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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. Legendary banner's back. I never have great luck with these. 3 Blue, 2 Green (OF COURSE) 3* Nino (Not doing her best.), 4* Beruka (Well, it's Glimmer. +Res/-Def), 3* Odin (Good fodder.), 4* Donnel (More pothead. +HP/-Res), 4* Cordelia (I don't pull her often. +HP/-Atk) 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (Really?) 4* Merric (Blah. Neutral), 4* Arthur (Well that's alright actually. Neutral) 2 each Red, Green, 1 Blue (REALLY?) 3* Frederick (Eh, Luna is Luna.), 3* Cherche (Atk +3?) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green (Finally) 3* Lissa (Well that sucks.), 3* Serra (Blah.) 3 Red, 2 Blue (THE GAME FUCKING KNOWS!) 3* Subaki (QR? QR.) 2 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue, Green 3* Serra (Really?), 4* Felicia (Well, that's another one for fodder. +Res/-Atk) 2 each Colourless, Green, 1 Blue 4* Sakura (WRONG SAKURA! +Def/-Res), 4* Matthew (Hone Spd is Hone Spd. +Spd/-Def could be better.) Down to 50 already and at 9.5%..... One more shot. 3 Blue, 1 each Red, Colourless 4* Wrys (Not very dramatic. +HP/-Res) 2 Red, 1 each Blue, Green, Colourless 3* Gaius (I think that's my Gaius at +10. yay.) This banner's a conspiracy I tell you! 2 each Red, Blue, 1 Colourless 3* Azama (Asshat, you're not what I wanted.) 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue (ABOUT TIME!) 4* Virion (Well screw you. +Res/-Atk too), 3* Lissa (Screw you), 4* Niles (Screw you. +Res/-Def) 3 Red, 1 each Blue, Colourless 4* Maria (ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME. +Res/-Def) Alright, at this point I've spent nearly 100 orbs and gotten jack shit barring a 10% pity rate. You might wonder WHY DO YOU KEEP DOING IT. Well, my luck on one of these has to turn around some day, right? Am I just really unlucky on the colours? 3 Colourless, 1 each Red, Blue 5* F!Grima (MERR GRIMAS! I FINALLY SUMMON A LEGENDARY HERO! IT TOOK 5 FUCKING BANNERS! +HP/-Spd sadly, but I can work around it. Maybe.), 3* Felicia (Well, it is BoL.), 3* Wrys (Well, it is LtS), 3* Olivia (WEll, it is Hone Attack 3. Which I have plenty of. Merge it is.), 4* Donnel (*Sad trupmet) Frankly, I don't know why I bother. No Catkura, but after that exercise in misery, never again. FUCKING LEGENDARY BANNERS, RIGHT?
  2. Just barely got the last reward in the end. Decided to use the chance to level up Gerome, Bunnero, Takumi and Soleil as well. Still, that team of F!Robin, M!Morgan, Donnel and Olivia was fun while it lasted. Well, I wasn't as into this TT for some reason, but it's over and done with. I got in around 76k. Also it turns out M!Marth came from a world with F!Robin.
  3. Even Albertus has some standards! AND WHAT OF IT? From what I can see, I doubt he's into anyone like that. He's also not someone who's associated with massive strength and he's likely shorter then most of the cast. That's a line in Heroes from him. The generic soldier. He didn't bother getting Zeiss after all. Those things haunt everyone who ever saw Thunderbirds. So? They're the only two who haven't died yet and they're totally at risk, all the others except Lilina died (I can't remember who else got great levels). He is on about her being with the army, so I think that's still fine. You always find issue when Gale talks. In hindsight, yes, yes it was. Link arena's a thing. .....I know he's dead to you, but still. THE DEVIL YOU SAY? Sometimes the mechanic is more fun than devilish. Though most of them are double-edged swords. Also his mother's Nino's aunt. Are they the largest family group in FE outside Fates? So yeah, I already said his plan sucks. He's not all that tactically inclined. I'm already retching at the next chapter. That or Hugh's striking a pose. I think she means hiding behind a wall. Well, you might need him. He has the best unpromoted Aid after all that you might use. That.... that's on you. Why are you calling me out here? Douglas is just broken inside now. Totally unusable. But of course she is. That 14 speed can only improve (I hope) Too soon man. You'd have been fine getting the levels first imo. I'm telling you, Cecilia has trouble doing this. Ever. A shame. Well, not enough for one quote anyway. Marcus after stopping Zeiss: Narcian must be terrified. If only it worked and he died. Especially with a level like this. I'd say this music might fit too. It is the end of an arc too. HMMMMM........ Well, that's what Prince Little Shit does. Raigh looks like he woke up in the hospital after the most intense bender of his life and woke up into an apocalypse. Could it be........ And I'll have to apologise, but there's not going to be an update from me for a little bit, I got an interview for later this week.
  4. So you know the miracle banner? I F****** CALLED IT! I would like to get Delthea if it happens. 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Green (Well fuck) 3* Virion (What should I have expected?)
  5. Well, turns out the dataminers were right. Merr Grimas. So as for the colours: Red's actually one I'd skip this time, D!Ike with a nature's not a high priority, Zelgius is low priority though I do need another sword armour and I already have Witch!Nowi. Blue does have Lute but the other two are units I'd rather not be hunting for as Fjorm is one of the few units I don't know what nature I'd take and I already have a great Lancina. Green does have Gunnthra, but it also has Summelise (who I have but her nature is terribad) and Tikini (who I don't have). Colourless though...... It has F!Grima (interesting unit), Catkura (The one halloween unit I didn't get..... Fucking Jakob) and B!Lyn's gotten a rerun which could be nice for Swift Sparrow/merges. So my order for this one is Colourless, Green, Blue and Red. I'm surprised. Red needed a better set of choices.
  6. I've recently started to finally catch up on Seasons 7 and 8, so I read up and learned the end is actually nigh. Guess we'll soon be able to say the Adventure's over sadly. On Legend of Korra, I'd say Season 3 is the best season across both shows. The world we see in Korra's actually pretty interesting, though yeah certain plot elements are a bit questionable (like in Season 2). That being said I do like the series overall, take a look into it if you can (Keep in mind, I didn't have nostalgia on TLA as I decided to watch it when I first heard about both shows, watched TLA and then the first season of Korra pretty much around the same time)
  7. It's an oldie. Still, no bad thing. Meanwhile, in Embla:
  8. I'm going to mention Cartoon Saloon. They've been around for more than a decade (a collaboration across Ireland, France and Belgium) and are mainly making movies. Did I mention their work is just beautiful? Secret of Kells is a story that works very well, with its surprisingly busy background not detracting from the movie and in some places adding, Song of the Sea actually topped it from a quality standpoint and is up there as an animated favourite of mine and The Breadwinner..... I actually haven't seen yet, it hasn't come out here and has mostly been on the festival circuit up to now. They've also got some series done, though those are aimed at a very young demographic. There's also their shorts that stretch back to the early days as well like this one. I might say something about series another time, but for now I think I'm good with this. And no, I am not hired by them.
  9. Have you tried other emulators? Taking a brief look at RetroArch, I can't see what emulators other than SNES9x work on it. Try and see what else might work.
  10. No need, already have the DS port. I'm going to recommend that version, the PC/mobile ports have had issues, the PS1 version has PS1 load times and the SNES version is a bit less definitive.
  11. I want to say Leif. Thing is it's backstory here. Leif's parents dies, his kingdom's destroyed and he's had to be in hiding because he'd have been killed as the child of traitors, but he was still in a pretty stable situation in Fiana (after some time on the run with Finn and Nanna) before the start of the game. Lucina and Lyn are definitely worse, Celica's is actually pretty horrifying as well if you think for a second because she's spent her life in hiding because she was being hunted for being Lima's kid (though she's doing alright besides), Marth was forced into exile because his country was destroyed and he has to assume his family died (including being saved by his sister in the anime by being warped away), continuing from there by trying to prepare for a revolt and Seliph might have been comfortable enough, but he was always aware of his father's being and the only reason he didn't have to run away was because they weren't found for 17 years and Shanan and Oifey have been rebelling the whole time (They and Finn have a terrible situation to deal with for that period). Lucina's the worst (Literal survivor of the end of the world), but Lyn's the worst without an apocalypse. I'd say the one with the easiest childhood is Eliwood. Corrin only loses because he was kidnapped and Roy only had one parent for great deal of his life. Ephraim and Eirika are probably up there too. Sigurd might have been up there, but we know next to nothing.
  12. We've finally arrived in Lycia! A cornucopia where ! All we have to do is walk to Caelin and- Chapter 6: Lineage of HONOUR! Next time: I swear, magical girl group is not the genre for this game.
  13. Good man Albertus! He must be the heaviest and lightest sleeper for that to work. You already know. I think it'll be more like this. If it means we get more Merlinus dies counted..... He clearly doesn't realise what he's at. For this LP, yes. It's the prime factor. However, the series has sort of bent every archetype it has. Gale fits the Camus more, but Perceval still fits much of the ideas as well, though he of course breaks a big one in being recruitable. Then again, so does a certain one. What does the last word mean? I was able to guess/look up the others but I have no idea on the last one. Nah, she'd have been too young for that. To be fair, small as she is, she wouldn't be as restricted by the desert as quite a few units in the army trudging through it. I could see it. Frost clearly pulled an Iroh since we last saw him. True, he didn't have to set his nephew straight, but otherwise that's the closest I can think of to this. Elimine is the Catholic Church after all! Why did they get so far? Because Narcian fucked up. Repeatedly. Also apparently an expert arsonist of person's souls. No he wouldn't have, Narcian's the one guy everyone would have been okay with doing that to. Of course he wouldn't. Still, Narcian has plenty of fuck ups under his belt. Well, it's not like he believed Narcian. Am I going to agree with Humphrey? Oof, tough choice. Okay, if this were a hack Narcian would just start murdering everyone and be on a different faction. That con. Such an irritance. You know, maybe. Still doesn't make what happens okay. The Elimine Popemobile is likely a wyvern of something. Just to be really on the nose. This is BB. You can't have nice things in BB. Well, he wouldn't know if she died. AW SHIT IT'S ABOUT TO GO DOWN! Okay, that makes sense. Yay, Dorothy gets more stats for wrecking Saul. ....No they didn't. Trying to attack obviously. The problem being he's a bit tongue tied right now. Well, that exp goes away. Could be worse, but still, what a waste. Magic is prejudiced? With this playing in her mind. You know what, I'm with Roy, that would be frightening. It's a good thing this isn't Thracia. If you silence people, you can't talk to them. It mostly matters because it limits what you can do to a certain unit in the late game. Well, it does make that line better. Those bases could be worse. Though it's a shame that he can't get hard mode bonuses, imagine what he'd be like. Okay, that plan was actually good. I'll shut up now. You can have Chad steal just fine anyway. I KNEW IT! So my prediction: Someone will die, though I predict it's not a frontliner.
  14. Cleared with the Askrtrio and Julia quite easily once I figured out Alfonse could take out Hawkeye and the sword cav in the first turn. Cav clear was pretty easily delayed by the two anti-cav cavs. Still cleared by B!Lyn, Eliwood (Ward Cav bot), Titania and Clive (Who tanked both of them. :P). That,s right, didn't use Camus. Apparently I forgot to put down how I cleared Infernal, so that's apparently lost.
  15. Honestly, I think this wouldn't ruin it. Then again, Elise is the best sibling. Anyway, Chapter 10 Genealogy: Manfroy straight up murders Julia while Arvis is talking to her. Make for a very different ending wouldn't it?
  16. This one was a breeze. I've got quite a few great cavs even without The Reinhardt, so it wasn't tough to break through. Especially when Sigurd somehow survived a full enemy phase in Infernal, something I can't say happened the last 2 times. It helped that the music was great. Usually I actually mute the game, but Last Holy War on that infernal run was pretty perfect to be honest.
  17. Valtertuff will gladly savour the hunt. And the frolicking. It does say not worth using, not that he's bad. Also, I thought it was a good edit actually. Alright, you do actually make decent cases here, though I'm not sure we're going to have a right/wrong here (unless everyone else is dead). Losing a legendary weapon for the endgame counts as acceptable (Sure Roy, but...)? Sue being a unit who's pretty disappointing still holds true. True, you only have Tate, but I could see you using Zeiss. Douglas doesn't get swords, but I can see it. Wait, no I can't it's Douglas. Cecilia.... I'll give it. But I don't know if she can. Murdock is by far the strongest of the generals, hence why I said fitting to have these two fight. Oh yeah, Yodel. And everyone else I guess. I did say may, not definitely. That being said, if it does end up being definite should there be a bet? I thought it was cheesy enough for Merlinus. What? And ruin the reputation of the actual track? That is a weak chuckle out of me. Well, he fits the look of the Camuses up to this point. It wouldn't be the only time a Camus was recruitable, though Gale is more fitting. I have tried to make the case before, but it's apparent that you will stick to your guns. What, me miss one? But she can heal things. I'm not going to get her killed intentionally. Sue got strength? *gasp Boi don't make that face, he can slap your backside raw. Once again, Oh No. Another 7? The memes indeed flow! This is a really happy man. With a pile of bodies in his wake. Still though, Def, Str and Spd is great for him. Artist's representation Also, does this mean Lundgren's bastard ran off to Bern at some point, never came back because he didn't think an uprising would work and rose in the ranks? While never bothering to get good levels. Lot's our boy! That's a lot to proc at once, great level! A lone girl outrunning an army through a desert? Say it ain't so. WHY DOUGLAS, WHY? I like this edit. Nothing else to say. This idiot is the best captain. Frost apparently makes him look like a chump though. Oh. You know what, you tell him Frost. And with that generic captain has lost my vote. Least some good came out of it. The trouble is coming though.
  18. >No Roy's Journey. Now I don't feel the need to mute :D Though you can no longer just wait on the first stage for instant wins. :(
  19. You know, I don't think I mentioned something that might be a good idea for this game and arguably the rest of the series: being able to place a path for a unit to follow. You could use it so that at the end of every turn where they have a path set and you didn't have them do something else that they'd move towards the set endpoint as efficiently as possible. I know certain situations this'd be useful for (*Chapter 2), and while it doesn't resolve a lot of people's issues, it could act to alleviate some issues.
  20. All these better names and I'm sitting here with Bunnero. Apologies for not making the reference clear, I have no idea where the image is.
  21. ^ Would be correct, but that's more because the person has none < Has got a pile of books that need to be read. V Recently repaired something?
  22. I think I can take it now. Still, no more Wrys. Wasn't that a huge part of this series. You can't go back after all. Well isn't that nice. They're off to the bench. This is you: So, my case: Percival is at this point your best option for Durandal. If you're on Sacae he's your only mount option aside from Cecilia who does not work well there and fliers who..... What do they do against bows again? Being as good as he is with the weapon triangle allows him to fill any niche for physical weapons in the party barring flier killing. Killing Arcardo and Roartz is karmaic. Killing Murdock with him would be fitting too. He supports Dorothy, Cecilia, Douglas and Lalum as well as Klein. He might be necessary for the LP to survive. I'd expect you to want Douglas right away. Because whoever mashed the two together is weird. How should I know? Pfft. Probably convenience in motion. Obligatory. Is it one of Sid's old buddies then? Or is this the last we'll hear of soldier 4857? Apparently you're worrying about that as well. He also assumed that Percival would want to turn on the kingdom for certain. Douglas ain't that smart. Dead men we are! Dead are we! Oh woe and misery doth fall upon us! ...Eh, she probably barely knows how to do it. And with that we have a better justification for no Second Invasion of Lycia than all of BB. These fuckers. Always frightening. Apparently baby blue bustiers are mandatory sniper equipment. You should have wished him more than luck then. Probably looking in that bag she had the Wyrnslayer. Is it a big bag of holding or something? Percival's a workaholic who doesn't give a fuck about his co-workers. It's all about the mission for Etruria. He is the game's Camus after all. That would imply multiple Douglases actually. English is weird. He's always in 'nam flashbacks. It all makes sense now! But he has to keep up appearances to ensure that the king is still alive after the war ends- Hold on don't Roartz and Arcardo run off at the start of the chapter? DAMMIT, DON'T BE A XAVIER! I can't.... I just can't sit by that. You bothering with Sue I mean. Even if I'm on the side of Hector/Lyn I get the appeal of Rath/Lyn. Literally everything about that sentence explains everything wrong. Replace with Dayni and that's it, that's the exact adequate response. I kind of jinxed it, remember? And after getting Luck and everything. With of course on top: BB: Well that's your fault for sucking, nub. I'm honestly surprised you didn't just crack a second time here and now. THIS CAN ONLY END WELL. That's just sickening, how that worked out after his death. He can even support both of them. It's really a shame, I kind of wish he was better. So this chapter's really only reinforcements from here. That'll certainly be a fulfilling strategic experience.
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