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Why do slim weapons exist?


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But even so, the weight would only benefit pegasus knights.

The increased hit doesn't really matter most of the time, compared to the decreased might.

Furthermore, the critical would really only matter to swordmasters, who need the extra might offered by iron weapons more, wouldn't they?

Just my opinions though

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It depends on the game.

For example, in Genealogy, the Slim Sword is actually better than the Iron Sword. +2 MT, -2 WT, +10 Hit. Only for +2000 Gold in total repair cost.

Granted, it's just one example.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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In FE4, Slim Weapons are easily more worth using than Iron Weapons. Slim Swords are the lightest sword available, and 1 & 1/3 times stronger than Iron Swords. Slim Lances did as much damage as Iron Lances, but had 1/2 the weight. But in the GBA games, Slim Lances mostly found uses in Pegasus Knights. Slim Swords? They were horribly redundant since 5 crit isn't much, Iron Swords could be used by any sword user without drawbacks period, and I can't think of one sword user with enough accuracy problems to rely on Slim Swords. Both Slim Weapons were redundant in FE9, when not taking a glitch with the crit into account that isn't even present in the localisations into account. Their redundancy knows no bounds in FE10.

Edited by Elmer
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So you can glitch Japanese FE9 :awesome:

It's way easier to double in FE4 with them. *Way* easier. Lances in general are pretty heavy, so a Slim Lance helps that a lot.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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i think the real question is why isn't there any slim axes or bows?

Can you imagine a slim axe? Its just... not right. Axe's are supposed to be heavy with high might. There is hatchet though, also, bows are bows. How much weaker can they get? =/

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I'm actually just wondering why are they even in FE10. Bronze swords exist and are stronger!

Bronze Swords have less hit and cannot critical though.

And the might difference is like 1.

Edited by Darros
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Bronze Swords have less hit and cannot critical though.

And the might difference is like 1.

Now if only it was one of the FE games where stats other than Mt actually mattered...

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Can you imagine a slim axe? Its just... not right. Axe's are supposed to be heavy with high might. There is hatchet though, also, bows are bows. How much weaker can they get? =/

There's the Short Bow, but I can't think of any bow user that would make good use of it in FEs 5 & 6. It does have some use in FEs 7 & 8 where it can raise the bow rank faster than anything except ballistae, but the only ones that I can think of that would benefit from Short Bows the most would be Rath, Lyn, and Ranger!Gerik. Edited by Elmer
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I'd say it's more useful than unable to crit.

I disagree because odds are your crit chance will be so low it won't even matter. This IS Radiant Dawn we're talking about, after all. That said, I say slim weapons are practically useless.

Edited by Metal King Slime
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radiant dawn, 2-p, only slim sword available. Slims are elegant, 'girly'? Not rough buff. That's why they're there. Whoever mentioned the pegs, elincia = peg with slim sword, and she's royal. It'd hurt her image to be hurling around killing edges and tempest blades. =p

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radiant dawn, 2-p, only slim sword available. Slims are elegant, 'girly'? Not rough buff. That's why they're there. Whoever mentioned the pegs, elincia = peg with slim sword, and she's royal. It'd hurt her image to be hurling around killing edges and tempest blades. =p

I actually don't even know what to say to this. I mean, Falcon Knights generally don't "worry about their image", nor did they have to. For example: Take a look at Fee. From a canonical standpoint, she's royalty too. However, she doesn't have any problems hurling around Sonic/Levin/Salamand Swords or Brave Lances. Why would Elincia be any different? Adding to that: Slim Swords weren't actually needed by them in just about any FE game. If anything, from a gameplay standpoint, a Slim Sword was most likely given to Elincia to prevent her from being overpowered when she joins. Edited by Elmer
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i think the real question is why isn't there any slim axes or bows?

Short Bow?

I always believed Slim weapons existed primarily for lower Wt with higher Hit and Crit as bonuses. Unfortunately they don't end up having much use from FE6 on.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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There's the Short Bow, but I can't think of any bow user that would make good use of it in FEs 5 & 6. It does have some use in FEs 7 & 8 where it can raise the bow rank faster anything except ballistae, but the only ones that I can think of that would benefit from them the most would be Rath, Lyn, and Ranger!Gerik.

In FE5, you just use whatever you have on hand that has decent stats, and you tend to have a lot of Short weapons on hand. In FE6, though, it seems completely useless. Same accuracy, weaker, and 6.5 times the cost per use.

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Slim lances are the only reason why pegasus knights/falco knights are my second favorite class in the series. As for slim swords, I haven't a clue.

When you absolutely positively must have 100 hit in fe6. Enemy avo is high enough that aside from iron swords against axe wielders (possibly specifically steel axe or similar wt axe users) you aren't getting to 100 hit until promotion without slim swords. But they have so little mt that it might cost you the KO anyway and thus it's still a bad idea.

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