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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. So does this randomize each rom at the point of the patch, or how does it go about it? Asking out of curiosity. It also means I can actually play a randomised rom for once, the randomiser still didn't get a linux version.
  2. So, future TT means I might as well pull now. 3 Blue, 2 Red (YOOOO) 3* Palla (Goad Fliers. Nice.), 5* M!Morgan (PFHAHAHAHAHA, too fast for my usual luck. +Res/-Atk sadly, but he'll be a good magic tank,much as his attack's too close to my M!Robin. :P), 4* M!Robin (He knew a Morgan had arrived. :P +HP/-Atk), 3* Donnel (Pot head might as well admit he's fodder.), 3* Oboro (Merge fodder.) Already got one of the three, I am done with the banner. I am chuffed. Even if he's -Atk. Back to raising funds for Thracia.
  3. Infernal ended up being a bit much for me in the end. I passed, though not without frustration. Flier Emblem to the rescue.
  4. Back to more easy maps. The party's off to a shrine. I missed the title card, so: Chapter 2: Brand of Booze Next time: Villages, bandits and sky horsies oh my.
  5. I didn't think a Gamecube game would work on base 3DS.
  6. There is a lot to unpackage here. Excuse my tardiness on this, I wanted to get everything. EU stream:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UwKHEg-kEc
  7. Is there a reason to get S rank for all the maps? I am currently trying to get Infernal and it is wearing at me.
  8. Well, I side with Robin, he loses. I side with Takumi, he loses. I finally side with a villain in Grima, he wins. Well, the world is dead. Long live the world.
  9. TIL the character designer for Hunktor designed Phoenix Wright. PW X FE when?
  10. My guess is that you need to go to your app store.
  11. So, Chrom Emblem is a thing. His Falchion's busted. He has Sword Valour (OK, I already have Gray). He's also on a horse than OG Chrom. I might be tempted. He's also on the banner with both Morgans. M!Morgan has a ridiculous tome and A NULLIFY RANGED BONUSES SKILL (OP?), but F!Morgan is flying and blue so after missing Summer Corrin twice of course I'm interested. She seems pretty defensive though, getting mirror stance (Atk/Res bond without allies). Berome is in for something. (t's in the datamine talk.) My question: Who dropped from the fallen banner?
  12. I legit think Berkut's hallucinating there. He's long since snapped, so I could see that happening.
  13. Yay, it's on at a reasonable hour! So, I note that the 3DS is likely getting a last hurrah, and the only thing we know is that the Mario spinoff is getting info. Where's the one guy whose leaks are reliable when we need them?
  14. I'm picking Zeke here, but if we're being strict I'd have to go with Lorenz himself.
  15. Google translated the tweet: 【NEW INFORMATION】 From "Fire Emblem Thracia 776", three people, Reef, Nanna and Fin, will decide to appear in April as new heroes. Please wait for a while until its appearance ♪ So it appears Leaf was waiting the whole time and only decided to show up now. Showboat. @Zeo My bet is that Finn will demote sadly, I can see him being more likely unless they do something crazy with him.
  16. So it happens we know Thracia is coming in April (FINN HYPE). I also assume there's an easter banner in two weeks because Easter Sunday itself is on the 1st of April and having the banner out in advance of the date is the usual way. So it's pretty easy to assume the new banners for the next four weeks. Unless they only do a rerun of last year's banner. New banner Friday, Easter possibly around the 23rd and Thracia early April. Am I wrong on this assessment?
  17. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA FINN CONFIRMED! LEAF IS HERE! Nanna might have the earth sword, but it's unlikely. She'd be nice to pull for as well. Ho boy. Unless Canas is in Friday, I know what I'm saving for.
  18. 108: Camilla is not called "Ms. Thundertits." 109: Following the bunk incident, Setsuna is to be accompanied by a member of the army at all times. 110: Sakura is not an actual flower: do not plant her in the garden or crops, she will not create more food.
  19. 2. Bear jerky is a permanent part of the camp diet, intended to be served throughout the day. 3. Robin is now forbidden from planning food supply. 4. Miriel must submit her intention for research involving other members of the shepherds for review by the war council. 5. Vaike is not allowed to run the lost and found. A reward will also be given for finding the lost and found.
  20. Well now, Wrys letting Raigh know what's up. Course, it's not going to stop him. Erk was more on edge. It's not come to fruition yet. I'm going to wait. He could end up in the mines. Enemy Phase. While it's easy to take one out on player phase, the point is that I'd be concerned that they won't be able to take the damage. Some of the snow still hasn't melted. Well, that's a shame. Does Geese ever do well? I'd take old Geitz over you- Whoops. He's not Oujay, so I don't know what to think. Spectacular level. Spectacluar edit. Merlinus locked Delphin up in his wagon. Why do you think next to nobody has plot? That is indeed. Maybe he's saying that it's been a while. So why is this only news to boi now? Surprisingly, Marcus agrees. I now have additional questions. Off to Missur next time. Who even lives there?
  21. I would rather Anankos never be involved in any story again. That's just because Anankos is the worst. Actually, you know what? Anankos gets a story where he establishes contacts with Valla. It's a VN because if Anankos is as powerful as is claimed no strategy game could do anything interesting with that (except for god games. Maybe that's the sequel). Anankos's end goal would of course involve himself being a central part of Valla because of course it would be.
  22. 73: Nobody is allowed to suggest that Xander just cut loose anymore. Elise is still sobbing after the last time. 74: Nina and Soleil are now forbidden from the hot spring. 75: You are not allowed to suggest "DragonSodomizer" as an offering to Lilith. You know exactly who you are. 76: Shouting at Takumi about betrayal is grounds for community service. In the Loot Box Hall. With Anna. 77: Charlotte is not allowed to get people to mine for her for "favours", much as almost everyone knows it's a con.
  23. 1. Canas, Because of course. (Druid, with plenty of Luna) 2. Finn. Best knight. Is the opposite of Betrayal. 3. Othin. PUGI. (Merc with Pugi. Just, endless supplies of Pugi) 4. Leaf. Obligatory Master Knight and best lord. 5. Levin!Sety. Too fast for me. (Holsety. Do I need to say more?) 6. Julia. Because Naga is OK OP (Probably only needs Naga) 7. L'Arachel. Well, she's frankly great in Heroes as well, so I think she fits. She's also the motivational speaker. (I kind of want her to break the 1 S-rank so she could get Ivaldi and Latona.) 8. Mareeta. The only unit before the 3DS who could have Sol, Luna and Astra at the same time. I couldn't pick another myrmidon. 9. Ogma. The OG mercenary. Always liked him. (Will have Mercurius (Worst Regalia), that swordbreaker sword and ) 10. Gonzales. The best Berserker. I know his accuracy is as troubling as is. (Armads.) 11. Ninian. The Rings are too good an opportunity to pass up. (Alternatives include Olivia and Leen) 12. Maribelle. Best Troubadour? Possibly. Best Awakening character? Yes. (Gets the other Judgral tomes. :P) 13. Mozu. Probably the best archer I could get. (Sniper with Point Blank aka my best unit in Revelations) 14. Scarlet. I needed a flier, Scarlet seems like a good choice for one who's not kind of a package deal. 15. Oswin. I guess I wanted someone to act as a tank and Oswin came to mind. I'd likely consider someone else. Pretty much after the first 10 I would be open to changing things.
  24. Peri is on a quest to kill everything with glee. Someone already said about the quest involving the cookie, so maybe that. I join Garon in groans of discomfort.
  25. Oh crap people actually read this. Unless you're all Russian bots. Meanwhile, outside Bulgar: Chapter 1: Clipclops of Fate. Next time: Strange women Lynin' in temples prayin' to swords is no basis for a system of inheritance
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