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New Heroes - Attuned: Peony & Triandra

Fire Emblem Fan

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So, this month's New Heroes are from Shadows of Valentia. We're getting Rearmed Sonya, and Mycen, and it looks like the GHB is Nuibaba. We're also getting both Peony and Triandra as a new type of unit, Attuned Heroes.

Edit: The GHB is Marla.


Edited by Fire Emblem Fan
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8 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

GHB is Nuibaba

GHB is Marla, which still isn't Jedah so who the hell cares.

Also, I'm just gonna take a guess and say we're only getting one other Valentia character as a direct demote / quest reward despite their being two FEH OCs instead of the usual one.

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Just now, Tybrosion said:

GHB is Marla, which still isn't Jedah so who the hell cares.

Also, I'm just gonna take a guess and say we're only getting one other Valentia character as a direct demote / quest reward despite their being two FEH OCs instead of the usual one.

I did say "it LOOKS LIKE it's Nuibaba" 😛 All those witches look the same to me, lol.

There hasn't been an announcement about a direct demote/quest reward, at least not yet. I hope we're getting one. It'd be silly if we weren't.

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Weird choice of GHB. Seeing as Nuibaba has more memorability. At least it isn't a Brigand Boss type situation, right?

As for Sonya, damn she looks cool. Her weapon seems basic as rearms go though.

Is SoV that scarce in characters or am I missing something here besides more OC pushing?

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Wow, it's like why even bother making a game about Fire Emblem Heroes with actual Fire Emblem characters from previous games, right???

If IS were smart, they could've knocked out all of the remaining playable characters left for SoV within this banner.

Also, on the one hand I get that we needed an arcane green tome at some point. On the other hand, why the fuck is Sonya getting better shit than Alm? With both Peony and Triandra here did we really need Sonya? Could've been Jesse or normal Deen or Nomah EDIT: Fuck you spell check.

Edited by Sunwoo
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Fuck literally everything.

Why isn't it a Thracia banner? Why are we losing a new character slot to fit a third alt? Why the hell are we getting another skill slot?

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5 minutes ago, Valolaire said:

Is SoV that scarce in characters or am I missing something here besides more OC pushing?

SoV is pretty much out of characters. This is the list of playable characters (ignoring the Cipher DLC quartet) from SoV who aren't in FEH at this point:

  • Jesse
  • Nomah

And that's literally it now. Deen only has his Hatari alt, but that's at least something compared to Jesse and Nomah.

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Honestly, I don't get why they didn't just finish off Echoes. They have three playable characters left, four if you ignore Deen's alt status, and with Engage now in rotation knocking out one of the older games to free up slots for the future would've been a better move. The banner may've taken a hit, but that's what the OCs are for and I'd think taking the blow now and moving on to more popular candidates would be better than stretching it out with even less popular candidates in the future. I also don't like the precedence of having two OCs on the banners, it feels like unnecessary bloating. The only good thing about it is that it may mean Fafnir, Bruno, and Elm may not get screwed out of alts as long as they have female counterparts to carry them. 

As for the banner itself, I love Sonya, but I will admit the fact that she's alongside other alts is really muting my excitement of her. Mycen's neat but I'm not too fond of the character so not too excited about him either. Peony and Triandra just remind me that their story arc fell flat in Book IV and I don't like the new skill slot mechanic they're pushing. Finally, Marla's neat, but it's weird we got her over Nuibaba or Jedah (even if I dislike the latter). In short, it's all in all an underwhelming banner, only one character interests me and even she's getting dragged down by the circumstances around her.


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A NEW SKILL SLOT!!! If I am reading it correctly, does that mean Attuned Heroes are basically just Rearmed Heroes, except instead of passing down Arcane Weapons, you pass down Attuned skills? Seer's Snare would be even more fun now with even more skills. Binding Worlds and Hall of Forms would be pretty cool too if they let Formas have access to and keep X skills.

I am still waiting for them to completely unlock the S slot and let the whole team use the same Sacred Seal.

All the artwork are also really pretty. Peony: Cherished Dream looks busted as support with out-of-combat healing after every round of combat, so she seems great with Save tanks. Triandra: Reverent Dream looks like a great support for nukes for out-of-combat chip damage.

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3 minutes ago, Fire Emblem Fan said:

You know, we should get TWO demote/quest characters. because we have to fill out the Forging Bonds, right? Jesse and Deen coming that way, maybe?

Theoretically, yes. However, I'm not sure I trust IS enough to expect them to actually do that.

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20 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

If IS were smart, they could've knocked out all of the remaining playable characters left for SoV within this banner.

I would argue that it's in fans of SoV best interest for them not to finish it off here as more SoV. Plus I can see arguments for it being business smart too.

Finished games makes it less likely there is a banner for that game. So it's kind of a double edged sword.

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This does feel like a sloppy way to finish the SoV roster I agree. I'm guessing that they are trying to squeeze out one more banner with Jesse, Nomah, and maybe Nuibaba or Jedah as GHBs.

Then the Attuned Heroes seem to be lackluster boosts for the time being. Especially with Peony basically having the better skill almost overall.

Now if any of this is meta-defining or worth pulling for is another story.


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Hmm, interesting... though it will bother me to see one of the two witch sisters in without the other, heh. Oh well...

1 minute ago, vikingsfan92 said:

I would argue that it's in fans of SoV best interest for them not to finish it off here as more SoV. Plus I can see arguments for it being business smart too.

Finished games makes it less likely there is a banner for that game. So it's kind of a double edged sword.

I suppose there's always at least one last banner to include whoever is missing, hopefully...? Maybe stretch it to two if they do decide to put the Cipher characters and count them as SoV characters. Maybe.

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Too late to help complete the Abyssal Nerthuz LHB, figures. I do see a couple YouTube strats I could theoretically use, but trading 400 dew for 20 paper seems like kind of a bad deal.

As for the actual units:

- Sonya I'm sure is strong, but we've been absolutely inundated with strong infantry green mages this year so in the context of the banner she's a distant third.

- Mycen with the painfully truncated kit is pointless.

- Triandra as a dancer with no extra mobility isn't very interesting to me, plus her base version looks nicer.

- Peony therefore is by default the pick of the banner.

Now, uh, time to look up what this new hero type actually involves.


EDIT: So I'm a dum-dum and didn't realise that "Arc" was short for Arcane and that Sonya was therefore a Rearmed unit. Yeah...In the end though, I'm finding that I really don't care about any of this and the prospect of gathering up 150 orbs or whatever feels less appealing than ever despite the notionally excellent value for sniping green. I really can't decide whether to zig or zag here, with zig being sniping pure green and zag being ...quitting the game.


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So from what I'm gathering, these new attuned skills can be used with exclusive weapons, but can't be used with an exclusive skill/assist/special? So to use it on Fallen Chrom would require removing Fate Unchanged, WT Clause would need to remove Deep Star (but can keep Playful Pinwheel), but a unit like Lucia doesn't need to remove anything since her weapon alone makes her. That seem right? If so, it limits the units that will want it a good bit (practically no Mythic/Legendary since their exclusive skills are what make them); some support units like dancers and units like Lucia that all come down to their weapon alone are the most viable.

Now for the scary question... Does it affect Arena scoring and such?... Please don't...

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Lol. Lmao even. Only 2 actually new Echoes characters (Edit: 3 with free Hestia), though we're very likely getting at least one more as a freebie or instant demote for the Forging Bonds. Still, they could have just finished the playable roster here and taken the game out of rotation, or used the Cipher units for one more.

Also, dancer Elincia is the only unit with Rockslide Dance 1-2. Hope you have a spare if you want Rockslide Dance 3, Cross Spur Spd, and Atk Oath Echo all at once.

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3 minutes ago, Namero said:

So from what I'm gathering, these new attuned skills can be used with exclusive weapons, but can't be used with an exclusive skill/assist/special?

Yeah, that appears to be the case since they show Sharena with Fensalir and Peony's Attuned skill equipped in the post explaining Attuned Heroes.

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>Hestia is the instademote reward
>literally three male SoV characters left (including Deen)
>two fairy OCs already making Mycen the only new SoV character on this banner

I wish the old facepalm emoji still existed on this site

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It's funny that the trailer still uses the same "these Heroes will appear in future summoning events" despite three of the four immediately being listed as exceptions. While the doubling up of OCs is obviously a surprise I'm happy to see them and I'm glad the Attuned mechanic really is just "Arcane skills". You don't get inheritable weapons but in exchange the Heroes still have Prf weapons to help their Arena scores. I wonder if we'll get Attuned Heroes in pairs from now on? ...probably not. The "Attuned" probably refers to their bonds with whoever you fodder them to.

But speaking of Arcane skills: we finally have a green Arcane tome AND Sonya's an infantry unit so she can clone Flare and Mag NFU for me! The tome is pretty tame compared to the other two but it's better than nothing?

Also, I think this confirms that the only reason we got a Feh Channel for Rearmed Heroes was because Lif was just that popular. Heck, he got a full animated short where Eir just had that chibi live wallpaper. I did wonder for a while if that would be the case and... now we know!

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25 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

I wish the old facepalm emoji still existed on this site

The magic of hotlinking means you can always outsource.



And yeah, this sums up my thoughts perfectly. This is both the baitiest banner since Fallen Heroes were conceptualized and the most frustrating implementation of a banner for SoV fans ever. If I hadn't already stopped playing seriously, this would've been the tipping point.

And man, am I happy I stopped spending on FEH now. An arcane weapon and two dancers all separate characters on the same banner? And unless Mirabilis falls asleep mid-TT story (which is likely), there's going to be another dancer within a month or two. My wallet would be screaming bloody murder at me.

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