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Phoenix's Sprite Gallery.


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Wow. Nice work. o_o

Yukari is pretty. It took me a bit to recognize the Mia base but then I was all "Wait; lol. Shoulda seen that sooner. XD" I liek the eyes. They have a glass-gem effect and go well with the colors you chose. :)

I admire the costume detail you put to Haythem. Nice leather burning. Also, good runes on the shoulderguard. Looks like that'd be kinda hard to pull off what with the light reflecting there.

Shanice is epic win. Somewhat intimidating and looking awesome. Not sure how else to put it: Well done.

So, those are my favorites. ^_^

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I like these sprites as well, Merc said many of the things I was going to say. You already knew I liked Morgan's costume change :) Full custom sword is pretty impressive for making it yourself.

No nipples seems to be FE style, so probably for the best you removed them.

Haythem's neck does look to be a bit on the overly bulging side IMO, most necks don't stick out so much.

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Thanks for the comments everyone ^_^

While I complete some requests and such I decided to make a couple of comics. I used to make just comics years ago but I got bored. These are just based off of inside jokes but they're still kinda funny :lol:

Presenting ...





I'll probably make more when I get bored.

Edited by Phoenix
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Thanks for the comments everyone ^_^

While I complete some requests and such I decided to make a couple of comics. I used to make just comics years ago but I got bored. These are just based off of inside jokes but they're still kinda funny :lol:

Presenting ...





I'll probably make more when I get bored.

I remember making one of those before!!! XD But before I started this spriting stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...




A request that I'd only consider half finished right now. I'm going to try making a fullbody version of it later on at some point. Beau's entire outfit was my first attempt at a full custom outfit. A bit flat looking with the robes but it's an okay start I think.



Soon to become property of Viveka, Tobe's a cute little weird spoken kid who thinks the resident lancer is his father. No one requested this, I just sprited him while spriting Beau because it seemed easy enough.



An RoTE character who hasn't made her appearance yet. Requested by Luna(Cynthia). This is one of my more extensive Vika base edits.

Okay with those shown I can do a bit of explaining about what this next sprite is all about. I made a character called Nyx awhile ago(Sonia base with four purple wings). It was an okay fullbody I guess but seeing much better halfbody work from myself in later days made me want to redo her from the beginning. This time instead of a Sonia base, I used a modified Vika base and a bunch of other things. There are some bits from the first Nyx sprite that were carried over but most everything is new splicing or full custom work. Also the first one was a bit flashier than she needed to be so I cut down on the decor and gave her a plainer look. This actually made her seem a bit more nightqueeny so twas for the best I think :D

Wing positioning could use some work but for now I just wanted to get'em on there XD

And last things to note are the dress and face. The dress is basically an overcoat with almost no coverage like the first one was, but in this version more than half of it was made from scratch and as for the face, if you can't tell it's Aimee with wavy hair :3



There's three different versions but only the first and third are really "canon" if you will since Nyx never only materializes just two wings at a time. Just posting the four wing version since there's no difference between the three versions beyond how many wings are visible.

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Soon to become property of Viveka, Tobe's a cute little weird spoken kid who thinks the resident lancer is his father. No one requested this, I just sprited him while spriting Beau because it seemed easy enough.

I feel bad for the kid, Damian was too lousy to pay for the child support :(

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Great job! That's Beau all right! :] And Tobe is so cute!! X3 Nyx is pretty. I like the deep purple and the color palette in general. Those are my favorites of this batch. :3

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The wittle kiddies are so cuuute =3


I think the bangs of Beau look different from the part behind it. I think the shader might be of higher saturation? Maybe either make the part behind it brighter? Or make the bangs less bright.

Nice job on the "hand-drawn" stuff I hardly think I'd be capable of that at all =D And Nadya... wow I can hardly tell you started out with Vika! XD But, yeah, nice job with all that combining and a lot of that also "hand-drawn" (idk what else to call it! =D)

As for Nyx, I don't think that outfit always had those wings on it originally did it? Nice touch. =)

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I would blame that appearance on the breast protrusion(also my fault :D), but at the same time, I was a bit skeptical about increasing the slantiness of the corset ends so ... I dunno. Might increase it to give a more centered look :mellow:

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Okay since I can't seem to remember what the sprite queue was I'm going to have to ask anyone who's made a request recently to restate said request here. Not sure what order they'll go in just yet.

Any new stuff that gets requested as a result of my reminding people about this are going at the back of the list >_<

and also since I failed to remember what I was supposed to be doing next, I just started spriting very easy 9 and 10 style RoTE npcs. Here's a few. Sorry no profiles, I'm too lazy.


Aleksey Petrova

Done last night. Has a helmet but I like him better without it.


Lana Bosconovitch

This one's been done for awhile now I just didn't feel like posting it.



Finished this in the afternoon.


Seth Weyland

I started working on this last night right after finishing Aleksey and didn't get done until around sometime this afternoon. I seem to suck at frames but I didn't want oval or rectangle shaped ones so I did something in the middle and hoped for the best.

Easy splices and recolors :)

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Let's see ... uhhh. Did this earlier in the afternoon, cause I felt like it. Basically just a Brynhildr fix. Used different wings and worked on her eyes to make them more sinister looking. Not sure if she's better facially or not compared to the first one. Just thought I'd give it a shot :/



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Have to say, scoliosis-bird looks muuuuuuuuuuch better. To the point of not having scoliosis anymore, even. I think it was the wings.

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Ah thanks. I'm glad she's looking better by number of opinions ^_^

Oh look I bothered trying a whack at fixing another issue.


Does the corset look more centered?

Also I just decided to order the queue in a first come first served fashion so Snike's guys are up next(and he should send details now). Old requests still get priority over new ones though(thank god there aren't even that many) :D

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