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Well, summer is going to suck now.


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If nobody's suggested them yet:

- the Earthsea books by Ursula K. Le Guin (mages, shadows, truly wonderful writing) (or anything by her really)

- the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce (knights and mages and spies and asskicking)

- various of Scott Westerfeld's books (I've read the Uglies series (dystopian sci-fi, plastic surgery, social upheaval), Peeps/The Last Days (vampirism caused by parasites, delightfully icky), So Yesterday (society's perception of "cool" is actually pretty interesting), and Leviathan (steam punk with biotech!) and deemed them all "good enough for my sister to inherit")

- the Airborn trilogy by Kenneth Oppel (airships! more airships! a space elevator!)

- Cory Doctorow: Little Brother (20-minutes-into-the-future dystopia, computers), For The Win (MMOs, global movements, difficult to describe), various others. Most, if not all, of Doctorow's work is available freely online, because of Creative Commons and being a badass like that.

And that's just what I got off top of my head. WATCH ME ADD MORE VIA CHRONIC EDITING.

Seriously, dude, there exist good books to not complain about. I really wish I still had time to read as much as I used to =_=

Edited by Kiryn
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Hey, I still did better then most of the class. :/

Just to clarify I was joking crashman. I love you.

- the Earthsea books by Ursula K. Le Guin (mages, shadows, truly wonderful writing) (or anything by her really)

- the Tortall books by Tamora Pierce (knights and mages and spies and asskicking)

Both seconded.

It comes down to preference.

It comes down to the fundamental forces governing physics, or possibly even further down than that, I really don't know.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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My English 4 teacher actually was down to earth.

But there are times when something is implied.

She made sense. unlike most postmodernist teachers. -_-

Postmodern (usually not postmodernist???) teachers make sense if you come in with the right mindset.

It would be more correct to say that the author's meaning, unless they are a very good author or are writing a short piece, is, potentially, hundreds of little circles with intersections, or something like that.

Edited by Loki Laufeyjarson
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Oh no, you have to think of the images based on description, by yourself!? You're right, man, books are stupid.

why are you imagining when images can save you the job of doin it wrong

your dumb

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So, summer was going great so far, until this evening, when my dad implemented a new rule...

Summer reading.

Fuck. My. Life.

I hate reading. From most books I get little to no enjoyment out of reading them. The only books that I've read and liked throughout the past three years were the GONE series. I have to read for half an hour after I go to bed. Every night. May not seem like much, but it's going to be hell for me.

More bad news: during or after this period if I get caught with any electronic device, all electronics are taken away for the rest of the summer, including Video Games, iPod, and computer.

I grabbed the complete Chronicles of Narnia collection. I hope I don't get bored to death, and more importantly, I hope that there's no "write a summary!" activities like there was last time. Several years ago I had to read things during my free time and do comprehension & summary activities.



I remember when having to sit back and read a book was horrible. Well, I don't, since I'm not a total beta and thus actually enjoy reading as an activity. I would give up my shitty job in a second if I could go back in time to relaxing all day.

Though that no electronics rule has always been moronic. I recall as a kid that occurring when I left for a summer vacation to my cousins'. Granted, we ended up having a lot of time exploring the forests around their houses and whatnot, but it seemed unnecessary.

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no u


I cant begin to start on how much you failed to write out that sentence. You should just go in a corner and die because you cant use proper grammar. First, you forgot to capitalize the N in the word "no". You see, if you actually would have bothered to go to school, you would know that you have to start a sentence with a capital letter. N, this is n in the capital form, the form you failed to use. Then you proceed to fail more by using u instead of typing out "you". You don't have to go to school to know how to spell you, how could you use "u" instead of spelling it out? You monster, you have committed blasphemy. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin. Then, you forget to add a full-stop at the sentence. Not even death by a thousand paper cuts then having those cuts washed with lemon juice will atone for this crime. You will be tortured by god for eternity. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin, perish, vermin.

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I cant begin to start on how much you failed to write out that sentence. You should just go in a corner and die because you cant use proper grammar. First, you forgot to capitalize the N in the word "no". You see, if you actually would have bothered to go to school, you would know that you have to start a sentence with a capital letter. N, this is n in the capital form, the form you failed to use. Then you proceed to fail more by using u instead of typing out "you". You don't have to go to school to know how to spell you, how could you use "u" instead of spelling it out? You monster, you have committed blasphemy. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin. Then, you forget to add a full-stop at the sentence. Not even death by a thousand paper cuts then having those cuts washed with lemon juice will atone for this crime. You will be tortured by god for eternity. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin, perish, vermin.

The kitties on SF are so badass.

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I cant begin to start on how much you failed to write out that sentence. You should just go in a corner and die because you cant use proper grammar. First, you forgot to capitalize the N in the word "no". You see, if you actually would have bothered to go to school, you would know that you have to start a sentence with a capital letter. N, this is n in the capital form, the form you failed to use. Then you proceed to fail more by using u instead of typing out "you". You don't have to go to school to know how to spell you, how could you use "u" instead of spelling it out? You monster, you have committed blasphemy. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin. Then, you forget to add a full-stop at the sentence. Not even death by a thousand paper cuts then having those cuts washed with lemon juice will atone for this crime. You will be tortured by god for eternity. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin, perish, vermin.

I think this is funny coming from you. xD If you made your grammar infallible in that criticism then it would have been even better.

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I cant begin to start on how much you failed to write out that sentence. You should just go in a corner and die because you cant use proper grammar. First, you forgot to capitalize the N in the word "no". You see, if you actually would have bothered to go to school, you would know that you have to start a sentence with a capital letter. N, this is n in the capital form, the form you failed to use. Then you proceed to fail more by using u instead of typing out "you". You don't have to go to school to know how to spell you, how could you use "u" instead of spelling it out? You monster, you have committed blasphemy. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin. Then, you forget to add a full-stop at the sentence. Not even death by a thousand paper cuts then having those cuts washed with lemon juice will atone for this crime. You will be tortured by god for eternity. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin, perish, vermin.

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Kai capitalized things?! Oh good, I was running out of freezer space, now I can store my ice cream in hell!

But he forgot to use apostrophes. The lad still has a way to go. :(:

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I cant begin to start on how much you failed to write out that sentence. You should just go in a corner and die because you cant use proper grammar. First, you forgot to capitalize the N in the word "no". You see, if you actually would have bothered to go to school, you would know that you have to start a sentence with a capital letter. N, this is n in the capital form, the form you failed to use. Then you proceed to fail more by using u instead of typing out "you". You don't have to go to school to know how to spell you, how could you use "u" instead of spelling it out? You monster, you have committed blasphemy. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin. Then, you forget to add a full-stop at the sentence. Not even death by a thousand paper cuts then having those cuts washed with lemon juice will atone for this crime. You will be tortured by god for eternity. There is nothing you can do to atone for this sin, perish, vermin.

your dumb

A little biased, are we Kai? Think we know who you're supporting :P:

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