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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. YA CANNAE WIN AGAINST GHARNEF. Oh man, I am pretty hype actually. I mean, maybe not enough to promote, but still. We finally get to see Gharnef himself in game. And he looks to be a pretty powerful unit as well. Can't wait to try and fail. I wish I had Lena with Starlight for this. Also to note Hrid has dialogue strings in the datamine. I think we know what's next.
  2. That..... That's what I did. Works just great. Hell if Lucina had done so too I wouldn't have minded. The dragon is Myrrh's dad, that's said in story and the fact that that's so easy to forget when you fight him should say a lot. I'm also in some disagreement about it being a ripoff of the scouring, mainly because the events seem to play closer to the Archanea games but with undefined legendary weapons. They also don't have the nuclear parallel and the dragons were wiped out rather than leaving Magvel. I think I'll have to agree that it's not an exceptional writing experience for the series as a whole. I am more of an optimist, but I've said my piece elsewhere. Kaga was certainly missed there.
  3. Well I can give an answer. For the UK, the Easter Rising didn't have the intended impact at first, with the actual rising itself being a military failure after a week. However, in the aftermath the UK decided to execute the commanders of the rising, which pissed off most everyone in Ireland and the executions stopped at the 12th death (There's a story for each of the executions, I could go on there.). Pretty much everyone else was in prison over the next two years which didn't work out for the UK because they were in prison together and thus could plan what they'd do afterwards. After the war an election happened where a political party which had been calling for independence (the original Sinn Fein) swept Ireland and took most of the seats, who didn't sit in Westminster and made their own parliament in Ireland. After that the WoI happened and I could continue on but the point is that the Rising was inconvenient but not because of the Rising itself (hell, the Rising itself wasn't popular while it was going on). Russia of course had two revolutions which led to them actually pulling out, so I certain would consider it inconvenient. I can't really speak in relation to Germany.
  4. So, Surtr's in after all. When Bruno? Ylgr's got a blue shuriken and it's her name with an S. It gives speed and if she's faster than an enemy she gets swift sparrow and the usual def/res reduction. She also has Glimmer, Spd Tactic, Chill Spd and a skill that does adaptive damage. Ylgr is ridiculous. And according to her special quote a little psycho. Surtr has his weapon (REALLY?), Bonfire, Wary Fighter, Steady Stance 4 (THE POWERCREEP) which gives +8 and reduces enemy cooldown (Okay that's serious powercreep) and Surtr's Menace which gives +4 to all stats and reduces enemy stats by the same if he's in 2 spaces. So don't stand so close to Surtr. And so we see there's only 2 units. REALLY? Is Loki trying to resurrect the guy? I'm not going to lie, I have a tidy sum on orbs right now. I am pretty tempted because both seem a bit ridiculous. Surtr would be mostly for fodder though while Ylgr seems nuts in the right hands. I'm going to have to think on this and wonder will Hrid ever get in.
  5. Yeah, I know this is a necropost but I hope that this won't be as controversial considering the game's finally out for the past week. Regardless, I've been having a blast so far (except for Toasty. Those dogs deserve to be in among the worst random enemies.). Movement's as smooth as in the trailers, though how Spyro bounces off walls can be a bit weird at times and there's places where I've found walls where there shouldn't be. Cheats are even in the game, though how many aren't in still confuses me. And yes, unfortunately 2 and 3 have to be downloaded still. I still want a version which doesn't do this but hey Reignited's still great so far (even if I've seen the inside of Spyro's head when the camera dived right in).
  6. Understandable, though what seems to be coming up as your issue out of curiosity? Or malice. Reasoned malice, but malice none the less. I thought he understood that perfectly. (Dragon sickness has caused so many poor results in media lately :P )
  7. Nostalgia train's a hell of a drug. Reignited Trilogy is finally here! So that's a thing I've been waiting on.

  8. 8/10, the start's a banging track.
  9. You know, I'm in agreement with that for the most part, every title has things it does better and worse when compared to others. Doesn't mean that there aren't things I really dislike. Like Anankos. I've already done a rant on why he's the worst villain, but I think the words "crazed, less interesting Medeus" should be a succinct description of Anankos. Yep, not even Peri's as bad imo.
  10. "It took three months to get back to it. Why now?" (Also, good to see you) Daddy Garon's slipping, Ryoma having to watch Garon take the throne would be gut-wrenching.
  11. I hadn't really gotten on much the last few days, sorry for the lack of updates. I have gotten to Chapter 9 and I can guess how to handle it but how to do so quickly, especially with wanting Mist to get exp. As an aside, I also have Melee, which is mainly for multiplayer with the niece. So, I unlocked Marth and on the same day figured out what the C stick does. I now understand why he's a good character in smash, maybe at his peak here. Holy crap the C stick is mad useful. Monday: So, I know I'm supposed to be all over PoR. Thing is, something came out last week. Something about a purple dragon or other. Well, it's here and I'm officially on the hype line. So this might be what I jump at for a bit while I still can.
  12. To say he's bad isn't quite right, he's got good bases in HM, has a good infantry class and he's your best early sword infantry. Thing is he's a growth unit and they tend to fall off in 0% anyway and there's obviously a better unit in the form of Harken. He'll only improve slightly with promotion and Harken already has beast stats.
  13. I'm doing kind of tiers here, it'll be confusing.
  14. Hard cleared with low HM units. (Note: Level 20 Kidzura got a kill) Lunatic easily cleared with Peganino, Aversa, 4* Shigure and Witch!Mia. Had to restart once because I hadn't noticed the bow knight. Infernal cleared on 3rd try with Arvis, Fjorm, Ayra and Norrin. I start with Arivs quad ploying and near 1-rounding Kana, then being repositioned by Fjorm, who Ayra repositions in range of the mage and cav while Norrin boosts Fjorm's def and res so she takes little damage and finishes both with the QR3 seal (though the cav dies on player phase). Arvis finishes Kana, is repositioned by Ayra so she and Fjrom are in range of the archer. The archer attacks, while the flier and Corrin move in the direction of Fjorm above the bridges. Ayra 1-rounds the archer and now sits in the range of the flier who dies on EP. Corrin then moves the other way and Arvis 1-rounds him. Not near 1-rounds. 1-rounds. Iceberg's a hell of a drug.
  15. So, the banner has Silas as my third. So, Silas I guess? Kana could be alright as well, while M!Corrin.... I don't like to talk about him. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Green (One could be a Silas.) 4* Tailtiu (Good fodder. +Res/-Spd)
  16. Holy crap, This makes things look so much better. It's not even that it was physical features, it's that it was exclusively physical and not even good, the actual quality was muddy honestly. Where has this map been the whole time?
  17. That's the one. I thought about not posting on the thread because cancelled games tend to disappear from my radar.
  18. Canas for certain, he was shafted and there's pretty much no way they're going to improve the TT units. Finn as well for similar reasons. Probably Leif this time too, who wants a Master Knight? I'm pretty open after that though.
  19. I get you. At least we have it so can play it on PS3, but licensing is the issue there (and sadly that's entirely on Anamanaguchi, they're not budging) The only one I'm thinking of right now is the game which was cancelled last year I think that would have focused on dragon combat (I am blanking on the name).
  20. The Hawkwing is a TV series about a group of ace fighter pilots and their attempts to defend their home and see of their other appropriately named rivals.
  21. Well look, a banner with Saber on it. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless (Saber?) 3* Fir (Jeez, not even worth a 4* for fodder. +Spd/-Atk)
  22. For sure, but neither would have had the meme power of Danny DeVito. Well, that's something. Guess sometimes fan work can be used for the series it's from, eh? (I mean, it's not 1:1. Just look at the Mr. Mime in the image in the article)
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