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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. VII and IX were definitely on PSN before, while X + X2 remastered were released on PS3/Vita in the first place. All can be gotten on PS4. First time they were released on a non-Sony console for sure though, much as they're also going to XBOne.
  2. I'll take a swing to see if I get lucky for Flora first, I'm not interested in getting anyone else and even then Flora's not that fantastic. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Blue (So I am not going for her. Fine then.) 4* Effie (Not a Nohrian I was looking for. +HP/-Def, ew.) Back to shooting for Quan. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Colourless (Oh come on!) 3* Merric (Oh look, it's a useless character! +Atk/-Spd), 4* Cherche (I'd like my green fodder to not suck please. +Res/-Spd), 4* Barst (Better. +Spd/-Def), 3* Palla (It could be worse fodder. +Res/-HP)
  3. Note it's not entirely Norse. Celtic cultures also had selkies in their list of mythical beings, seemingly originating from the Shetlands and Orkney, islands north of Scotland and it bleeding over to Norse myth would make sense. Similar stuff is elsewhere in the too, with the Faroes, Iceland and Ireland also having stories with Selkies in them. Aside from that jostling in, I have to ask about this game as a person who never played it (never had a GC). How is the combat? Is it pretty open-ended? Can you customise any allies you'd get in single player? Are the other CC games worth mention? Just some questions for now.
  4. If it's anything like the stuff I've tried from them it should be at least alright, hopefully more like Drill Dozer in that regard. Probably won't be as out there as the horse racing solitaire game or even Drill Dozer though. This direct as a whole did feel like they were just getting all these announcements out there and the stuff I wanted to try didn't didn't get much of any info. Honestly, maybe directs should dedicate to initial announcements and let the future information be released in other avenues, a lot of repetition occurred here.
  5. So, a direct I could stay up for. No idea what's coming for certain. Let's go. TLDR: RIP 3DS (2011-2019), a bunch of games that honestly bored me while some other games looked like they might be alright (Kirby might be worth it for the niece, we'll see about Town, Daemon X Machina could be good and TWEWY is almost here), online service talk was as boring as expected, FF got a large bunch of games and just threw them in and Isabelle got in Smash, as people were saying might happen. Also I was wrong, Isabelle is not an Echo Fighter. No Three Houses or GS though. Oh well.
  6. So, I got back to 20. Let's open the door again. 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Green (this banner has been so nice, not a single colourless) 3* Subaki (QR2. +Atk/-Res. Wait hold on, that might be good.), 3* Arthur (Lancebreaker 2. +HP/-Def), 3* Roy (TA3. +Spd/-Atk. If only that was -HP), 3* Athena (Moonbow. +Atk/-Def, have better), 3* Stahl (I'd rather see him in a 3* than anywhere else. +Spd/-HP, nah) 3.75%, pretty bitter about the full 3* session.
  7. So, been a while since I did a 2-part CC. Paralogue 23 and 24 are horrible, because the first half is dancing hell and the other is BST hell. Naturally, I did it with too much thought put into it. Initially I started with a team of Sigurd, Mathilda, Frederick and Veronica. After a while of falling at the 5th map, I switched them to the second team after a flier team consisting of Elincia, Brinian, Gerome and Bunnero. Surprisingly I actually failed on the 3rd map with this party, but the second team switched in and finished. They continued on just fine and cleared the 5th map. Then the 6th map happened, where I had Frederick bust Hector, then Sigurd got blown away by Celica on the enemy phase and I expected the worst. Funnily, Frederick survived two attacks, but I now had Veronica and Ephraim next to each other after finishing Celica and I had to sacrifice Mathilda so that Veronica could defeat herself. I could then cheese Ephraim's 1 move and a few turns later finish him off.
  8. They can still get drives though, which in my opinion while not as powerful have the versatility down in my opinion, to the point that I use them more than I ever did regular spurs (It also helps that I've pulled so many Tailtiu, so much arena score fodder on one unit's nice.). Non-infantry also have Ward and Goad to assist, so I could see it being really useful on fliers that don't use movement skills that turn to get to the enemy. Also, yeah L'Ephraim was definitely one that came to mind. Walhart getting +10 on any stat (Barring Res) without accounting for their allies before he charged on his own is also pretty good, though not as crazy. Just watch out, Greenhardt might get Atk/Spd Solo now and destroy the meta.
  9. Well, my hopes for Iago, Mozu or Shura were easily dashed. TLDR: Flora is literally the one unit to give a crap over. She might cause a new meta with the Solo skills.
  10. Really should have coloured the soldiers, he's probably the messenger. Free will is a lie after all. Well, it is a better choice than him chasing after everyone.
  11. So this is being rerun. Didn't have too hard of a time with Askrtrio and Fjorm.... once I figured out retreating after 1-shotting the flier was the way to go because Alfonse and Sharena then 1-shot the axe cav and Chrom respectively on EP. Everything else was clean up. The Anna refine was great to allow for the set up on the first turn and retreat. Nice to see Alfonse and Sharena's refines still being useful too. Flier clear is easy without archers. Newzura and Witch!Nowi cleared with Elincia and Est in 2 turns. Swept through on the second turn with everyone 1-rounding..
  12. And so Emperor Heim Chalphy the 1st-856th would continue the glorious reign over Grandbell (pretty funny with paralleling the theory that a lot of people wielded Loputous in the time that it was around). Some say they have seen Baggage man attempt to take baggage for the royal court over the years. Good job on finishing this series.
  13. Built up enough to open the Doorway of Destiny again. 3 Green, 1 each Red, Blue (Nice.) 3* Cordelia (Dang it. +Atk/-Res, I think might make it my base for her), 3* Eliwood (Oh hey, Ward Cav. +Spd/-HP, have better), 3* Soren (Can I get one that doesn't suck? +HP/-Def, of course not), 4* Fae (Well isn't that cute. +Res/-HP Renewal fodder), 4* Barst (Reposition is always handy. +Def/-Spd) 3.5%, not all that bitter about it so far.
  14. Currently using Sigurd, Finn, Gronnwen and Veronica, with a hope to get Quan so I can switch him and Ethlyn in. Backup will probably not be needed until Friday hopefully. Also appropriately, Doorway of Destiny is the final map track. I'm pretty sure paradise is on the other side of that door, because that track is still great.
  15. I hadn't even done a pull for Doors of Destiny. Let's have a whack at it. 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Green (So there's still a chance. Nice) 4* Oscar (Good fodder. +Def/-Res), 4* Donnel (I want him gone from the summoning banner entirely. Please IS? +Spd/-Res, why?), 4* Ares (Good fodder indeed. +HP/-Atk, the opposite of my base unit), 4* Palla (Goad Fliers. Sure why not? +Def/-Res), 4* Cecilia (Have not pulled her in a while. Not interested in 5* +10 for her either. Neutral) 3.25%, so that's a start I guess.
  16. As someone who's had the thought of putting lyrics to Doors of Destiny, not all that farfetched. Also interesting that only villains and Lewyn get solos.
  17. So long as I can copy anyone's abilities, definitely the limited ammo. WYR make your trashy novel a success or prevent the Twilight Saga from being a monster hit?
  18. Ask myself how I became Corrin and why I made the choice to have children with Azura knowing what I know now. And wake up and ask Kana what she wants for breakfast, I'm not going to let a small child starve.
  19. You should have at least hid it behind a link or even the spoiler tag. 2/10 rickroll.
  20. Maybe a Felicia alt with the candy cane staff as a healing weapon so that she and Jakob are still solely colourless? Fae dressed in a chicken costume for the next spring event, still using breaths though she could be red or blue. Maybe armoured? Palla for the next Valentines event on a horse with a lance referencing Abel somehow to make us all feel horrible. For a mounted dragon, M!Corrin with a headless horseman costume on him. Go for Green I think here. Christmas Canas so he doesn't suck anymore and all the blizzard memes get a new lease of life.
  21. ....If that led to a set containing a Camus with a mount, I would be entirely on board regardless of anything else. I think we'd assume we're working with FE as the combat system though (Mainly because the only Bionicle games that have any less than niche respect in the fandom were the point-and-click titles (Fittingly enough, SoV proves that's not something FE would entirely ignore. :P)). Probably stick with G1 too, G2's lore leaves a bit to be desired to work with imo.
  22. Yeah, trying to grind units not named Chrom is not helped by him being forced on maps like Rouges and Redeemers. I'd like if the lord could be moved, barring of course the obvious exceptions. It's clearly possible.
  23. Well, because Hawkwing didn't pick a pair, I'll have to ad hoc it a bit. So the Gold Knight and Tiki had a fun time in the Ylissian court as a request of Marth's on Ylisse, before the pre-arranged Apache helicopter ride shook both of them enough that they called it quits afterwards. I know, not a masterpiece. Lucius and Libra, the Mila Tree, a fruit plate.
  24. Either way, if we get Iago GHB I'm tempted to have him support Jaffar because the joke is right there and I can react with the obvious clip for the infernal difficulty. Sometimes the jokes are too obvious but whatever. So, aside from Flora, who is most likely? I'd suspect other neutrals like Silas, Mozu, Midori or maybe even Shura ends up as the GHB and we're wrong on Iago.
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