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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. It's that time again. Map 1: 4* Arthur, Henry, M!Corrin, Lachesis. Battle of attrition this time. Subaki didn't have a sapphire lance, making it take longer. Map 2: 5* Marisa, Nephenee, SummeLeo 4* F!Robin Had to redo when 3 of the enemies got together. SummeLeo can 1-round, F!Robin wrecks the knight and can take on the blue mage, Nephenee tanks out the sword user and Marisa takes on Raven. Map 3: 5* Leif, Lyon, Sonya, Lancina Had to redo because I got flanked by the mage and Sonya could not take that out while the rest were there. Lyon 1-rounds the armour with Drive Spd and Res Ploy support, pulls back from the mage, Leif can 1-round Cherche, the sword flier is killed by Sonya's moonbow proc and Lancina, Virion dies to Lyon and Leif finishes the mage after Sonya nearly killed it. Map 4: 5* Nino, Morgan, Eirika, Azura Decided to get Nino in a mission for the first time since I finally promoted her, she just tore up. M!Morgan also helped in fighting, Azura danced, Eirika provided buffs. Could have used either of them but Nino's swathe of destruction was fun to watch, what with Ursula being the closest to Sonia we've gotten (HINT HINT) Map 5: 5* Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Hinoka, Kinoka Eh, want to be done now. Easy clear, just take out the northern pegasus, wait for the other to come while taking out Soren and Mist and just hold the fort while Nowi takes 1 damage from Titania because Newzura isn't next to her. Barring the last stage full infantry. Not too tough with what I have.
  2. Odin actually got good levels. Go him. Also, I feel bad for Haitaka already.
  3. Because Iago's whole thing is making Corrin miserable. Apparently. Nohr: Apparently strong enough to invade but then proceed to just fail miserably and have Hoshido invade instead. Fates makes so much sense.
  4. I think I'd have to agree on wanting telekinesis. Though I have to admit that I would likely find mind reading really useful, considering how I tend to think people think about me and the issues that brings.
  5. Jerrot's in a shitty place right now. If Juno dies, it'll just be worse again. No Wrys yet. Huh. I just assumed they're reanimated. That's me being an idiot and thinking Mark is supposed to be a lookalike in this case. Clearly I think that's incorrect with that reaction. Even worse, that's one of Zephiel's lines. We don't know that! Yeah, that was pretty apparent. Percival may never be able to fight again after that. If that were the case Reinhardt would still be obscure and I wouldn't be afraid of Myrrh. But the enemies would have been easier for her to get kills from. Well, just the hacking on Sacae in general. He's a Lot of things indeed. They thought the game might crash if they had too much resource usage, which would include too many polygons in each model. Hence turning their feet into nubs was a resource saver. They underestimated how powerful the console was. Maybe it's why Corrin and Azura go barefoot in Fates, wanting to compensate for the last time. The elderly are colder because they're closer to the icy grip of death. Juno knows this. You can't have nice things in BB. Dougy will be choked by the point! Pretty sure that's just a partial Fimblvetr. That's what happens when you're in Ilia: All your magic freezes up. Great, she never gets to leave Oz. Just fantastic- *Out the door Still doesn't mean she had to die though. Purge is brutal here (In this game). Well that's not a good sign. This is definitely not the time to say these things Lot. Niime has magical illusions she can just cast and leave as distractions? FOR PHERAE INTENSIFIES Alright, now BB have no excuse. They could do it and only gave it to Roartz? That's it, BB's now worse than MotE to me. No dropping in this game. BB is the worst. Merciless SD? A Mordred who was vulnerable from his son's death? Gamefaqs faqs were all about growths. They argued Wendy and Sophia weren't the worst. They were wrong. "You might be a loose cannon Margaret, but dammit you get results!" You know, the firing squad is still a viable idea. Yeah, no way will his ending be the same. He's too doubtful. Ye.... Yep that's about right. Run Gonzy run! Humphrey. Stop it. A pile of heads is not a substitute for suitable building materials. Well that's a bunch of corpses in the white noise. Hell, people could think they died in a blizzard. Also, a dumb note that was too late to put in the NMotE playthrough: Next time: We get to see if Rormand dies.
  6. Kris + Corrin: The true final boss of Sues/Stus. It's not quite clear how Kririn got away from Garon's castle, but after that they ran off into the cold wastes to the north where they ended up staying with an elderly fighter who would come to be known as Gramps. Kririn grew up learning from Gramps about life and how to fight, becoming very capable and with great potential when they grew up. Once Gramps died, Kririn decided to confront what their background is by going to Windmire and joining the Nohrian army. Is usually focused on training when not focused on their mission, though is also compassionate to the point that it cripples them at times as they continue on in their quests as assigned by Nohr. May also have a choice made between Nohr and Hoshido, though they don't have as much of a familiarity with the nobles so it's all a gut decision. Sadly their origins are the same as Corrin's, but they end up discovering their origins if they went after Azura, with their ending involving a fortune like the one told to Kris in NMotE. Is also so OP they might be able to solo. Will have full set of classes to reclass into though they start in their pyjamas as a Nohrian Prince(ss).
  7. 49: Any gossipy discussions of who is going out with who while on duty will be required to take a day helping Merlinus to sort out the convoy and clean the corral. 50: This also applies to enforcing prudishness on the whole camp. You know who you are, you scoundrels. 51: Sain is barred from adding onto any given rule.
  8. Oh look Sylvia.... That's not Sylvia? Seriously, I'd like to not be spoiled on the trailers for once. First off Ares (Oh look, we get Quan last of the six). Dark Mystletainn is fun with lots of things I assumes, while DA probably is great if he doubles or is tanky. I assume the former. A Brazen Skill's also neat. Lene: >says we're used to seeing dancers. >Is literally second red dancer > We have as many green Azura alts. >Are you kidding me? The Def sword has a name (Edit: It's refineable. Oh boy all the defence) (She inherited it. :P), third sword valour unit (Can't give a single Axe valour) and she is not a broken dancer (gives +Atk/Spd 3 though when she does). Totally safe to skip, though she shares red with Ares (Of course she does). Holy crap Ishtar's in the pool. It actually makes sense with her being so high in the CYL and apparently Freeges getting a pass for the banner (hell, two of her subordinates are in it twice). She's also the 5-skill unit, with Swift Sparrow, Vantage (Of course she does), Mjolnir (Faster specials and DaB 3, not that amazing) and Odd Wake Atk, which gives +6 Atk every 2 turns to adjacent allies and herself. Frankly, I'd have slapped a Wo Dao effect on Mjolnir because she needed Wrath in some form. It's Fire! HELLFIRE! Should we all solo with Arvis? Also Julius is a GHB. When do we get the impossibility of Imhullu or having to fight a wild Dragon? I might try for Ishtar. Might, I'm not sure yet, I'm starting to hoard orbs again. Eh, she's still the most likely and the only banner where nobody's dropped was the Fallen Heroes banner (unless the last banner drops nobody)
  9. Yeah, an understandable conclusion. Thing is Odin does have an alright strength growth he can work with as well, hence why I mention it. Doesn't help most of the 1-2 range swords are from Hoshido though to push against the idea. Or that most of the more powerful enemies are likely to go with their lances or shurikens. Must... Resist... Bad Joke! I assume Arthur was told to get the name inscribed.
  10. Understood, wanted to get the rating in at least. Minerva: Sadly this is all theoretical too. She's a flying unit, so infantry bases and being able to move freely in exchange for B!Lyn turning you into chicken sticks. This is not as bad as that sentence implies. Minerva has a good offensive stat spread (31/36 is slightly better than Camilla while Airzura is faster, though the other axe fliers tend to focus on strength and all have lower speeds) making it pretty easy to use a build to take advantage of it and those flier buffs. Her def is actually pretty good at 32 with her alright 40 HP, though her flaw is her low res at 22 leaving her vulnerable to mages. She gets a very good exclusive in Hautclere, with -1 to any proc's cycle and a Wo Dao refinement which makes specials hurt quite a bit and encourage switching to skills like Glimmer. Her default skills are also good choices, with L&D making her stronger and faster while making her defences quite a bit worse (hence why it's worth considering switching and keeping those defences) and the pretty rare Ward Fliers which can be nice for a tanker set of allies. She can work pretty well overall, though she's unlikely to make the highest tiers because she's not got armour bases. 8/10, I wish I had one, Michalis is just too slow. Merric: Man, you are so disappointing. MotE this is certainly not. His stats are just awkward for what he wants to do. A pretty low 26 Atk (though a superboon dues get him to a decent 30) doesn't work out too well and a 32 Spd isn't doing him any favours among his competition. Meanwhile his high HP doesn't work too well with his 19 Res, though 28 is actually pretty good Def stat among the mages, making it worth considering a raven build, though I would pick a lot of other units for it. He has Excaliber, which doesn't do too well sadly because of his low attack (40 neutral attack is not a good sign as a 5* mage). In general, he's just stuck in a place where others can work better at any of the things he could do. Infantry mages also don't have much relevance higher up for arena so. There's not much point in using him for arena imo. 2/10, my word are you in a woeful place.
  11. For reclassing Odin, I know I would, but that's because I'm of the mind he can work pretty well as a Dark Knight and Samurai allows him to get some sword skill (also give him a chance for more speed). Then again, resources are very tight in this playthrough and what I just mentioned is pretty expensive to be considering. Really doesn't help that magic users get a little screwed here to the point Conquest's lack of archers irritates me. Peri can be useful (sadly she's been better for me than Arthur or Nyx consistently, which is sad considering my thoughts on Peri), though she's also pretty vulnerable defence wise, so I've put her in Great Knight to try to cover for that. I don't know how viable that would be in Lunatic though, Ninjas are bad enough in Normal. Kilma also got Vantage because his goal was to Kilyor units. Yeah that was bad.
  12. Missed yesterday, sorry. Day 5: Back to today: Abel: Like Cain, he's surpassed at this point. He's also got a similar offensive build (1 more Atk than Cain), but he has more balanced defences, which both gives him a hope with dragons and makes him more vulnerable to the physical units he's usually facing. He also has the very useful swordbreaker so like Cain he's great fodder and naturally it took forever for me to get a single copy of either one. He sadly has a more arguable powercreep in Finn (Hence named best knight), who is worse in Res but just outdoes him in everything else (if slightly), though Abel can have IVs to benefit him. Like Cain, there's not much he can do I don't see others doing better. 3/10, he's also outdone, but him and Cain being so low isn't because they're trash. (Push Cain up to 3 from me as well) Linde: Oh boy, I don't even have her in the first place, so this will be all theory. In the early days, she was a terror if you didn't have a suitable counter. Naturally, I was dreading her showing up in the early days of arena. While since then her threat's reduced, she's still a powerful mage, especially with Blarblade due to her 35/36 offensive spread working well with it. Her default weapon isn't exceptional in having BoL2 when other weapons outdo it now (One of which she could inherit), though she can just take Delthea's and use it alongside 1-range allies and they get a great offence boost neat her. Of course, the meta's greens are not half as limited as they used to be, meaning more enemies can fight her and win, while her defence is so paltry that anything gets in her range and it's pretty likely she'll die. Of course a full set of buff from Blarblade is likely to kill nearly anything, but with the increase in stuff like ploys and weapons that ignore buffs (with Null Range newly added), she has to tiptoe around them to make sure she isn't knocked down. Still, a unit from launch worth considering (now, if only she could get a banner!) 7/10, she might be solid offensively, but trying to get enough merges of higher tiers ain't worth it for the upper tiers because of lower stat total for mages.
  13. Yeesh, RIP to Silas and Mozu, two units who I'd actually trust to use in Conquest. Well, most of the units aren't doing too badly, but I'd still worry as chapter 10 is coming.
  14. Cain: Man I wish you were better. He's another which I only have at 4*. He's a horse with an unnoteworthy stat spread (though 32 Atk and Spd is actually pretty good, funnily better than Eliwood who I have at 5*, despite Brave Sword slowing him down), nothing much to say for himself skill wise and others can do what he does better, with Zweihardt just making a mockery of him last month (It's not that Cain is slow, it's that he's way stronger and can do more with what he has). He does have neat skills for fodder and he can use them alright enough, but I can't see a scenario where I would use Cain over a lot of other units. 2/10, there's better. Draug: I'm going to put a lot of the crap I wrote in here, I don't think I wrote it all that well. Final rating below. 8/10. Unlike certain other red armours, he's not among the best but he's got a lot going for him and is pretty accessible, with only Zelgius as the other fully mergeable red armour and it's certainly harder to do so with him. He's going to need to be in armour teams to work but if you want the highest points, it's armours you're using anyway.
  15. Sure, this couldn't go wrong. That or Frost got the One Ring and he'll kill everyone to keep it to himself. More medals? Just make a set of decorative armour made of medals? The person who made the gif did it as part of a series of gifs of units with guns and some other unconventional weapons. Dayan's not that impressive (though he has bows for the last few chapters of fucktons of wyverns) I'll take that flier utility honestly. Maybe I wanted to see more shots attempted. Also, Raigh is undead dammit. I have a disagreement. It'll come up later on don't worry. I mean she's not a tree. So yes I do. Clearly I forgot. Maybe I want her to fight some dragons in the endgame like her son. Juno also hints at it in at least one support convo. That's about it though. All he inherited from Niime was her sass. In hindsight, I'm trying to remember why I brought that movie up Thankfully I do, because in it two twins who were separated at birth meet and then decide to pretend to be their sibling. There it was to bring the family back together. Here? I have no idea. (Also Mark is the most likely twin here) We saw more of Bulgar than all of Ilia in BS. I don't think I'm too mad. Oh look, you're that desperate. I don't know, on higher difficulties of SD it's considered beneficial to have Tiki die with the falchion in hand so you can get 24x, then revive her there and then. Why the child dragons though? You also lock the best ending if you kill Fae. Don't forget. HMMMMMMMMM............. So Rormand goes to heal the building. Imagine if he could actually do that, fixing broken walls and all that. That sounds broken in some maps. RIP man, you deserved none of it. Where does Rormand rank in minor boss tiers now? Or is that for after the next Sacae chapter? Bit of sass there Frost. You sure you're not a cousin of Niime or something? Kel does not fuck around. I want him in the Trial Maps instead of Narcian now. One: Of course he misses. Must have been delirious from being in the convoy for so long. Two: Jeez that palette edit. Man this might go too far- What? Why? I don't see the humour in this. Mainly because making a unit worse is asking for trouble. Hey, you edited Percival to have no stats. This Marcus gave no fucks is all. ....Because Niime didn't want to see Yodel, who was with the Elimine forces in Ilia? I think the joke may have been run into the mantle. This image perfectly captures your opinion of Sacae at this point. Oh no, will you snap? Yes. Yes you did. Sadly I have her in Heroes. She legit might be one of the worst units I have (Ironically Camilla has another alt who's legitimately great). I never wanted her. She just showed up as she pleased and ruined my chance for something more useful. Heroes shittiness aside, Camilla would be actually good in BB. Though I can tell it would go down about as well as a sex ed programme in a catholic school. Corrin is now LP canon. Does that mean you're going to do Revelations now? (Please do, the salt would be enough to profit for a lifetime) Fae needed to be out sooner to be honest. HE'S MAD WITH POWER RODY! Well isn't that nice of Ruben. Albertus: Paragon of Justice? I was wondering where he went. If he waited to open the gate, I could see this making sense. He does, but the reinforcements suck. I've never seen that frame in isolation before. It's too cute. Wait, when did you warp someone in? Paradoxically so. Dougy will choke the- wait, wrong game. You may not like it, but this is the perfect male form. What are you doing Albertus, Lot took less damage. Lot! He had WTD! To be fair this is a crit. Isn't that a nice sprite for Frost. Let me guess, they had nothing to actually hurt them with? Sacae needed more hammers or armourslayers. He's some man for one man. I assume they didn't do it for time constraints. Like why nobody has feet in awakening because they thought they couldn't. He's gone beyond a Super Jeigan! Is this the power of a Jeigan God? The happiest Ruben in game has been in a long while I bet. Nope, after this this is the most he has been in a good while. Also, how did you think that Margaret? About right. Next time, time limits!
  16. If the next banner sucks, I know where I'm pulling from. 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 5* Dorcas (WHAT HAPPENED TO ME? IS put Dorcas in my barracks. (Ahaha) +Def/-HP, not the best but he's mostly a defensive monster anyway and might give B!Ike a run for his money.) Well, 3rd free pull 5*. That's nice. I'm not going to bother with the rest today, think I shot my luck.
  17. Anna: I honestly think she's the best of the Askrtrio despite her stat spread. Her attack's not amazing but off her high speed she's not too crippled by it. Oddly she has a higher res and a quite eh defence but it does give her a neat niche with dragons, especially when only two have WTA at present (though she'll likely need support to take out the newer green dragons and F!Grima). She's also the most suited to take on mages of the Askrtrio, though DC is highly desired and others can do it better. She's the best of the three to run speedster skills like Depseration, made more convincing because she has the highest speed of infantry axes (which only Raven can match with +Spd). Noatun also has the best effect of the Askrtrio weaponsin ER2, allowing her to run back to allies after taking a heavy hit and either get healed or provide boosts off her C slot or take out a vulnerable enemy close to an ally who she might double with her stats. I think she's the best, though that's as much because she has less competition (though those that do blow her back hard). 6/10 because of the bonus, she would have been 5/10 otherwise. Barst: Probably one of the better fodders because most of the units who still use brave builds are axes and Reposition is best movement skill. Sadly another I don't have experience with at 5* and oh boy would those boosts help him. His stats are alright, but others are more focused on certain traits like Raven who can easily outdo him with the brave axe for speed and might and has Basilisikos to tip the scales entirely in his favour. Barst does have a pretty good defence stat on top of his high HP, making him an actually decent unit for attacking most blues and quite a few greens, though his defence isn't that stellar and reds do quite a bit to him, with mages knocking him right out with his awful resistance. He benefits from a change in weapon as well because of his at least alright speed, especially with refines also doing good for his HP (which makes him better for infantry pulse/panic ploy). Other than that, not much else to say. The hatchet chops alright, but don't expect exceptional chopping without great investment or for him to be great at much else. 5/10. Investment can make him a lot more, but others can do what he can with less investment.
  18. This map had actually tripped me up quite a bit. That restriction of the river makes it too tough for me to figure out easily. Hard I cleared with some team, it doesn't really matter. Lunatic had M!Robin, F!Grima, Sonya and D!Ike. Took a few tries to figure out how to separate the rest of the enemies after M!Robin tanks the left on the first turn (with the help of Sonya's ploy), but it requires Guidance to work (Seal), getting Robin out of there while everyone left starts getting split up. Ike tanks the red dragon, is in perfect range to then take out the bow cav and the green mage and so Kana is the last one left chasing Ike. Sonya and Grima team up to finish him. Tried to do infantry only, but it wasn't all that viable as Julia couldn't 1-shot Kana, Chrom was too slow and SummeLeo is just the worst, should have tried a different team. Infernal.... I actually did it myself with no guide. Full infantry and everything. Powercouple Arvis and Fjorm have Nohrzura (Of course) and Norrin on side for this one. So Arvis ploys the archer, is moved one tile up, Fjorm moves below him, is danced by Nohrzura and moved into range. Norrin moves up the left side to provide the Hama Ya effect, ensuring she takes no damage. She and Arvis move back, with Norrin staying where he is and Nohrzura dancing again. The floodgates open as the mage, archers and red dragon attack them, but they survive the onslaught. The foot archer attacks Norrin however, which is important as he needs Bonfire charged for the next round. On playerphase, Arvis attacks the mage, is danced by Nohrzura with Wings of Mercy (partly because Kana is in range of him) and between the three of them the archers and dragon fall. From there Nohrzura tanks Kana and the pegasus, easily clearing the map. (Nohrzura is +Atk/-Res, but I doubt that matters too much barring the pegasus not being 1-shot with a Luna proc. Everything else is neutral 5*, no merges. Arvis has Ardent Sacrifice, Iceberg, DaB 3 and one of the SA Res 1 seal, Norrin has Bonfire and Bowbreaker 3, Fjorm has Reposition and Spur Atk 1 seal, Nohrzura has Luna, WoM 3 and Spur Res 1 seal)
  19. Sharena: The princess of Askr has a pretty decent stat spread actually. Her speed is pretty good (not as good as at launch) attack, defence and HP aren't too low and even her resistance is decent, much as like Alfonse faster mages can wreck her easily. Her base kit also allows her to boost allies alright enough and she hits 35 speed, which isn't as good a threshold as it used to be but not a bad speed category to be in. The real problem is she still isn't all that optimised and other similar units can do better than her (see: Nephenee, Lancina, Summer Robin, I could go on, especially outside of infantry). Fensalir is also a very limited weapon, I'd say a bit worse than Folkvanger. She is alright as an offensive unit (can run desperation pretty easily) and can tank at least halfway decently if it isn't green, but there's better out there. Could do with replacing most of her kit too. 5/10 with the new arena boosts incoming. She would have been 4/10 otherwise. Jagen: You poor old man. Again theoretical best, because I don't think I'd want to get him to 5*. He's a veteran unit (literally only him and Gunter right now) and in this game the Jagens suck with lower BST, making it difficult to argue that he's useful in arena. He has an odd gimmick with his sky high res, he gets Fury to give him a leg up and attack is a superboon and makes it halfway decent. However, his defence is pretty low and that's bad when the main enemies who counter him are physical opponents. His speed also sucks and there's not much point in investing in it. You either invest a bit to get a unit who can tank breaths alright enough but not much else or quite a lot to make him a bit of a non-green magic stopper, though he's still going to be doubled and likely easily killed. He's at the bottom of a tough crowd in cav lances, I could have used just that sentence to describe him. 1/10. Maybe he should get a legendary alt.
  20. I can enter tier 19 without merges (hitting in the range around 690-700, the higher the better), to get an idea of where we're at for arena (I really am too used to breadth rather than depth for Heroes, particularly in arena). That's not always the case (I need a team with full skillsets and I doubt cavs could do it) and I have the feeling before long I'll be unable to enter 19 and possibly 18 eventually (unlikely as that is) Well, that's what we'll have to wait on.
  21. I'm not assuming it will affect that level of play too much. It also doesn't boost opponents so it doesn't make those merged core units even stronger. Though it will be interesting to see if there's any unmentioned changes to scoring. That might have an impact, but of course we don't know if there even would be anything else changed.
  22. I kind of expect that people will start using multiple bonus units from now on because of the incentive and +4 to each stat can make a real difference. For instance, I see LeLyn and Seigbert are both bonus units next week (no change to bonus units until the 14th) and they have half of the tactics skills. It's not that difficult to make a tactics team really if you have them (Defence has RadIke who is free, Res has L'Arachel who can be got at 4*, never mind seasonals.). I think it'll be easy for people to work with stacking bonus units for easy wins, though I doubt it will affect the highest tiers of play unless the formula is altered.
  23. So there's a bunch of little things about the update. I'm curious about the shifts in the arena that will come from less rounds being allowed. As for bonus allies getting a boost, say goodbye to defence wins. Free CC. Thank you Takumi, it'll be nice sacrificing you on the alter of sheep. I already had upgraded the Askrtrio and I think sent the other three home ( :( I shouldn't have done that to Matthew, he was too rare for me) so the rest of the package is just a bonus and enough feathers to promote Takumi. I have none of the units getting refined weapons at 5*. Camilla's axe was inevitable and the Yato might be amazing and get multiple refines. Rival domains being non-random might be nightmarish if the team destroys yours. Enemy phase music can be off now. Praise to the button. Interesting seeing a QoL for Autobattle allowing things to be sped up. Nothing about the AI itself being tinkered (I think. Am I wrong?) I will never see the Lucina move now. RIP. More seals. Start guessing!
  24. For this one, cleared Normal + Hard with low HM units. Lunatic took way too many tries, but I did it with the usual suspects: Witch!Nowi, Newzura, Newmilla and Valter. Fuck the reinforcements, fuck Lyn's absurd EP stats with this many allies. Newmilla could still double her. Infernal I have decided is not worth the insanity to clear myself. Tried Phoenixmaster's strat, only it would not work quite right. Had to slap on some drive seals to get it to work. Either way, Finn's support was appreciated.
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