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Mechanics that you want


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-FE5 capture


-FE4-5 style skills with FE9-10 skill cap

-Mounted Mages

-better Generals (I hated how they had bows just so that all the weapons were paired together)

-Assassin/Rouge (thieves deserve some love)

-Bonus Exp formula of FE12 with FE9-10 Bonus Exp award

-Fog-of-war during the actual pt rather then just gaidens

-Better stat caps

-Itemless promotion

And more

Edited by JosefLior
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-FE5 capture


-FE4-5 style skills with FE9-10 skill cap

-Mounted Mages

-better Generals (I hated how they had bows just so that all the weapons were paired together)

-Assassin/Rouge (thieves deserve some love)

-Bonus Exp formula of FE12 with FE9-10 Bonus Exp award

-Fog-of-war during the actual pt rather then just gaidens

-Better stat caps

-Itemless promotion

And more

You already mentioned better stat caps, which I personally do not think will be needed, but:

if the Assassin and Rogue classes don't get higher caps, I don't care if they make a comeback or not. I LOVE assassins, but they're so crap it isn't fair (at least on the GBA).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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You already mentioned better stat caps, which I personally do not think will be needed, but:

if the Assassin and Rogue classes don't get higher caps, I don't care if they make a comeback or not. I LOVE assassins, but they're so crap it isn't fair (at least on the GBA).

Yet promotion bonus and more level ups make them better than thieves. FE9 had the stats that should have been given to the Assassin class. What was it like 23 30 30 22 20, that's good enough, FESD's 20 25 30 25 20 was dumb, there is no reason for more defense than many foot units and horseman. Edited by JosefLior
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Yet promotion bonus and more level ups make them better than thieves. FE9 had the stats that should have been given to the Assassin class. What was it like 23 30 30 22 20, that's good enough, FESD's 20 25 30 25 20 was dumb, there is no reason for more defense than many foot units and horseman.

Yeah, but I usually keep my thieves out of danger for the most part anyway. Having the crappy caps just annoys me...

There's no way to argue against your point; all I'm saying is the fact that Assassin/Rogue caps are so crap annoys me to the point that I really don't even want to use them. It's a good thing Assassins are so badass.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Yeah they are fragile, but I love their animations :awesome: Thieves should at least be able to steal, thats what thieves do! Also my argument was pro Assassins, the only other badass thieves are Thief Fighters from FE4 and 5. Can't wait for this game!!!

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I'd like BEXP to work like FE12 arena (essentially, if you have growths of XYZ%, you grow X stats with a YZ% chance of growing one more. If a stat is capped, it doesn't count, so if you have ~4 capped stats, expect 1-2 stat levels from this). But I would still like FE9's style of gaining it, with it perhaps being a little more expensive relatively in the mid levels.

That one sounds just as bad as FE10's one. :/: It's really better just to do it FE9-style so people who need it don't get their stats buggered over.

I thought of another thing I'd like: Universal caps!

Too many times, a Class's stat caps (which I can only presume as designed to be insignificant since you barely ever reach them) end up being counted as being FAR too important (Like in FE10), making them the same would eliminate this problem. Though I think it should be one set of caps for 1st tier units, and another for 2nd tier.

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I can't think of much else other than FE10 where caps were *that* much of a problem. Oscar and Tits were the only units really hampered by it in FE10 anyway. Gatrie too but he had movement problems.

Edited by Mercenary Raven
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I think bows should be 2-3 and longbows 2-4 instead of 1 range bows. Bows are like "the" ranged weapon and yet they have the same range as hand axes and javelins. Or would that be too unbalanced?

This. Simple, reasonable, balanced, straightforward.


-branched promotions, but either no reclassing or only reclassing between the promotion choices

-class based skills I guess, it's nice with branched promotions

-infinite use bronze weapons :3


-definitely not split str/mag, just use 'Power' if a unit needs both or come up with another solution

-GBA style item-promotion (no one else will agree :D )

-everything 7x is doing

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-definitely not split str/mag, just use 'Power' if a unit needs both or come up with another solution

No, no, no!

Con for attack speed sucked in the GBA games because it had no growth rate, which is what I can only assume is the version you're talking about.

And splitting Strength and Magic is awesome, what's wrong with it? :(

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Con is largely pointless unless it affects AS, and having to care about Con adds another layer to your choice of characters (do I take this slightly weaker guy with huge con who can use any weapon, or this stronger guy who loses AS with anything but iron?)

Also Str for Wgt means almost all physical units have no AS penalties after a while, while magic users are busy having terrible AS

Not to mention Str meaning anything to mages is kind of laughable

Given the randomness for how characters can turn out, it's kind of nice to have a static, individual value for each character (like Con). It's something you can rely on but that you have to be aware of the limitations for, and it's much more interesting when it means anything for gameplay. And it's best with no growth rate, it acts as a balance between light and heavy classes (and makes characters that ignore the normal Con score for their class, like Dieck, all the more interesting)

There's really no good reason not to use Con for AS

And for split str/mag, there's no reason to split them if Str isn't used for AS, and units that use both are rare enough that there's little conflict in using the same power value for all their attacks. And if the unit would make more sense being stronger at once type that the other, well that's what skills are for

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Yes. Constant con is great. It also makes things like rescuing predictable, whereas if con had a growth rate you'd be manipulating con growths everywhere.

Some other ideas are kind of bad. Universal caps don't mean anything unless units can reach the caps in the first place. If the units can't reach some of their caps, then there's no point in having those high caps. If the units can reach some of their caps, then individual caps are necessary for differentiation. Either way, universal caps lose.

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I think ther should be CON plus a fraction of STR/MAG (like 1/5). It' make the game somewhat more realistic in the sense that some characters wouldn't have to worry at all about weapon weight, while others would be able to use heavier weapons, but not all of them, just think of Tana with 23 STR and 6 CON (falco's caps) not being weighted down by a simple iron lance (her base weapon), while stronger weapons like the heavy spear or the Vidofnir would slow her down. This would make CON important for rescuing and using weapons.

On graphics, I'd like to see Coups d'Grace as an animation when you ensure a kill with 100% hit, like when you've taken someone down to 5HP and attack with someone that can deal that particular character 5+ damage with 100% accuracy. If under those circumstances a different animation from the normal hit or critical was triggered, it'd be awesome.

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I can't think of much else other than FE10 where caps were *that* much of a problem. Oscar and Tits were the only units really hampered by it in FE10 anyway. Gatrie too but he had movement problems.

You're forgetting the ultimate screwage in FE Capping history... Mr. Sothe.

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That one sounds just as bad as FE10's one. :/: It's really better just to do it FE9-style so people who need it don't get their stats buggered over.

FE9's BEXP being too good is a big part of what makes that game way too easy. If I had a say, I would make levels induced with BEXP use (Growth Rate) - 5 or 10%. I hate having so many units that are dead weight at base level, like in FE8 and FE9.

I think ther should be CON plus a fraction of STR/MAG (like 1/5). It' make the game somewhat more realistic in the sense that some characters wouldn't have to worry at all about weapon weight, while others would be able to use heavier weapons, but not all of them, just think of Tana with 23 STR and 6 CON (falco's caps) not being weighted down by a simple iron lance (her base weapon), while stronger weapons like the heavy spear or the Vidofnir would slow her down. This would make CON important for rescuing and using weapons.

I've been thinking about this for a while and I too think that it could work really well.

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I think ther should be CON plus a fraction of STR/MAG (like 1/5). It' make the game somewhat more realistic in the sense that some characters wouldn't have to worry at all about weapon weight, while others would be able to use heavier weapons, but not all of them, just think of Tana with 23 STR and 6 CON (falco's caps) not being weighted down by a simple iron lance (her base weapon), while stronger weapons like the heavy spear or the Vidofnir would slow her down. This would make CON important for rescuing and using weapons.

This. I mean, Con basically shits on female characters, since they have lower con and most have lower str (I mean, 4 con female Druid, what is this BS, Niime deserves a 7), so if they can only double with crappy weapons, what's the point? I mean, if a person got good str, they should be able to use the heavier weapons better than a person with less str than them who's of the same size. Or hell, at least reasonable con distribution that doesn't shit on chicks so much. Like, -1 from the guys is reasonable. -3 is not (I'm looking at you, Myrmidon).

That or the con with a WEXP-like growth on it where there's a gauge and if a character uses a weapon heavier than their con, it adds to their gauge and there's a cap to how much you can gain (not counting statboosters), like C rank gives 0 con, B gives 1, A rank gives 2, and S rank gives 3 with 3 being the max you can gain from this system. That way, if you don't want a certain unit to grow con (Paladins, for example, since they'll need the rescue stat as well) just let them use weapons weighing equal or lower than their con and have them use something heavier once in a while, but if you want, say, a soldier to get more con to use the heavier lances without AS loss, then let them use heavier weapons more and they'll gain the con.

(Credit to Josh and Yeti for the idea)

Edited by Luminescent Kitty
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On graphics, I'd like to see Coups d'Grace as an animation when you ensure a kill with 100% hit, like when you've taken someone down to 5HP and attack with someone that can deal that particular character 5+ damage with 100% accuracy. If under those circumstances a different animation from the normal hit or critical was triggered, it'd be awesome.

This won't happen, but the visual that came to my head is a GBA swordmaster shaking his head in disapproval, then quickly thrusting the sword into the enemy (instead of the usual uppercut-like strike). Like Eirika's, but more badass.


I want Con and weight so I can rescue and capture. Otherwise I think Con and weight are useless, and literally unfair to the sexes, as Luminescent Kitty pointed out. If I could capture, though, I'd be willing to...overlook the unfairness of it... :ph34r:

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Reclass and Capture are two of the greatest mechanics IS thought up. They might actually make an amazing game if they included both in this! (But they will include neither because fuck them)

BEXP is nice but they should really reduce how much you can get.

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