe they wanted less lances because there's so many already? This could have been worked around, eh? That is correct I'm pretty sure. See this? I would be pretty happy if Ameila were this. I mean, she has Wrath on top of everything else. I'd be fine with a Druid path, though I'd see what other people say on that. Also, I really want to see that Asvel support personally. This? I like this. "Well, two someones but there's only one here now."
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