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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I got the feeling that Microsoft forgot that Europe existed, especially considering we will never, ever get those streaming services they where talking about. I've been wondering if I should drop the Xbox this gen and go for playstation for some time now and this presentation really isn't helping me stay. Lets hope for Microsoft that their E3 will go better. Btw how did the non gamer crowd react to this presentation? The internet exploded with negativity, but how did things like television and newspapers respond to this? I got the feeling many features and anouncements where meant for non-gamers, but I haven't heard their viewpoint yet.
  2. Thank god I did't hear this before Awakening was released or else I would have gone in panic mode.
  3. I haven't used Lissa for long, but I think I can rate her. Lissa is basically your early game healer and those are always great to have. Her bases suck and she can't attack, but no one can hold that against her since staff utility is always nice to have. Rescue use is great too even though Lissa doesn't have the magic to make the most use of it early game. The problem with Lissa is that this game has decided to trow two extremely good prepromotes with staff utility at you very early in the game. Libra (and Anna though in my opinion to a lesser extend.) join when Lissa probably hasn't promoted yet and those two will beat her combat forever and can heal just as well as her. 7.5/10?
  4. Is this topic even necessary? There have been plenty of galeforce topics the last couple of days. Anyway I don't think anyone can deny that galeforce is a great skill worthy of praise, but that doesn't stop it from being overrated. Its one of, if not the best skill in the game, but when people slam everything that can't learn it and dismiss every pairing and unit that can't get it as worthless then it is massively overrated.
  5. Isn't FE5 Sety only available in 4 maps? Sigurd is closer to Avatar in being broken.
  6. Lets see -gains experience faster then everyone else. -can change into nearly all the classes in the game. -Stats and growths are good as well. 10/10 for both of them. Male doesn't get galeforce, but he has so many options to break the game that it doesn't matter. He also has an easier time creating super babies then his female counterpart.
  7. I wouldn't mind seeing Roy return. Perhaps they could give him a more rapier based fighting style and give him his sword of seals for his final smash. I know nearly all lords use the rapier, but it would do more to set him apart from Marth.
  8. I don't think anyone is saying that galeforce isn't a great skill, but many people (me included) think that getting galeforce on every unit who can gets it just takes far more time then its worth. Its great for Cordelia for example, but getting galeforce on Maribelle is time consuming and you will be stuck with a crappy unit until she hits level 15. I've only grinded Olivia so she could pass on galeforce to Inigo, but even that took more time then I wanted. I myself can't imagine going trough the trouble of doing that for Lissa, Maribelle and other galeforce users as well.
  9. Uh don't most gen 1 characters lack galeforce? Anyway Chrom is pretty good in my opinion. Both the lord and cavalry classes give some good skills, infinite wyvern killer is also nice even though the weapon gets unimpressive until late game. His stats are pretty good too. Still the archer class is wasted on him and I frequently have no one to support him with because his list is so small. 8/10 By the way why does Chrom get so many -bias votes? He's a bland character, but so are 99% of the lords we've received.
  10. I'm not trying to sound pushy or anything like that, but is this still being worked on?
  11. The traitor thing was indeed handled very very badly. They could have just left him out or at least offered some more information about him. I don't think Lon'qu lost because "Marth" was a female because he mentions multiple time that his problem doesn't bother him in combat because he needs to focus on his fighting or something like that. I thought they where surprised because Lon looks like a stoic and skilled mercenary and comes across as more threatening then Marth. I thought the entire valm arc was a bit of a miss. The whole plot had little relevance on the rest of the story and the villains suffered from little screentime. Yen'fay for example is mentioned a lot, but he appears in one chapter and dies there without saying more then a few lines.
  12. Well Henry has his own tvtropes page, which makes him the only fire emblem character who has one. I think that's a little bit too much. Other then that I guess Owain and Tharja.
  13. I believe that galeforce is a greak skill, but its not something that makes or breaks a unit even if some people (on gamefaqs usually) act differently. I also think that its not worth my time to give galeforce to everyone who can learn it.
  14. I haven't tried to Japanese voices yet, but I think most of the English voices are pretty well done. The only voice I don't like is Morgan M since he looks like a kid, but has a very deep voice. I'm willing to overlook Inigo since its Liam O Brian voicing him and he's completely awesome. Its too bad they did't have an insane villain for him to voice though.
  15. Maribelle isn't bad at all. She's of the spoiled noble archetype, but she does a far greater job at being likeable then characters like Clarine or Serra. As for Lissa I don't really care for her. She's not a really offensive character in my eyes, but i'm not seeing a great character in her either.
  16. Uh since when did adorkable become a word? Anyway there are so many characters that I like so choosing is hard, but these ones are my personal favorites. Fe4 azel Fe6 The orphan twins Niime Fe7 Fiona Pent Vaida fe9 Titania: I like her motherly personality and I think she's the best looking fire emblem character. Fe11/Fe12 Richard: He was a nothing to me in shadow dragon since hardly anyone had personality there, but I thought he was pretty funny in fe12. Fe13 Stahl Cherche
  17. In the demo I named my avatar Chrom. "Chrom? That's a strange name."
  18. I personally interpetated the newt thing as an empty treat and she does offer to help Kellam without any self interest. Besides Henry was also considering to turn MU into a frog in one of his supports. Her curse on Frederick was pretty harmless as well. I mean she only made herself invisible to him so its not like she actually harmed him. I believe the quote below shows Tharja is more of a "Jerk with a heart of gold" kind of character who is usually more bark then bite. Unless we're talking about Mu and Noire because in that case she really has no excuse for how she acts. Virion: Oh? The bridge you had me build was so children could cross the stream in safety. The barracks repairs kept the soldiers dry, and my feast filled their rumbling bellies. You could have used me in any way possible, and yet you chose to benefit others. What is that, if not kindness?
  19. Well i'm Dutch so i'll have to wait for quite some time before i'm able to play that dlc.
  20. Is there a quicker way to get exp then exponentional growth? I'm now at the point where some of my higher levelled characters only gain around 40 exp when they kill a level 30 entombed and there usually aren't a lot of those hanging around.
  21. I think that might be going a little too far. I'm no fan of Tharja when the avater or Noire are involved, but she certainly isn't a bloodthirsty psycho like Valter was. Besides I highly doubt she actually raped him when he was out cold. Like I said she is really distastefull when she talks with MU or Noire, but she's not that terrible when she interacts with other characters. She frequently uses her spells to help other characters like Gregor and Libra and I believe Virion (could be someone else though) figures out most of the things she makes him do with her curses benefit the other people in the army.
  22. What is everyone's opinion about Niime since she isn't taking the grandmother of the year award either, considering how she did't even bother to heal Hugh when he was injured. Also was Est' reason for leaving Abel explained in fe12 since they do have base conversations together if I recall it correctly.
  23. Fe10 Sothe. I did't mind him in path of Radiance, but I thought he was annoying in Radiant Dawn. I've never been a fan of Shinon and Lethe either.
  24. Perhaps a Legionary/Centurion class. They would wield both lances and swords. They could be similar to mercenaries, but slightly slower and slightly more durable. An extra skill could be named march which gives them extra movements on roads and reduces terrain penalties or something like that. Ugh i'm bad at this.
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