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I really hope we get a female axe user this time...


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It's possible to achieve it, just unlikely. Like Furet said, 's why the reasons there aren't as many chicks in [class], but if the chick can achieve a certain size, or strength, or whatever attributes necessary pertaining to a class or whatever else, why should they be barred from doing so?

They're not barred. I doubt that it's a hard rule that women can't be Berserkers. I don't know if you've heard otherwise.

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Except Neimi and Rebecca suck and Florina and Tana are good only because of ferrying.

But your argument make it sound like that chicks can't get as big as guys, which isn't true since there are some really big fucking chicks out there. If they can handle the same size axe, why shouldn't they get the same size axe? If they can't handle the same size axe, why are they even a berserker?

That's only if they put the gender-differentiated caps back, which, TBH, they shouldn't. I find that caps should exist to differentiate classes, but between units of each class, it should be the bases and growths that do the differentiation and even further differentiated caps. If a chick has a high str growth, she should not be hindered from hitting the same cap as her male counterpart. I like how they took out gender-differentiation caps in FEDS. That was nice.

No they don't. They're all pretty amazing units. At least in my opinion.

Slightly smaller Berserker gets slightly smaller axe. The biggest women get to be Berserkers, I guess.

Frankly, I do not care which route they take, I just want a female Berserker. If I remember right, Marisa's Swordmaster sprite was smaller than Joshua's Swordmaster sprite. This could just be my eyes playing tricks on me, though. All of the Generals are the same size though.

I'm not attempting to argue that the female Berserker's shouldn't be the same size, I'm only justifying why it makes sense they'd be a little smaller.

Agreed, gender caps are BS.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Caps in general are "BS", by that line of logic. If a character has a good growth, their stat should be allowed to go up.

The line of logic is not the same. Classes should have stat caps, but within that, the genders should not have different caps.

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The line of logic is not the same. Classes should have stat caps, but within that, the genders should not have different caps.

My opinion on caps is that they should be higher (and not in the way FE10 did it, because FE10 is infinitely retarded). Let their bases and growths do most of the talking for a greater portion of the game.

I'd be fine with this if she wore armor or something like that.

Well if we're talking berserker, pelts would be more common to them than armor (I dunno any soldier berserkers aside from Dozla), but agreed. I don't see why people think girls shouldn't be that sort of big (though I wanna say on an artistic perspective, there are some perspective errors with that image that make her look somewhat exagerated).

Also, come on. Zerker woman with long hair? Only royal derps like Isadora go to battle with long hair. Echidna knew that much.

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"Women are smaller than men irl" is a limitation of real life and does not need to be in a video game. There's no reason to make the women smaller and weaker just because they're women.

I personally prefer heroes, wyvern knights and other armored axe users for females, but I don't really care what we get, as long as its not this: http://art-eater.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/amazoni______a____________i_______psd_jpgcopy.jpg

This is a horriffic design, but not because it's a huge woman. Also doesn't help that they pasted a tiny woman's head onto her neck.

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Also, come on. Zerker woman with long hair? Only royal derps like Isadora go to battle with long hair. Echidna knew that much.

To be fair, they could be too busy chopping people's heads off to get a haircut. :P

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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"Women are smaller than men irl" is a limitation of real life and does not need to be in a video game. There's no reason to make the women smaller and weaker just because they're women.

This, pretty much.

I don't care if you made the femzerkers slightly smaller, the same, or slihgtly bigger, I just want them in the game! Trying to go for realism in a game series full of crazy hair colors, magic and so on is just daft.

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"Women are smaller than men irl" is a limitation of real life and does not need to be in a video game. There's no reason to make the women smaller and weaker just because they're women.

Maybe IS are attempting to inject a bit of realism into this series...

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Also, come on. Zerker woman with long hair? Only royal derps like Isadora go to battle with long hair. Echidna knew that much.

Yet ironically, Isadora is a better character than Echidna.

Besides, Berserkers should be wild and untamed. Not getting haircuts. I want my male berserkers to have lots of hair, why not the girls?

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The axe size, along with the muscles, are exaggeration--they're thematic devices. It's not about what is possible or what is normative, but what the image and animation conveys. The current berserkers generally show their spite by throwing their axes all over the place with heavy, dull swings. Entirely unrealistic swings. But its aim isn't to be actual, but thematic and engaging. A female berserker would be no different--if the animation conveys a certain attitude, then it's enough. They aren't stylized because the artists and lead teams decided they wanted someone with muscles and the weapon to match. They wanted something symbolic.

(cornering pigeons from the back of your eyes is a pretty terrible idea)

Edited by Celice
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And yet they still have people with blue/green/pink/purple hair, totally realistic. >_>

"A bit of realism" as NinjaMonkey said != making the game 100% realism-based or close.

Otherwise, drastic changes would be made (such as someone getting burned if hit by Fire tomes, someone getting paralyzed from a bolt, very limited inventory space for younger units, etc).

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Weapons would be proportionately heavy, and weaker units wouldn't be able to lift them, even to trade. . .because can you imagine Nino running on the battlefield toting a Heavy Lance, a Halberd, a Hammer, and a Steel Axe?

I do not care if there's a female 'zerker who's a tad smaller than her male counterpart. As long as we're not dealing with something like Presea, it should be okay (not that Pressy isn't cool. . .but that's a hell of an imagination stretch).

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I do not care if there's a female 'zerker who's a tad smaller than her male counterpart. As long as we're not dealing with something like Presea, it should be okay (not that Pressy isn't cool. . .but that's a hell of an imagination stretch).

Not really. There exist after all the Expsheres and Cruxis Crystals that enhance one person's abilities. So her case is excused.

Just look at Regal and his Hadokens when he has no choice but to use his hands.

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Her case would not be excusable should this be FE.

Even if so, she'd be the crappiest berserker ever (by GBA standards, she'd be okay in Tellius or DS). I mean, look at her, she can't be more than 5 con. she'd lose so much AS from even Iron Axe it's not even funny, let alone heavier weapons like Killer, or god forbid, Steel.

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Not really. There exist after all the Expsheres and Cruxis Crystals that enhance one person's abilities. So her case is excused.

Just look at Regal and his Hadokens when he has no choice but to use his hands.

Presea was awesome because the one doing the most damage and had the most HP was a pink haired little girl with an axe bigger than her. Long as it's not the norm I think things like that are alright.

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From the characters in the screenshot, the hair colours shown all look relatively natural as far as FE goes. Sure, Krom has the standard anime blue tinge that may or may not denote black hair stylistically, and Liz's hair has a pinkish darker shade, but it's pretty obvious that she's a blonde.

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Stuff like bright pink, blue, etc, that's not attainable without ridiculous hair dye. Like, really obvious pink. Anime tends to use blues and greens and slightly coloured tinges to stylize a natural color, which is actually also used in non-anime art forms but to an lesser extent, but the cases when you just can't pass off, say, pink, as blonde (see Serra), that's unnatural.

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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Stuff like bright pink, blue, etc, that's not obtainable without ridiculous hair dye.

Blue is unnatural for FE...? Aren't there multiple characters already who have hair color not obtainable without hair dye?

I'm just sayin'.

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