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(we're in fftf)

I know, but thread derailment is still a thing.

After all, we're really missing the point of this thread right now, aren't we?

On that note, there are some really useful posts in this thread, but by now there are so many posts in here that I feel that the most important ones should be highlighted somehow (by linking to them in the OP or something).

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I know, but thread derailment is still a thing.

After all, we're really missing the point of this thread right now, aren't we?

On that note, there are some really useful posts in this thread, but by now there are so many posts in here that I feel that the most important ones should be highlighted somehow (by linking to them in the OP or something).

you could just ask a mod to delete the non-useful posts, or merge the good information in a few posts (if possible).

Edited by SlayerX
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There's been a few tickets/suggestions that this forum be moved out of fftf so that offtopic discussion like this is actually punished.

Annoying players who clog up game threads with fluff getting warns for it sounds hilarious

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Annoying players who clog up game threads with fluff getting warns for it sounds hilarious


btw, only been Night killed twice in my life in Touhou and Haphazard because getting a lynch on me is so much easier.

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I know, but thread derailment is still a thing.

After all, we're really missing the point of this thread right now, aren't we?

On that note, there are some really useful posts in this thread, but by now there are so many posts in here that I feel that the most important ones should be highlighted somehow (by linking to them in the OP or something).

I was planning to compile things into an actual guide at some point, but I can't say for sure when that point will be. I guess I can link to a couple of posts in the OP though (just as an fyi here, this may take me slightly longer than it should, but chances are I'll get it done over the next couple of days).

And yeah, as I asked of people last page or so, I'd appreciate it if we could keep at least this thread relatively on topic so that it actually serves it's purpose.

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Oh right, I was going to make a post in here, and then forgot about it. But here it is.

It's a really jerk move, and honestly not very helpful to start a wagon on someone who won't be back before phase end when there's been no indication that they're at all suspected. It's one thing if proof comes out that proves their mafia, but it's honestly not a good move to suddenly decide "Hey, this person hasn't talked much, and even though they've talked more than some people, I've decided I don't like their actions and so I'm going to start a wagon!" and then not give them an opportunity to defend themselves. Especially if they haven't been suspected all day. Because then they come back, find out they've been lynched for no reason at all and get really pissed.

Yes, I'm still extremely frustrated and a little bit mad at what happened in Higurashi.

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hey can we just FUCKING AVOID putting down peoples' play in mafia game threads? Yes, I saw it in [ongoing game] and I am FUCKING PISSED. If I want mafia advice I'll fucking ask for it. You know who you fucking are.

Edited by adiosToreador
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also fuck talking about ongoing games I AM REALLY PISSED OFF AND IT NEEDS TO STOP

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okay I'm going to go not think about mafia until CM5 signups are up. AND IF YOU WANT TO KEEP YOUR HEAD YOU MAY NOT MENTION DRAFT MAFIA TO ME AND THIS IS A SERIOUS REQUEST.

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Oh right, I was going to make a post in here, and then forgot about it. But here it is.

It's a really jerk move, and honestly not very helpful to start a wagon on someone who won't be back before phase end when there's been no indication that they're at all suspected.

By the way sorry about this, I should have been more assertive about my lynch on Marth ):

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From my experience wrt play insults during actual games, unless somebody is known for being a total asshole then they were probably joking or being snide and didn't mean to be offensive

I mean there's a game on one forum right now where I'm scum and everybody who's dead / spectating is insulting my bad play without actually meaning me any harm, so. <_<

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I don't know what 'wrt' means ):

and okay but everyone has different comfort levels and if I'm in a good mood I guess I don't mind it, but not each person is going to take something like that the same way

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Bizz: It's ok. I honestly wasn't mad at a specific person. It was just really frustrating and honestly made me very mad to leave with no votes on me (with the only votes on me the whole day having been RVS votes) and no real comments on my play being exceptionally scummy and to come back and find I'd been lynched. I hadn't really been in a good head space during that whole time and honestly considered just pulling out of Shining Force as well at that point and just not playing mafia for a while. The only reason I didn't was because I was leading the mafia at that point and would have felt horrible about just abandoning them.

That being said, just because I wasn't in a great space doesn't mean I wouldn't have been pissed about it if I had been all ok. It was a really bad play, and I was stunned to find out none of the people who had voted for me at the end like that were mafia. Marth was, but he didn't end up voting for me. Though honestly, what he did was even more scummy looking since he was just following what everyone else said and then unvoted when it was obvious he didn't need to be voting for me to get me lynched.

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