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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. Only if Ellen joins with B staves and an infinite range Warp.
  2. 24. Asvel, from FE5 So, who else doesn't like Manster? One moment you were dominating everything with Othin, Eyvel, Dagda, and Fin, the next moment the only units you're familiar with on your squad are Leaf and Lifis. They're no Tanya or Ronan, but they are definitely suboptimal. And then you are also kind of stripped of weapons, and you get some new guys like Fergus and Brighton who are pretty cool but there's one really annoying problem: everyone and their mom has 1-range. The enemies don't seem to care for this "no lances or axes or bows or anything" protocol and happily throw everything they have at you from a safe distance. The game even puts a Javelin in one of the chests to taunt you... And then you're in 4x and you see Sety laugh at everything, and who's that guy with him? Can you recruit him? Why yes, you can! Enter Asvel and his Grafcalibur spell. An astounding 13 mt, 100 hit, 40 crt weapon with 1-2 range with 40 uses minus whatever he wasted as a NPC...every time I look at this weapon's specs I'm like "wow, they must really like Asvel!". Asvel also has a KILLER 75% growth rate in Spd, which helps a lot because in FE5, magic wt cannot be cushioned by build, con, strength, or anything like that. It's reduced directly from Asvel's acceptable but nonetheless severely harmed 7 base Spd. Thankfully, you also get a Sety scroll (from guess who) to turn his Spd growth into 105% if you so desire, which also gives him an okay 45% mag growth to work on that 4 base of his. Asvel has 6 mov indoors as opposed to 5, which means he has quite a bit more attacking range and flexibility than most of your units in Manster. Once you're finally outside, your units start to mount and it looks like Asvel is about to flake...but don't worry, because Knight Proofs start rolling in and Asvel is one of the best candidates for a promotion! Sage promotion bonuses are completely outrageous: +5 Mag, +5 Skl, +6 Spd, +4 Def, staves, and of course +1 Mov putting him at 7. With the caps and enemy stats as low as they are, Asvel has absolutely no problem with promoting at a low level. Other than the occasional fatigue, Asvel will serve you very well throughout a casual playthrough of FE5. You get countless Thunder tomes to snag from enemies, and even a few Wind Tomes that you can use to max out his AS if you feel that is needed. And even during very quick runs (like SSS, speedruns or just lowturning or whatever), he is one of the if not the best bosskiller in the game thanks to his high PCC and Grafcalibur's incredible power and hit piercing the ridiculous FE5 thrones with their +30 avo and +10 def. During lategame, you basically have two kinds of units: those that can use staves and have a ton of magic, and those that don't. Asvel is kind of in the middle of the road here: he can use staves but his rank won't be anything worth writing home about, but he does have a bunch of magic and is therefore not as vulnerable to all those Dark Mages and their weird status staves and darckness assaults. He's no Linoan/Sara/Sety in this regard, but he definitely gets the job done. Also, Asvel just has kind of a touching back story. Apparently the little guy had been searching for his friend Leaf for...*grabs game script* Asvel: "Lord Leaf is a very important person to me. I've been looking for him ever since we separated in Tahra. It's been three years now..." (...) Asvel: "I went after you as soon as you left Tahra. But I lost track of you, and I've been here in Manster for half a year now..." Leaf: "As soon as I left!? ...Then you've been searching for me for three years...?" :( Rock on, Asvel!
  3. Well, pretty much her entire character gimmick is "I'm inexperienced and naive".
  4. 25. Titania, from FE10 Today's entry is Titania, because you can never have too many redhead entries! This spot has changed around a lot (which is why it's posted so late in the European evening), but in the end I'm pretty positive Titania deserves to be here somewhere. Maybe not #25, but who cares, she has enough movement to move a few spaces up at her own leisure, even after she attacks. Titania does not start out outrageously turbo ridiculous, but has few issues getting there. She comes high enough where she is basically guaranteed to be able to Crown her as soon as you get one, and even if you don't do that, she will promote naturally at some point because she needs "only" 500 EXP to get there. Sadly, due to Hard Mode, Titania can easily wind up getting single digit combat experience, which is why some BEXP infusions might be needed. Her Str is scarily close to her tier 2 cap, so a BEXP level or two is actually beneficial for her since her next highest growths are HP (60%, tied with Str), Skl (55%), and Spd (50%). The last of these is key to a strong Titania, since she starts out at semi borderline doubling, but that's obviously going to get better quickly. As soon as Titania hits third tier, she just starts breaking the game like we're used to. That is until FE10 inevitably throws anti-Paladin measures at you, which is pretty much fair for all they (particularly she) got in FE9. Unclimbable ledges in 3-4, watery swampish stuff in 3-7, holes in the bridge in 3-11, and then Part 4 (pre-endgame) is almost all bad terrain but Titania is locked to Ike's route anyway which has the least of it, so that's okay. And then she's still a pretty cool guy in endgame. I didn't play FE10, but I don't think I really need to to know what Titania can do. I hope.
  5. Ch2 Ross, Ch5 villages, Ch7 skip around 80% of the map Then Tana joins so it's only half credit from here, but sometimes you can make use of two fliers. Ch9 Eirika, Tana has an annoying starting position that makes Vanessa a better choice for carrying someone over the south sea. Ch10 Eirika, you need both fliers to drop Seth and Eirika near Pablo. Ch12 Eirika, you could possibly use two fliers since there's so many places to go to over the mountain ranges. Ch10 Ephraim, not sure what strategies you can employ safely here with fliers, but I'm sure there's something. Ch15, from here you have Cormag but there's also a desert. Using Vanessa and Tana to ferry thieves and combat units around allows Cormag to actually fight things. I'd make a point about Ch20 if you don't have Warp but by now you have Syrene so I won't.
  6. No posts since last time I posted? Okay. 26. Chicks with wings: Karin from FE5, Thany from FE6, Florina from FE7, Vanessa from FE8 This is kind of the polar opposite of some of the last few entries. While most of them were there not so much for efficiency reasons, but rather more "wow look at these numbers" reasons, these four are here not because they are good at fighting. Rather, they are here because while other people fight, these girls fly around running errands for you. It sounds odd to just mash these four together leaving out some other pegasus girls, but there's actually some reasoning for that. For one, all of them can rescue-drop (unlike, say, Shiida and Fury). For two, all of them were instrumental in dondon's 0% growth playthroughs, where they are all showcased very well. For three, unlike for example FE9 Marcia and FE11 Shiida, there is almost no way to make them really good at fighting without sacrificing a lot of turns that they could have gained for you. The one that comes closest is Florina because of Lyn Mode. For those unaware, the reason these frail and relatively harmless units are so good is because they ignore terrain, and with the rescue-drop function, can allow other units to do the same with some smart maneuvering. Dancers and other mounted units can make this even more gorgeous and turn-saving. Some random things fliers can do for you: - Move a juggernaut such as Seth, Marcus, Othin, etc towards a boss or group of enemies to be killed. - Get to a village before brigands do or before you end a map. - Get a lord to a throne/gate to seize. - Rescue NPCs that do things you don't want them to do, or transport the NPCs to where they need to go. I'm sure there's more things than these, most of them variations of the above. Now, these gals do have the drawback of generally having bad anythingbutSpdandLuk, including constitution or whatever equivalent their respective game has, especially when they aren't getting EXP (which is easy to avoid when you're carrying around someone and your stats are halved). So you have to be very careful, especially with arrows of any kind around. But given good planning, with knowledge of the map and enemy locations, they can do marvelous things for you, completely bypassing whatever the devs intended you to do for a map.
  7. FE4 has a lot more units that are completely broken than other games simply because of those holy weapons. I don't strive for every game to have equal representation. You can argue that having more broken units makes them all stand out less, but I wanted to make room for at least LolSety.
  8. Fine, not everyone. Stupid FE10 stat inflation. Claude!Sety was assumed, and Claude knows not to marry multiple girls. Please only break my balls with things that actually make sense.
  9. 27. Sety - from FE4 One side of me tells me Sety should have been much higher than 27, the other side tells me he shouldn't be here at all. This position satisfies neither, but that's what compromises do. Prepare yourself for a dose of...Lolsety. If you were to put every single unit ever made on the same map, within attacking range of each other, then Sety would be...well, the second best if Narga Julia is there, third best if Julius shows up with Loputousu. But other than that, Sety is looking good. How good? If FEA is to be believed, Levin!Sety joins with 45 HP, 22 Mag, 21 Skl, 17 Spd, 9 Def, 14 Res, and 12 Luk. With Holsety, that makes for something like: 52 Atk, 32 AS, and 76 Avo. 32 AS would already be enough to (if you could) quadruple most enemies in most other games, but in this world where an 1 AS advantage is enough for doubling, not even that covers how overkill that Spd is. Since 52 Atk hitting twice on resistance is not enough, Sety also has 31% Critical and 52% Continue. You know, just to make sure it's dead. To round it all out, he has 1-2 range. All of this would make Sety top of top of top tier for a Link Arena, but unfortunately, there is none in FE4. We have to deal with other things than raw parameters, and that's when Sety's perfection is starting to show cracks that not everyone wants to hear. If you want to stare yourself blind on Sety's combat some more, have fun with this, while the rest of us explore why this guy is #27 and not #1... [spoiler=hype]So at L30, Sety will naturally cap Spd with that 105% growth of his, putting him at 30 Spd and therefore 45 AS, 65% Continue, and the scariest part, 107 Avo. His Skl will jump to 27 for the 37% Critical, and all of that is coming from 27.5 Mag, or 57.5 Atk. Is it dead yet? Sety has two problems, and they both relate to how you can't put his godly parameters to use when you want to. The first is that he joins at the tail end of Ch8, so he misses pretty much half of the second generation right there. The second problem is that he has 6 movement, while Celice has 9 and each FE4 map is as large as a GBAFE world map. Sety simply can't keep up. The Leg Ring is better spent on Celice or Leen/Laylea, and that's that. Sety is better off being relegated to clean-up duty, castle guard (who dares to attack him?), and...maybe some staff utility? Oh yeah, he can use staves. That is kind of a saving grace right there. Not that you are very desperate for staff users, with there being plenty of others. But it gives Sety the option of taking Claude as a father instead so that you can actually have a mounted Holsety user, and doing some minor but interesting things. If you didn't train Leaf, you actually don't really have anyone with more than 5 movement that can use A level staves, and the people with A staves (Lana, Corple/Sharlow) also have worse combat than the amazing Lightning Claude!Sety. He can inflict Sleep/Berserk, fulfill Warp duties, Restore people, or if you're crazy, do the Rescue-from-castle-guard-position glitch to allow Celice to remove infinitely every turn. Take that, dancers! I honestly do not think LolSety is even close to top30 on a list that would be 100% based on efficiency. But sometimes you just want to dream about having pretty much unmatched stats. And hey, against the few things that do cause your team some issues in FE4, Sety is really nice to have (Ishtar, Earth Sword Falcoknight sisters, Arion). Oh, Paperblade deserves a shout out. He predicted Sety would be #28.
  10. Dozla is pretty bad but he has his uses. He can take on a swarm of random enemies with a Killer Axe and OHKO roughly half of them, boosting his durability with a mountain or peak if possible. He can't compare to trained growth units obviously. Still, talking about Berserkers being oh so superior compared to Warriors is very misleading. Most options in either class are rather subpar units overall...I'd say GBA Berserkers are only barely saved by Hawkeye.
  11. 28. Rutger, from FE6 You're playing FE6 Chapter 4. I would like to say it is your first time, without looking at walkthroughs, but this story works so much better in Hard Mode, so we'll go with that. Maybe someone from #feto gave you a savestate or something. Anyway, everything is going smoothly. Chad has the Pirate reinforcements intercepted with his insane avoid in a forest saving him from a KO. Marcus, Lance, and Alan are barely managing to hold off the Cavalier swarm, and occasionally you are rigging RNs so that Lot doesn't whiff with his Halberd and get doubled in return. What could possibly go wrong? Suddenly, a small group of units come out. Hey, it's that swordsman from the cutscene? What's he doing her- why is he mov- oh I hope he doesn't have Killi- ok he whiffed the crit just be fin- NO DON'T DOUBLE AND DON'T CRIT FFFHFUFHFFRUH It won't happen to the more experienced players, but I'm sure it got plenty of people for the very first time, or some other time where they get. And that's when Rutger starts showing how strong he is: by doubling and killing YOUR units. Imagine how good he is versus all those Bern, Laus, Ilia, Sacae, or whatever mooks. Rutger has the entire game ahead of him availability wise, and when he joins he'll always be your fastest unit at 15 in HM (though theoretically Thany could surpass NM Rutger). That is really half the Myrmidon/Swordmaster deal right there: Rutger is as fast as greased lightning. He just doesn't stop doubling until he runs into Gel or something like that. Not even those enemy Mercenaries and Nomads are safe from him. The other thing Rutger brings to the table is accuracy. In most FEs, this isn't a problem, but FE6 is notorious for its Russian Roulette accuracy on weapons. Rutger has 115 hit at base with an Iron Sword, and only 5 less with the Killing Edge. In comparison, on the save I'm checking (I'm lazy ok) Alan has around 85 hit with Iron Lance, 100 with Iron Sword. Marcus has 98 with Silver Lance, Lot has 78 with Iron Axe, Dieck has 94 hit with Iron Blade, yadda yadda. It might not sound like much, but enemies in FE6 have quite a bit of avoid. 20 avo for most "slow" ones like non-weighed down Cavaliers and Fighters, 30 for Mercenaries, that's not unusual. Rutger adds quite a bit of reliability here. Where he's even more of a crutch is bosskilling. Wagner, from Ch6, has 58 avoid because FE6's idea of difficulty (as well as certain ROM hackers......) is to have thrones give 30 avoid. I don't know about you but I'm not that great at evading sharp objects when I'm sitting on a throne. Even Rutger has some issues hitting this guy. He should have around 60 displayed (68% true), but unlike your other units, he'll be doubling because this Shaman has 12 spd...much better than Lot's like 20% chance of hitting him once, or even Alan's 35-40%. Even on Knight/General bosses like in Ch7 and Ch8, Rutger pulls through thanks to the Armorslayer and its rather insane 85 hit. Of course, the main reason to fanboy (or fangirl) over Rutger (other than his looks,,,) comes after he promotes: FE6's totally flashy 30% crit bonus for Swordmasters and Berserkers. Combined with Rutger's 20-gonna-be-30 Skl, that's around 40% crit at base already. There's no S-rank crit bonus in this game (which is unfortunate because FE6 makes him hit S like right away), and enemies do have some Luk in this game, but there's Killing Edges to add another 30%, and slower players can add another 25% through Clarine and Dieck supports, which also add to Rutger's already outrageous Avo laughing at FE6 weapon hit. Rutger's promo item is rather highly contested for when it comes to the sheer number of units that need a Hero Crest to promote, but thankfully most people know to plan their team around those and it'll be pretty much between him and Dieck who gets the first Crest. Rutger can profit from an early promotion as soon as Ch8, or a little later just to uncap his Skl and Spd and give him that delicious Crit bonus earlier. But there's nothing wrong with waiting for a little while to give him more chances at strength procs and everything, unless you're doing 0% growths. Throughout the game, Rutger remains very useful for taking out fast enemies, but his flaws (yes, he has flaws!) begin to show, especially in the extremely efficient runs. For one, he's not mounted, and this game has some pretty enormous maps to drag your units through. This limits his use as a bosskiller and generally lessens exposure. He'll also become less of a juggernaut in comparison to your team members if they manage to start getting clean 2HKOs on enemies, though FE6 enemies generally make this quite a difficult task with their rather enormous HP values. The fact that a unit like Rutger is only #28 shows how tight the competition is. You really need to see him as one of the 30 winners than a loss to everyone above him. RUTGERSPEED
  12. A few things I take into account: - Position on tier lists, which indirectly takes into account how much a unit contributes to an efficient playthrough. - How much the unit stands out in their game. This reflects a little poorly on, for example, Thracia 776 units, because of the universal stat caps and the fact almost every unit can ORKO enemies with enough crit. It also hurts FE10 units because of how many different teams there are, so no unit can really break the whole game. - How helpful a unit is to more slower, casual players. This is rather minor but I used it to sneak in Sedgar, for example.
  13. 29. Volug, from FE10 I went back and forth between Volug and Titania here, but in the end, Titania will PROBABLY MAYBE make a reappearance and you can only write about redheads so much before their appeal decreases. Meanwhile this is probably Volug's only shot, and I already cut some FE10 laguz earlier (I really wanted Janaff and Ulki in there at first...). As much as I could talk about how Volug eats enemies and how funny that is and stuff, this top 30 is an awfully convenient excuse for a trip down memory lane. Let's look at this summary of Volug. If you recognize it, more power to you. It's a little heavy on the abs worshipping, but it's proof smash isn't wrong about everything...as Int has put it before, even a broken watch gives the correct time twice a day, or something like that. So yeah, Volug joins the Dawn Brigade when they're really hurting for some real power units. For some story related reason (they want Volug to look like a pet or something...as if anything that badass can be a pet) Volug stays Halfshifted throughout Part 1. That's okay though, because his stats are great. I have not played FE10 personally so once again here's some copypasta for you, this time from a debate I had with Red Fox long ago. Volug does have a bit of a range problem, which is one of the reasons people have tried to argue Sothe above him before, but so far the character with the better upper body exposition withstood the test of time. The funny thing about the Damp Brigade is that their crew is as lopsided as it gets. At first they have just frail units, then Nolan improves upon that quite abit, then Sothe joins and dominates, then Volug joins and he could eat them all. And then they get Tauroneo, and the LEA, and Nailah, and the Black Knight, and Rafiel I guess, and it's like my God where do all these godly units come from? But unlike pretty much each and every one of those bulldozers, Volug remains deployable in 3-6. The only other unit from that badass list that you can use in 3-6 is the Black Knight, and he likes to take his time. Volug is a major force in 3-6, which consists entirely of 1-range enemies that 2-3RKO your whole team. Meanwhile Volug gets more#HKO'd, and has the means (mostly the durability) to even try some gimmicks like Resolve, untransformed kickboxing, Beastfoe, etc etc. Most of this amazing durability comes from his now fully transformed state, which comes at the cost of having to use Olivi Grass, but there's plenty of that around. In the other two part 3 maps for the Dawn Brigade, Volug remains impressive, being one of your outs to end 3-13 early by bringing Ike to 0 HP (can't really call it killing...defeating, I guess?). The relatively large amount of availability compared to many other laguz gives Volug the distinction of probably the only laguz that can level up his Strike properly, all the way from A to SS, given enough use. The only run I know that has really used Volug a lot is dondon's 0% growths run, and even then I'm not sure if he used Volug in part 4 (he's not really an endgame candidate). But according to our old theorymon, he does hold up there, barely doubling and, like everyone, having a ton of skills to choose from. Like many of the bottom of this list, I'm not sure if Volug REALLY (heh) deserves to be on here. But he's definitely a pretty cool guy and he's ranked right below a pile of units that are pretty likely to make a return on this list, so I don't feel too uncomfortable with him!
  14. They are definitely hurting for more Defense when they're starting out, and when they're Heroes. I also believe Wolf grows slightly slower because of his higher base level.
  15. A last minute change shows evidence of my self-esteem but you won't notice that! 30. Franz, from FE8 Everyone loves Franz. He has more availability than ALMOST anyone, has bases and growths that will reliably make him one of your best units, uses a regular promotion item, and he has the best combat class in the GBA series: Cavalier -> Paladin/Great Knight, with (partial) weapon triangle control, and the choice of either getting 8 mov, or three different weapon types. Franz only has one issue that he shares with ALMOST the entire FE8 cast: he's not Seth. But that's okay, there's only one person that can be Seth. Franz is modest and shy: he aspires to be as great as Seth, and when Seth is on vacation (even Seth gets tired of ORKOing the entire game with a Javelin), Franz has a friendly competition with Vanessa about who is the best unit. Franz is easily better at combat overall, but Vanessa flies everywhere...you can see the results of this in the various drafts that have been held, and some people have even been doing Sethless playthroughs. You just can't really go wrong with Franz. He has all that mounted utility, he grows fairly quickly because he gets to enemies so quickly and never really has to hold back since he can generally enforce WTA and starts ORKOing with just 2-3 Str + Spd procs (40% and 50% growths respectively). The only things he kind of has problems with don't attack...they're called forests, mountains, rivers, and desert tiles. In a run with Seth, Franz isn't really obsolete but even he has a very hard time getting ample level-ups to show his potential. But without Seth, he can usually eat more than half of the map on his own and sort of become Seth by himself, it just takes around eight chapters or so. And anyone that can kind of become Seth himself deserves a spot in this top 30. Lowen has a lot to learn from Franz.
  16. Most of the things I said for Sedgar go for Wolf as well. There was actually quite a bit of discussion on the differences between the two on FEG. Wolf has slightly better bases (2 more HP, 1 more Spd, 3 more Luk, vs 1 less Res). What generally pushed it in Sedgar's favor was his 20% higher Def growth, vs Wolf's 20% higher Str (and Luk), which lets Sedgar break into 110% Def growth whereas Wolf has 90%. I kind of implied the weapon rank thing when I mentioned their class change to Hero pretty much resetting their ranks. I don't believe they have business as any other class except maybe Warrior or Berserker, but those are kinda gimmicky. Plus we all know Etzel is the best Berserker.
  17. Here's a fun little side project. Every day that I'm able to and can be bothered, I'm going to post an entry to this top 30, going down all the way 'till who I believe is the best unit ever made in any Fire Emblem game*. This is just something I'm doing for a little entertainment, I could've spent a lot longer thinking out who should be above who, but in the end this is more supposed to be a light discussion/speculation topic than an actual tier list thing. It's based MOSTLY on efficiency, but for the sake of getting a few units I like or want to write about in, I'm just going to allow a little bit of flexibility here with regards to playstyle/speed. I'm not going Spirit Dust to Mia mode here, but just...giving myself some breathing room. Let's start off with the Honorable Mention, which perfectly reflects this ideology. Honorable Mention - Sedgar and Wolf, from FE11 That's right, I'm allowing myself to cram multiple units into one spot if they are similar enough, just so I can write about more different things. I will mostly talk about Sedgar because he's the better of the two (as well as the less furry and the more liked of the two), but Wolf is so close to him that he deserves to be in here, mentioned in a Honorable Mention. Sedgar, like everything else on this list, is absurdly broken. Not so much for efficient play, but for the slightly slower, casual players. The reason for this is that he has the potential to turn H5 into a walk in the park by going General. With 180% HP growth and 110% Def, he's one of the few units that can hear the *tink* sound against all those jacked enemies. His other growths are absolutely brutal too, with 75% Str and 60% Spd. Remember when we joked around that FE10 Gatrie had the FE9 Knight Ward infused into his blood? Sedgar probably ate around ten of them for breakfast. Why is he hanging so low, then? Well, he has flaws. You can't fault any unit for having flaws, but in this list, competition is just so tight that someone has to be at the bottom, and I believe Sedgar just happens to have the most exploitable flaws. For one, his personal bases are awful. They're a bunch of zeros and 1s, with a single 2 in Luk, and then even -1 Spd and Res. That is painful when you grow so insanely slowly (sub 10 EXP per battle, I believe). In combination with D lances and E bows, that means Sedgar's going to need a lot of training to get anywhere. When he does get there, with a bit of "grinding" (without having it cost turns, just have him tank a bunch of Ch8 Cavs on a fort), he turns into an invaluable wall. Your painful journey pays off in dividends, as Sedgar can now basically say "alright Marth, Shiida, Jagen, Barst, you can go to that half of the map and clean up there, while I'll do this one on my own". At one point, Sedgar will have grown so much that he can reclass to Hero to move around faster and double things, while still being your most durable unit. Of course, this also pretty much resets his weapon ranks... His other problem is that he's in FE11, which is one of the worst games to be a growth unit in because of the broken infinite range Warp. We didn't think it was an issue initially, but then Interceptor just tried skipping the last 10 or so chapters and it worked. And then others improved upon that by skipping almost the entire game with Warp, and Sedgar is left with around...maybe six maps or so to prove himself. That's not enough for any growth unit in any game, really, and Sedgar is in no position to try and be an exception. He is still a lifesaver for most people completing H5 for their first time, or even playing the game for the first time even though he is very very overkill for Normal Mode. He most definitely breaks the game, it's just that the players have broken it further to the point where we no longer need Sedgar to do it for us. This is actually a process that happens for every FE game: the most durable units are hyped at first, then lose importance as players figure out better strategies. It happened to Oswin, Gilliam, Lowen, and quite a few others I can't really think of. I really just wanted one of these units to be in this topic, as a symbol for that type of sturdy unit that can get you through a map no matter how long it has to take. * Though I may be biased towards the ones that I played more... 30 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1781433 29 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1782387 28 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1783208 27 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1784422 26 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1786162 25 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1787120 24 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1788265 23 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1789064 22 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1790104 21 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1791112 20 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1792269 19 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1793171 18 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1794463 17 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1794922 16 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1795748 15 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1797220 14 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1798082 13 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1799175 12 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1800181 11 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1801123 10 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1802073 09 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1802976 08 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1804067 07 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1804732 06 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1805688 05 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1806734 04 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1808204 03 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1809337 02 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1810994 01 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1810994 B Route 02 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1810522 01 - http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=29384&view=findpost&p=1810542
  18. Kind of. But I think they got it righter with Lester.
  19. FE10 got it right with Shinon. And then not so much with Rolf and Leonardo, proving they still don't get it. edit: And Astrid.
  20. Buffing Wil's and Rebecca's stats would help the game's balance more than changing any of the bow mechanics. Maybe give Longbow better accuracy and damage output. Bows won't be useful for other classes no matter what you do with them, other than giving them 1-range. Bartre should just have a really huge Spd growth instead of his base increase. The choice between Wallace and Geitz actually isn't there for people who play efficiently, since raising Lyn and Eliwood is a pain (since they're kind of bad) and Lloyd's map takes less turns. Wallace may suck, but people tend to be forced to get him. He could use a buff but he's never going to be really useful - he's worse than base level Oswin! Geitz definitely does not need nerfing. Buffing Karla really doesn't do much since she's so unavailable. Make her join during the Eliwood/Hector exclusive maps where they get their divine weapon, so she has free deployment in a map where you're hurting for unit slots!
  21. Shanan, probably. It's been a while so it could have been Sety, but Shanan would probably do better.
  22. You can complete the game with Celice and Julia alone, and Julia doesn't die when she's killed.
  23. Hannibal on the castle can't really die to those weak wyverns, except maybe the boss. Get Tinny out of there. But if you're really having trouble, try Shannan with Balmung. They likely won't even attack him.
  24. Mekkah

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