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Everything posted by Dayni

  1. 1. Canas, Because of course. (Druid, with plenty of Luna) 2. Finn. Best knight. Is the opposite of Betrayal. 3. Othin. PUGI. (Merc with Pugi. Just, endless supplies of Pugi) 4. Leaf. Obligatory Master Knight and best lord. 5. Levin!Sety. Too fast for me. (Holsety. Do I need to say more?) 6. Julia. Because Naga is OK OP (Probably only needs Naga) 7. L'Arachel. Well, she's frankly great in Heroes as well, so I think she fits. She's also the motivational speaker. (I kind of want her to break the 1 S-rank so she could get Ivaldi and Latona.) 8. Mareeta. The only unit before the 3DS who could have Sol, Luna and Astra at the same time. I couldn't pick another myrmidon. 9. Ogma. The OG mercenary. Always liked him. (Will have Mercurius (Worst Regalia), that swordbreaker sword and ) 10. Gonzales. The best Berserker. I know his accuracy is as troubling as is. (Armads.) 11. Ninian. The Rings are too good an opportunity to pass up. (Alternatives include Olivia and Leen) 12. Maribelle. Best Troubadour? Possibly. Best Awakening character? Yes. (Gets the other Judgral tomes. :P) 13. Mozu. Probably the best archer I could get. (Sniper with Point Blank aka my best unit in Revelations) 14. Scarlet. I needed a flier, Scarlet seems like a good choice for one who's not kind of a package deal. 15. Oswin. I guess I wanted someone to act as a tank and Oswin came to mind. I'd likely consider someone else. Pretty much after the first 10 I would be open to changing things.
  2. Peri is on a quest to kill everything with glee. Someone already said about the quest involving the cookie, so maybe that. I join Garon in groans of discomfort.
  3. Oh crap people actually read this. Unless you're all Russian bots. Meanwhile, outside Bulgar: Chapter 1: Clipclops of Fate. Next time: Strange women Lynin' in temples prayin' to swords is no basis for a system of inheritance
  4. It pretty much depends on the game. DDatSoL/SD: There are none. Gaiden/SoV: Didn't exist in the original. SoV brings them back, with enemies afflicting some serious damage with poison and trapping your units with Paralysis (the freeze status). We also can finally use Posion Weapons. They suck don't use them. The better half of Fate's staves are also here with Freeze and Silence, which are also bow combat arts. All in all mostly a good change for statuses, though the restore spell is DLC only. MotE/NMotE: The origin of the status. Silence in this game is amazing actually, inflicting silence (no magic) on everyone (only enemies in the remake) for the rest of PP and EP. It's totally OP in the player's hands and there's a reason there's only one. GotHW: We get more status effects in this game: Berserk (They turn on everyone), Sleep (They aren't bothered to fight anyone) and the unknown Charm (I assume it would have been a more powerful Berserk you could control). Statuses also hit with perfect accuracy, if the user has more magic than the enemy's res and last several turns. We also get status swords which are niche, but still have some use. Overall not a bad expansion of status affliction. Thracia: I need to mention this separately. That's because this is the one game where I went "You know, I should use this." Statuses stand out by being permanent for the map. Despite the obvious fuck you the designers are going for, it makes you both do you damnedest to get Restore staves (Don't be me and waste a Repair use on one) and also actually attack the enemy with staves of your own. You have plenty of chances to pick up and use these staves to your advantage, which can be frankly too OP. It introduced stone (You know, not that time you got high. More like sleep paralysis but forever) and..... I'll be honest, locking the cure behind the Kia staff feels like a dick move, especially when the maximum uses of stone the player can cure is 1 greater than the amount on the staff. Enemies can also afflict the new poison status (Slowly eats at you like what you did last summer), but if a player takes the weapon sadly they cannot. BB/BS/SS: The decline of statuses begins. First off, Poison is the most common, enemies are still the only ones who can use it and it's merely a turn-limited annoyance. The staves also feel like they don't matter too often outside of some clutch moment you might not even anticipate and their turn limit is noticeable (the statuses themselves aren't unusable mind). Often, the player will see them as nothing but an annoyance from the enemy, especially if their best unit got berserked. Some traps also afflict poison. If it was more than poison I might care in some way. Sacred Stones is more interesting as Stone comes back and the final boss has an area affect Sleep skill. You know, I wish there was something like this again. Awakening: There are none. :P Fates: One point ruins them for me: No restore staff. While some of the staves are able to wear off so it it's not a dealbreaker, the Hexing Rod is the worst staff in the series, without a doubt. Entrap also kind of exists but's it's essentially Enemy Rescue. Enfeeble is more annoying debuffing (though it could be worse), Silence feels a bit weak compared to past staves, Freeze is irritating but it's still more interesting than I expected and the Hexing Rod is some demon's idea of fun and it should be cast into hell from whence it came. I'll take it to Mordor if I have to. TLDR: I'd lean more towards SoV and the Judgral games for status ailments to work with, likely adding area effects from SS/MotE.
  5. Well, the clear I did this time was infantry only. I'll point to it actually, because I think with modifications it could be useful.
  6. I'd have pointed to my clear if you had Nohrzura. As is I'd have to figure out how much tinkering would be needed to clear without her.
  7. Lunatic isn't as rough as might be expected, even if you're like me and avoided 1-round clears. Arvis and Fjorm are both usable for it, . If you're planning on not 1-rounding the map, you'll likely need a healer (or some expert placement of a unit with Breath of Life). The first time round I used B!Ike, B!Lyn, Eliwood and Azura, all of which you actually have (Surprised me to see that): though that took advantage of supports I can't remember if they were necessary. I can get the SI if you want. Infernal is much more difficult. I cleared it by following a strat which used Nohrzura, but out of what you have a mage with a bladetome is certainly worth considering if they can get buffs, units with Galeforce can also be useful. I can't really say much more than that because often you'll need specific SI for those maps and I can't say much on that here. As an alternative, Phoenixmaster's got some pretty decent strats that might help both with Infernal and the quests here (Based on your roster, I'd say the 2nd and 4th are some options to take a look at). If those don't suit, some alternate ideas may be found here: http://yaycupcake.com/feh/.
  8. Yeah, the units you have available to you. Can't really say what you can work with without it.
  9. This banner is going to suck for snipers. 2 Green, 1 each Red, Blue, Colourless 4* Athena (Well, could be a worse pull. +Def/-Spd, already have perfect one) Well, I have to hibernate and get more orbs after the legendary banner disappointed again.
  10. If the Arvis (even 5*) has no boost to HP/Def, 4* Alfonse can 1-shot him because Arvis has 50 physical bulk which even default Alfonse can overcome (33+11+6). On the other hand, the Arvis I fought had Fury and so I needed him to be 5* to 1-shot him. Course, I'm expecting 1v1 one fighting and Arvis to be ripe for taking out.
  11. I don't know just looking at them. They might be alright, though concern about the unknown should be expected..
  12. Lukas telling the Deliverance recipes. I never knew I wanted this. Meanwhile, for this VG:
  13. A last hurrah for the legendary banner! 2 each Red, Colourless, 1 Blue 4* Clair (Not who I wanted to see. +Spd/-Def, think I have already), 5* Summer Leo (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Probably the unit I cared about the least. +HP/-Spd, so a pretty bad nature too.), 3* Laslow (Axebreaker. I guess. Turns out he's +Atk/-Res, so that's alright.), 4* Lachesis (Well she's not worth much. +Atk/-HP might be alright.), 4* Gaius (*Sad trombone. +Def/-Res) So I will get no summer Corrin. I hope Sagemaster was right. I still want Summer Corrin and I'm peeved at my luck for her. No hurrahs for the banner's end. I swear they'll have a 1-day release for a legendary banner at this rate.
  14. Arvis and his special is a concern. Me, I took the chance to kill him before he could, though I also was quite cautious when I did it today. Like I said, unless I know what you're working with I can't really say all that much about how to deal with it.
  15. It was pretty tough back in October as well, still don't know what to do with Alfonse. What do you have to work with? I can try to give advice. Edit: Said screw it, brought Alfonse to find an Arvis to 1v1 in AA and cleared normal.
  16. Kill with Arvis? Nice and easy with himself, Nohrzura, SummElise and Fjorm. 5* Arvis (Darting Blow 3, Ardent Sacrifice, Luna, Res +1 Seal, Water Blessing, Fjorm S Rank), Fjorm (Reposition, Spur Atk 1 Seal, Arvis S Rank), Nohrzura (WoM 3, Luna, Spur Res 1 Seal, Water Blessing), SummElise (G Tomebreaker 3, Draconic Aura, HP +3 Seal) Alfonse? Oh boy. I am struggling with the Askrtrio and I might need help.
  17. Robin's scales were tipped. :( So Off to another massacre with Takumi. I'm going to have to just choose a faction for the final, I don't have anyone else.
  18. Yeah, my mistake. Forgot they existed.
  19. It's a shame there isn't a class that promotes and gets lances, otherwise I'd say that. You'll probably need the wyvern lord and she'll need the strength.
  20. Might as well let the ship set sail. You'll get Caeda, but I honestly want to limit the Wing spear a bit. Maybe.
  21. You should post this in SoV, these weapons aren't in OG Gaiden. Enemies will have the item in their inventory, I can't say for certain with summoned enemies, but I doubt it. There's a drop chart on the main site as well in the SoV subsection as well, it'll indicate what can be found where (the weapons you want will all be in the lower floors of Thabes). There's also a section indicating drop rates off of enemies. Edit: I am a dumbass.
  22. Alright, let's just dust this off..... Yeah it's been a while hasn't it? Let's get the rules out of the way if you're not bothered to read that ancient thread: 1. THERE CAN ONLY BE AXES -Fine, the other lords can ignore it because I can't tolerate lords being dead weight -Alright, until I can sort axes in Chapter 12/2 (For BS/BB), Marcus can get away with it -As for those who can promote to axes, I'm going to allow it, BUT 1. I have to promote ASAP. 2. I bench them before any actual axe user when they've gotten enough levels/I can start dropping units. -Healers and dancers can tag along because it's not like they have weapons. :P -Thieves have to run unarmed. They might cut themselves off their edge otherwise (Yes, even Cath. Maybe especially Cath). 2. WE’RE IRONMANNING THIS MADNESS -I usually don't, so I think it'll be worth it. If it ends up nigh impossible, screw it. I know what I signed up for. -If it weren't for allowing units to promote to axes, this wouldn't be on. And I'd likely go madder from BBD. 3. NO SAVESTATES -It'd contradict the point of an ironman, right? So I've finally come to the conclusion that maybe if I apply some pressure on this it might get done before 2030. I also might as well get the stupid out of the way: I accidentally forgot to screencap the actual fighting for the prologue. So yeah, fantastic start. The good news? I'm not that stupid again. With that (sadly) admitted, let's get on with it. Part 1. Of part 1. Prologue: A Girl from the Plains, A Man of the Scrubs Next time: Some actual fighting! Units not named Lyn! Axes? I swear this should improve. Any ideas taken.
  23. New banner includes Soleil, the one unit who I still haven't pulled at 4*. I literally got Shiro and Seigbert before her. Let's see if that ends today. 4 Colourless, 1 Red (If I wasn't going for the legendary banner.....) 4* Roy (Well, TA3 is TA3. *sigh Neutral, definite fodder, might finally give Robin TA3.) Back to pulling for legends. 2 each Green, Colourless, 1 Red 4* Bartre (It's Bartre. +Atk/-Def), 4* Bartre (Bartre? Again? +HP/-Res), 3* Palla (Goad Fliers is nice) I'll have to try again later.
  24. >Tobin sniper demanding the pitchfork Triggered. These last 4 are probably some of the best though, thanks again for this.
  25. Camus/Nyna? Well, nothing's stopping you from trying to swim against canon I guess. SoV may have solidified Zeke/Tatiana for me. You're not wrong, but it's implied strongly enough that it's the most likely fate for her. Which sucks considering her background, family and Sonya herself. Also best character endings Genealogy Gen 1. Also Marty's ending is a surprising chuckle.
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