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have you made it so lynch probabilities are altered based on cop results, so like, there's a possibility a cop will "claim" to get scum lynched and increase own likelihood as a doc/kill target? i usually factor in stuff like that when rng testing

Yes. If Cop scans mafia or miller it's automatically the next lynch. Otherwise randomlynch on anyone except the cop. If doc pops up, I have doc claim and it randoms again, but then mafia kills doc during the night.

Edit: Also to elaborate, I predicate this on Cop Claiming D1 regardless of his find for full doc protection.

Edit2: I may have messed up on whether I exclude the non-cop non-doc clear scans from a randomlynch though, I should probably check.

why would you use strings for "True" and "False"

Because I'm not a programmer, and I've had troubles with Python and attempting booleans in the past.

Edited by Balcerzak
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iirc python's bool type is just an extension of int (True = 1, etc, False + 4 is a valid expression etc)

to use the literals it's 'True' (capital T) instead of 'true' in most others

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Yay, I understood all of that. I guess I'm learning something in my programming class after all?

Also, wouldn't the town success rate increase if we assumed that Millers claimed and were thus not inspected by the cop (and therefore not lynched)?

Edited by BigBangMeteor
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Yay, I understood all of that. I guess I'm learning something in my programming class after all?

Also, wouldn't the town success rate increase if we assumed that Millers claimed and were thus not inspected by the cop (and therefore not lynched)?

Vanilla mafia could just as easily have one of themselves claim Miller in that case in order to keep things interesting. Then it starts to delve into things that can't really be RNG modelled well, IMO, and I didn't want to get that far into it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I haven't added Life yet since he has yet to *confirm* his comeback if you know what I mean. Once he does Ether won't be the solo Libran I believe. XD

Spot #11 for me. Aged 21, birthday on Sept. 28.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Because time zone issues really suck, and we don't always know who's likely to be on at what time. List is obviously not complete and may not be completely accurate. If I screwed something up, just yell at me.

NOTE: I did not take DST into consideration, and I really don't want to list everyone's time zones during DST either.

UTC – 10:00


UTC – 08:00



Taewoo/Boron (sometimes)

UTC – 07:00

Taewoo/Boron (mostly)

UTC – 06:00





UTC – 05:00







Thomas Raith/BBM



UTC – 04:00


UTC ± 00:00

Serious Bananas


UTC + 01:00



UTC + 02:00


UTC + 5:30


UTC + 6:00

Cap'n Flint/Blitz

UTC + 08:00



Luster Purge

UTC + 10:00


Kudos to Paperblade for helping me with list updates.

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DST is fun stuff, but it'll probably give me a headache to try to calculate everyone's time zones for DST as well. So I'll just make a note in my original post that this is assuming not DST times.

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I would like to add that with my phone, I may be on at all hours of the day because it's possible to have guard duty from 1 AM to 5 AM or something silly like that.

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wtf no me? :(

I did say that the list wasn't complete, Strider. I missed BBM the first time around too. (2 in the morning, yeah.)

EDIT: Also, list updated.

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My timezone really says very little about when I'm online.

for example i'm most likely to be on between 8-10 on a weekday and probably won't be on much or at all on the weekends for semi-obvious reasons school

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Updated Bday List with Life and Mancer in it.

Gosh Boron you have joined my stalker group(whose member is only me lol)

EDIT: Ok I could consider Prims to be a stalker too with the way he guesses people in anon games. O_O

Edited by Bluedoom
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i prefer the term "internet detective"

anon guesses aren't really stalking anyway, i'm just good at picking up tells

And knowing that chances are anyone with an animu avatar is probably me

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  • 3 weeks later...

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