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WTF is up with the release date?

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Now who other than NoA could anyone possibly blame for the game not being localized? It is not the incumbent duty of fans to campaign for every game they want released as soon as it is announced in Japan, regardless of how likely an American release seems at the time.

Your post was accusatory in an entirely unnecessary manner.

No, that's not what you said. You said that it was NoA's fault that -we- expected them to localize FE3 DS in the states. Did you ever stop to think about how that doesn't quite make sense? NoA never "tricked" any of us - they never made any announcement of localizing FE3 DS; the fans simply assumed that it would happen. Now whose fault is that?

Like GJ said, it's not NoA's priority to localize games if they don't deem it profitable.

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almost as if Pokemon is a billion times more popular than Fire Emblem <img src='http://serenesforest.net/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

Which is ridiculous, no one above the age of 7 should play pokemon.

On the other hand, I don't think FE is childish at all, and eagerly await the release, although I fear it'll never come...

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Ive given up on this game being released. Its sad because i think new mystery looks amazing just from looking at the info about it here :/. Oh well, fan translations exist :p. Or i could just import it...

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NoA/NoE are the ones who would make the overseas release. So far they've shown no indication that they're going to =/

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NoA/NoE probably saw all the fans bitching about FE11 (and diminishing sales for the last 3 titles) and thought "Fuck it, we're not releasing it."

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I don't get why Nintendo of America hasn't released yet FE12 since they released FE11. I think that if Nintendo localized FE11, then the most logic thing is to release its sequel. It's as if having released FE9 but haven't localized FE10. Where's FE11's "second part"? I'm sick of seeing how Nintendo releases "every second" "happy games" sticking around with the "mii", "wii", and "u" terms. Where have FE games gone to? Nintendo is now clinging to the "make a harmonious familiar environment". That's ok, but where do we, FE fans, end on? Playing games from two, four, six years ago? I think it's time for them to make a serious announcement about a new FE game. Besides, here in Colombia, Fire Emblem isn't really famous and only ten out of a thousand people know (but rarely plays) FE, (I guess I'm the only colombian member in SF...lol :lol: ), and to have a game I must occupy my aunt in Puerto Rico (I'm waiting for my DSIXL since last Oct. :wacko: and for Radiant Dawn since past June). Sigh...still waiting...sigh.

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Just threw my email through google translate.

Dear Falco,

Thanks for your email. Here we have no good answer. We always supply to the head offices of the various shops. How they distribute stock over thefillialen We do not know. It may be that this shop does not directly ordered from us but from a wholesaler. In this case, it is still different.


The Nintendo Team


Hello Nintendo

I was recently at a game store the game Fire Emblem 12 (New Mystery of theEmblem) purchase, but it appeared that it was not delivered. I was obviouslydisappointed, and I asked what the problem was, and was advised me tocontact you. So, with this, why the game is no longer "Fire Emblem: NewMystery of the Emblem" released? Last week it was included in both the shop.(Unfortunately, when I hadn't the money)

Best regards,

Falco Freeling

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I stand by what I said. I just wasn't expecting to be so harshly rebuked for a somewhat poor choice of words.

The situation that I described accurately describes reality, even if it is not entirely fair to describe it as a "trick." We spent the last year assuming NoA would release this game, and rightly so. NoA remained silent and allowed us to keep believing it; whether they did it deliberately or not, the result is the same. It became impossible to muster the meager support of the online Fire Emblem fanbase until now, and now is clearly too late. If NoA had announced that they weren't releasing this game earlier, we would have had a very slim chance of convincing them otherwise instead of none at all. I understand that NoA just doesn't work that way. Operation Rainfall did succeed in one very big way; they got NoA to officially announce that they aren't going to release those games, which is something they would never have done otherwise. It's just not a very happy victory.

It turns out I was ignorant about something else, though. You recall NoA's policy of halting support of their previous console to force users to upgrade to the new one, as I described in an earlier post? Operation Rainfall was already about raising awareness of and convincing NoA to discontinue this policy. The three Wii JRPGs they chose are just their means to an end. So... yeah. Support them if you care about this game. If you aren't interested in the games they're supporting, but you don't really know anything about them, you should at least check them out. I doubt NoA is going to move on this one, but the very least I can do is throw my support behind the largest group that ever organized against this policy.

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Two of the three games request are coming out in English. Just not under NoA. I don't remember about the third one. This was out regardless of the few fans creating this online petition/harassment.

We spent the last year assuming NoA would release this game, and rightly so. NoA remained silent and allowed us to keep believing it; whether they did it deliberately or not, the result is the same.

Not it's not the same. If someone willing deceives themselves, it doesn't matter what actuality reveals--their reality substitutes that. It doesn't matter what NoA did or was doing, because the fans already worked into themselves an expectation, and for some reason, created that as their reality. They built themselves onto a false expectation. What more could you expect when their hot air finally revealed itself to be nothing more?

All that happened after this quick fit was finger pointing and loud words between fans still trying to create their own expectations of the situation. I always found actually putting your skills together to achieve something actual, rather than desired, was better. Rather than posting and barraging a marketing intern's facebook page, they could have pooled together that money in a donation/recruitment to a fan translation project, and got a somewhat reliable translator in the process. There's more than enough able-people to work on the games, they just need the incentive to put their free time into a project like that.

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Not it's not the same. If someone willing deceives themselves, it doesn't matter what actuality reveals--their reality substitutes that.

We had good reason to assume, when we first heard that Fire Emblem: Shin Monshou no Nazo was being released in Japan, that it would be released in the U.S. and Europe. After all, the last five games in the series had been released here.

That initial assumption wasn't self-deception by any means; it was a logical conclusion based on the information we had.

Edited by Paper Jam
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Two of the three games request are coming out in English. Just not under NoA. I don't remember about the third one. This was out regardless of the few fans creating this online petition/harassment.

Not it's not the same. If someone willing deceives themselves, it doesn't matter what actuality reveals--their reality substitutes that. It doesn't matter what NoA did or was doing, because the fans already worked into themselves an expectation, and for some reason, created that as their reality. They built themselves onto a false expectation. What more could you expect when their hot air finally revealed itself to be nothing more?

All that happened after this quick fit was finger pointing and loud words between fans still trying to create their own expectations of the situation. I always found actually putting your skills together to achieve something actual, rather than desired, was better. Rather than posting and barraging a marketing intern's facebook page, they could have pooled together that money in a donation/recruitment to a fan translation project, and got a somewhat reliable translator in the process. There's more than enough able-people to work on the games, they just need the incentive to put their free time into a project like that.

If that's how you feel, make a Kickstarter project for it. Or do something. Don't sit back in your armchair and tell those of us who are actually putting effort into this that we're doing it wrong. Lead by example.

However, I will not follow you. Fan translations are already in legally questionable territory. Those that ask for donations moreso. I am willing to pay less for fan translations than for official releases because they are worth less. The quality is almost universally poorer. There is no physical product. They require the use of an emulator or pirate hardware. Emulators reduce the quality of the experience, while pirate hardware costs extra money and is also legally questionable. Very few people are willing to pay any money at all for fan translations, and for good reason.

I must say, your rhetoric is pretty confrontational. It is enough so that I am not particularly enjoying discussing this with you. Neither I, nor anyone I spoke with, believed that this game's American release was a certainty. We thought it was likely, and therefore decided to wait a little while to see if it would pan out. If you think that was a poor decision, what do you think we should have done instead? Should we have started our "harassment" campaign as soon as this game was announced in Japan? It's never too late for a fan translation, so I don't see what you're driving at other than to insult us.

EDIT: Minor grammar mistake.

Edited by Etzel
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Fan translations are already in legally questionable territory.

Translations of any kind are not in questionable territory until you come to issues like censorship. Which isn't something a fan translation in the western countries is really going to have to deal with. Especially a translation settled in such a provincial and small niche as videogame players, compared to media as a whole.

Those that ask for donations moreso.

You're not obliged to seek those who ask for money.

I am willing to pay less for fan translations than for official releases because they are worth less. The quality is almost universally poorer.

Not necessarily. It seems more like you're pulling a rabbit out for your examples--take a look at any large fan translation hub with dedicated individuals and you'll see that it's not so simple as trash being spit out. There's a number of dedicated fans who happen to have that combination of knowledgeable language, contextual and cultural, and also the stamina and interest in a game to see a good, quality translation is made available. Like in any area, these individuals are always outnumbered by the base fans whose skills reflect that "universally poorer" standard. Don't go after those ones. C'est tout.

There is no physical product. They require the use of an emulator or pirate hardware. Emulators reduce the quality of the experience, while pirate hardware costs extra money and is also legally questionable.

You are able to burn a copy of the ISO to a DVD of your choice, insert the translated text, and enjoy the game on your console with little homebrew effort. At no cost either, other than the DVD you used. Most people boot their games from SD/USB drives however, as it's much faster and simpler.

Emulation isn't that bad, but it is a considerable difference in quality, simply because the player probably isn't used to that sort of gaming environment. Not to mention the compatibility and emulation requirements. Most people don't emulate though. They opt to install free homebrew on their Wii which allows them to boot modified content and games, which actually run better than they do off the disk, as the resources are instantly available (well, of course, depending on the speed of your SD/USB device... which are usually faster than the disk checks).

Very few people are willing to pay any money at all for fan translations, and for good reason.

There's a good number of people who have donated money to groups whose work really reflects good intent and good progress, especially those which hold themselves up to a sort of defined "necessity" of quality. It might be that you have negative experience, or a lack thereof, but there are plenty of groups who create fan translations that are of a professional quality. For games, they've been going strong for about twenty years now. For all other media... well, that's a simple answer, n'est-ce pas?

Those legal mires aren't really legal mires are they are personal ones. Yes they are illegal. It's up to you to decide what's the severity of that word. Most of the qualms about emulating and pirating is that the game creators aren't getting their funds. You're welcome to do as I do and buy a copy of a game that deserves that money--you're free to download the translation and if you find it's a good job, and you're able to enjoy the game fluently, you can buy a copy of the game from wherever it's available. You're not depending on Nintendo of America, of Europe, or of Japan, to get your kicks and rocks off if there's any alternatives. All you're really dependent on, and you're in a global sense, is what you're willing to accept.

I must say, your rhetoric is pretty confrontational. It is enough so that I am not particularly enjoying discussing this with you.

That's okay. I don't particularly care--but there are factual things to consider outside of how you read my text or feel about this forum-based persona. If you seem to take suggestions in a negative fashion... that's too bad.

I think the best way to visualize this is the current ideal was to sit on the doorstep with a handful of people, demanding a game come out through an attempt at showing support. This isn't a bad option. But neither is actively attempting to get that result you desire, rather than depending on the official source. For a decade and some, this was the only way you had the option of playing games such as Fire Emblem, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Starfy, and tons of other games.

There's a lot that's possible with the effort put in the right direction :lol:

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What I said about fan translations is true. And if I had unlimited time and patience, I would defend it. But at this point I simply don't care any more, because trying to deal with you is absolutely exhausting.

If your aim was to convince me to stop supporting Operation Rainfall or to motivate me to support a fan translation, you did not succeed. You scored more points than I did, but you failed to persuade me.

Although, something tells me that scoring points was your conscious and primary goal from the beginning.

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"Scoring points" isn't worth it. I don't think I care about that, or should anyone else. I'd rather care about people actually getting something worth it. For most people relative to this "operation" thing, it would be, like multiple people have already known, to start your own translation.

Mother 3--this is a pretty big one to exemplify the whole issue. It's had more effort put into trying to grab Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe's attention than pretty much any fan-loved game. When did something tangible actually come out of it? When those same fans actually sat down and did the work themselves. And the fans had themselves to thank. It was a nice feeling. And it was an actually achievable concept too, where the only thing stopping the wish from coming about was the effort itself.

now if only the SaGa games got the same D:

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Mother 3--this is a pretty big one to exemplify the whole issue. It's had more effort put into trying to grab Nintendo of America and Nintendo of Europe's attention than pretty much any fan-loved game. When did something tangible actually come out of it? When those same fans actually sat down and did the work themselves. And the fans had themselves to thank. It was a nice feeling. And it was an actually achievable concept too, where the only thing stopping the wish from coming about was the effort itself.

Indeed, sometimes waiting will get you nowhere, and when you don't sit and wait, you're capable of doing something great. Mother 3's translation patch was one of them, because it was the most thorough work I've ever seen for a mere patch.

Funny though, cause I found Mother 3 disappointing. Was a bummer when I actually played it.

now if only the SaGa games got the same D:

I hate you, why did you have to remind me of awesomeness that went unanswered? T.T I remember when it used to be called Final Fantasy Legelnds...Fond memories of FFL2. Fuck Magnate.

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I hate you, why did you have to remind me of awesomeness that went unanswered? T.T I remember when it used to be called Final Fantasy Legelnds...Fond memories of FFL2. Fuck Magnate.

I knooooooowwwwww. At least we got that remake of one of the Romancing SaGas on the PS2... and there's a complete fan translation of the recent SaGa 2 remake on the DS (Final Fantasy Legends 2 overseas). The group disbanded before they shifted their efforts on the newer SaGa 3 remake though... :(

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