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[OUTDATED] Elibian Nights


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However, if Arch is heading to a local community college, he's not going to be swamped. If he's horribly inefficient at managing any sort of time at all, maybe. But at a community college, unless you're at an abnormal one, the only time you'll find yourself swamped is if you put a ton of stuff on your plate--if you choose to do things which take up your time. That's if he doesn't pursue some sort of job while there.

If he does neither--seek extra curricular stuff outside of his own hobbies and friends, has no job, and does what needs to be done whenever, he'll have more time than he did in high school, which is full of trivial busy-work.

If he's at a university it's a bit different, however.

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You want motivation? This kid will motivate you!

The title is deceiving, I know. But it's actually pretty motivating.

Though the others also have a point. You don't want to wait too long, otherwise you may lose your window of opportunity.

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SO yeah, this is the 8th day of telling myself that "today will be the day I finish the second part of Tale 8." Someone smack me with some motivation...

You gave up on FE4A and lost tons of fans, you wanna get them back right? This is the way.

Plus what Hithere said.

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Forgive me if a sound cruel and like a douchebag, but I remember once you mentioned that you would like to finish this before you start college. Well think of it this way, the more you let this drag on, the less of a chance you have to complete this goal. And once you're in college, the amount of time will be extremely restrained, almost to the point that you'll only want to work on EN every other weekend. Your resources will be limited as well, as your spriters may not have the time to comply with your reuqests, and you may not be able to have all your hacking tools with you when you're at college. The point is, once you lose your window of oppurtunity, you may struggle to complete EN for a long time. In fact, it may delay you a fe months or so. I'm not saying that this will definately happen, but this scenario is somewhat realistic, please keep that in mind. That's really the only motivation I can really give you. Plus, once your done you can finally stop worrying about this.

This coming from a college student, you won't have time to work on this as much as you want to, unless you want no social life. And, from experience, that isn't good. College is supposed to be the time of your life; don't waste it holing yourself up pleasing a bunch of anonymous faces over the internet. You'll regret it if you do. Maybe not immediately after EN's release, you'll be proud for releasing the hack, and, I can say this, it's arguably the best FE Hack made to date. But eventually that pride will die away, and you'll be sitting in your dorm room while your friends are all out having a good time. Get a social life in college, have fun, party hard, you'll regret it if you don't.

Come party with theatre kids, we'll show you the time of your life

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You gave up on FE4A and lost tons of fans, you wanna get them back right? This is the way.

That's a bit of a misnomer. It was less "giving up" and more "could not have been replicated/remade in a manner that did the original justice." Besides, even more fans would have bitched about it and left had it not lived up to the high and mighty expectations of FE4. I mean, Arch even said it back when he officially killed the project:

It comes down to this: the project had to die. I wouldn't have been able to make a comparable product to FE4 with the GBAFE engine. When I started this project, three years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. "Skills? The love system? Inheritance? The special shops? The arena? I haz Nintendolord todo that stuffz for mez." It was a foolish endeavor, and a challenge for even the most skilled hackers among us.

Also, you all must remember one thing: The release that Arch is working on currently is not the final release. Thus, your arguments (which, being a college graduate myself, I can personally attest to as being true) don't exactly provide ironclad motivation. Arch will either have to cram in finishing Tale 8 and the remaining content for EN (along with allowing time for it to be tested) before leaving for college (which doesn't necessarily give him time to pack or do stuff that he might want to do before he leaves) or he'll have to finish the project once he's at college anyway.

That said, Arch, you've already lost your title of Overtroll (at least temporarily). If you don't finish, you lose it forever! (Though, could you just be putting up a facade of needing motivation to perform an even more elaborate troll than FE4A's demise?)

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It's not that he's not going to finish it in college; it's doable with proper time management. says the guy who sucks at that and was up to midnight/1 AM with homework and class at 8 AM

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I'm in college. I have more free time in college than I did in high school. I still manage to get all my work done on time, hang out with my friends, play games, and work on personal projects. If anything, getting into college will be more of a boon for free time rather than a negative.

But maybe that's just me. I used wake up at 7 to get ready for school, come home around 5, and then spend an hour or two on homework and studying, and going to be in another 2-3 hours depending on whether I wanted 10-9 hours of sleep.

In college, I get up around 10 and probably get back to my room at 2:45, spend about 1-2 hours on homework or less depending on how much work I get, and then have about 8 hours of free time or more depending on how much work I have and how much sleep I want.

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Riiight, see, I'm a theatre major, we don't have lives as is because rehearsal owns us. And when I wasn't there, I was in class, eating, sleeping, doing work, or relaxing with the precious free time I had. Only on weekends did I actually have a decent amount of free time.

I don't know Arch's major so he could very well have more time than me.

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Political Science major at one of those fancy "rich kid" private universities (that I'm getting a 3/4 free-ride to, which makes it lower than the cost of a low-grade public school).

Anyways, uh, thanks for the "motivation" (I think that's what it was supposed to be).

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Here's some quotes by famous people, they seem to be good at motivating people. I just grabbed a bunch off a website, with google

You never know what motivates you. Cicely Tyson

“If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you” -Steven Wright

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward. Victor Kiam

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned. Peter Marshall

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows. Ralph Marston

Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds. Gordon B. Hinckley

You can't build a reputation on what you are going to do. Henry Ford

Edited by HongLei
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You never know what motivates you.

If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you

You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do.

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.

Without hard work, nothing grows but weeds.

Fixed. You had Ford's twice, by the way.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been a while, hasn't it?


Graphical updates! Yeah, I'm still working on Elibian Nights. I leave for college in two days, but I'm trying to keep up work on the project.

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Kaleva has promoted from Old Man!Villager, to MASTER FUCKING ASIA.

So good ; ~ ;

And Sacae is in Elibe's east...

OMG, IT FITS! :blink::P:

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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^Was going to point that out

and I feel like guessing the creators (or at least updaters) of the sprites, tell me which guesses are wrong (no offense intended if I'm wrong to the actual creator):

- Dei

- Dei (could be anyone though... I don't see a ton of his signature art style)

- AstraLunaSol

Random boredom guessing aside, it's looking good, I'm excited. That Swordmaster has a generic looking palette yet the colors actually fit him...

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