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Everything posted by Mekkah

  1. He can solo it just fine, it will just take forever. You'll need the others to do some trading though because of the inventory cap, and you'll want to put Orson's Silver Sword on one of the others obviously.
  2. Because Legault doesn't go near the throne at all.
  3. FE4 music is so good. Final Holy War is always going to be my favourite, I think.
  4. Ah yeah, I forgot the Ch5 Thracia part.
  5. Thoron is repaired to 50 between generations, if I understood Balcerak's commentary in his ranked run correctly.
  6. Guys, don't worry. I beat FE4 about ten times before, including one time with 0% growths, and one time with all subs. I think I can manage with suboptimal pairings.
  7. OK, here are all the suggestions so far and what I'm thinking. Aideen: - Midir - Jamka - Fin - Beowulf - Claude I do Midir every time. It's the greatest pairing and I'll argue for it every time, but for the LP, I want something special, something spicy. My choice here shall be Claude. Yes, that ruins poor Lester, but it also enables an enormous staff inheritance on Lana. Ayra: - Ardan - Dew - Holyn - Lex - KILL HER Lex is my favourite on this one. I haven't done Holyn/Ayra in a while, so it's tempting. Ayra's subs are too boring. In the end, I'm going to go with Ardan, because he's just a damn hero. Briggid: - Holyn - Jamka - Midir - Levin - Alec Holsety Patty is a compelling argument, but so is creepy talk convo between Brigid and Midir...we'll go with Holsety Patty here. Levin. Fury: - Levin - Azel - Noish Levin is taken and I do Noish in a lot of my playthroughs, so I'm going to have a go with Azel. Too bad Volcannon can't be inherited. Lachesis: - Dew - Beowulf - Lex - Azel - Noish Beo is boring and standard, Dew gives me nothing interesting, Azel is taken, so it's between the two Pursuitless horses. I like the idea of tank mount, so Lex it is. Sylvia: - Claude - Levin - Lex - Holyn Well, each of these is taken except for Holyn. I'm sure Sylvia has no problems with this. Tiltyu: - Levin - Lex - Fin - Azel - Beowulf - KILL HER For me this is pretty much a toss-up between Fin and killing her off. I'm gonna have a go with Fin because it allows me to be a show-off turn count wise in Ch3. To summarise: Aideen x Claude Ayra x Ardan Briggid x Levin Fury x Azel Lachesis x Lex Sylvia x Holyn Tiltyu x Fin I'll try to use these guys during the actual game. Not that their stats make much of a difference, but training them makes it easier to get gold on them, which in turn makes it easier to get good items on them.
  8. Just have a nice period of thumbtwiddling somewhere in a completely quiet period if you aren't confident in your pairings.
  9. Midir/Aideen is much much much better than Jamka/Aideen unless you have absolutely no target for the Pursuit Ring (no Levin!Arthur, not training Leaf, Patty has Pursuit or you're not training her, not using either of the axe brothers, etc etc). As you can see, that's pretty unlikely, so 99% of the time you will want to pair Midir with Aideen. I can understand if you think Midir looks like a worse combatant than Jamka (he is), but Pursuit is just too necessary. Yes, even with the Hero Bow taken into consideration. Midir!Lester attacks four times in one battle with the Hero Bow (on top of the Charge possibility), Jamka!Lester only two times (on top of Charge possibility). A slight edge in stats just can't overcome 1-2 extra attacks. Not only does it help against enemies you can't just 2HKO, it's also great in the arena. As for whether to train Jamka/Midir in Gen 1, it makes VERY little difference for the children, so just do whatever you find convenient. I would nearly always use Jamka since he's just very good at killing things even with just a Steel Bow if needed, and Midir makes for a good addition to a mounted rush squad. He can hit something on player phase, then hide behind your 1-range units for enemy phase very easily.
  10. 21x is usually when I grow impatient with the game, 22 isn't much better with its corridors and three seize spots. In 21x, you can skip a large part of the map even without Warp by using fliers and Berserkers to rescue/drop people like Roy across the water north to your starting point. Leave some powerful units behind for the time being because there's some enemies rushing you, including two Heroes.
  11. Thanks to the Sacred Twins and the 3x Mt modifier (on other weapons), I don't think you can do much better than the 0% growths run. Final Chapter might be place where you can improve easily - dondon had to 5HKO the Demon King with Duessel (at 55% hit) and thus took 3 turns, whereas pretty much any trained team can kill him on turn 1.
  12. Oh yeah I was gonna mention that. I'll pick pairings (or lack of) from suggestions itt. I reserve the right to reject uninteresting, unfair or ungodly ones.
  13. WATCH OUT WHERE YOU'RE THROWING THAT AZEL "No, I just like to watch villages burn. And kick ass." No, he thinks I went shopping. With Azel. My dad could beat up your dad. He can't bring her back if you shoot him. What? Sigurd suffers from Alzheimer's. No he isn't. He was right next to you. Look at what these bandits do to girls! Or people who look like girls. Like Midir. It's okay, this isn't FE5. Green units can't hurt you. Sigurd is pretty quick to change his mind. What? You can't rely on NPCs to defend Lenster. Trust me. DAMNIT! There was only one night where they talked late. No, he totally hadn't. And neither has Elthsan, since he's here as well. Right? But not in Ch4. He's talking about Gerrard. Hm... Alzheimers. INVADE THEIR COUNTRY! Damnit I want to be able to walk this far in one turn Finally someone recognizes Sigurd's badassness. He's not allowed to have the Silver Sword otherwise. These? He means Jungby and Chalphy? I only have one Alec, you know. Like from burning axes or people changing its color. How do they know there's about to be a battle? And why am I still going to be receiving his pay for castles like Madino? Or even Silesia and Zaxon, where he's only at because he's been branded a traitor? Future chapters may come up sometime. In multiple parts, of course.
  14. Seriously, don't let Sigurd hear you. I really love the FE4 translation patch. Azel figures the town was already being set on fire anyway. How's that new job going for you, Alec? Just what I ordered: more horses. Even if Ethlin knew that Azel had come as well, she would be correct. Azel can't keep up with Sigurd. Hint hint. Fin is in a hurry. Since Sigurd and Noish completely forgot, Ardan decides he'll do the village saving himself. He's a multi tasker. The "___ conquered" message only has room for 4 letters. This always amused me, particularly in certain later castles. CONSCRIPTED! Midir never actually said if he was okay or not. My Aideen...it's...cute...lovely...smart...plus...amazing...you think so?...oh yes...it...stunning...kindly...love it! Hug it...when...sleeping...warm and cuddly...spectacular...ravishing... Oops, look at the time! I've kept you at this castle too long. Anyway, I got some opportunities for Talking. It looks like she at least expected you to be hurt. He doesn't need to. His sword hits automatically. Twice. WHO NEEDS SOLDIERS idgi Sigurd is just letting himself get insulted It's okay, they can't cross the bridge. They're stuck there. Oh. Man, what DOES Sigurd have to do to impress people? Everyone acts as if he's Low Tier. Azel sees Alvis and decides to run for his life. Fin decides to go and check out the local dealers... Score! Must...set...bandit...on...fire...so...close... It's okay, Sigurd's got this. DON'T BURN DOWN MY ARDAN Sigurd is going to show everyone how many soldiers he needs. By the way, every single damn convo starts with "what are you doing here?". Not everyone answers it, but Alvis's response is pretty satisfactory. "There's only two of those in the game!" He can hear you, you know. No no no it's okay you can send him back It won't be easy. Mission complete. Ardan is not slow, he just likes to take his time. "We're saved because there's still one house left. Because, you know, villages never need more than one house!" Emphasis on small. Everything else was taken. I'll send Ardan to them straight away.
  15. Since this is a translation patch and since I'm not Paperblade it might not be as funny, but that doesn't mean it won't be worth reading. Verdane is pretty bad at this conquering thing. YOU CAN SEIZE NOW GANDOLF. HURRY UP. Too late. You can't. The "sortie" option is greyed out. And so is the "alive" option. It's so easy acting knightly when you don't actually have a choice at all. Oh, and why did he say "us"? Who else is there and why aren't they outside? People from Jungby make no sense. Maybe Chalphy knows where it's at. Sigurd is so modest. And rude to his knights. That would destroy the EXP rank. NO NOISH YOU WILL RUIN SIGURD'S ENEMY PHASE EXPOSURE Damn straight. Good luck with that. Not only can they walk 30 spaces before the battle starts, and are they closer to the villages than you, but they can STAND ON CLIFFS! I recommend firing Oifaye until Gen 2 starts. Caesar wasn't very good at perceiving who would backstab him. You know who else isn't? So now they discuss that they have to protect their base, because... It's true. This is why you need to make sure your "Army" stat is empty. It means you don't vanish automatically whenever your castle changes color. Yeah, why me? My portrait doesn't even fit in the frame! Yeah, fuck you Alec. We're doing this my way. Who's slow now, punk? Meanwhile, at Jungby... "Sorry boss, we couldn't, there was a Warrior standing on the seize square." Criticaling with 47% hit when the game mechanics wouldn't even allow you to critical at all is an okay way to make up for incompetence. He shall have much "fun" interrogating her later. He never actually goes to the field again, he just sends Kinbois and his men. Except, you know, Alvis, who as far as everyone knows is handling the King's affairs right now. Aideen can moonwalk. Gandolf doesn't even know how to do that, so he's jealous. Verdane is serious business. They can kill (and as you'll see later, create) bridges. With their axes. Also, that's Kinbois. I checked. tmi Gandolf agrees. Don't worry, Aideen, your Lord is well on his way to, er, instill some decency alright. Gandolf knows, and doesn't want to be here when Sigurd arrives. And here I thought the whole point of looting was to take goods for yourself. He should take a look at London. Ardan is on his way as well. These axes are like swiss army knives. They can set shit on fire. And getting away with it.
  16. I don't think he's in Ch7. I also liked how he is from Thracia on two occasions (Ch3 and Ch8), then when you're finally battling in Thracia he comes from the Empire.
  17. You have to gain 45200 EXP throughout the game. A core team of 10 units getting to 20/20 gets you only 390 levels, and that's being generous with how high their end result is. From my calculations, on average every PC needs 10 levels, including prepromotes and lolAthos. It might not be as bad as spending the whole game setting up kills for weak units, but "just don't spam Marcus" is probably not enough either.
  18. At several points in the game having a combat unit that can fly is better than Seth (Myrrh, Cormag, maybe Vanessa). Doesn't make Seth worthless, of course, but no longer the only piece of the puzzle.
  19. I grew curious because of this topic and the awesome SA LP of this game. This game is very very different from Shadow Dragon - you can't just assume it's like a no reclass run on there. First off, Sheeda's strength blows, and there's no Wing Spear, no forges, and no forged Wing Spear to make up for it. She was alright vs pirates (no weapon triangle in this game) but right now she's frequently dealing so little damage she might as well not be there at all. Jeigan is cool. Yes, I know I'm not very far in, but I remember that in FE3 B1 enemies didn't exactly get a lot stronger as you went on. If that's the case here as well, then he's definitely good. Now I know this looks a little silly because I'm not very far in and Jeigan's Silver Lance isn't exactly his, but still. Doga is nice. He will choke this point and he is unkillable because he's Doga. Don't expect him to go anywhere on the map though.
  20. It doesn't matter versus scrubs like Renevants, but it turns Cyclopses, Gwyglgugliglis, (Arch)Mogalls, Gorgons, and even Dracozombies into jokes. Much more of a difference than the slight improvement in Mt vs other enemies in my opinion, especially since they can just heal instead and leave the fighting to someone else if they can't quite KO. I said this before but I think Silencer only triggers if you would have critted anyway, but I'm not actually 100% sure of it. Say Colm has 40% crit, is it 20% normal crit, 20% silencer, 60% no crit...or 40% crit, 20% silencer, and either 40% no crit or 52% no crit (depending on what order the RNs are rolled and checked). I do remember reading in an FE7 RNG guide that the Assassinate RN is rolled after the 2 hit RNs and the 1 crt RN, regardless of whether the user is an Assassin.
  21. My guess is he means their promotion path. It doesn't matter all that much but: Artur should be a Bishop so he can effortlessly OHKO/ORKO monsters, which is better than just slightly better attacking parameters across the board. It also gives him C staves instead of D. The same goes for Moulder, except he will likely be at A staves regardless so that part won't fly. I generally have Colm go Rogue for OCD reasons: no more need for Lockpicks, able to steal, not sure if he can find desert items or disable lava traps but that obviously matters a lot less. Assassin doesn't really offer anything except Silencer (and therefore a little more EXP gain).
  22. The answer to who to use in a ranked run is: everyone. You have to cycle through practically your entire team to fulfill the EXP rank. You can promote some juggernauts to help with dealing tough enemies and fulfilling tactics requirements, but most of the time you will be gumming enemies to death with underleveled units.
  23. Just want to nitpick that Seth is probably worse than Cormag and perhaps Vanessa/Tana in Ch15 because of desert. :p But yeah, they just keep putting him in an environment where nothing else can keep up. I think you can write part of it off to the difference in winning conditions (between FE7 and FE8). FE7 has quite a few earlygame routs and defend maps where training other units is possible. FE8 has a lot of seizing and boss killing, with the routs only really starting at midgame. Routs encourage a spread out army whereas defend maps allow you to play inefficiently, whereas in these other objectives the only goal is to get Seth and/or your seizebot to a certain spot ASAP.
  24. Man, if every FE4 boss who looked like another boss was related...
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