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What can I say? It leaves a lasting impression! I mean, I'm not going to force people to go to a funeral without some entertainment!

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What can I say? It leaves a lasting impression! I mean, I'm not going to force people to go to a funeral without some entertainment!

I'm just disappointed that Bizz won't necro-rape you, that's all. I'm totally OK with your corpse being dealt with as you wish!

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Is this Soviet Russia? Never heard of a girl rapist.

Don't get too excited. It's probably going to be dry and in the butt.

Let me be more specific. I want my corpse to be turned to dust by being fired out of a piece of heavy artillery.

cool. 8D I hope you're serious though you're probably not.

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....Bizz hasn't posted here in a while.


*Queue Jaws music*

EDIT-Alternatively, this could be a supersecret attempt to see how many replies she can garner without posting.

In that case, I will do whatever I can do to aid in the attempt!

Edited by SeverIan
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*Queue Jaws music*

EDIT-Alternatively, this could be a supersecret attempt to see how many replies she can garner without posting.

In that case, I will do whatever I can do to aid in the attempt!

Not if nobody else replies after you.

..............Oh wait....

I just took a whole lot of drinks.

Edited by Freohr Datia
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