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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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IMHO, it would only serve to mislead the players into thinking that it healed that much in EN.

Are people truly that dense? I'm sure Arch will provide an 'R-button' description for the item.

Regardless, it's simply a matter of opinion/personal preference, and I doubt people would make a big deal about the name of a healing item.

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Are people truly that dense? I'm sure Arch will provide an 'R-button' description for the item.

Regardless, it's simply a matter of opinion/personal preference, and I doubt people would make a big deal about the name of a healing item.

Given some of the comments/questions/responses I've seen in my time on FE forums ALONE (not even taking into account cesspools like YouTube), there are more people that are that dense than you might think. Since it's a new item and players won't know what it does (unless they're reading the stuff in here), I would hope that it specifies how much it heals. However, one should note that the Vulnerary in FE7 did not mention how much it healed via its R-button description.

And, TBQH, if I see something that I know has popped up in another game in the series, my immediate assumption would be that it does the same or approximately the same thing as it did in where I previously saw it. Thus, if I were to see something like the Rudol Gem from FE10, I'd expect that it would add +10 Defense. The same thing would apply to the Concoction: Either I'd expect it to heal 40 HP or, minimally, it would heal somewhere around 40 HP (i.e. a powerful healing item that doesn't fully heal).

EDIT - @Celice -

The images also conveniently showcase new weapon/item icons: Elixir's replacement (by Lord Glenn), the new Quick Axe (by Camtech), and Tonic (a super-Vulnerary).
Edited by Lord Glenn
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Geez, a lot of discussion about this minor detail. The Tonic will heal 20HP. I'm calling it a Tonic, not a Concoction. I considered Concoction, but thought that it might be confusing (because yeah, the FE fanbase can be quite dense at times).

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Yes, Zealot's tale is still under construction. It will be in the next patch.

And although I should be working on Tale 7, I felt the sudden urge to start tweaking with Tale 5 again, messing with the difficulty.


Hector grabbed a few more allies in his initial charge, and Erik realized that a team of all Paladins perhaps wasn't the smartest tactical decision.

I know, not a mind-blowingly interesting update. But an update nonetheless! On another note, I realized that Priscilla was the ONLY Valkyrie in Elibian Nights (not even generic enemies). She now has the company of a Laus soldier.

Edited by Rodimus Supreme OVERTROLL
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Since when did Laus have Wyverns? That makes no sense.

They probably planted one in the ground I reckon

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Since when did Laus have Wyverns? That makes no sense.

I'm sure the secret shops are like a black market, you can get anything you want if you have enough money.

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Since when did Laus have Wyverns? That makes no sense.

Laus also had Nomads in FE6. That made little sense as well, until you realize "oh, they can hire and conscript mercenaries."

Wyverns are rare outside of Bern, but they aren't non-existent. Nevertheless, I kinda just wanted to use the Wyvern Knight class and it's not a big deal that I did :P

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Erik realized that a team of all Paladins perhaps wasn't the smartest tactical decision.

Seeing as it's Erik I'm not sure that's an issue (Since when did he make smart decisions? =P). Though from a gameplay perspective changing it was a good move on your part.

I really like that you're adding Wyvern Knights. That class doesn't seem to get a whole lot of love and I'm glad you're incorporating them. Though if people still complain about inconsistency just change the names of the Wyvern Knights from Ryerde/Tuscana to Merc. Problem solved IMO.

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They also could have used nomads to represent archers on a horse instead of nomads from Sacae.

But anyway, I don't think the inconsistency matters.

It's not an inconsistency though. Laus is known for hiring mercenaries. They hired Eubans band of mercenaries (including Heath, a Wyvern Rider) and the Nomads in FE6 were specified in a village conversation as mercenaries who fled from Sacae during Bern's invasion. It's perfectly plausible to hire a few Wyverns if available, they're rare and desirable (especially for a territory like Laus).

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I figured Erik would bring his best guys for a strike force to "take down" Hector (the battle plan was a pincer strike where Erik came from behind and swept Hector's distracted forces away).

Edited by Rodimus Supreme OVERTROLL
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Yeah, there are Wyvern Riders in other areas as well, such as a lot with Eubans' mercenaries, or with the Bandits in Living Legend, or with the Black Fang in so many of the Bern chapters. They are a bit more consistent outside of HHM, I guess, since you don't get the silly Bandit Wyvern Knights, so you might discount that as 'just HHM being silly'.

Edited by Anouleth
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Kinda behind the times, but why no more Raven Batman. First of all, it seems odd that 5 other cast members are tagging along, unless they see it as fulfilling justice, even thought Raven doesn't. But yeah, I liked the development of Ravens character to more than just an avenger (not the super heroes, the actual definition).

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It felt weird to me. In this iteration, Raven still has the whole justice angle, but it's no longer the primary focus. I feel like I just sorta tossed aside a central part of Raven's character (the avenger), and it was like "oh yeah, screw revenge. I want JUSTICE!" The revenge is now more present, and he's not using "JUSTICE!" to make killing Thorben seem good. Instead of forcing Raven into becoming FEBatman, Tale 2 is now the life-hump that Raven must get over in order to finally reconcile the past and live in the present.

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Just finished it, Karel's tale was by far my favorite, it was so well done, not to mention I didn't expect seeing a "certain" type of enemy in this hack.

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It felt weird to me. In this iteration, Raven still has the whole justice angle, but it's no longer the primary focus. I feel like I just sorta tossed aside a central part of Raven's character (the avenger), and it was like "oh yeah, screw revenge. I want JUSTICE!" The revenge is now more present, and he's not using "JUSTICE!" to make killing Thorben seem good. Instead of forcing Raven into becoming FEBatman, Tale 2 is now the life-hump that Raven must get over in order to finally reconcile the past and live in the present.

I didn't really think he said "screw revenge" when he uses justice. Revenge is justice, at least to him, justice that supposedly would be shared with all those affected by Thorben. Just my take.

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You've actually convinced me not to radically alter the script that much xD. Still making some changes (rewrote Lucius x Raven to show that there's still some "revengefever" in Raven), but it should mostly remain intact.

Anyways, I'm currently "vacationing" in a WiFi-less desert (also known as a retirement community in Arizona). Don't expect any updates until the end of the month, since I'm only able to go online on a 10-year-old computer with dial-up internet. Nevertheless, my laptop is with me and I'm using the downtime that comes with staying in a community of people 65+ to peck away at the fine-tuning of Elibian Nights and the completion of Tales 3x, 7, and 8.

Edited by Rodimus Supreme OVERTROLL
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