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New Heroes: Aided Reginn & Attuned Timerra

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Ah yes, IS doing what IS does and this is yet ANOTHER FUCKING BANNER with no actual banner demote.

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to suspect that they keep on overloading us with these new hero types as an excuse to stop giving us proper demotes on banners anymore. Absolute bullshit, if you ask me ...

Merrin and Panette (or at least one of them) could've been saved for future banners. But nope, IS decided to be stupid, and now what? 1) We only have the male retainers for Firene and Solm, and of the four of them only one can be considered popular; 2) Lapis was used as a demote instead of either Amber or Jade; 3) Panette was wasted as a GHB and Merrin was wasted on a banner with two other women already; and 4) they're putting multiple special versions of heroes and not giving us proper demotes anymore.

I really hate it.

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*Marni GHB instead of Griss GHB*

Oh screw you and your fetish for axe Grail units, IS.

And wow, this is easily the most pointless unit type yet. I'm so glad that we can now pull for a consumable that grants a mere +1 to all stats. Oh, and it can only be used one time per unit. Yippee.

10 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to suspect that they keep on overloading us with these new hero types as an excuse to stop giving us proper demotes on banners anymore. Absolute bullshit, if you ask me ...

I mean, if they aren't even going to try to make the demotes interesting then I personally don't mind getting less demotes.

Oh, but don't worry! I'm sure IS has Pandreo, as a shitty Prf-less staff unit, lined up as a quest reward to celebrate their awesome new Aided Heroes.

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I sent some angry feedback about them making yet another new hero type that isn't added in the summoning pool and not giving us demotes.

Just now, Tybrosion said:

I mean, if they aren't even going to try to make the demotes interesting then I personally don't mind getting less demotes.

Honestly I wish they'd put some more effort into demotes. But having demotes also makes them easier to summon for while having four 5-stars with two of them being limited makes it statistically harder to get them all. Having two sparks doesn't really do me much good when we don't get enough orbs naturally to spark twice anyway.

Are we even getting an insta-demote for this banner? I don't see anything about one.

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22 minutes ago, Sunwoo said:

Ah yes, IS doing what IS does and this is yet ANOTHER FUCKING BANNER with no actual banner demote.

Call me crazy, but I'm starting to suspect that they keep on overloading us with these new hero types as an excuse to stop giving us proper demotes on banners anymore. Absolute bullshit, if you ask me ...

Merrin and Panette (or at least one of them) could've been saved for future banners. But nope, IS decided to be stupid, and now what? 1) We only have the male retainers for Firene and Solm, and of the four of them only one can be considered popular; 2) Lapis was used as a demote instead of either Amber or Jade; 3) Panette was wasted as a GHB and Merrin was wasted on a banner with two other women already; and 4) they're putting multiple special versions of heroes and not giving us proper demotes anymore.

I really hate it.

Maybe all these new unit types are being done to transition us into a post game completion world (Awakening has only one banner left) where they can justify having nothing but premium alts.

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What a dumb concept of a new hero. It's just another layer of dragonflowers, but paid with orbs.

11 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

*Marni GHB instead of Griss GHB*

Considering the banner is based on Solm, makes sense in having Marni as GHB... Even though I like Griss more.

4 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

They might be waiting to reveal it. That was what happened with Patty almost a year ago.

I have mix feelings about it. We still need a 4th unit for FB, afterall.

However they could go in two different ways here. We could have a insta demote as quest reward for a "Aide Heroes Celebration" or something, which makes sense. However, Marni appears in the Story Chapter, and these days that never happens. So Marnie could easily be the 4th Hero in the Forging Bonds and we get no demote.

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Quick and dirty infopost about Aide Essences:

  • Permanent +1 to all stats. (Arena Score does not use the extra stats in calculation.)
  • They mostly follow Ascendant Floret rules: passed on when merging, lost when used in inheritance/booking, not passed on through Otherworld Bonds. Only change is that they aren't finite and you can get more by rolling multiple copies of the supplier.
  • Units with an Essence can equip it as an Accessory.
  • One per unit. They can't get multiple copies of the same Essence, nor can they stack it with future Essences for more stats. (It is not stated whether or not you can still give multiple Essences for Accessorizing purposes. I will ask IntSys about that in a feedback message.)

So basically treat them as an extra set of Dragonflowers that only works once. I'm rather salty about that last point though, strengthening a unit with future Essences could've been an interesting way to keep a favorite unit relevant.

Edited by Some Jerk
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46 minutes ago, Tybrosion said:

*Marni GHB instead of Griss GHB*

Oh screw you and your fetish for axe Grail units, IS.

We're destined to get all of the hounds as GHB units eventually. Engage really has few other options, there are virtually no other bosses noteworthy enough (though personally I wish Nealuchi or whatever his name is should have been the Engage Debut GHB instead of a Lumera rerun, give the guy some credit as the first human boss in the series with the multi HP bar mechanic). Well, Hayacinth too I guess. Even among playable enemies is basically just Lindon and the Elysian retainers (most of which have gotten in as banner units now). We will almost certainly get Griss on the next Engage banner (though I doubt he'll be a brave tome user with Nova like I hope) and that banner will probably make more sense than this Solm one given Griss is the only hound you don't fight in Solm.

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Woa whoa whoa, I just got to watch the trailer. Merrin is a sword cav? Why is no one talking about that? Like, fair enough, accurate to the game, but there are literally two units in the entire series that fit the mold of Knife Cavalry, her and Yukimura (and even he's slightly contrived, though I appreciate they actually went there). Why would you ignore one of the rarest unit types I'm the series in favour of making her one of the most common?

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22 minutes ago, Jotari said:

We will almost certainly get Griss on the next Engage banner

That's the problem. I hate that I have to wait another six months (at least) for a chance at getting a Griss GHB.

I wouldn't put it past IS to randomly go with Hyacinth for the next Engage banner instead.

19 minutes ago, Jotari said:

Woa whoa whoa, I just got to watch the trailer. Merrin is a sword cav? Why is no one talking about that? Like, fair enough, accurate to the game, but there are literally two units in the entire series that fit the mold of Knife Cavalry, her and Yukimura (and even he's slightly contrived, though I appreciate they actually went there). Why would you ignore one of the rarest unit types I'm the series in favour of making her one of the most common?

IS is allergic to creativity these days.

It's also why Fogado is a green bow cav (when there are eight prior green bow cavs to zero prior red bow cavs) and why they picked the most vanilla options for most of the Three Houses CYL winners.

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I'm kind of disappointed that Sandstorm is probably an exclusive skill. It would've been really nice to have on Lucia for its damage reduction effect.


And the usual translation notes since I'm too sleepy to read the rest of the skill descriptions tonight and should have gone to bed already:


The banner name is "お供レギン&響心ミスティラ" (otomo regin & kyōshin misutira), "Companion Reginn & Resonating Hearts Timerra". "お供" (otomo), "companion", is the name of the Aided Hero type. "響心" (kyōshin), "resonating hearts", is the name of the Attuned Hero type.

Timerra's epithet, "Desert Warrior", is "闘いの熱砂" (tatakai no nessa), "Hot Sands of Battle".

Desert Spear is "闘いの熱砂の槍" (tatakai no nessa no yari), "Lance of the Hot Sands of Battle".

Sandstorm is "砂陣" (sajin), "Sand Gust". This appears to be a play on "砂塵" (sajin), "sandstorm", but with "塵" (jin), "dust", replaced with "陣" (jin), which typically means "battle formation", but can also refer to a gust of wind.

Spd/Def Finish is "速さ守備の秘奥" (hayasa shubi no hiō), "Spd/Def Secret". As usual, "秘奥" (hiō), "secret", most likely refers to the term "秘奥義" (hiōgi), "secret secret technique", which is commonly used in video games to refer to higher-tier special attacks (e.g. Mystic Artes in the Tales of series), with "奥義" (ōgi), "secret technique", referring to the lower tier and being the name of Special skills in Heroes.

Time Pulse Echo is "響・始まりの鼓動" (kyō: hajimari no kodō), "Resonance: Pulse of the Beginning".

Fogado's epithet, "Affable Prince", is "みんな大好き" (minna daisuki), "Loves Everyone".

Sentinel Bow is "自警団長の弓" (jikei-danchō no yumi), "Bow of the Vigilante Captain". The Sentinel class in Engage is called "ヴィジランテ" (vijirante), "Vigilante", in Japanese.

S/D Far Trace is "速さ守備の遠影" (hayasa shubi no en'ei), "Spd/Def Far Trace". As usual, "影" (ei) typically means "shadow" or "image", but here it clearly means "trace", as in something that is left behind.

Merrin's epithet, "Suave Knight", is "麗しの珍獣騎士" (uruwashi no chinjū kishi), "Beautiful Rare-Beast Knight".

Suave Blade is "珍獣騎士の剣" (chinjū kishi no ken), "Sword of the Rare-Beast Knight". It's a sword and therefore cannot be called as such.

Spd/Def Link is "速さ守備の連携" (hayasa shubi no renkei), "Spd/Def Coordination".

Reginn's epithet, "Dvergr Heir", is "小人の国の後継者" (kobito no kuni no kōkeisha), "Successor to the Kingdom of Dwarves".

Dvergr Wayfinder is "ニザヴェリルの理槍" (nizaveriru no risō), "Nidavellir's Principles Lance". "理槍" (risō) is a novel compound translating as "lance of reason" or "lance of principles". However, it's probably not a coincidence that it's also a homophone with "理想" (risō), "ideals".

Canto (Dist. +2; Max 5) is "再移動(マス間の距離+2、最大5)" (sai-idō (masu-kan no kyori +2, saidai 5)), "Move Again (Distance Between Spaces +2, Maximum 5)".

Seiðr Burst is "連魔弾" (renmadan), "Continuous Magic Bullets". Compare with Seiðr Shell, which is "魔弾" (madan), "Magic Bullets".

Shadow Rift is "影助・引き戻し" (eijo: hikimodoshi), "Trace Assist: Reposition". "引き戻し" (hikimodoshi), "bringing back", is the name of the Reposition skill. The "Shadow" in the English skill name comes from "影" (ei), which typically means "shadow" or "image", but here clearly means "trace", as in something that is left behind, in reference to the Trace skills that grant the Canto effect. "影助" (eijo), "trace assist", appears to be the name of a new skill series that allows units to use Assist skill effects after activating Canto.

Aide's Essence is "お供の心" (otomo no kokoro), "Companion's Heart".

Aide is "お供アクセサリー" (otomo akusesarī), "Companion Accessory". The internal name of the Aided Hero unit type is "ACCE", clearly an abbreviation of "accessory".

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1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

That's the problem. I hate that I have to wait another six months (at least) for a chance at getting a Griss GHB.

I wouldn't put it past IS to randomly go with Hyacinth for the next Engage banner instead.

It's possible, but I doubt it. They've done the other three hounds without break in the last three banners. Then again, the next banner might be the four winds from Fell Xenologe in which case Griss would be weird since we'd have Gregory on the banner. So you might end up being right. Still, I think for this banner Marni is a better choice. Griss should have been in the Elyusia banner given you fight him in Elyusia castle.

1 hour ago, Tybrosion said:

IS is allergic to creativity these days.

It doesn't even feel like creativity. It actually feels like the opposite. Dagger Merrin is by far the least creative and most obvious choice for her. She's the only the only true character that comes as a dagger cav as a base class in the entire series, including enemies (Yukimura functionally isn't a cavalry unit in Fates and Merlinus doesn't use weapons at all in his games, though I like that both if them are dagger Cavs in Heroes), and daggers are what Wolf Knight classes are meant to be. All variants of the class have knives and S rank knives at that, and the dagger she comes with his a higher rank than the sword she comes with. Swords are her sub weapon. And there are well over a hundred different sword Cavs in the series. It's like giving Tatiana tomes, only if she were also the only infantry staffbot in the series. Lack of creativity isn't the issue here since dagger cavalry is just so obvious. The choice is just bizarre. My only guess is it's because they're going to give us her as a dagger cav later on as a seasonal and want to try and make that something worth pulling for.

Edited by Jotari
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>demote healer Pandreo
>y'know, one of only two types of units who've so far NEVER gotten a refine ever?
>they made him the demote
>could've swapped him and Merrin because Merrin is a class type that would eventually get a refine
>we could've given a hypothetical 5-star Pandreo some cool staff-exclusive skills that we don't have enough of in the main pool?

I hate it, IS

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So I just happened to see this now, and I initially thought that the +1 to all stats was just a minor additional bonus to powercreep Attuned and Rearmed heroes, and that the ability to equip an Aide would give them a massive combat bonus that would be at least as powerful as Arcane weapons or the X slot.

But nope, the +1 to all stats is meant to be the selling point and the Aide is purely cosmetic? So they've just made a variant of Ascended heroes instead, but worse for most units. Wow. But at least you get multiples by pulling the same unit I guess.

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1 hour ago, Sunwoo said:

>demote healer Pandreo
>y'know, one of only two types of units who've so far NEVER gotten a refine ever?
>they made him the demote
>could've swapped him and Merrin because Merrin is a class type that would eventually get a refine
>we could've given a hypothetical 5-star Pandreo some cool staff-exclusive skills that we don't have enough of in the main pool?

I hate it, IS

Your ambitions are too low and your complaints too reasonable. He should have been a Gauntlet user! *quietly ticks off list of potential users that have had other weapon types and snorts a kilogram of compium hoping Seadall will introduce the weapon type*

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6 hours ago, Some Jerk said:

One per unit. They can't get multiple copies of the same Essence, nor can they stack it with future Essences for more stats. (It is not stated whether or not you can still give multiple Essences for Accessorizing purposes. I will ask IntSys about that in a feedback message.)

From what I understood by reading the notifications, I got that if you summon multiples Reginns you get multiple Aide's Essences. It doesn't say you only get an essence the first time only you summon that Aide Hero.

I even went to check how it was in the Ascended Heroes notification, and I found this:

"Ascendant Florets can only be received once for each Ascended Hero, the first time you summon that Hero. For example, even if you summon Fjorm: Ice Ascendant multiple times, even if you summon her again in a different summoning event, an Ascendant Floret will only be received the first time she is summoned."

This is not mentioned on Aide Heroes. It says you get an Essences when you make an Aide Hero an ally, but it doesn't say it's only the first time.

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7 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, but don't worry! I'm sure IS has Pandreo, as a shitty Prf-less staff unit, lined up as a quest reward to celebrate their awesome new Aided Heroes.

Man, do I hate the times where I’m right.

To be clear, I didn’t want this to happen. I just had a feeling IS might do it.

4 hours ago, Sunwoo said:

>demote healer Pandreo
>y'know, one of only two types of units who've so far NEVER gotten a refine ever?
>they made him the demote
>could've swapped him and Merrin because Merrin is a class type that would eventually get a refine
>we could've given a hypothetical 5-star Pandreo some cool staff-exclusive skills that we don't have enough of in the main pool?

I hate it, IS

Don’t forget that this also could’ve been Bunet (who would also eventually get a refine) instead while Pandreo gets saved for a future banner.

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Oh. That one girl from the hounds will be coming to the game. Cool. Also, dang it, I love the music in this trailer. XD And maaaaan having a cute little buddy robot?! Shoot. I was ready to skip the new Reginn entirely, but...maybe just for now. I wonder what other little friends we'll get along the way. Also, Fogato's in! Cool, though I still wish he'd get a version where his weapon is an affogato (coffee with ice cream, basically.) Kind of funny that Laguz Friend is here again. That's what you get for your localization choices, IS. Anyway, I'm satisfied with this banner, but probably won't pull on it. ... Despite the little buddy bot and cool keychain charm art. (Clearly my priorities are straight.)

Edit: Oh, Pandreo's being added too? Awesome! I'm just glad he made it in. IS makes some weird choices sometimes. Like how Franz is still waiting to be added into the game, even though his hero, his bro, his bro's bestie, both of his lieges, and his girlfriend are all already in the game before him...and he's a very early game character.

Edited by Mercakete
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While it's great to see these characters, there's a lot to be disappointed with here.

  • Merrin got a sword instead of dagger.
  • Yet another new unit type with limited availability, and a lazy, boring bonus for getting them. It's basically just a worse all-around version of ascended units.
  • Prfless staff demote Pandreo.

What a waste.

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17 hours ago, Tybrosion said:

Oh, but don't worry! I'm sure IS has Pandreo, as a shitty Prf-less staff unit, lined up as a quest reward to celebrate their awesome new Aided Heroes.

Funny how you called this by accident.

13 hours ago, Humanoid said:

But at least you get multiples by pulling the same unit I guess.

Which is apparently worth locking Aided Heroes behind premium banners? An extra +1 to all stats barely makes a difference with powercreep these days anyway!

Anyway, this banner is a skip for me. I'll spend my free pulls on Blue and bail. Getting two Sparks is nice at least.

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