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Mafia Headquarters The Third


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My medium game has been checked by Elieson (but as a semi-open, will be available to be checked by anyone who wants to, and some minor balance changes may occur in the days between signups and game start, as players may freely look over the setup). It should be called Super C9++ (Not C9++, which is a different, less super, thing).

I also signed up to do a 9 player mini 2of4 a while ago. This is based on a well known setup (2of4) so will not need a checker. Heck, it barely needs a mod :awesome:

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Don't forget Bizz - Serial Killer

I think Bizz's role name was actually Assassin or something. I know there's a special name for neutrals that win by killing a specific role (not Lyncher since that needs specifically for them to be lynched) but I can't for the life of me recall what it is

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Add to the mafia que, another of my Yu-Gi-Oh! related mafias, 16 player "It's Time to Duel! Mafia".

Experimental, but not bastard.

Seeking Cohost familiar with the Yu-Gi-Oh! first series (not GX or beyond).

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Imp and I were thinking about co-hosting a mafia game together. She'd be the one officially hosting it, but I'd be helping her out with stuff. Our theme would be a Folgore Rangers mafia for 16 people.

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general announcement that i dealt with some anxiety today because stuff i don't want to talk about

i don't want to sub out of any games but i might have spotty activity for the next twelve hours

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Shakespeare Mafia - currently undefined, probably large

courtesy of IRC

anyone who wants to co-host buzz me

Edited by Manix
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Put up Final Fantasy mafia, a game for 20 players. Oh wow. o.O (NOC)

Not only that, but the setup has been discussed with and checked by Manix, who will be my lovely co-host for this game. Also, role PMs have been decided and done(ok, two are pending lol), so this game is basically all set! ^^

If no other large game is going to be hosted after the ongoing games, I'd be fine with hosting this game, although the current activity worries me. Its either now(i.e sometime in August) or I'll be hosting this in October(coz exams in September lol)

EDIT: Oh yeah, and making a priority list. So basically that and 2 role PMs lol.

Edited by Bluedoom
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I might just sit out of mafia for a while and work on my setups, I've been too stressed to concentrate because stuff and school is starting again soon so there's that

I keep slacking off on those

Oh, if it means anything, Levity Mafia is confirmed 19 players (I don't know if I mentioned that before) and Iris and I are making Hamtaro Mafia 30 players and both games will be anonymous

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