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The Last Promise

Crimson Red

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Man, I can see you guys put a ton of work in this and I'm surprised that the dialogue is actually pretty good. Feels like it could be an official FE game. like that the game isn't holding my hand either and the enemies can put up a fight compared to the other gba FE games that I found being too easy.

Question, are there supports in this or not? Just wondering, it wont ruin my enjoyment I'm already having if there aren't any.

Edited by Fanfaire
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According to Blazer there are they just aren't in the game't yet. He has them all written down but he still has to format them and insert them into the game.

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I've started playing this game recently. I never played this game before back when it called Tactics Universe, but from what I've played(Siegfried's Story) this is a really well done hack. Good job.

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I know holding it gives some sort of stat boost, I'm not exactly sure what it bosstes but Holding it should increase you hit or something. It's pretty good, give it to someone who you use but could be better. I myself gave it to Tekun and he started preforming way better.

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So I just beat the game, and I gotta say, I LOVED it. Also, KUDOS FOR MAKING A FINAL BOSS ACTUALLY DIFFICULT.

So here's my final team(Be warned, as some characters were screwed hard, others are just there so I have 14)

Anakin: 18/20 HP 40 Mag 18 Skl 23 Spd 27(CAP) Luck 30(CAP) Def 17 Res 18 Overall Opinion: Pretty good. His unique Light weapon makes him much more useful, other than a bard who can counterattack.

Kelik: 20/20 Str 27(CAP) HP 48 Skl 30(CAP) Spd 30(CAP) Luck 27 Def 18 Res 14 Overall Opinion: Broken. There are no words to describe how good this man is.

Shuuda: 20/18 Str 25(CAP) HP 53 Skl 29 Spd 26(CAP) Luck 16 Def 17 Res 14 Overall Opinion: He is VERY useful. He has enough dodge that his iffy defenses are okay usually. Besides, he has enough HP to survive a hit if he does get bonked.

Cia: 20/20 HP 47 Mag 25 Skl 17 Spd 26(CAP) Luck 26 Def 12 Res 23 Overall Opinion: Holy crap this girl is FAST. And hits like a truck. Her only real problems are the typical sage squishiness(which for her, doesn't really matter because LAWL SPEED)and the fact that she seems to have an issue with Skill

Ace:: 20/20 Hp 60(CAP) Str 24 Skl 22 Spd 26(CAP) Luck 22 Def 25(CAP) Res 19 Overall Opinion: He's reminds me of a tankier Kilik, with lower skill, and can use lances. Overall, he REALLY shouldn't be taking much damage, and will dish it out just as well. Not your average generic soldier indeed.

Kevin: 20/5 Hp 49 Skl 19 Spd 16 Luck 11 Def 21 Res 7 Overall Opinion: Kevin is worth using, I just couldn't get him to keep up with my units, because of the fact that Knights have 4 movement, and Generals 5. At the rate he was going, I would not be surprised if he turned out to be a slower, but MUCH tankier Ace.

Tamiko: 20/20 Hp 46 Mag 25(CAP) Skl 25(CAP) Spd 15 Luck 19 Def 12 Res 28 Overall Opinion: BEHOLD. One of the BEST healers I have EVER seen. I think my Tamiko got Speed screwed, but her defense will usually end up around this, probably higher because it seems her growths are just THAT GOOD. Use her. You will not regret it.

Inanna: 20/20 Hp 60(CAP) Str 24(CAP) Skl 25(CAP) Spd 29(CAP) Luck 23 Def 15 Res 22 Overall Opinion: Your Inanna's final stats may look a LOT different than mine. I ended up using the Ether Sphere on her, and she WRECKED EVERYTHING. However, she is still VERY good without it, and will most likely cap Speed, Skill, and have respectable defenses.

Karina: 20/13 HP 51 Str 25(CAP) Skl 27(CAP) Spd 22 Luck 22 Def 22 Res 9 Overall Opinion: Wyvern Chick! Wyvern Chick is freaking awesome. Typical Wyvern weakness to magic, and her speed may lack occasionally, but overall, VERY solid.

Shadow: --/11 HP 36 Str 16 Skl 24 Spd 23 Luck 10 Def 15 Res 10 Overall Opinion: I used him because of two reasons: Althares didn't work out at all, so I needed a lockpick user, and the fact that he's an ASSASSIN. I love Assassins. I wasn't really able to get much of an opinion on his stats overall, but he seems pretty solid.

Levion: --/15 HP 55 Str 21 Skl 22 Spd 17 Luck 12 Def 20 Res 13 Overall Opinion: Levion and his mighty beard are a solid unit. He can definitely be a replacement Paladin if neither Corben nor Eduardo worked out.

Gary: --/20 HP 58 Str 28 Skl 27 Spd 25 Luck 30(CAP) Def 18 Res 13 Overall Opinion: Gary brings the pain, while breaking the mold that most Warriors are SLOW. He comes with capped Luck, and makes a great addition to any team.

Frederick: --/18 HP 57 Str 24 Skl 22 Spd 18 Luck 8 Def 30 Res 20 Overall Opinion: He's good. He's a good late game General, easily able to replace a screwed Kevin. I mean...LOOK AT THAT TWENTY RESISTANCE!

Alice: --/4 HP 38 Str 18 Skl 19 Spd 20 Luck 17 Def 12 Res 14 Overall Opinion: She's a FalcoKnight that has solid stats, however, I didn't really use her, and she was only really on this team due to the 14 unit max, and I wanted to have 14 units. HOWEVER, she does look very solid, forming the Pegasus Trio with both Inanna and Lirin. If having a Triangle Attack is your thing, use her, there aren't really disadvantages I see.

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Hmm.. I can't seem to get Chapter 7x to appear. I cleared everyone out and visited all the houses. Does blocking enemy reinforcement deployment affect this? Or must I visit all houses before I kill the leader?

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Hmm.. I can't seem to get Chapter 7x to appear. I cleared everyone out and visited all the houses. Does blocking enemy reinforcement deployment affect this? Or must I visit all houses before I kill the leader?

What version of the patch are you using?

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Ok so the patch with chapter 7x is 1.0, the other versions block it for some reason (well no one has gotten it anyway). You get Noah by stepping on the little cliff on chapter 7 that's directly under your starting point.

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Could someone provide the 1.0 patch if possible plz? I'd like to keep playing but not after I did the requirements for 7x and found out the hard way that it broke.

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So, I finished this last night, so why not post my team and opinions about them? My experience is a bit unique, because this team has survived all the way from the early beginnings of Tactics Universe! Thus, I'm missing a few characters, and Karina decided to become a terrible replacement for Nayr, but I didn't have to restart! The enitre analysis has huge spoilers AND size, so I've spoilered it!


Howard made a solid replacement for both Corben and Eduardo, who both really sucked, and for Siegfried, when that time came. HP and Skill were disappointing, but he was effective, albeit a bit luck based.


Best healer. Her defense came from the original Tactics Universe, where her growth was higher, but she picked up a few points in TLP. Not that great offensively nearing the end due to her con and light rank, but she still took a hit or two.


Simply amazing. Could tank, and was effective on the offense, too! One of the three people that could take Siegfried at the end, which is always a plus.


A pretty typical female Sage, at least the kind you'll find in hacks. High Speed combined with attacking RES helped a lot, and the occasional heal made her more than just another attacker.


The Best Hero. If he was a bit more durable he would have been able to face Sieg, but oh well.


Two words: Solstice, Munio. Well, that and healing. Tanked Galagar, and Sieg didn't even want to touch him!


I brought him out in Ch. 25 as a Lv. 5 Nomad Trooper, with pretty terrible stats, just to kill those Longbow Snipers near the start. Somehow, his chip became useful enough that he eventually was able to be pretty decent! Clutch for killing siege tome users, too.


Now THIS is how you do a late-game unit! The second of three that took Sieg, and he just killed and killed his way through every chapter he was available for. He even one-rounded that one Munio shaman Senator in the first part of the final!


You had so much potential, but alas, a lack of Speed meant that you weren't as good as before. He was tanky, and though he had to avoid some of the speedier generics and bosses, he took out many a generic.



At the Tower of Silvos, he was terrible, and TLP actually upped his Str and Spd by one! And through the power of Silvans and babying, he somehow became really competent. He never truly surpassed his father, but only because he became something completely different!


A Bard that could attack! Early promotion hurts him, but it's almost impossible to screw up a bard.


Well, someone here's broken! He's not too impressive, until he promotes and snowballs into this. His unique legendary helps, too.


He was terrible in TU, but TLP upped his bases a ton, so I decided to use him. He's better than Leopold, at any rate!


The most hilariously lopsided Valk you'll ever see. Amazing speed, no luck, no Skill. Her skill on promotion was 9! Her defences weren't bad, either!

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I have to restart Chapter 14 now because a Fighter decided to flee onto a fort where an important NPC appears. I'm not sure whether to laugh or be angry. Also, Chapter 12 is lost after the 14th turn. The game implied I had 15 turns, but I guess it was lying. Oh well.

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So I just beat this a few moments ago, and I figured that I would share my final team stats since others are doing it. These are all of the people I mainly used during the entire game. The Images are rather small so you will have to click on them to effectively read them.

Ace - 20/20

post-4717-031916400 1346195918_thumb.jpg

Anakin - 20/20

post-4717-066478600 1346195934_thumb.jpg

Ben - 20/20

post-4717-061238300 1346195959_thumb.jpg

Cia - 20/20

post-4717-013072800 1346196344_thumb.jpg

Corben - 20/13

post-4717-028356800 1346196353_thumb.jpg

Frederick - */18

post-4717-054230900 1346196356_thumb.jpg

Gary - */20

post-4717-035905500 1346196361_thumb.jpg

Karina - 20/20

post-4717-085921600 1346196365_thumb.jpg

Kelik - 20/20

post-4717-070001700 1346196371_thumb.jpg

Rex - 20/16

post-4717-088130100 1346196378_thumb.jpg

Sai - 20/20 (Ether Sphere)

post-4717-090708400 1346196385_thumb.jpg

Shadow - */8 (Lockpick utility)

post-4717-071793800 1346196391_thumb.jpg

Shon - 20/20

post-4717-078874600 1346196397_thumb.jpg

Storm - 20/20

post-4717-026787000 1346196404_thumb.jpg

Tamiko - 20/20

post-4717-078821600 1346196409_thumb.jpg

Yue - 20/20

post-4717-071959900 1346196415_thumb.jpg

Edited by Ol Nuge
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Alright, so chapter 17. I talked to the cavalier captain to bring in more troops in order to recruit Noah. The dialogue played out normally, but after the cutscene was done, no Noah. He never showed up on the map. Does anyone know exactly where he pops up on the map? I fear someone may have been on the tile he was supposed to spawn on.

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Ah, seems Noah wont trigger if you already killed the boss. Though it seems I'm out of luck for Stage 7x than until the next patch. I wont be missing too much without it will I?

7x just has a bunch of loot to grab and some xp, it's helpful but not the end of the world to miss it seeing as it is just the prologue

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He appears in the top right hand corner. You must have talked to the Captain before turn 7 to recruit Noah.

I did. Talked to the captain on the first turn. Noah never showed up.

So I'm assuming that I'm the only one having this problem? Figures.

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