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Well, summer is going to suck now.


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It will grow on you, you just have to let it and try your best not to push it away. Believe me, better getting into the habit of reading when you're young before university where you get piled under a pile of books. -__-

(If we covered this concept earlier in this thread, sorry, I only read the first page. D; )

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Fahrenheit 451

Probably the easiest to understand of the "Dystopia trilogy" on a basic level (also BNW and 1984), if you can't manage to read and summarize this one out there is a good chance you are very stupid.

It is often referred to as speculative fiction by people who wish to draw lines between science fiction you should read in school and science fiction you shouldn't.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Computer Science (the thing I have a degree in) is the funnest and second best direction to take for getting a good paying job early.

I have no such job. ;/

Astrophysics...I don't even remember seeing it on the list.

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Das Boot, Catch-22, pretty much anything by Eddings (for your ClicheQuest Done Correctly basic fantasy outline course disco pak (sic) in 3D), Moorcock or post-Light Fantastic Prattchett. Almost definitely A Song of Ice and Fire as well, given A Game of Thrones is fucking amazing and the next time I see any of the books I am going to blackmail the local wherever into handing me not only book, but series and author as well.

If you are still dissatisfied with books, I'm afraid I'm going to have to shoot you.

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Das Boot, Catch-22, pretty much anything by Eddings (for your ClicheQuest Done Correctly basic fantasy outline course disco pak (sic) in 3D), Moorcock or post-Light Fantastic Prattchett. Almost definitely A Song of Ice and Fire as well, given A Game of Thrones is fucking amazing and the next time I see any of the books I am going to blackmail the local wherever into handing me not only book, but series and author as well.

If you are still dissatisfied with books, I'm afraid I'm going to have to shoot you.

You are going to have to shoot me. I LOVE the books but I like them third compared to the series and the board game (#1 in my book right now). Of course, the books are the bud from which the tree doth spring, so who am I to cast stones? The books felt like they were written for TV anyway, it's a tribute to Martin's ability that the TV series had to make little changes in order to disguise the fact that, IIRC, it followed so closely the books.

Eddings, I am kinda like -_- with. He should have just written the book about Athalus (spelling?) IMO, it's the best single book he wrote that I actually read.

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You still love the books, no shooting is required. ...I mean, I'd hardly have the authority to command a firing squad based off ASoIaF, given that I haven't had the chance to read them myself...

The series is amazing so far. I just have to wonder...some of these roles must suck to play even worse than Bloated Silence of the Lambs Corpse #2.

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OP should read The Fountainhead. That book is life-changing, no joke.

For somme people.

I think for me I was like "oh wow this is cool cuz it's all like this guy is awesome and everyone thinks he's like the most amazing and I believe in heroes and stuff."

Then I talked enough about it to be like "oh wait maybe this sucks"

I'm not sure if it changed anything about me at all in any significant way.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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seriously though fenrir, read some good books. I could give you a few ideas if I know what your interested in.

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If you're going to read, Milkweed was pretty interesting.

Hell, I hate reading. Given, that was a book I had to read in class, it was the only book slightly interesting enough to make me read ahead.

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I hope you're not seriously complaining. Reading's good for you. You get to journey into different worlds and learn new things.

Let's go into the world of a yellow page that doesn't have images. Wohoo.

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Also Spyker don't feel bad I had to do the same thing when I was much younger while all the kids played outside like a bunch of mocking birds.

It's nothing, to be honest. 30 minutes is nothing. Especially during night, when it's supposed to be easier to read.

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The "His Dark Materials" trilogy and Defying Hitler are some of the best books I've read I quite liked Anthony Horowitz's growing up but it depends on the the way the books are read because reading it as a class stops any momentum from being built up, predominantly because of this:


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The "His Dark Materials" trilogy and Defying Hitler are some of the best books I've read I quite liked Anthony Horowitz's growing up but it depends on the the way the books are read because reading it as a class stops any momentum from being built up, predominantly because of this:



So I should care what the author says because...


I find it engaging???????

If I do, why not build layers of meaning?????

Sums up why I got a B- (or somewhere around there) on my Fahrenheit 451 report.

Um, but were you closer to what the author meant or what your english teacher thought, or OFF IN YOUR OWN GODDAMN CORNER ADMIT IT YOU WERE OFF IN YOUR OWN GODDAMN CORNER

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