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I dont care if everyone loves you or thinks you rock, I hate you and dont intend on ever using you!


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Isn't this supposed to be more of a "everybody loves you but I don't so nyeh" thread, or am I misunderstanding?

This is regarding things like ELR listing Gilliam and Largo, but not specifically him.

Yes. Gilliam and Largo are well-loved aren't they? (I don't much attention to tiers)

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I pretty much like everyone.


Again I pretty much like everyone.


Seth...Dussel...Gilliam... Thats all I got right now...


OMG I HATE SHINION AND NOLAN. (I prefer Rolf and Boyd any day.) Gatrie,Harr,Titania,Jill,Elincia,and Soren.

I know I got more I just need to remember them...

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FESD: Ogma, Navarre (the two most uncooperative dudes in the series)

FE6: Dieck (unless he cooperates), Clarine

FE7: Rebecca, Isadora, Louise, sometimes Lowen

FE8: The game I've played the least. . .so nearly everyone

FE9 and 10: Jill, Boyd, Mia, Zihark, and usually Marcia

EDIT: Thanks, BigKlingy!

Edited by eclipse
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I have a few


Levin!Arthur. I just prefer Levin!Sety story-wise. And I feel getting Holsety that early kind of ruins the fun of the game, whereas Sety joins at the exact time your really need someone stupidly overpowered.

Also Holyn!Patty, because I consider HolynXBriget to be something of a crack pairing. 150 starting love points (for no explained reason) is all the evidence it has. They also never say a single line to eachother. Yes, I know Dew dosen't either, but he did help her sister escape, and shares his theme with Patty. That's more evidence than Holyn has.


Hector. Yes, really. For some reason I've never got good results out of him.


I used to be like this with Seth, until I used him in one playthrough. I never finished it though, so I didn't get to see how he ended up.

Also Dussel. I really don't see why he's hyped so much. To me he was just your average mediocre pre-promote.


Since, in my first ever playthrough, she took 1st with about 500 more kills than everyone else... Titania.


Mia. Sorry, I like Edward more.


General!Sedgar, although I did try him out in one playthrough. Breaks the game at the begining, but Dolph tends to end up with better stats at endgame, and I prefer using him.

Also, I actually got better stats out of Wolf kept as a Horseman for the whole game and then reclassed to Hero than I did out of Wolf kept as a Hero for the whole game. I think I'll stick to their base classes from now on.


Palla. 20% speed growth just dosen't appeal to me.

I though Sirius would have this effect on me too... but he proved me wrong the moment I started using him.

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FE4: N/A, although I dislike Midir

FE5: N/A

FE6: Thany

FE7: Erk, Florina, Fiora

FE8: Kyle, Natasha

FE9: Mist

FE10: Since when were you under the impression you were allowed to choose your FE10 team?

FEDS: Characters have no personality, it doesn't matter.

Every character on this list is because I have another character of a similar role I like better.

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I don't think I do this for most characters. I have to not know how good a unit can be to do this. With one exception. Shinon. I hate Shinon. I only use him in RD HM, because, well,

FE10: Since when were you under the impression you were allowed to choose your FE10 team?

So basically even if I really really hate their personality I'll use them when necessary.


FE6: Thany

Every character on this list is because I have another character of a similar role I like better.

So, Tate?

Edited by Narga_Rocks
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I don't dislike any recruitable character in the FE series but I just don't like using some of them. In other words I prefer the female characters over the males most of the time even if some of them need massive favoritism like Est, Nino, or Fiona.

Shadow Dragon

Ugh... It doesn't matter as everyone has the personality of rock. But at least some rocks are interesting so yeah.


Eliwood, he's just so meh.


Artur, I have Natasha~

Moulder, I have Natasha~


Soren, I can't stand him.


Since when were you under the impression you were allowed to choose your FE10 team?

I really supermegaloathe FE10 for this.

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I don't hate the characters, I just don't like using them. Ironically I use the characters I listed once or twice but never after that. (Listing them fan and tier wise)

FE4: N/A

FE5: Sety(I prefer Cyas than Sety but sometimes I use Sety), Karin(I just don't like using her sometimes)

FE6: N/A

FE7: Erk, Rebecca, Nino

FE9: Mist, Nephenee, Jill, Marcia,

FE10:Mist, Nephenee, Jill, Marcia, Edward



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who in their right mind likes useing saleh? and whats wrong with natasha? and everyone you said besides saleh.

...Some magic fanatic you are. I mean, Saleh's even got what can almost be considered a personality, granted a bland one, and is essentially Hawk to Pent's Sety.

FE4: The Master Knights in training, and Celice. Auggh.

FE7: Guy, Florina, Eliwood, Nino (for you Est fans out there), Fiora.

FE8: Nats, Eirika, Neimi.

FE9: Mia and Mist. I don't even mind Mia's personality, but her goddamn status as a unit. But my most hated unit? ROLF. STOP FUCKING CRYING AND MAN THE FUCK UP, KID.

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I don't think I do this for most characters. I have to not know how good a unit can be to do this. With one exception. Shinon. I hate Shinon. I only use him in RD HM, because, well,

So basically even if I really really hate their personality I'll use them when necessary.

To be honest, most of the characters I named are because their roles could be replicated by a unit who I like, though some characters are there for other reasons as well (PoR Oscar just won't cooperate, and Rhys and Moulder are responsible for what little respect I had for male healers going down the drain... Forever.)

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FE4: The Master Knights in training, and Celice. Auggh.

You turn Celice into a seize-bot? Why?

I suppose I understand not wanting to use Leaf. But Lachesis can be trained mostly with staves + a bit of arena. Buy Relive or Return in chapter 2, get a few villages (also in chapter 2), sell the Knight Ring, now you can afford Elite + Return or Relive (whichever you didn't already buy). She should be a Master Knight before part 3 is finished. Which also helps with getting Ichival since Lachesis can get to Briggid and Return her faster than Aideen can get there. Or something.

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Celice just happened. All of the early experience must've gone to ... well, like, Lester, sword twins, Delmud AND Lana all promoted by Epilogue, so...

I've only done the one blind run, remember. No Knight Ring, Elite Ring on...some other dude, Return uses being conserved...and wielded by Ethlin...

To be fair, she did spam Relive and ended up at, like, level 13, 14. Leaf ended at 12 before he fell behind the curve.

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I've only done the one blind run, remember. No Knight Ring, Elite Ring on...some other dude, Return uses being conserved...and wielded by Ethlin...

To be fair, she did spam Relive and ended up at, like, level 13, 14. Leaf ended at 12 before he fell behind the curve.

Well, it can be tough to pull off quickly, I guess. Though I'm not sure why Return uses need to be conserved. They are generally only particularly useful once a chapter and you can just repair it after. Well, chapter 3 I suppose you could use it after both of the first castles (and I did) but you could probably repair it. Or combine with warp so it's only 5 uses at each castle from each staff to get 10 people moving quickly (also, the castle is only like 2 or 3 turns away, so maybe 1 or 2 uses before capturing and 1 after as she's heading back down. Any more is pointless). Chapter 2 it's only useful for when you conquer Anphony. Chapter 4 it's only useful for when you conquer Thove.

As for Leaf, yeah, it takes a lot of effort. If you aren't constantly thinking of how to get him exp, he'll fall behind.

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FE4: Well, you can realistically use everyone anyway, so I don't mind using people with boring/awful personalities like Mideel, Lachesis, Beowulf and Johan/Johalva.

FE6: Shin and Noah.

FE7: Guy, Karel, Rath. I used to hate Raven but not anymore though.

FE8: Kyle, Marisa, Moulder (he's thankfully not really loved though), Neimi.

Also, I wil never ever ever EVER use Makalov. NEVER. I've yet to play FE9/10 and I already hate everything about him.

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Also Miredy and Zeis. But yes, Tate is probably my favorite PK in the series.

Thing is, I'd like to agree with you because Thany's personality is so annoying, but it's just so hard not to deploy her in 8x. Or 9. Or even 13. But I can't see myself like, ever training her.

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Thing is, I'd like to agree with you because Thany's personality is so annoying, but it's just so hard not to deploy her in 8x. Or 9. Or even 13. But I can't see myself like, ever training her.

Even untrained she has amazing utility, so it's hard not to use her if you want your turncounts to be good. Even chapter 14, 3 fliers is better than 2.

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Even untrained she has amazing utility, so it's hard not to use her if you want your turncounts to be good. Even chapter 14, 3 fliers is better than 2.

I meant Chapter 14 instead of 13 (where there isn't much terrain), but that was exactly what I was getting at. I remember dondon saying once that untrained Thany is still your third best unit in Chapter 14.

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I must admit, I have to force myself to use Nephenee. Brom's good in FE10, I guess, but I prefer using Gatrie if I'm using an armored unit. I don't like using Jagens in general. I don't use Volke. Makalov, Astrid (I love her paragon, but... Just too fragile to be worth it when I have a sturdier Rolf). Oliver (in spite of the awesome battle theme). In the GBA games, any already classed-up character. Most of the units from FE11. DX

AND ELINCIA. (I use Micaiah because I have to but I wouldn't if I had the choice)

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I sadface for those who dont love Florina. :( (though i can understand why.)

Anyway heres my list of Personal Scrappies:

FE6: (Never finished the game all the way though.)

Fir. Die in all the fires, Fir. Your very mug makes me want to punch babies.

Clarine: You may kick some ass but your attitude is pants!


Guy: Dude, you smell.

Dorcas: I dont hate you, Dorcas but you are an asspain for me to level for some reason.

Harken: Ill take your sword but you warm the bench, bro.

Heath: :facepalm:

Wil: Ugh...just ugh.

Rebecca: See Wil.


Garcia: I never use you except for CC and even then you kinda suck.

Duessel: Man...


Nephenee: Yeah no. Either game, i just dont care for your class. No offense.


Ilyana: You smell. RD, you dont smell as bad but you aint great. In RD, god what did you eat?

Kyza: Crap. (like people love you anyway, right? lol)

Geoffrey: Ahgsjhgfjsdhfgsjhfgsdfgsdfgsdfhjsg <_<

Renning: Pfft.

Royals: You guys are just so overpowered. Its a shame really. Although i do love you, Nailah!

Sothe: Your worthless carcass warms the bench in PoR. Its a crying shame i have to use you in RD.

Shinon: You suck the balls in PoR. I use you in RD only because you tend to win. However id rather have Rolf.

Gatrie: I dont hate you, Gatrie but im not a huge fan. :(

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