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AH Amon...Now I want to see the AHs come back with a vengence against the group with each member having an AH coppy of him/herself. That would be unwinable awesome.

Green gem works better than gold gem. Also, nice job on the cloak.

Voiced opinion about Aneda on IRC. Basicly, I pictured her much differently.

Shadrak opinion also previously posted in IRC.

Avian recolor makes me think of cotton candy too much.

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Notice that I never said it wasn't canon like the others, only an 'alternate' appearance ;):

Also I'm glad people like the alternate appearance on her. It didn't take long to do, but still required some careful work(twas also incredibly tedious on the black parts), and I even took the time to make a few fixes where I noticed them.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Finished another request so starting with that.



Used Jill as a base, changed her hairstyle with a combination of full custom work, Tanith's bangs, and Elincia's bun thing, edited the living crap out of her chest plate, grabbed Geoffrey's shoulder plates, then did everything in my power to make it all a matching set.


Here's a flipped version for no apparent reason :sparkle:



An experiment to see what I could do with Marcia's hairstyle. Made it Altena's appearance since 'eh, why not'. Only real work done was the pain of darkening her clothing and some hairstyle work. She's ... not necessarily a pegasus knight, mind you, I just defaulted on the appearance :dry:

Still working on Lilith ... not sure I'll ever be satisfied. Anyway while I did make the alternate outfit, I'm not going to do what I usually do and stop working on the white version ... ... ... so now I'm basically working on two outfits at the same time.

For her white outfit I basically extended the length of her gloves and decorated them to match her thigh high boots. I probably did some other things but nothing's coming to mind ...

EDIT: Oh man how could I forget the belt? :>_<:

... anyway, yeah it's metal plated, now.


... aaaand another fade experiment :>_<:


Black barely had any changes, but I kept in mind that from now on, any change in style or proportions won't be showing up on both since I don't want them to be the exact same outfit. So I just worked on some minor fixes and the beginnings of a trimming experiment.


Changes coming to mind:

I made a change to her collar so it's not slanted anymore

I shortened the width of her left(our right)wing so it more closely matches her right as far as positioning

Most importantly I made a slight adjustment to Lilith's face(in both versions) so everything's just right up there, now :D:

I lightened the borders on the wings to more closely match the border around her hair ... seemed like a good idea

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Got another request in so the queue moves up another notch.



Acacia's first PC in RotE. Because he typically observes everything going on, this post and face work perfectly~

Also ...




That's the only really ... NEW thing. I've got some progress on Lilith's outfits too but eh. I dunno, her outfits are getting more and more unique/separate from each other, but they're also getting a bit superfluous, maybe. Not sure. Decided to fiddle more and here's what happened ...

Lilith White:

Made her gloves fingered ... for the sole purpose of distinguishing between the two ...

Messed with her collar and cape thing until I lost track of what I was doing ...

Made a correction to the alignment of the top part of the metal plate(the one on her chest)

Remade the interior design of said^ plate so it more defined and better looking ...


Lilith Black:

Gave her an open collar and a new design for it ...

Reshaped the entire top plate covering her chest and gave it a new design ...

Messed with her cape thing until I lost track of what I was doing ...

Simplified the top of her thigh high boots(the thigh areas) for no apparent reason ...

Changed her gem things(on the bottom of her coat and heel(s)) from blue to golden yellow and made them all glowy ...


I'm running out of ideas, again ...

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Why the jellybeans hanging from her (Lilith's) outfits anyway?

@ John posters: LOL :XD:

Miri looks awesome.

Altena's hair exploded.

The purple splash on (white) Lilith's coat tails looks...weird... Again, the black is better. Always.

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  • 5 weeks later...

The 'jellybeans' as you call them have always been there.

See here

Speaking of which I finished the final version of those outfits.

Legendary Rebellion Era.


Return of the Emblem Era.


I'm not sure what I'm going to do now that I'm no longer working on one of my favorite characters :(:

Moving right along ...



This is just an update for Malik. I just made his hair less saturated and put a few tiny things on his arms and hair. May or may not do more later. Just got bored, really.



I've still got the maiden base so I decided to make another maiden, along with trying out another color. As before, I didn't want identical breast sizes so I made hers smaller than the base one was. And yeah I totally jacked Mireille's head for this one.

Gabbie's appearance has also been updated, though I'm not going to put up all the versions, just the current appearance in the rp. Haven't gotten around to the hood thing just yet :XD:


The updated outfit with all the shiny stuff on it was updated too(first actually) but she's not wearing that yet :P:


HAYATO-The second

This is a remake and update of Hayato, recently injured in a battle against Major General Selene's battalion(which they promptly lost). I'm not sure what he does with his hair really (insert shrug here)



Snowy's pc in RotE. For more details, ask Snowy I guess :D:

Next up is a work in progress, but I've definitely got enough finished to put her in the gallery.



In RotE she's both the queen of Sanctuary and a desert 'goddess'. Naturally, I wanted to give her a hairstyle that would fit with and somewhat resemble flowing sand. I ran out of ideas for the outfit so took Slaveblade's suggestion and gave her a cape. Made it transparent so it wouldn't completely hide the outfit and it's also similar to Raquel's original sprite(what with the transparent cape and all).

Next up are some things I can't even believe I attempted :blink:

These two sprites were made using Nyx as a base so the similarity comes from that.



I made this one first and was annoyed to have to make my own dragon/bat wings for it but it was worth it since now I know how, even if my shading needs some work. Don't ask me about the outfit, I was making stuff up as I went along and besides, it's a succubus on steroids.

All I'm going to say about this one regarding its origin is that it's LoAF related.



Full name: Ragna Sanjana.

I made this one second using an earlier version of Nemesis as a base. That turned out real well, I guess. I also gave her some extremely impractical shoes for no apparent reason ... and a prehensile tail ... for some other reason ... :3:

All I'm going to say about this one regarding its origin is that it's RotE related.

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I AM LATE but whatevs, I am here now. *Mercritique mode*

@ Jellybeans: On Elincia's outfir, they look more like glass beads or charms. This is because of their teardrop shape. On the sprites, their shape is somewhat altered, being bulkier at the top and forming a jellybean shape. Also, the bright colors. I have no idea how you did that since you said before you just recolored them.

@ Liliths: Very nice, actually.

@ What to do: I'm sure you have a truckload of NPC's you can experiment with, so this shouldn't be an issue. Failing that, you do have a request list.

@ Malik: I like the details you added. They don't stand out very well, though. And something about his hair seems..off, a little. Maybe it's because there aren't enough dark lines compared to the rest of the sprite. I still like this one, though, especially with those little details with the armbands and the hairties.

@ Rasha: She's another Maiden. Good job with the colors and making them varied in body type.

@ Ga-- Wolfy: I see you changed her eyes. She looks less intimidating/snarky. Has she gone soft?

@ Hayato: Before, the concept was good but he seemed...I dunno. A bit too big-eyed for me to take him all that seriously or something. This new sprite, however... A++.

@ Robin: How much of that sprite is custom? Have to commend you on how successful that looks. I am a bit confused, though. Firstly, her hair looks pretty orangeish. Didn't expect that. But moreso was that she was described to be half-bald but she isn't in this sprite and even Snowy didn't pick up on this?

@ Aisha: How is that one lock on her left shoulder staying up? If it was either further down or further up I would understand, but that's just awkward placement without much webbing. Lower so it can web and catch on her robe sleeve cloth thing or higher so it can be settled on her shoulder (but even then, long hair is heavy hair and likes to slip unless it catches and webs on things like cloth.) Also, she has nothing holding her hair to either side of her face. I reccomend giving her hair clips or something. (I had my hair in that style for a while and had to keep pushing the hair behind my ears when I looked down -- it's irritating. I now have bangs, though my hair is about the same length as Aisha's so I can give you tips yay.) Also, I would like her outfit (at least the top part of it since I can't see the whole thing) if it didn't have that awkward slit there in the front. Everything around it is basicly displaying it and it is awkward. The gold can stay, it's just...that opening is...awkward.

@ Nemesis: When I fist saw her I was all "Yay! A manakete!" Then I read what you wrote about her and was all "Oh. ..." Actually, I do like her design, outfit included. Don't see how she meets the succubus dress-code. *looks back at the pic; realizes those are not peach-colored stripes that are basicly another tone of the gold stripes* ... Nevermind. Good job on the wings, though. I still like the design (Would like it more if those had been stripes and not strips.)

@ Ragna: Some sort of Fallen Manakete...? Cool and interesting design. I'm curious how she'll somehow come into play in RotE.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...


Not sure where to start, really so I'll go in random order save for keeping the fullbodies for last. That never changes~



You can also call him Wrathmond since that flows well. This is just an attempt by me to give a visual representation of when the God of Wrath possessed Desmond's body during a succession meeting in the Grand Cathedral. The first one is made so the 'effects' don't escape the sprite borders. The second has the effects reaching outside of the borders of the sprite. I'm not satisfied with the eyes, but I do plan to improve on the design as a whole as I get better with these random tools.



A very simple splice that I made complicated for myself by adding a bunch of hair onto the front. I may change the design later if I stop liking it, who knows, but for now I just wanted some kind of representation for him. I'm going to sprite Brady and maybe Lupo at some point, but Jason was the only one I 'finished' in time for this update.



Sprite request from Luna, that I took longer than I'd like finishing but it's finished now, hahah. One of the few 'aged' characters I've sprited and very good practice on facial edits. Base is obviously Calil ... or is that not so obvious? :3:

Next up is a remake of Lyra. I've got two different hairstyles, but I'm only going to go with one of them. The sprite isn't finished, either, I still have to refine the styles and even alter the coat so it doesn't look like Yukari's, but for now this is all the progress I can make until I pick a hairstyle. I'm leaning toward version 2(the one on the right).




These are the parents of Brynhildr, the 'White Devil' of the age; Svanhildr, an Admonitor; and Siv, one of Valdimarr's suitresses. Helga is one of the few fallen with enough balls to openly berate Valdimarr ... at least of those within his own faction. Elamnus is an aging atypical fallen elder.



She is currently my newest character, as in I invented her in the last couple of days or so. She's an operative in an organization called the Tide, but is apparently trying to cut her losses and get out before the war against Aisha gets too out of hand. There's little reason to trust her, but she's been quite informative thus far. She also wears a pair of hidden blades barely disguised by her wristguards. I thought about adding them in the sprite, but where her hands are positioned, they wouldn't be visible anyway :dry:

I think I'll call her 'Fi' (like 'fee') :^_^:


Last but not least is a fullbody. Sadly I wasn't at the skill level I would have liked to have been when I made it, but it's okay I guess. Also this is one of the older sprites, since I made this long before any of the stuff up there(save for Wrath!Desmond ... that was made long before this lol).

I made two hairstyles for him, neither are all that formal. I like both, but the slicked back hair actually took some work to make, including some full custom bits. Another funfact, this coat's shape and length is based on one of my own, though some cosmetic features including color and interior are completely different. Speaking of the interior ... yeah I did some work with a warping tool but I'm not completely satisfied with it. At the very least I know that it's possible to do things like this ... now I just need to get better at it. Sword and sheath are obviously full custom(and need work)

He is the prince of Ursium, and a very skilled swordsman, skilled enough to ditch his bodyguards in order to take out a bandit or two should the opportunity present itself(though they're probably getting wise).


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@ Wrathmond: Hmm just noticed that "mond" is apparently a good suffex for names of holy men. Anyway. I like this, actually. The "contained" version looks somewhat better to me if only because it looks more professional and less like you just smudged a red eraser over the thing. Regarding that, it actually looks lore like a picture of him underneath water with a bit of red dye in it. I like the watery effect. Good job on this.

@ Jason: Have to say, I like the design here. The red and black go extremely well together, and not just as colors themselves, but the placement and amount of each are quite complimentary. The warm gray of the shoulder plates go well with it to, as does the dark blue and the gray next to that. Very well balanced. Good job.

@ Lysandra: Yes, I could tell the base right away. Still, I was also immediately impressed with that wrinkle work. Very nice job as a whole, but that was particularly impressive. ... I want scones.

@ Lyra remake: Go with the second one. Though I think her main shirt should be a darker red. The darker red as the main with the accessories remaining the same color as they are now would make it more dramatic and I think it'd just improve the design as a whole.

@ Hilder parents: Have to say, wasn't expecting Helga to look that young. Also aww their dad looks so kindly. :3 (Note: Oscar's face will always make someone look kindly.)

@ Fi: Have to say, good job on this. I'm normally not one for makeup but that lipstick works very well with her. Also, good job on the outfit as a whole. It works well in the desert environment, isn't too fancy and really tells a story about the wearer. Also, looks great. I like the extra details you added to make it look more weathered, too. And orange was a great color choice for the eyes.

@ Athrun:

Firstly, the slicked-back hair kind of flattens the top of his head a little with the volume on the side and lack of volume on the top. If you can fix that somehow, then it'd be more of a competator against its rival hairstyle. Until that happens, casting my vote at the first hairstyle.

Secondly, that coat turned out GREAT. Not just the coat, either, but the outfit as a whole. The print inside the coat is awesome, though. It's obviously a background print, which is what you want; it doesn't take away from the rest of it.I love the yellow line on the shoulders, too. And the wrists of the coat were done well, too. The shirt works great as the piece of the outfit to tie in the rest of the pieces. Great work. Also, I'm impressed with the sword and sheath. It almost looks like he was supposed to be holding those in the base. Great job!

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  • 2 weeks later...

And More Stuff :D:



'Where have I seen him before?' Anyway I finally got around to this request and thankfully it didn't take very long, though I feel a bit awkward about that. Oh well. The darker area on his chest is a burn scar from when he was spectacularly KO'd by a mage.



Just an idea I got from a helmet I saw. I've completely lost interest in this idea, though, so I won't be truly finishing this or adding anything to it.



This is a character from RotE:R (debuting in the next chapter). What may not be obvious just yet is that this was actually a fullbody project :3:

I didn't use any FE official art for the legs, skirt, or hair and instead used some other references. Instead of using those references as actual spriting parts like I normally do, I just used them to 'draw' the sprite. So essentially Sylphi's entire bottom half is full custom. I didn't splice anything down there. Last thing to note is that I made two alternate palette's for her hair and eyes as those details aren't set in stone, yet. The 'Raquel' palette(what I'm calling the pink haired version) was the original and I will most likely end up going with that one(because me and my references shall not quit :XD: ), but here are all three together.

From left to right: Raquel palette, Athrun palette(possibly Athena since 'siblings'), and Miranda palette(though Miranda's hair isn't this pale).


Kudos to anyone who "Sees what I did there." (though it needs to be the right one; I did a lot of things with this sprite that are just dumb references :XD: )



Just kidding ... this one is a fullbody too :3:

But first a brief explanation of something completely unimportant to the average gallery goer:

When I made Sylphi, I was experimenting with 'tracing' to see if I could make fullbody parts that way. I was just good enough at shading to be confident I could shade a freshly drawn part; after all, I've been doing it with weapons for like a year now, so why not body parts? Anyway, the Burke remake was something I wanted to do and was the perfect opportunity to see just how far I could go with this. Burke already had a suitable 'facial appearance' so I didn't want to bother designing another helmet for him and just spliced over the original. Everything else was made from scratch.

Everything, and I mean everything accept basically the head and upper chest region are full custom, and I'll be honest, this is rather daunting and I don't like doing it just for the heck of it.


In fact ... allow me to share a short story of my troubles by posting the project file itself. The original Burke and Naomi are also in there for comparison and lulz respectively.

These are not all the layers I used, only what I consider to be major 'milestones' in the project.


And to end this update I've got some good news for me and some good long term/bad short term news for everybody else. I'm temporarily closing requests so I can focus on finishing everything on the list. I've noticed that having a list of 'to do' sprites that always stays the same size makes me feel less inclined to finish them, which in turn leads to month-long or even longer waits, which I feel bad about. From now on I may only accept three or four in the queue at a time to keep this from happening. Anyway I'll be accepting requests again once I knock out the rest of the list.


Crap, I forgot I finished Lyra some time ago.


There we go :awesome:

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Wow, you drew this stuff full custom? Nice!... But for some reason, a nagging alarm is going off in my head....

I just used them to 'draw' the sprite. So essentially Sylphi's entire bottom half is full custom

I was experimenting with 'tracing' to see if I could make fullbody parts that way...

Don't get me wrong, this ain't bad content your making here, but it seems like you're twisting up words to make it seem like you drew this without tracing over another image, which is what full custom is in sprite terms. if you drew this image with (an)other image(s) directly under this in another layer, then would be called either a trace or an edit.

I apologize in advance if I'm wrong.

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Burke kinda looks like Izanagi from P4

That wasn't as deliberate in this remake, but that just goes to show some of my original inspiration was preserved :): (helmet I bet)

Don't get me wrong, this ain't bad content your making here, but it seems like you're twisting up words to make it seem like you drew this without tracing over another image, which is what full custom is in sprite terms. if you drew this image with (an)other image(s) directly under this in another layer, then would be called either a trace or an edit.

I apologize in advance if I'm wrong.

Oh, sorry; 'full custom' and 'tracing' weren't mutually exclusive terms for me, since I use the former to refer to anything that was not made by directly editing something else(a sprite, or a part or piece of something). I don't like to get all wrapped up in terminology, though(because things can get real iffy). You can call it a trace edit if you want, but the Burke remake is a lot of things: an experiment, a splice, a full custom, a trace, a shading nightmare, a fullbody portrait, and so on. I'll just call it progress, because it's confirmation that I never have to rely on or use any of my older fullbody methods ever again. And eventually, even tracing will become useless to me, sooo look forward to the day? :D:

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I wouldn't think using the word "customing" in that type of way matters at all in these sprites because the skill in these comes from the coloring and shading and making it look detailed and realistic. The outer lines are only a really small bit of what it takes for making the whole thing.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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  • 4 weeks later...

Good point. If shading wasn't such a chore, I'd already be some kind of super spriter, not even bothering with bases anymore. Sadly I'm not there yet :(:

New Stuff :D:



Got a little lazy on this one.



I don't use a Mia base often, but when I do ... ... hmm ... well I guess insert something funny/clever here.

She's a warrant officer in the Ursian military and an old school buddy of Raquel's.



Took me three tries to find a version I liked enough to use.

He's an old school buddy of Raquel's and a deserter from the Ursian military.



Potential PC and unique among my mage characters both pc and npc.

He's an old school buddy of Raquel's and a deserter from the Ursian(you read right) military.



Snike's PC in RotE. Has a habit of maiming bosses after a few turns.



Ether's pc in RotE. Has a habit of charging the enemy and stabbing them.

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