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Mythic Hero Battle: Lumera and Emblem Marth


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This one took me a while to figure out a 1 turn clear. As always, Respite healers are a pain to deal with. I was surprised my CYL Seliph couldn't double that sword pegasus knight.

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I beat this map on abyssal with Rearmed Reinhardt, Ratatoskr, Harmonic Azura, and Legendary Guinevere.

No, I don't know how I managed it. Cleaning up all the generic enemies on the map wasn't overly difficult, but man Marth's fucking damage reduction effect is just bonkers. I just used Reinhardt to hit him as much as possible and run out of his range. Lumera was even harder, because of her DC effect. For a moment I thought I was going to lose because no one could damage her without dying, but somehow I was able to have someone attack her and survive, and then finish her off. It might've been Ratatoskr overriding her divine vein effect that did the trick, but I'm not sure.

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@GuiltyLove I'm almost certain I attacked her, mostly because I was afraid to let her attack me and risk killing one of my units and forcing me to restart the entire map. EDIT: I could be remembering wrong, but I think I had Ratatoskr attack her to lower her HP and then my Rearmed Reinhardt did just enough damage to KO her?

Edited by Sunwoo
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1 hour ago, GuiltyLove said:

@Flying Shogi What team did you use for the one-turn clear? I am not creative enough for those kinds of clears.

I used CYL Seliph, Chrom, Gullveig, and LH!Hinoka. I don't think I've done a regular clear for Abyssal maps since they became a thing. I use to field a mage and 3 refreshers but that got boring so I started doing 1 turn clears because I don't have to think too hard about the team I need to bring; it's mainly Galeforce, refreshers, and Wings of Mercy.




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One-turn clear is impossible with my Marths, but they still were able to deal with these two.

@GuiltyLoveNice clears! The perfect kill of Claude on Lumera was fun to watch. And cool to see that you found a way to make the Macedon team work here. Having Triangle Attack against these super fast annoying units is very welcomed!

@Flying ShogiThat was a great one-turn. Using AoE specials against Marth and Lumera was a very good idea, and the same goes with the Vantage at the end.

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Need to backtrack and drop a few clears, but I'll start with the newest one.


I had some fears after I lost Lunatic but usually just changing my strategy solves things just fine. I actually had a worse clear the first time which involved a lot of turtling around Marth, but I guess I messed with the AI in a way to get Marth and Lumera to separate, which made killing Marth a lot faster.

@GuiltyLove - Good clear! It's a bit unusual to see Claude needing a couple hits to get the kill, but these maps do have some tanky enemies. 

Congrats on clearing with the almost Catria Emblem! Warping really helped on this map to stay away from danger when needed. 

@Diovani Bressan - The newest Marth joins the party! Though Winter Marth was actually the star of the show here, his refine is a lot stronger than I thought it was. Nice work! Maybe Emblem Marth will get more time to shine than Legendary Marth.

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@LandmasterI was so relieved that Claude managed to kill Lumera! Young Minerva's refine is so useful for the special charges~ Emblem Marth was really tough, huh? It took three units to take him down. Luckily for Summer Elise, her Remote Sparrow damage reduction helped her against Lumera  

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Been a while, just wanted to show off No Quarter BEirika and my Hilda.


@Diovani Bressan Emblem Marth sure is ridiculous. Cool to see you still using Groom Marth effectively, though.

@Landmaster The more things change, the more they stay the same, I see. I'm surprised bath Elise didn't show up with Arcane Void. Was surprised to see both bosses left alive by the end, but then again I guess it was hard for your team to take any of them down quickly anyway.

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@Landmaster Nice clear! Separating Marth from Lumera is indeed the way to go here, since they have so much stronger when together. The Elises did great agaisnt these two, especially considering you needed multiple combats against each one to defeat them.

@SatsumaFSoysoy Nice clear as well! The use of Rally Spectrum to counter Lumera's Scowl was very smart, and Eirika doing the exact damage against Marth was fun to watch! Also, great music editing! You did it very well!

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/8/2024 at 11:25 AM, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


@Landmaster The more things change, the more they stay the same, I see. I'm surprised bath Elise didn't show up with Arcane Void. Was surprised to see both bosses left alive by the end, but then again I guess it was hard for your team to take any of them down quickly anyway.

Once I get the Divine Codes for it, it's the first thing I plan on getting. The Elises are at a point where they need all the help they can get.

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