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Phoenix's Sprite Gallery.


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Woah, she looks really nice~

She reminds me of that gypsy from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame! oAo

I actually suggested Phoenix use Esmeralda as a base of sorts for the sprite, so a resemblance is unsurprising and somewhat intentional ^_^

Edited by -Cynthia-
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Woah, she looks really nice~

She reminds me of that gypsy from The Hunchback of Notre-Dame! oAo

That's what I thought too!!! =D

I actually suggested Phoenix use Esmeralda as a base of sorts for the sprite, so a resemblance is unsurprising and somewhat intentional ^_^

Ah I see now! =)

This isn't spammy-ish is it?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Give Bryn a scythe. DO IT.

That aside, I like the cat-eyes she seems to sport. It really does make her seem more sinister.

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Since we are to post requests here...

Sprite my Fallen guy please~ And if you would, make his eyes do that glow/not glow thing that you did with Bryn. Also, I'd like to see the weird-eye version (I assume included with the glow/not glow but all the same would like to see the still version of normal eyes and clowing irises). So, that's an animation and 2 still pics, please. ^_^

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  • 4 weeks later...

Requesting one for Ranyin. I have the patience of a glacier sometimes. This is one of those times so no pressure! XD

I didn't explicitly state it but according to the RP, it can be assumed that Ranyin looks feminine...:facepalm:

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Hey there. So I'm kinda jumping on the boat here and asking for a request for John; since apparently most of the crew is asking for their characters... *QAAM'ed*

I don't mind if it'll take a while (since it sounds like it will), so no worries there. :D:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't have enough done yet but who cares. I'm bored. 28 images below ... Recolors, Splices, and Fullbodies.


Note: These were recolored using a color brush instead of my old carve out and color replacing method. It's become pretty standard for me and it's a lot less time consuming. In fact the new method blows away the old one and I wish I had learned out to use it sooner. Recolors only take about half an hour at most, and maybe two minutes at the earliest. I'll go ahead and recommend this to you too, Datia.

Note: In brush settings there should be a little fly out menu that says Normal by default if you haven't messed with it already. Change the setting to color at the bottom and make sure the opacity is at 100% and then isolate the area you want to recolor. Then just go to town. The coloring doesn't stack if opacity is at 100% so hitting the same spot twice over overlapping strokes won't ruin it :): (can't say the same for most of the others though so be careful experimenting with that)



Disciple of the God of Wrath.



Disciple of the Goddess Nature.



Bishop of the Goddess Mercy.



Ursium's Archbishop and voice of the four major gods.



RP enemy combatant. Also that guy Gytha killed.



RP enemy combatant. Currently in jail.



RP enemy combatant. Strange girl.



Luna's NPC from RotE.



RP NPC. A noble born celebrity in Ursium who does a lot of random stunts, performances, and vigilante work.



RP NPC. A Lieutenant in Langley's battalion. This is a remake by the way.



RP NPC. The General of Wrath.



RP NPC. Just me being silly. She's a private in Langley's battalion.



RP NPC. Silliness' mother. She has an upcoming but very brief relevance in the rp.


Updates, WIPs, remakes, and finished things.



Still a WIP, but it's getting there ... I think.



Snike's first RotE PC. Still possibly a WIP.



Bron's also an RotE NPC. A relic hunter.



RP NPC and alcoholic mage.



Twin mercenaries from RotE



RotE NPC. Sometimes the simplest and laziest remakes turn out looking better :):



No information available at this time.



WIP. No information available at this time.



An updated coloring of my RotE character. I originally wanted his hair lighter but was having trouble. Tried it again this morning while fixing the other colors on his body and it came out a little better I guess. I also smoothed out the shading on his face and a few other small things to make it look nicer. Coat lost a lot of saturation but it shouldn't have been that colorful to begin with. He needed something that didn't stick out too much but still showed some color. No idea why I made the headband brighter though :/:


Sprites with legs and coat tails :):


Decided to touch up the coloring on this one.



Took me forever but I finally got around to touching up the original Eric sprite.



Viv promoted in LoAF and is now a Falcon Knight, and so I wanted to update her appearance a bit.

Notes: She's wearing two different pieces of equipment on her arms(done on purpose). Her right hand just has a regular sleeve and glove(rein hand), but her left hand(lance hand) is armored. And this stat-wise accounts for that whopping one point of defense she gained on promotion :):



Original wasn't satisfactory. Remake was also a bit meh with how I settled on the top wing positioning. Didn't complement the bottom pair at all. So I decided to put all four wings into a humble retracted position together. Nyx is still a WIP so I may add other things later.



Lilith is for all intents and purposes Nyx's older sister in RotE.



And I end with this pic of Lilith and Nyx, which I kind of like :):



Okay now I currently have four things I want to sprite: Svanhildr, Siv, and a tier 2 Kelas.

... but there's also the spriting queue too: Synthia, Uso, Domovoi, Shadrak, Nanahm, Derik, Ranyin, John, Pent


Pent wasn't officially requested so it kept getting moved back, but I'll just lock him behind John since it's already been pushed back by like seven others. But in the future, all requests should be made in the gallery itself. I'm trying to standardize here.

So on to other things then. I'm thinking of(and seriously considering) trying a few livestream spriting sessions. I won't be doing this until I'm familiar enough with the programs I'm using to not get caught up trying to figure out functions and tool settings, etc. If and when there's any more info on this, I'll post it here, along with the channel link for any upcoming ones.

Post note: I want to see if I can livestream the next project, but I don't know how much trouble spriting Synthia's going to give me so I'll have to think about it. Recolors are simple, simple splices are simple, but I don't think she'll be a straight forward splice(requests almost never are) so we'll see.

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*left to watch her brother's baseball game*

Anyway yeah I got the magic wand thingy and tolerance to 0, but I was wondering I see these checkboxes that say anti-alias and contiguous. I have no idea what they mean so what affect would they have?

EDIT: I was like, Well why don't I actually see what happens when I uncheck them? xD I tried unchecking both and something there made it look better idk what it was but oh well...

EDIT EDIT: Just tried it again to double check and now I can't see a difference

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Anti-Alias: Causes anything drawn to have a slight blurriness around the edges to prevent jaggedness. Makes things look more natural from farther away. For a selection tool it probably does something similar for the way edges are selected but I'm not even sure how that would work so eh.

Contiguous: Keeps the wand from selecting every single pixel of a given color in the picture instead of just the ones adjacent to the select point. With it off, the wand will highlight every pixel that matches the selected one based on the tolerance level. That's actually useful for background clearing or doing a selection invert to isolate the sprite and nothing else.

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Guest Wen Yang

Well, Since you said requests should come here, requesting one for Liz.

Like I said, if I were to pick FE characters she'd most resemble, it'd be Echidna, Malice, and Naliah.

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@ Psych

Other rps ... >_<

Anyway ... yeah specifics would be nice.

@ Snike

May still do those if I find time between all these other things, but right now the queue's as bloated as a hutt.

@ Wen

Liz added

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A cleric in RotE. Dark Avian. That radiant glow of hers is a little more noticeable than I intended :lol:



RotE Npc, but a relevant one. This guy was just scar making practice to be honest. I kind of want any scars I put on characters to resemble the ones of original FE10 sprites, rather than trying to make them look more realistic. So the coloration and shape are due to that I guess. It's more saturated than it probably should be though.



RotE Npc. Standard recolor practice.




Jethro wearing a different outfit. Also has some minor facial changes. Who knows what's going on there.


Turned his armor gold ... for the bling :/:





RotE Fallen. One of Brynhildr's two siblings. If Bryn is the brawn, then Svan is most certainly the brains, though both are pretty learned in their respective fields. She kinda creeps me out though.



RotE Fallen. Brynhildr's other sister, and by decades she's the youngest.



RotE Fallen. He's one of the emperor's six sons and the strongest living Fallen in Corvus. Also Norn's older brother, and one cocky SOB. (Emperor has six sons and sixteen daughters, Valdimarr and Norn are just two of them)

He kind of looks like a cross between Naesala and Tibarn(technically he is ... Naebarn? Tisala?)



Water sage character I made as practice. Not sure what I'm going to do with her in the rp itself. I've got a couple of ideas though.



Chocolate Leanne

A treat I made while trying to sprite Joanna. I didn't realize how significant it was at the time and now I can't seem to duplicate this look for other characters(I forgot the steps; this was initially an accident that I explored further). Kinda sad. I would have loved to give Ether a chocolate Mia. Then there would be worldIRC peace.


Okay so I'm going to start on Synthia soon, but I'm not sure about streaming it or not(though it'd probably get done faster that way; I work really swiftly while being watched though not necessarily better). Thoughts there? I haven't picked out a base or parts to use yet though, mind you.

Edited by Phoenix
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First to coment on this set!~

You keep getting better. What's wrong with you? Have you no limmits, you glass-cieling-melting firebird?


Ok, so, Joanna. Man, I love this one's design and execution. Read the character page you put up about her and actually would like to meet her in rp. Great job on this one.

Rinaldi, I admit, made me laugh a little. I like the originality but his eyes are kinda funny to me. This is a good thing, mind you.

I am so glad you toned down Jethro's colors. He looks much better now.

Lev and his gold armor made me laugh a little just because Lev's a bit of a cheeseball (personality-wise) so I can comepletely see him in that armorset. :XD:

Svanhildr has a bit too much bright red on her, methinks. :/: I'd tone down the dress and keep the scarf as-is.

My reaction when first seeing Valdimarr was as follows "AGH!! Run away!! Tibarn's going to kill us all!!!" Very well executed, in otherwords. :XD: And yeah, I agree, he's like Tibarn and Naesala fused to make something that would easily kill us all. Imposing, imposing especially with that wing-posing. Woo, bad poetry.

That Alexis makes me tempted to request Tim. I'm curious about what you're going to do with her for the rp.

That chocolate Leanne... She will stand there as the maiden sacrifice for Valdimarr since he's half-Naesala while we all run away. Even though she looks like delicious orange-flavored milk-chocolate. Chocolate bunnies are out of a job.

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